These Brands And Products Are On The Verge Of Shutting Down And You Might Never See Them Again

As we are headed towards the future, we are getting addicted to spending on some really expensive stuff. But the brands that we spend our money on experience some tough times too. In the near future, some products would vanish from the market and you will be left with their memories worth a million bucks. Go through this list of brands that will shut down leaving you in search of alternatives!

Volkswagen Beetle

When you are on road, there is one car that can be spotted from a distance and that is Volkswagen Beetle. The car with an unusually unique shape, small size, and bright colors make this car perfect for photoshoots. However, if you haven’t clicked a picture with this car, you probably should. In the coming time, you won’t be able to spot this car on roads anymore. Sad life! This car is what makes roads look a bit chirpy and without it, the roads would be just filled with just practical cars, all because of low sales.


When we think of weddings, we know tiffany is the first thing that comes to our mind. Well, their “something blue” is now coming to an end. In the last few years, their stocks have fallen by 20% and since then there has been no improvement in sales. The brand might end up in ashes if they don’t take an initiative to make things better. And according to sources, they have gotten a new marketing team on-board to rebrand the whole idea and comeback in the market with a bang.

Harley Davidson

From the last two years, Harley Davidson is having a terrible time at the closing of the year. The sales are miserable as today’s generation is getting used to the cab services. They are affordable and hassle-free. The petrol heads are reducing in number and that is affecting the numbers of the most desirable brand in the business.


We are aware of the situation of this brand for quite some time. They have been playing the game “guess when?” since the first time they started losing their sales. Back in 2016, they declared bankruptcy and closed 154 stores. This year they have reopened 500 stores and we are not sure what is happening? Moreover, it’s not just the old competitors in the market now. They will have to keep a check on the quality of their products if they want to compete with the newer brands in the business.


This king of beers has ruled the world of beers for enough. With other craft beers coming into the brewery scenes, the king has now fallen down to number four. The new beers have a variety in the aspect of flavors, sizes, and nutritional values. That is where the Budweiser has lacked and lost its throne. People are now ditching this king for the brewing princes for the lack of variety. Hence, sales are going down!


We won’t run around the bush and come straight to the point. We know you haven’t been taking the cereal diet like you used to before. Thanks to the new breakfast concepts that have arrived in the market, now cereal business is shutting down. Get back to the old breakfast habits or you will have to miss the cereals for the rest of your life. Various brands from General Mills to Kelloggs, the sales have dropped by 5% from 2009 to 2014. The numbers have fallen even more after that.


Crocs have been undeniably the best footwear in the business. People were buying these foamy clog shoes to all the events that didn’t involve camping. In 2018, the company announced the closing of 180 stores. There is a huge possibility that the brand may close down all its stores if the situation didn’t get better. The responsibility of the closing down goes to the quality of footwear. The shoes are so good to be true, they are durable and comfortable. Hence, if you buy one pair today, you might not need to buy another pair in the coming few years.

Fabric Softener

This daily household object is now becoming obsolete as according to millennials it has no purpose and is just adding on to the list of groceries. Between 2007 and 2015, sales have fallen drastically. So 15% of sales fell back then and now we are losing count of it. If you are still not ready to lose this one essential household item, but loads of it to give a hint to brands.

Victoria Secret

Victoria’s secret is out! The sales are running down and we are losing grip on this most desirable brand. In today’s time, the brand has lost relevance as the new ones are budding. Victoria’s have always focussed on skinny models and that’s not how brands get publicity these days. It is time for imperfections to take the lead and that is where Victoria's secrets lack.

Diet Pepsi

There was a time when diet Pepsi was considered a healthy option due to law amount of sugar. For all the people who wanted to lose weight, this drink used to give the satisfaction of fizzy cold drink. However, in today’s scenario, Diet Pepsi has no value when compared to Diet Coke. Also, most people are conscious about their health these days. So, the people who want to lead a healthy life have already given up on such drinks.

Department Stores

In the times of online shopping, the millennials are becoming lazy and do not want to step out for anything. The classes of university and colleges are available online, you can order food online, and shopping online is a five-finger task. Hence, you can expect departmental stores to close down in the coming time. The departmental stores are definitely trying to get back in the business by having a few exhibitions but we don’t know how is that going to help in the long run.


The American concept of shopping in bulk is now declining in this lifestyle. The urban setting is such that an adult lives by himself and cooks food for a person or two. At this time, there is no use of shopping in bulk. This is going to increase your grocery list and add on to your budget. If you live alone or with a partner-in-crime, most of the products in bulk are probably going to expire. Hence, these stores are shutting down.


Americans used to look for compact and classy cars but that is what used to happen back in the day. Now it is more about luxury and status in society. Hence, Fiat cars are not of any use in today’s time. The sales have dropped and the Italian company has decided to apply brakes to its dealership in most parts of the US. The cars are still available in the Europe market and are not disappearing entirely.


We can bet that each American has grown up with one appliance of Kenmore in his home. In short, Kenmore was the name of every household. When the Sears closed down, the consequences were faced by Kenmore as well. For the people who are old-school don’t want to stay that way when it comes to technology. A reporter said that Kenmore is like a flip phone in the smartphone era and that defines why Kenmore is going to shut in the coming month or so.

Bar of soaps

In the time of breezy body washes and liquid soap, people are avoiding the touch of bar soaps. It is because of hygiene reasons as well. The most standard product for bathing is now getting out of use. The shoppers between the age of 18 and 24 call bar soaps inconvenient and that is the reason now they pick up the bottled soap rather than the bar one.

E-Book Readers

We are glad it is getting out of the market now! Who were these people reading books from this kind of technology? These products are just killing the vibe of books we all love. Nothing is better than the fragrance we get from the pages of books. But the reason for the decline of this technology is not real books. In their busy lives, not many people have time to read and they are getting out of touch with books.

Point-And-Shoot Digital Cameras

When everyone is carrying their pro cameras in their pocket then who needs a digital cam to get professional pictures? As the culture of smartphones is on the rise, each and every other person has become a photographer and their Instagram feed is a legit proof. Hence, the digital cameras are obsolete in today’s era. Anyways, who had the time to transfer those huge files into the hard drive?

Arabica Coffee

To all the coffee lovers, we are here to console you! You might not get the next cup of coffee as the situation is not favoring your addiction. The drought, flooding, and diseases are affecting the growth of Arabica coffee beans adversely. In today’s time, the world consumes about two billion cups of coffee each day. Hence, if we want to continue drinking our favorite beverage, we will have to take care of our environment.


As Snapchat and Instagram are taking over the social world, Twitter is losing grip over the social media game. The slow rate of growth and fewer users have made it difficult for Twitter to compete since 2016. Another reason for its fall down is that there is a lot of backlash for the abuse and hatred that takes place among the user on the platform. Twitter is ready to be next Orkut.

Movie Pass

Movie passes were temporarily suspended just to improve the services for the customers. This was done because the customer count was falling. The number has fallen down to 225,000 members from about three million subscribers. There is a high probability that this suspension won’t help in the long run. Currently, the service isn’t accepting any more consumers and the app has a down server.