Anyone who has ever watched a game in the stadium knows that things get crazy in the stands sometimes. Fans come prepared with large signs and slogans to cheer their favorite teams and perhaps some jingles too. But nobody cheers on their teams like NFL fans, there we said it. From the New England Patriots to Cowboys Nation, NFL fans are as crazy as sports fans come. But it turns out that they are pretty clever too! These football fans managed to steal the show with their hilarious, witty and spot-on posters and now we also want to pick up some ruthless signs for the next game!
It Could Be Way Worse
One thing about football to note is that no matter how bad the game was or how horrible the entire season went for your favorite team, there’s another team doing much worse. A fan who finds comfort in this and takes his chance to brag about it is a true fan! This guy hasn’t hit rock bottom even after his team has lost repeatedly because it could be way worse for him, he could be supporting the Jets! At least fans of the New York Jets have developed thick skins over the years of rebuttals!

A Checklist For Santa
This Buffalo fan is showing appreciation to Santa with a sign that has ticked off every nice thing Santa has done. From feeding the reindeers to sending presents to kids to even giving some downtime to elves, Santa has done so much. But he left one box unchecked- Bills winning the game! He really didn’t have to go through the trouble of making a sign for this. Santa is literally standing next to him and he could have simply asked him nicely to sprinkle some of his magic on the field.

A Promise To Change
Splitting up with a significant other is one of the hardest things we go through. Sometimes we realize that we don’t really want to lose the person and it aches to watch them go. What do we do then? Normal people would try to talk it out and find a way to make it work. But this guy took it a step ahead and reached the stadium armed with a sign that read, “Don’t leave me baby!! I can change!!” Was it really for his partner or the Los Angeles Chargers?

Firing Shots With A Sign
Some fans enjoy taking a dig at the opposing team and their fans. This woman surely fell in that category when she decided to tell Kansas City Chiefs what she thought of them. She may have offended the Chiefs’ fans in the stadium but her words might have hit home for the Kansas players! But how do you expect the team from breaking out of this rut when everyone around them is not letting them forget it? This woman didn’t hold back with the sign but the biggest insult was how little effort went into it!

Not Living It Down
What even is the point of making fun of the opponents if you aren’t reminding them of their biggest failure? These fans were not about to make that mistake because they came prepared with the perfect ammunition- a still from the saddest moment the Seahawks had lived! The Seahawks had made the strange decision of passing the ball in a big game against the Patriots that cost them the Super Bowl. The Patriots fans came back in the next season to rub it in their face!

Competing For The Title
Isn’t this a sign to prove these two brothers are fighting for the same title of ‘Ultimate Stupidity’? This man thinks he is calling out his brother’s stupidity for being a Raiders fan but he is the one standing in the cold Green Bay without a shirt! We would kill to see his brother holding a similar sign that says his brother is a Packers fan but while wearing his full winter garb, including a woolly hat and ski mask!

The Pride In Losing
When your team is having a tough time you’ll just take whatever you can get. This Lions fan did the same when he decided to move ahead of embarrassment about his team’s bad season and instead chose to embrace it. The Detroit Lions set a new low in the NFL with their 0-16 season way back in 2008 which put the Browns in second when they matched the abysmal 0-16 shut-out record in 2017. This Lions fan was proud to show that his team was a pioneer in something and the Browns can’t take that from him!

Two Wrongful Packers
We’ve all heard the saying that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree but whoever said that didn’t know this kid! He arrived at the game with this sign that strikes off his parents in the most hilarious way. Two wrongs may not make a right but they sure made him! Did his parents point him towards the trophy cabinet of the Vikings? Perhaps not, because otherwise he would have seen the absence of Super Bowls in there and sided with his parents to cheer the Packers!

Revenge Game On
Breakups are hard to deal with as it is and when the reason behind them is infidelity then they can be brutal. This Packers fan found out her boyfriend was cheating on her and she drove a devastating blow to him right where it hurt the most! She went to the game alone with her sign proudly hoisted for the camera to see so her ex-boyfriend could feel the burn while watching the game from his couch. Now that’s what you call adding salt to a wound!

Long Distance Relationship With Football
There was a time when the Miami Dolphins were a force to reckon with but sadly for their fans, those days are past them. But does that mean the fans have abandoned their favorite team? At least not this man who traveled 2656 miles to watch a game! The problem is that the football on display was not great. It was probably predicted by his friend since the proof is in his hands. The good thing is that all this traveling didn’t go to waste, he surely got a tan!

A Priceless Sign
Life is all about gaining different experiences and sometimes they come at a price. This fan decided to get the ‘in-stadium experience’ while holding a sign that has the details of how much exactly he had to spend to be there! This Chargers fan decided to shell out a lot of money to cheer on the team despite their poor performance in recent seasons. But he isn’t even mad at their scoreboard because the true culprit is the owner, Dean Spanos. We can’t argue with him!

Weather Warning For Fans
Sometimes football fans have to develop a thicker shell to protect themselves, not from the taunts coming from the rival team’s fans but from the harsh weather. This Seattle Seahawks fan has a piece of advice for anyone thinking of relocating to be closer to the team- Don’t! This is coming from a person who has had enough of the unpredictable rain. Is that why he headed to the game while wearing ski-goggles?

Royal Doppelganger In Football
When royalty decides to step into the game, you can expect better results from the scoreboard! The Eagles quarterback, Carson Wentz resembles Prince Harry to the extent that his fans have being hitting the stadium with such signs! Having the royal family behind the team is one way to guarantee some luck and the Eagles have got plenty of it even since Wentz joined them. Perhaps we need to spot Meghan Markle in the cheer leading squad!

A Sign Of Acceptance
Let’s not jump the gun and say that the Washington Redskins is the worst team of the league. But it is true that they play to thousands of vacant seats. At least they hold the top spot in something, even if it is the NFL record-low for turnout! Every time it looks like the team is going on the right track and winging a few solid games, the front office works to ensure it does not last. The last option left for the fans is to accept this and process their grief!

Calling Out The Bad Choices
The Jaguars have been trying to build something but their progress isn’t being helped with their strange decisions. Did they really think it was good decision to elect a punter at the draft instead of the very talented Russell Wilson? The quarterback has made it to two Super Bowls after leaving the team while on the other hand, Jaguars haven’t made it to even one. They could have been celebrating some real success if it wasn’t for that bad choice but then we wouldn’t have seen this sign!

Losing With Consistency
No matter how embarrassing the whole season may be for The New York Jets, nothing they face will ever come close to the broken mental state of a person who stands with the bleak existence of Cleveland Browns! The Browns have approached losing with such calculated precision that some fans would argue that it is a crime against humanity. In that light, it makes sense why a fan didn’t bother to make a new sign for a game he knows his side will lose!

Eating His Way Through A Sign
Most athletes are big and football players are no exception. With their rigorous workout, they need to chew their way through mountains of food to fuel their bodies. It sometimes becomes a habit that they can’t break even when they are not training. Just like Kelvin Benjamin who came back from a season layoff looking a lot bulkier than his usual self. Fans were quick to point it to but this one just made it sound a lot funnier with their sign. The extra pounds were not forgiving to him!

Players Enter The Sign Game
Chad Johnson is no stranger to being fined by the league but when he decided to request ‘no more fines’, he knew a sign was the way to go! He was tired of giving away his salary in fines and brought with him a sign to the game. While scoring a touchdown is a footballer’s moment to show emotions, he still needs to be respectful. Who would know that better than Chad who has been fined repeatedly for not conforming to this rule!

The Win Of 1964
So what if you weren’t born when your favorite team won the Super Bowl? You’ve been waiting patiently for the next win which at this point you know may never come! But you still want to support your team while keeping your expectations very high. What do you do? This fan of the Cleveland Browns has the answer written on a signboard he brought to a game! His team won the Super Bowl last in 1964 and has been rebuilding ever since. He’s just telling the truth to the world, simple!

No Delivery On Sunday
Philadelphia fans are known for their trash talking but this sign turned the tables and brought it back to them. This sign had a point until the 2017-18 season, when the Philadelphia Eagles finally won on Super Bowl Sunday. But this sign will stay funny forever regardless of how well the team performs because they were spot on about the Postal Service! Let’s not pretend that the post is going to start arriving on Sundays anytime soon.

Wearing His Heart On His Sleeve
The playoffs are an unpredictable time for any team except for the New England Patriots. This fan was sure his team would make it to the next round and bought the tickets to the game in advance. But sadly, Minnesota players crushed his dreams and hopes! But as a proud fan he decided to watch the game wearing his Vikings colors and with a sign that clarified how he ended up here in the first place. It must have been hard for him watching a game surrounded by Packers!

Exit For The Cheaters
NFL fans have a lot of anger pent up for Commissioner Roger Goodell and the team owners but if you take them out of the equation for once, who will be the main villain left? Tom Brady and New England Patriots, obviously! After Tom Brady’s infamous Deflategate scandal, football fans around the nation decided to put them on blast. Many signs popped up in stadiums and even outside but nothing beats these Indy fans who took advantage of their seats. You go guys!

For The Gods Of Football
There is no denying the fact that Cameron Wake is good. He has been the hope for the Miami franchise for years and there are no signs of slowing down. So it isn’t strange that some people believe he is from another world! This fan is proving this theory right in his own way. Dressed up like Jesus, holding this sign at the game, he is surely attracting some looks. We bet the rival team was thinking of raising their voice against having deities in the league!

Immortalizing A Moment With A Sign
Atlanta Falcons and New Orleans Saints have a rivalry few other teams will understand. This Saints fan decided to remind the Falcons of their humbling moment in that fateful Super Bowl where the score was 3-28 in the third quarter. The Falcons were set to win this game with that score but the tables turned. Falcons became the only team who had lost a post-season game after holding a 17-point lead in the third quarter. The Saints fan knew how to rub it in!

DVR Malfunction For Some Burn
Raiders are probably used to the abuse other fans hurl at them but nothing would have prepared them for this brutal burn from a Denver Broncos fan. Someone came prepared to bring the rivals down with just one sign! Referencing the show, The Biggest Loser in connection to the Oakland Raiders for their bad performance is a really good idea. The best part is that the guy holding the sign has this serious expression on his face that is almost convincing us that he actually wanted the show on his DVR!

Getting The Priorities Straight
Here is proof that if you are committed to something, you shouldn’t step back. This girl knew her passion for football was more important to her than an engagement ring. We wonder if her boyfriend was disappointed or just relieved! Who doesn’t want to choose between an engagement and the World Series tickets? We just wish she doesn’t turn up at the next game with a sign that says, “I am sorry”! She has raised the expectations of every person in the stadium with this, she better not back down!

Just Take My Money
Some NFL fans attend the games to cheer on their team while others go for the stadium experience. But there is one category of fans that have been overlooked- the ones who go to score some deals! Just like this Baltimore Ravens fan. He seems mortified by the thought of a strike because it will prevent him from taking advantage of his favorite Sunday deals. We know he’s being sarcastic by calling 6 beers for $35 a steal but perhaps he is already drunk on them!

A Little Bit Deflated
What is rare to see in the stadium during a football game? A smile on the face of a Bills fan! It is a little mean but let’s face it, the team doesn’t give many opportunities for this to happen, especially if the match is against Patriots! But there is one thing that can bring down New England fans and it is Tom Brady and his scandal! Even when these jokes become stale, they won’t stop being funny. At least it is giving the Buffalo fans something to smile about when they are losing!

Men Will Be Men
What happens when one football fan spills the entire spirit of Philadelphia sports into a single poster? This photo is the answer! Philly and Dallas have hated each other for a while and it has got to the point where fans think there is no wrong way to diss a Cowboy. So what if the Eagles were facing the Bears that day? A fan can still have their own agenda and this one just brought his A game when he targeted the former Chicago Bear quarterback Jay Cutler!

You Can Put The Blame On Him
After both Super Bowl XLIX and Super Bowl LI, someone managed to steal Tom Brady’s jersey after sneaking into the locker room. Now every Patriots fan knows that a majority of NFL fans hate the New England team but there is only one person who can commit this heinous crime! Roger Goodell, who else? There is nobody else who shows their disdain for the Patriots and Tom Brady like the commissioner. The man bend his back to get Brady suspended so it isn’t odd that fans are blaming him for this thievery!

Straightening Up Priorities
Football is a way of life and for some people, it is the ONLY way of life. This man for example, has set his heart on the game to the point that he didn’t bat an eye while skipping his court date to watch a game. We hope this guy worked out his legal issues in the end. But what if he committed a serious crime? We don’t think it was a good idea to draw attention to the fact that he missed a court date, considering all sports are televised.

Still Searching For Waldo
No matter whether the match is international or between local teams, there will be heated exchanges and clever signs from fans on both sides. That’s probably what gives them a kick in the stadium. Plus everyone loves a witty sign! These girls teamed up to give a knock-out blow to Colorado State University Rams. They even brought out matching Waldo costumes to deliver the most epic burn. Better luck next time Rams, this round goes to the Buffaloes!

Even Gump Can Do It
Tom Hanks played the character of Forrest Gump in the 1994 movie of the same name. The movie revolved around Hank’s character who lacks social skills but is good at everything else. AT one point he even played for Alabama Crimson Tide and because of his ethics, became one of the best players. This sign made by a rival team is a provocation at the current Alabama players by referencing to the film. They have used a classic movie to burn the Alabama’s players and there is no smarter move than that!

An Appeal For A Job
With the current economy it is extremely difficult to land a job, especially for young college graduates. Employers always want candidates to do something different and stand apart from the crowd. Everybody interprets it differently but Bradley Drew went a total different route. He made a giant sign with his resume on it and went to watch a football game. The fact that he thought out of the box and had was a second-grade Spelling Bee champion, he probably got a lot of job offers that day!

A Christmas Miracle
If this guy’s family doesn’t find presents under the Christmas tree, he’ll have some explaining to do! He went to watch a game with a giant sign claiming that he lied to his wife to be here. That is one brave soul! Apparently he told his wife that he was off shopping for Christmas when in reality he was holding this sign at a game. If he was wearing this dolphin costume when he told his wife then she already knew something was up. Even otherwise she knows since this photo is all over the internet!

A Sign From Above
This Pittsburgh Steelers fan entered the stadium with a sign from above or at least that’s what he claimed! He is literally dressed like Jesus and holding a sign that goes, “My dad says run the ball” which means that this is a message from God himself. If this man is really speaking for God, the Steelers should be running the ball after heading his advice. But if god was really supporting them then why haven’t they won a Super Bowl since 2009?

Just Keep Yelling
This man came to watch a big football game with his friends, all ready with giant signs and face paint. But interestingly, he has no idea what he is doing there! He was so confused that he simply put it on the sign he was holding. And we thought we’d seen it all! Perhaps he just wanted to be on TV or simply wanted to yell a little. It isn’t his fault that he doesn’t know what he’s supposed to yell about. As long as he keeps the momentum in yelling, nobody will realize he is clueless!

Family Feud For Football Fans
Who doesn’t love watching a bit of Family Feud on the TV? We are all guilty and we all happily admit it because of the comedy genius, Steve Harvey is the presenter! The amazing faces he pulls when he gets ridiculous answers is what has us hooked on to the show. To some football fans, it seemed like a great idea to whip up a sign with Harvey’s iconic expression to clarify that the idea of Kansas State beating the Razorbacks is pretty ridiculous. At least that’s what this fan believes.

Bandwagon For A Mascot
While rival teams battle it out on the field, their fans indulge in a battle of the signs! They are always trying to come up with better signs than the other team and often these signs are not to cheer their own team, but to simply bring down the other one! Insults are thrown at each other through clever signs that are sometimes captured on camera. This fan seems to have some issue with the Oklahoma Sooners and their mascot. Comparing it to a bandwagon is a really good insult and we stand it!

Another Tough Season
Things haven’t been going smooth for the Cleveland Browns ever since they came back in the game in 1999. The team hasn’t tasted much success with the exception of winning two seasons and a playoff appearance in 2002. This person didn’t want the fans to be disappointed with the team’s performance or lack thereof! He brought a sign to the game which when read backwards, showed that the team wasn’t doing so badly. What a sigh of relief for the Browns!