These Husbands Share The Reality Of Living With A Pregnant Wife And It’s Hysterical

Pregnant women are tasked with holding a small human instead their tummy for 9 months. This comes with hormones running wild, acne decorating their face and insane food cravings. No wonder they need a lot of attention and affection. While both the father and mother are waiting to meet their bundle of joy, the man is more of a spectator in some aspects of the pregnancy. This is their opportunity to capture the hilarious moments their partners are going through. Moments they shared with the internet to spread a little joy to other struggling husbands of pregnant wives!

An Apology Cake

One pregnant wife shared a picture of the cake her husband baked for her. Getting a cake for your pregnant wife is a brilliant move when you want to stay in her good books but the message he wrote on the cake makes it 10 times better! When your wife is pregnant it seems like you are trying to swim in shark infested waters. Anything you do can be taken against you. So even though this man didn’t know his mistake he made an apology cake. That gets him some brownie points in our book!

Divorcing For McDonald’s

A pregnant woman’s hormones are raging and husbands are often met with unexpected responses for minor things that never bothered their better halves before. This one man learnt the hard way that getting McDonald’s without his wife’s knowledge is a foul! Their text conversation is both entertaining and frightening. Instead of coming clean, the husband pretended that someone broke into their house to leave McDonald’s behind. Someone needs to work on their lies if they don’t want to be evicted from their house!

Pickles On The Way

Pregnancy comes with its own set of cravings. While most of those are specific to the woman in question, pickles have established themselves as the food EVERY woman craves at least once during their pregnancy. What does a man do when his pregnant wife craves pickles more than anything? He gets her a big jar and secures it with a seatbelt to avoid any mishaps. God knows what she’ll do if he gets home with pickle juice leaking out of the jar!

The Best Of Popcorn

This couple’s chat started very plain and simple, she just needed eggs. Once the husband responded to the message in affirmative, she threw in the crazy stuff. She needed popcorn but not any kind of popcorn. It has to be healthy, not have too many calories but still have the buttery taste without the chemicals. Good luck to the husband for figuring this one out! But what if he got the ‘wrong’ kind, would he ever be forgiven?

Pregnancy Portion Sizes

Who said normal portion sizes applied to pregnant women? If she wants an entire tub of Ben and Jerry’s in one go, she will have it. Husbands are better off not asking questions in this case. So whoever bought this woman three tubs of her favorite ice-cream knew what they were doing. When it comes to pregnancy cravings, three tubs might not last a day let alone a whole week! She may start craving pickles in the middle of the day but ice-cream is still an A+ move!

A Tiresome Pregnancy

Pregnancy is synonymous with tiredness! It is no secret that pregnant women are pretty drained by growing a full human inside them. Taking regular naps is absolutely normal, no judgments. But when this woman fell asleep on her husband’s shoulder, he knew it was his chance to capture it and post it on social media. He wrote, “someone’s enjoying the game today.” After the baby arrives she’s not going to get any sleep so let her enjoy while she can!

Chocolate Cake Is Life

Who brings a chocolate cake into the house where a pregnant woman lives? Someone who doesn’t mind losing it! But this man didn’t think that he’ll have to share his cake with his wife. It didn’t well for him. He only had one small piece of the cake one morning and the next day when he came home, the cake was all gone. He posted a picture of whatever was left of the treat but did he really expect his wife to not touch a chocolate cake while she’s pregnant?

Come Rain Or Shine

It doesn’t matter whether there’s a storm brewing or the sun is trying to burn everyone, if a pregnant woman needs to eat, she needs to eat! Sometimes what she wants to eat doesn’t come easy! So what if the weather is harsh, will the stuff in the pantry do for dinner? Perhaps not if she is craving something special. This husband knew it was better to go out in a blizzard than stay at home with a pregnant wife who has food cravings.

Holy Guacamole

Guacamole isn’t holy for no reason! Of course the pregnant woman ate it but at least she saved some for her husband. That’s very thoughtful until you realize that you’ll have to scrape off the edges to get any guac at all! We aren’t mad at the husband for posting this picture online. After all, who won’t be saddened after opening the fridge for some guacamole and getting this instead! Is there any chance he only wanted the seed though?

Crime Against Pizza

Is there anyone on this planet who would say no to pizza? Of course not and pizza can never be a question, it is the answer to everything that is wrong with us. So when this husband asked his pregnant wife is she wanted pizza, it turned into the crime of the century! Once you mention pizza, it no longer is an option. The woman made it pretty clear and for the husband’s sake, we hope he got her one just in time.

Case Of The Missing Filling

From uncontrolled crying to eating a whole pint of ice cream in one go, pregnancy makes women do anything and everything! But this doesn’t stop them from going about their regular chores. When this woman tried making a sandwich for her husband she forgot to put on the filling. She essentially just slapped two pieces of bread and that was that. The husband later shared a picture of the sad sandwich with the caption, “Pregnant wife forgot to put filling in my sandwich due to her mooshbrain.” Poor him!

Just Letting You Know

We can’t stress enough on the fact that pregnant women experience food cravings. Sometimes they straight up ask their partners to get them supplies and other times, they subtly hint at it. But this woman sent her husband a detailed message of what she wants to eat but stressed that she is not dropping him a hint to pick those up from the store! You know what that means? If this husband enters his home without the supplies, he’s going back out to get them or sleep on the couch!

A Food Craving Kit

This may look like the behind-the-scenes of packing lunch for a kid. But this is an adult woman’s packed lunch who also happens to be pregnant. A woman on the go needs to be prepared for everything and in this case, every type of food craving since she’s carrying a human inside her! Whether it’s the famous pickles or cookies or even fish shaped crackers, she has prepared for anything that life may throw at her. We just hope her cravings don’t make her sandwich the pickle between the two cookies!

Ignoring A Pregnant Wife

Never leave your phone unattended for more than 15 minutes when you have a pregnant wife at home. There we said it! Pregnant women can get worried even in situations they wouldn’t otherwise. This husband learnt it the hard way when he didn’t reply to her texts since he left his phone in the car for an hour. He ended up with 155 messages and 11 missed calls from her. It is safe to do he went home to an angry wife ready to bite his head off!

Cheese Balls For Two

Pregnant women get serious cravings and their husbands would know that denying them their treats is a bad idea. This woman’s husband knew better than to keep her from getting her hands on an entire bucket of cheese balls! This is one very happy pregnant lady. Reclining with her hat down, this woman has the biggest supply of cheese balls. That’s a dream come true. This husband had surely done this before because no first timer can ace it like this!

Just The Right Temperature

Getting into a comfortable position to sleep in is already very difficult when you are pregnant. Nobody wants to deal with the extra factor of the temperature. We don’t blame the women here, it isn’t easy to grow a human inside your own body. So when this woman decided to take a nap, she knew she needed the perfect temperature. We just hope she doesn’t feel; this way every day because their bills are going to be insane! P.S. was the husband okay with this temperature setting?

Losing Control Over Snacks

You shouldn’t send a pregnant woman to a supermarket with a grocery list. She will be derailed and come back home with 15 things instead of the 2 things she went to buy! This woman’s mind was being ruled by the thoughts of some delicious snacks when she went for her grocery run. She came back with more treats than her husband had expected. That explains why he felt the need to post this picture online. Hopefully he learnt his lesson!

No Messing With The Mud Pie

When you are pregnant and craving a particular food, you can’t let anyone mess with it. Sharing is not an option and if someone tries come between you and your tasty treat, there’s murder on the mind! This husband clicked his wife when she was served a slice of mud pie and then again after she finished it. The look she has in her eyes while eating the last bite is pure threat. We suspect that the husband tried to sneak a bite but was caught and told off!

Cravings Don’t Wait

Any woman who has ever been pregnant would tell you that when a craving hits, it hits hard! It is extremely hard to control those cravings and when the food in question is at an arms distance, nothing can stop it (not even a queue at the supermarket)! But this woman waited patiently for her muffins in the store and got down to enjoying them only after she was inside her car. That level of control can’t be appreciated enough!

Pickles All The Way

What is going on with pickles and pregnant women? Pregnant women seem to be having an affair with pickles and their husbands are going out of their way to keep it afloat! This husband didn’t want to test his wife’s love for pickles while she was pregnant. He simply decided to get her different varieties of pickles in different sizes of jars because there can never be enough pickles. This man is winning, at least until his wife throws at him another weird food craving!

Rationing For Dad-To-Be

Every pregnant woman has her pantry and refrigerator stocked with foods that she might crave. Touching these goodies or even going near them may give them the signal to open fire! But can we blame them with their hormones going haywire? One husband came face to face with his wife’s terror side when he came back from work and opened the refrigerator to find a late-night snack. Amid the treats lay his wife’s note, “I know exactly how many are in here… Touch these and I will cut you. Love you!”

Marriage At Stake

Women experience a change in how they react to smells during pregnancy. The aromas that once were enjoyable, make them nauseous when they are pregnant. What do these pregnant women do when they can’t stand a certain smell? This husband had to bear the brunt of his pregnant wife’s low tolerance for meaty smells. He posted this picture online and captioned it, “Made to eat my steak in the kitchen on the chopping board like a heathen, with fan on and window open as the wife says it "smells too meaty"”!

Christmas Shopping For Pregnant Wife

People look forward to Christmas all year. Who would want to miss out on the festive decorations, the feast and the gifts? Usually women have a whole list of things they want from their husbands for Christmas but things can take a sharp turn if they are pregnant! Just like this pregnant woman who sent her husband a list of gifts she wants for Christmas. She wanted chocolate chip cookies, brownies, vegetables and raspberries. We bet Christmas gift shopping couldn’t be easier for this man!

Honey For The Queen Bee

Variety is the spice of life and nobody appreciates this saying more than pregnant women! If there can be 15 varieties of a food they like, they still want 5 more. That’s what happens when you are growing a tiny human inside you! This man realized honey came in different varieties when his wife was pregnant. She was craving honey but she didn’t want any from the 4 different bottles she already had. She made her husband go to the store to get another 5lb container of a different kind!

Dinner On The Stove

Pregnancy comes with mood swings and eternal tiredness so it is selfish to expect her to perform her regular chores and duties. The next time you randomly assume that your pregnant wife will be cooking dinner for you, think of this man. His simple question, “What’s for dinner” was awarded with this answer. Having a bunch of packed food in a pot over the stove is nobody’s idea of dinner but that’s what you get for expecting your pregnant wife to cook without acknowledging her emotional and physical state!

Waging A War For Chipotle

Who in their right mind would tell their pregnant wife over text that he is going to Chipotle without her? That would be a good enough reason to throw him on the couch for a whole week! This husband only just joked to his wife that he was heading to Chipotle and the response he got was no joke. Not only was the wife mad at this prospect but she said her babies were mad too. Thankfully it was a joke and probably he brought her Chipotle on the way from work!

Toe-Tally Cute

Many women experience swelling in their feet during pregnancy. But when they are in the third trimester, reaching the toes can be next to impossible. Having to look at swollen feet with chipped nail paint is a torture only a woman can understand. When this woman felt bad about her toes, her husband came to save the day. He calmly applied nail paint on her toe nails. He’s a great husband for doing this, but considering how well he’s painting the nails we may want to book an appointment with him!

Taco Sharing Is Compulsory

They say women are better than FBI when it comes to spying on their significant other. But when a pregnant woman is keeping an eye out for her husband eating without her, secret agencies are not even in the competition! We don’t know if this woman was following her husband around town or just had a strong sixth sense about him eating tacos. If this alone didn’t made him jump, the threat of being killed would have! We hope he picked up some tacos before heading home or he was probably beheaded!

A Never Ending Grocery List

There should be a law that stops pregnant women from making grocery lists for their husband. With all the strange food cravings they are experiencing, it is understandable that it’ll end up on the grocery list. This pregnant woman started writing the things she needs from the supermarket. It started off normal with some eggs, beef and oreos but right after the bacon, things took a strange turn. She craved cereal and ended up adding a ton of cereal on the list. We hope her husband didn’t bring a cereal factory in a bag!

Food’s Out Knives Out

If a pregnant woman is guarding her food, she means business. It would be in the husband’s interest to not take her lightly. This husband probably she his wife was serious and shared this photo to warn other dads-to-be! We didn’t know pink color could be threatening but here it is. This pregnant woman is ready to stab her husband if he dared to eat her food. She couldn’t have been clearer and perhaps the pink color symbolizes her pregnancy and in which case, she won’t face a trial!

Demanding A Frozen Treat

Food cravings are common during pregnancy and while some of them can be strange, most of them are pretty normal. The husband’s role when a food craving strikes is to arrange the food no matter what! This man’s wife demanded frozen yogurt but when he reached the supermarket, he found this. He was tempted to play a joke on his wife by bringing her Frozen themed yogurt. But knowing that she was pregnant and probably hormonal, he decided against it for his need to live!

Grudge Against Breakfast Fudge

A lot of women tend to snack more during pregnancy. Snacking isn’t a problem for husbands but using it viciously against them is! This man realized it when his wife’s snacking habit mocked him at breakfast one day. He found a pack of Fudge Rounds on the breakfast table but when he opened it, the box was empty! In fact, his wife had meant for him to open the box because she wrote “hahahahahahahaha” inside it. The guy was trolled so bad that he might have lost faith in chocolate cookies!

Freezing Husband For Comfort

Pregnancy changes the way the body responds to outside temperature. Pregnant women may feel comfortable when the temperature is unbearable and may feel discomfort in normal temperature. But what is the result of this? It is this photo! This man is being practically frozen in his own home because his pregnant wife is feeling hot. For her to sleep comfortably through the night, the poor man has to bury himself under layers of blankets. We hope his pregnant wife doesn’t have more such quirks!

Rearranging Is An Offense

Aromatic candles work wonders for pregnant women dealing with morning sickness and nausea. Once they’ve found a fragrance that works for them, these candles become a staple! They head straight to the candle aisle and grab them in bulks. But what if the store is rearranged? All hell broke loose when this man’s wife couldn’t find candles at her local Target. The husband saw fear in the eyes of the staff when his wife confronted them. That’s what you get for messing with a pregnant woman’s candles!

Getting Some Brownie Points

A man knows better than to mess with his wife’s snack pile, especially when she is pregnant! From her jar of pickles to the brownies, you don’t touch anything if you want to live. This man learnt his lesson only after receiving the scariest death threat! He shared a picture of the text messages shared between him and his wife. The woman asked him what he had done to her cosmic brownie and when he faltered to answer, she told him she would slit his throat at night. Well, that escalated quickly!

No Substitute For Croissant

What happens when a pregnant woman craves something and you ask her about a second option in case you can’t get what she wanted in the first place? You don’t do that! This man shared his experience online about making this huge blunder. He asked his wife what she wanted to eat and she responded with, “a croissant”. He made the mistake of asking, “and if they don’t have any?” and of course, he was looking straight into the eyes of death!

A Pillow Fort

Finding a comfortable position to sleep in while you are pregnant is a task. Tossing and turning the entire night is usual for them. But what does a good husband do when his wife is unable to sleep comfortably? He builds her a pillow fort! This husband couldn’t see his wife in discomfort so he took it upon himself to make the bed more comfy. He stacked pillows around her and turned his wife into a fort! We can’t be sure about the comfort but the nostalgia factor was strong!

Mid-Shopping Craving

Shopping can be a mixed experience for women. Sometimes it is therapeutic and other times it is a path to hell. This is already a tricky cocktail of emotions and mixing pregnancy with it just makes it more lethal! One way of dealing with this is by keeping some snacks handy. This man clicked a picture of the snacks his pregnant wife packed before going for shopping. It is candies all the way! Whatever keeps her from losing her mind over jeans that don’t fit!

The Case Of Missing Chocolates

If you are living with a pregnant wife, be prepared to have your treats stolen! That’s just the way of life from now on. You can’t expect a pregnant woman with all sorts of cravings to keep her hands to herself around chocolates! This man left a box of chocolates in the fridge to enjoy slowly. But one day when he came back he saw the box empty. Well, almost empty because she left him one single piece. It could have been worse, he should be thankful for the one choc she left him!

Broken Promises

Once you are pregnant, portion control goes out of the window. You tell yourself you have to eat for two so doubling the portion is a good idea. But sometimes pregnant women try to control and end up with something like this. This woman texted her husband, saying that she was making a box of mac and cheese for lunch but won’t be finishing it alone. A while later she informed him that she ate all of it and has some regrets. In her defense, who can resist mac and cheese?