Snapchat memories are sweet until you see an embarrassing one! What’s yours?
We all crave for scenic stories and this man wanted to achieve the same. However, seagull made sure that this person got his lesson. Ice creams are meant to be eaten and not photographed. If you aren’t eating it, then someone would.
In short, this is what should happen to everyone who tries to Snapchat their food, even if it’s us!

The Infamous Scolding
We all are familiar with the scolding of our grandparents but we are sure that the Pelicans are not aware of them until this happened. The best part is that this particular Pelican didn’t even argue back. He sat there listening to the wise word and we are sure he told all his mates to stay away from all the grandparents, without exception.

Overloaded Bad Luck
This is what happens when you are surviving a day that is nothing but sheer bad luck. And if we talk about the solution to this stuck situation, all we can think of is shaking the hell outta this vending machine and then get fired for doing it.
Or you might just end up with 2 more sandwiches and 3 more drinks by the end of this pushing out game. Also, who buys a sandwich from a vending machine?

The Perfect Dessert
Who doesn’t want to get a perfect picture of a picturesque dessert? We do! However, if your dessert box isn’t big enough, this is what will happen to your beyond beautiful dessert. Also, if you were the one who closed it, make sure someone else opens up the box so that you don’t have to go through the pain of ruining the dessert.

Hard Work Spilled On The Floor
How many times has it happened to you that you put all your hard work and the dish is on the floor due to your mistake or your pet’s? This picture tells all your emotions of that specific moment and we can feel you, babe!
This pain just turned out to be a feast for her cat though!

What Just Happened?
No offense but who the hell tries to Snapchat such a disaster rather than finding a solution to it? Also, if you have managed to do it, we can’t forget it to include it in our list. Well, this is what happens if you forget to take put your ‘ready to burst’ phone out of your jeans pocket.
We can see what Adele meant by, “I set fire to rain”.

Smell Before You Eat
You shouldn’t expect anything great out of work. Work perks are not really perks. The perks they give are ways to punish you for not completing the assignment you were allotted.
The cake they gave was definitely a cake but a soap cake. So, you can make out how much this company hates its employees, or maybe it’s the HR who wanted to take revenge.

Did You Measure The Soap?
We understand you haven’t washed your clothes from the last few months but if you had to wash them all together, you should have kept a check on the amount of soap you were using. And just in case you forgot where the detergent goes, it’s in the dishwasher and the washing machine, not the entire house.
Are we clear now?

Calculations Went Wrong
When you are taking your kids for an adventure, you gotta prepare them well. And if you can’t do that, at least make sure that you take a calculated risk.
In the worst-case scenario, if your calculations go wrong, like this one, take care of your kids, god dammed! We are just glad that it was a deadly pit of foam blocks.

That’s Why We Said, ‘READ’
If this is the future of our generation, then what are we even headed towards? Why is this generation so obsessed with just hearing stuff and not reading what they are supposed to? The only positive out of this blunder is that this tweet got 108k retweets and now this person is famous for being dumb.
What is this world that we are living in?

What An Eggcelent Day!
Bad day at work
Worse day at work
Worst day at work
And then this is a regular job
Why are we even complaining about our work life? These people have to deal with the loss of food on a daily basis and that makes us sad! These men would be living in depression.

Fantasy World
Your engagement is meant to be memorable but what is the point if it becomes memorable for others but embarrassing for you?
These two forgot that their initials revealed a fantasy they have been hiding all this while. Engagement picture turned viral because of the wildness it had due to four letters that made a deeper sense to everyone but these two.

Should I Or Should I?
Are we supposed to tell him that he is about to lose his dog or his balance? Snapchatting this shite is way more interesting than telling a person to get hold of himself. Are we on the right track? Maybe the man has taken his dog out for a swim.
After all, dogs can swim and this one is doing a great job so far.

Soap Has Types
We suppose the caretaker had no idea about the availability of liquid soap. Also, if he did put this soap, all you need is enough amount of water to turn it into liquid soap. And if not that, make sure you pump enough to get it out. We have trust in you, you can do it!
But seriously, who is this person?

Life Happens
This is our regular life. Whenever we think it is our turn to get the benefits, we are turned down by life. And it is the story of most people in our life. Nobody s going to deny this fact. However, all we want to know is that who is these people with numbers 140 and 141. How come they get everything before time?
Are we ever going to reach that stage of life?

Always Missing
We would never understand how the hell do we miss on the most important moments of life. And even if we are there, life overshadows us in a manner we can’t even get out of shade. Trust us, that is not because we are thin, our flabs on the belly is proof.
I am that poor girl who fell between the cracks.

Millennial Teachers
This is what happens if you don’t get what you need at night. If this is how our teachers going to teach chapters about organisms, we are sure the students are going to learn about intercourse quicker than they learn about life.
If the teacher is posting such a story on her Instagram, imagine the 30 13-year-olds snapchat!

This Isn’t What I Asked For
We didn’t know that the meaning of only ketchup is that they won’t give any patty as well. If this is what it implies, we will have to watch each and every word before we place our order. Also, if you just asked for ketchup, you shouldn’t even get the buns either.
So, this person shouldn’t be pissed. In fact, he should be happy about getting the bun.

The Real Booby Trap
It might not kill him but it managed to trap him to a restricted zone. However, this booby trap works well for all the men out there. You want to talk?
Need attention?
Just release this trap and you will have what you want. Don’t believe us? Try it and get the desired result. You will have their attention and you won’t be disappointed with the final result.

Didn’t We Tell You?
This is the last warning for all the people who like to snapchat their food. You might not like what you get after snapchating the whole food. The worst part is that you might not even get to have any of it. Unless you follow the five-second rule.
So, get over the trend of sharing food online and if you don’t do that, you deserve this.