We are moving out of the phase where sugar-coating your statement was necessary. Not because e have forgotten the manners but because we are a bunch of millennials who believe in being straight forward. We think these signboards must have been created by the Millenials as they do not beat around sugar coating and say how things are supposed to be. So, either follow them or fall in the dig they ask you to avoid.
You Care About Your Kids Enough?
Going through this area could be risky and you need to keep a safe distance. Also, it applies to all the people who are driving near a cemetery in any part of the word. They had to come up with a new signboard because maybe people had started to ignore the “maintain distance” signboard.
So, if you care about your kids, maybe you will care about this place as well. Harsh but there was no other way to make you understand!

Parents, Are You Listening?
For all the parents with notorious kids, you need to supervise your kids because you never know when will they create havoc in other people’s life. If you don't do that, someone will end up hating you for not supervising your mistakes.
Sorry, but that’s what your kid turns out to be. So, we prefer adult supervision for kids.

Have A Terrible Day!
Drowning leads to death and that’s not the best news to get, right? So, if you don’t listen to what this baby girl bear has to say then we’d wish for you to have a terrible day. Because we don’t know your after-death life.
Not following the instructions could give you a bad one and maybe you deserve it, mate!

Safety In Your Own Hands
The four layers were protecting you from the lion or maybe the case was vice versa. However, you gotta keep your safe distance now that the lion has managed to break the first layer from inside. We know you still have three layers to go. But who knows when will all the layers shatter and the lion will be ripping you off to have lunch, right?

Eggs Need Protection
You know there is a thing called electrocuted, right? So, if you want to keep your nuts safe, control your pee. And if you can’t, at least avoid this pillar. We are glad these people didn’t try to sugarcoat the scenario you will be in once you start relieving yourself from the liquid pressure your body is going through. Because that is the reality, isn’t it? And realities are harsh!

As If We Would?
We understand the concern but who would even dare to do that? Not someone who has a brain along with common sense in use. And if one doesn’t have these two, they are not even going to bother to read this. We are sure they put it once someone tried this little fun stunt and all we wanna know is what got into his head that he even tried it.

You Are The Meal
No matter how bitter you are, you will still be a delicious appetizer to the tigers. You can replace your face with a steak, a raw one and that is how the tiger sees you because hey animals won’t care to cook you to perfection.
We get it, you like it a little pink in the center but tigers like to taste flesh with a little blood.

Wanna Try?
We get all crazy when we see a pond and we can’t control our footsteps, all thanks to our excitement and gravity. However, you can control your excitement and avoid falling into an alligator’s mouth.
So, if you think that one dip in the pond might not kill you, there is something that will. So, when at Sydney Aquarium, you can try and jump but they are not here to impress you by sugarcoating their warnings.

If security cams don’t do the right job then you can be assured that wolves will do their job right. Because they don’t let their prey get away with anything. So, basically, they are a savior as well as a threat to your life.
And if you have happened to rent this property, we see you asking for money back and running away as soon as you read this signboard. You should appreciate the honesty they have to offer.

Get It?
If your kids can’t understand what this signboard means, you should make them understand. Also, if you are standing there waiting for your kid, you can’t ask the authorities to stop just because your little one chose to cry over a ride.
Children cry over a candy they didn’t get, so you can’t expect the ride to stop over your kid crying unless the child is crying because of an emergency.

Splatter All-Around
If you couldn’t understand what does slippery surface means then maybe this one will help you clear the signboards clearer. Hippos may have a stomachache and something you call “loose motions”. So, if you happen to be around this place, you can expect some “you know what” on yourself.
If you love the fragrance of the digested food, then you’re welcome my friend.

Don’t Trust A Bridge From 1914
We could trust a bridge that was made in 1914 but this one? Well, we aren’t sure! A bridge that is already bending towards its end cannot be trusted. The other end of the bridge is nearly drowned but according to some of our sources, this bridge is about to be replaced.
We hope it is done before someone ends up drowning.

Wanna Be A Star?
Looking for an opportunity to become a star? We shall put up a link to the location of this signboard and you may end up becoming a star. Or you may start peeing anywhere you see this signboard. We kid you not; in today’s scenario, anyone can become a star.
If someone in the glamour industry, ends up liking you just through a video of you peeing, there is a chance they might give you a chance to land upon a bigger screen.

Motivation Along With A Lesson
What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger, except the bears, lions, leopards, lions, and any other wild animal. Because they won’t just kill you, they will make sure nothing is left on you except the bones. Also, if you end up being in a fight with these animals, yes you might turn stronger for a nanosecond but your strength would be of no use once you are being eaten that respective animal.

You See The Result?
This graphic sign is apt and gives away the mystery of how people are killed by coming in front of the forklift. If you cannot understand a subtle signboard then maybe this not so sugarcoated signboard will convey the exact message.
So, now if you don’t want such a terrible death then you should probably stay away from this location.

We Told You
“Stay Away” signboards have stopped working so now people want to be clearer with what they want to say. So, if you end up being near these stones, you better stay away from them. In case, you didn’t read this and sue the authorities, they have a pretty strong defense, the one you didn’t read.
So, what was your case again?

The Correct Way
Insertions are tricky and when it involves babies, it gets way trickier. Hence, the signboards come handy. Also, if these ones are not clear, it may create a problem for the babies. After all, you are dealing with the trickiest hole in the body.
So, follow the instructions or you might disturb some wiring in the baby’s body.

That’s How Leopards Do It
While you are going down the woods lane, make sure you look over your head. Now that the forest authorities have established the fact that leopards are concealing their prey’s bodies on the top of trees, you gotta lookout. Or… you will have a few haunted nights.
So, watch your twelve, threes, sixes, nines, and over your head.

Don’t Worry
Do you want us to repeat the same message? No, right? So, make sure you are one of the two-third people and not the one third. FYI, it’s not their duty to find you out; they are doing it out of the concern and you better not take their concern for granted.
And if you have lost yourself on a Monday, be prepared to eat corn for one whole week. Try going on a Friday instead?

Let Me Do My Job
This is what should be put on every employee’s seat. You don’t interfere with their job and you will be injury-free. Once you start involving yourself in other people’s jobs, you are kinda screwing up their happiness and your fit body.
What do you prefer more, a pokey nose or a thrashed face? We guess, we know your answer, keep it to yourself and your interfering nose as well.