These People Went Too Far Following The Instructions Literally

If you ever feel out of place at the “Pet Area” because you don’t have a pet, do what this guy did. Start showing some love and care to the ground. Yes, you can pet the green grass and be the king or queen of being literal! 

The boy’s expression is stealing the show here. Also, who comes up with all this stuff?

Birthday Cake Disaster

Let’s see how the conversation went down here:

“So, what do you want us to write on the cakes?” 

“Just write ‘Happy Birthday’ on both.” The customer replied.

Since the quotes are not mentioned while speaking, this disaster happened. We can’t help but laugh really hard at this one!

“Little” Thanksgiving Dinner

Don’t ever tell your siblings to keep “a little bit of everything” for you from the dinner. You will come home to a plate decorated like this. 

The story that went behind this involves a guy who didn’t have an off from work for Thanksgiving and asked his brother to save himself “a little bit of everything” that is prepared on this occasion. This is what he got. That tiny corn is taking all the attention!

Pick Up… Dog?

There are all kinds of signboards in public areas and parks and this is just another one of those. But you can’t always expect these instructions to make good sense always. Now, the “it” here can have many meanings and this dog owner finalized “it” on his dog. So, he picked up his pet instead of his feces!

If we plan on being logical, we know that the poop needs to be cleaned from that area but no one mentioned that sprinkling some fun in there is restricted!

Hey, Selfie Stick!

This guy is taking his girlfriend’s directions quite literally. She just told him to utilize his new selfie stick but her choice of words to express this might have more than one meaning. The guy chose to pick the amusing side and take pictures with his selfie stick just the way you see here. 

It was a good day for that stick. No work, only play and being in the spotlight (or flashlight) for the entire day!

A Perfect Geometry Test

The assignment just wanted the students to name the quadrilaterals and this kid just did that! She was probably not aware of the “types” of quadrilaterals or maybe the question confused her. 

Do you see the options given there too? She just turned a blind eye to those hints and chose to be creative and name the square “Bob”. Okay, we are impressed and want to head back to school right now!

Frozen Money!

Be very specific when you ask your parents for a birthday gift. You definitely don’t want to end up like this kid!

All he asked for was “cold hard cash” and you can see the outcome right in front of him. His parents took some cash and let it freeze with ice. We are amused but he is surely not. He just wants to go back in time and change his demand.

Ordered A “Blank” Trophy…

We can understand the emotions of the person who placed an order for a trophy. He did not want any engraving as we can tell from the words “engraved” on it. Poor guy, he is regretting this already!

The online orders can create such troubles as miscommunication occurs. In the space provided to write what you wish to see written on the trophy, this guy went ahead and explained that he doesn’t want anything inscribed. Guys, leave it blank in such cases – that’s a lesson!

No Pets? No Worries!

If you ever feel out of place at the “Pet Area” because you don’t have a pet, do what this guy did. Start showing some love and care to the ground. Yes, you can pet the green grass and be the king or queen of being literal!

The boy’s expression is stealing the show here. Also, who comes up with all this stuff?

A Steal Deal

The heavy metal band, System of a Down released an album titled “Steal This Album!” and it might sound simple here but things got hysterical when the title got printed on CDs. Here is a glimpse of what it sounded like in real life. 

People are getting a hint here to just grab it and run. What else is “steal” supposed to mean to those who are not aware of this album’s name? We guess it’s a good deal.

Giving You An Eye!

“Keep an eye out for motorcycles”, read the instruction and look at what this genius person did on encountering these words. 

We are unable to handle this extent of going literal as his “glass eye” is not what anyone wants to look at. Now, we are giving him an eye for this action. Please don’t take this literally now!

Following The Journal Religiously!

They all say that keeping a journal is healthy for your mind and also therapeutic. Following all the instructions on the pages helps in relieving stress (that’s what they say!). 

However, if you ever find yourself bored, you can turn this activity into something fun. Take inspiration from this woman who wrote “one word” again and again. No, that is not the right way to go about this task. But it is definitely funny!

Not A Safe Interpretation

What was he thinking? Someone stop him already!

The instruction wanted the drivers to go hands-free which obviously means that they should keep away from using cell phones without a hands-free device that includes Bluetooth. This guy thought it to be some kind of stunt and just threw his hands up in the air while on his bike. 

Don’t go too literal on a busy road at least!

Innocent But Smart!

This baby received clear instructions from his mom to stay inside. Is he inside? According to him, he is. But according to his mom, he needs to stay away from the doors. What a smart move made by the little guy!

He is following his mother’s instructions very innocently. We can see this kid’s future from here. He is going to have a bright one.

Playing With The Equations

The statement of the question is not that complicated and the students are allowed to interpret it and attempt it in the way that they find easy. Should we applaud or frown at this solution by a “genius” kid?

This is neither right nor wrong and so, the teacher just went with a “Really?” to express her feelings for this answer. We would go with a “wow!” and end it here.

Too aggressive?

They are just spreading a good word about saving electricity for a better future and someone just got off the track with the whole switching off the lights thing. 

We guess he couldn’t control himself on reading the text written below the switch. It depends on the mood of the person reading this. Someone might just follow the instruction while others might take it literally and do this!

Difference Of Opinions

What a brilliant perspective towards the numbers, right? Curly and not curly! The teacher is testing the students’ knowledge about subtraction and addition but that didn’t stop this kid from using his smart mind to tell the difference between two numbers. 

Now, we want this creative mind to come up with the difference between more numbers in a similar way. Can you beat this one?

Cheers To Being Lazy!!!

What else can you expect from a kid having a lazy day at home who just got ordered by his mom to put the shampoo and conditioner bottles in the bathroom? He will do anything to make this task easier and shorter. 

The smart kid took advantage of his mom’s incomplete instruction and placed the bottles in the bathroom but not at their designated places. But can you blame him?

Only Dudes Will Chill Here…

So, there is this park in Vancouver calling all the “dudes” to come and chill. Dude Chilling Park? Really? Did they exhaust all other meaningful names for the parks? We guess that’s enough questions for a day! We are just going to leave it here and let the dudes spend time at this unique place.

Also, waiting for a better park that would welcome all and not just dudes to relax!

Time Waves At You

We are assuming that the little kid skipped the class where the teacher told the students about the "tick and tock" hands of the clock. He tried to give his best at drawing hands on the clocks even though all hands have different fingers. We can live with that as long as those hands are waving politely at us. 

The teacher’s reaction would have been priceless and we wish we could see that. Lesson: Don’t miss your classes ever!

Burning For Being Weird

The people of Portland seem to be taking the watchword “Keep Portland Weird” really seriously and this guy is serving us proof and his “burning” desire to fulfill the motto. 

Where is this version of Darth Vader headed on a unicycle with bagpipes that are all fiery? This is weirdness to another level. Let’s visit Portland someday and flaunt our strange sides (we all have one!).