These Photos Amazingly Depict The Moments Before An Accident And Are Sure To Blow Your Mind

We all have witnessed accidents or have been in a few like losing your balance and falling into the pool you were standing so close to (rings a bell?) and the circumstances leading up to them happen in a fraction of a second. Ever thought about them? Well, imagine if those were captured! Here, people were not even craving the shot they captured, which makes them even more special!

Not A Calm Day At The Beach

Ocean waves are definitely unpredictable, they can be peaceful in one moment and in the very next, they can be roaring. So, when you decide to take a picture by the ocean, be prepared for the unexpected! 

This girl looks so happy to have a photo on the beach with the vast ocean in the backdrop. However, the backdrop underwent “slight” changes. The waves decided to take over the picture and how! We just hope, the waves were kind to her and did not ruin her beach day. Maybe she’ll pose differently next time!

Error: Good Luck Not Found!

Who would the Frisbee attack - the four-leaf clover or the person holding it? Or will the Frisbee just slide past the both? One picture gave rise to so many questions, that’s the power of a good shot! It makes the viewer curious to a great extent. 

The man threw the Frisbee just in time when the girl found a four-leaf clover and decided to click a photo holding it. She was captivated by that leaf and could not see what’s coming her way. We hope the four-leaf clover did what it is believed to do, bring some good luck!

The Ball Got The Selfie Right.

The woman found a perfect angle for a selfie after quite a few attempts and when she did, the baseball made its way to her. However, she got a click with the sun shining on her face before that ball reached her face. She could have missed a bright selfie in a moment if that ball came a little early. 

It is confusing for us to decide - to be happy that she got a good picture during a baseball match or sad about what that ball would have done to her. Let’s leave it for you to decide!

That’s Our Life Summed Up In A Picture!!!

All three people in this photo describe our emotions at various points in our lives. Okay, maybe we are happy too but it is just something we found appropriate. Now, we should talk about what’s really happening here. Firstly, who gave that bike in the kid’s hands? There is a reason why driving has an age limit. 

The way that bike turned proved to be a lesson for all of them, the boy driving, the other boy sitting and the woman overlooking them. This picture speaks so much and perfect timings have a major contribution here. It was the right second for the click.

A Fall Off The Bike Never Looked Like This

How many of you enjoy riding a bike under a clear sky to refresh your minds? We bet most of us love that! This girl thought it would be a good day to get out of her home for some biking, but it seems like she was wrong about it. 

Her bike got stuck somewhere on the road leading to an imbalance and in no time she was in the air before hitting the ground. Her “jump” in the air was captured and it just looks so elegant, although we are sure what happened next wasn’t even close to being elegant.

Caution: Science Ahead!

The kids are filled with curiosity and they love to experiment in whichever way they can. That’s exactly what’s happening here. The kids discovered a new fun experiment involving some of their favorite things. The result is even more exciting which drives those kids towards that. 

The dad stands in full support of his boys as they perform the “fuming” experiment. Is something missing? Safety precautions, we guess! Science is not that safe for children, they should have known. This perfectly-timed photo is a warning for all the parents who are keen on keeping their kids close to science.

And Then… Splash!!!

This picture just makes us think if the water was ready for him! We know it should be the opposite, but that’s how this photo has made us think. Before that big splash, there is a moment of peace and this picture reflects exactly that. 

His friends are amused at this view and we all know they are the ones who planned and executed this whole scene. If the moment of him touching the water was captured, then it would not have this significant as this one has an element of magic.

Cupcake Finds The Right Owner.

You need not think hard about what happened the very next second. It’s pretty obvious, the dog devoured the delicious looking cupcake. No one can resist that sweet frosting and the attractive heart placed on the top of the cupcake. Our mouths are watering already!

The emotions of the dog on seeing this new treat and his face right before he relished are so wonderfully shot. 

We are leaving to get a red velvet cupcake for us (or maybe a chocolate one) as that’s what we are craving now!

Not A Good “Sight”

Adventures make us learn so many new things and also give us some amazing experiences. Turns out, this guy just had an experience which was not so amazing after all. Climbing a cliff needs a lot of strength and concentration which he had but, it wasn’t his lucky day!

In the middle of the climb, his glasses decided to grow some wings and fly. The wings were not there but they did fly for a few seconds before crashing somewhere. We can only imagine how difficult it would have been for the guy to continue with the climb!

He Is An Expert… In A Parallel Universe.

The boy thought he can pull off any stunt on his bike as he has gained expertise in biking within a few days or maybe he was made to think so by his friends. We all know how friends are! 

The stunt did not go right as this photo captures a second before the accident that happened as a result of the boy being overconfident about his skills. If he was more aware of the consequences, he wouldn’t have landed in this situation. 

A real depiction of head over heels moment is what this is!

The Drink Forming “Alien” Patterns

When you want a picture so badly, you do not really care about the consequences of you being in a hurry for that click. If you have a drink in your hand and someone crashes into you to get a picture, you know what to expect! Your drink will spill everywhere and if it has some superpowers, it might form some strange patterns in the air.

How do you describe this situation? We get reminded of aliens and space phenomenon by looking at that drink splattering. This is just one way of viewing this, there can other perspectives.

Sweet Swinging Turns Bitter

The couple was out on the beach to spend the bright sunny day with their little kids. A day out calls for some photos making cute poses. 

This couple wanted a picture while swinging their kid and the mother holds the other baby in her right arm. That was the initial plan, but this picture tells a different story.

The mom got so involved in swinging her one kid that she lost balance with the second one in her arm. It is surprising how that exact moment of the kid slipping off her arm was caught in the camera. Notice how everyone in the photo has different expressions!

Let It Burst, Magic Awaits…

If you are stunned in first glance, you are not alone. This shot sparks imagination and takes you to another world. Water knows how to play and this is just one instance of that magic it possesses. 

So, coming back to reality, it was actually a balloon that burst when water entered with high pressure. We have witnessed and done such stuff but never knew that moments before that big burst looked like this. Amazing, isn’t it?

We are just confused about what the guy was trying to do and why did the girl agree to this? Some questions remain unanswered!

A Mischievous Duck...

Taking a selfie with the cute creatures wherever we spot them is one of the human instincts. These cute creatures can be ducks as well and if you think they can’t be teasing, look again! This girl expected a sweet selfie moment with the duck and see what it decided to do.

We just think pointing at the duck while clicking was not a good idea, it made the duck think that the girl had something to eat on her finger (or the finger was that treat!). Try a different pose is what we recommend.

Say Cheese… And Attack!!!

The last day of college is an emotional one with feelings “pouring” in from everywhere. Be careful, they might attack from above! 

When you have gathered your entire class for a perfect picture, there can be some masterminds at your college planning to make your last day a memorable one. Expect some pranks and the degree of those pranks cannot be stated, it depends on the planning. 

This class got a good group photo with waterfalls in the backdrop right before they were all drenched. It can’t get any better, right?

Bike Lost One Support

The bike can also get tired of all the traveling on the roads and can have some breakdowns on the way. It is not in the rider’s hands to control the state of the bike (or is it?). When you have decided to speed on your bike without verifying its condition, you should know you have taken a risk. 

This boy was very confident about his bike as he did not take any safety measures like helmet before stepping out for a ride. His bike started falling apart in the middle of the street and the front wheel made its way to another path. This photo has every aspect of the “pre-accident” covered, it’s a perfect click.

Post-Beach Muddy Surprise

A relaxing day at the beach usually ends with a comforting bath and a drink to call it a day. We don’t know about drinks, but the “comforting bath” turned into an unpleasant one for these girls. 

You might be wondering why the car was rushing on a road with muddy puddles! We think the driver was not expecting any people on that road and we try to deliberate the reasons for that. Still none, though!

Their surfboards had no use at that point in time even though the waves were pretty good for an attempt at professional surfing.

High Hopes From A Swing.

Everyone is in a desire of touching the sky and fly high amidst those clouds. While there are many ways to do that, we don’t see swing as one of those options. Let swing be the “innocent ride” in a playground for kids. 

Being an adult, we need to calm down with the speed and the height we are chasing while taking the swing. This woman called trouble herself and look, where she ended up. It must have hurt so bad when she landed on the ground.

This is a warning for you all!

Onset Of A Hammer War!

“Wait, I wasn’t ready!”

These words were just stuck in his throat as before he could utter a word, the hammer came for him.

Before the hammer did its job, someone caught the hammer in the air and this is what it looked like. Everyone wants to know the game these guys were playing. It feels like a dangerous one. A hammer made of plastic could have been a better option if throwing and catching had a role to play.

The guy would definitely plot revenge after healing from that attack. Expect a war, a major one!

It Is A Fruit fall.

This girl mustered the courage to finally go out for grocery shopping in the cold weather which we all know is a task. She did buy the required items including all the fruits and vegetables but felt incomplete when carrying those shopping bags. Here is the representation of why that happened. She lost some items on her way back home.

She bought so many fruits that the bag could not handle their weight and gave up. She realized this loss on the stairway of her building and unfortunately, it was too late. It’s time for her to plan another round of grocery shopping.

Did Someone Say, "Catch The Cake"?

It was definitely a memorable 16th birthday celebration as we interpret from this photo. We hope this was not the only cake at the party. A backup plan is always appreciated. The mom gave final touches to the colorful cake and put the candles before passing it on for cutting. 

The passing on went haywire as she lost her balance. Was the cake that heavy?

It doesn’t look like she was making someone catch the cake. Her face reflects the sadness of losing all the hard work in a blink of an eye. We hope the celebrations went smoothly after this disaster. 

You Do Not Destroy What Supports You!!!

Why would someone make such a move? It doesn’t make any sense. The man is taking the support of the tree and cutting the same tree. 

Does he possess some magical powers that will save him from the terrible fall he is going to have after he accomplishes that work?

Even a little kid would recognize all the wrong that's happening here, it’s not tough to identify. Either he should have skipped this task or found a better place to put that ladder. Look closely, this is the moment before a dreadful but expected fall.

Before A Forced Back Flip...

In case you are wondering what happens right before someone performs a backflip, consider this as an accurate description of that but the difference is, this one is forced by a ball. He was smiling at his friends who were enjoying the pool and indulging in some water sports. Little did he know, the ball was aimed at him (not intentionally though!). 

How that smile would have changed into a hurting expression within a fraction of a second. Let us just hope his face injuries heal soon.

Not So Strong Reflexes.

If you have watched a game at a stadium, you know unexpected can happen at any moment, whether on the field or among the audience. When the game involves a ball, people need to be a little more alert and careful while enjoying the game. 

This particular audience was slow in the reflexes part as we can see. The ball approached the people and instead of getting a hold of it, they made these faces. It’s funny how most of them have the same expressions at that moment. Catch the ball, please!

Taking It All In…

She was just there to enjoy the beach view and maybe do some surfing but then plans changed. She stood there in some deep thoughts which took her to somewhere far. 

Unfortunately, she was physically still there when the huge waves rose from the ocean and till the time she was back from those thoughts, it was too late!

Nature has beautiful elements and when we get to witness those enthralling elements, we are spellbound. We are imagining this girl to be in that mesmerizing state at that point. It happens!

A Wedding Photo Like Never Before.

The front frame is all cute and lovely as the couple poses for the beautiful wedding picture. We wish we could say the same about the backdrop. The sea looks great but what’s happening above is not a common sight during a wedding photo shoot.

There are cameras fitted in drones that fly around in the sky to capture all the wonderful moments of the special occasion, but a guy flying around is new to us. Can we just know what was happening to him? Any wedding rituals we are missing?

Attain Superpowers In Your Cozy Home.

The comfort of your home cannot be found anywhere else. When we are sitting idle in the house, there are many ideas that generate in our head as we lay around feeling comfortable.

He could not find anything productive to do during his break until he stumbled upon a few air mattresses in his house. What he did next is said out loud by this picture. The guy is quite confident about the quality of those mattresses! 

One more thing – this guy should clean his house before his mom arrives. He could have chosen that option instead of testing his superpowers!

A Snow Ball Or A Snow Rock?

When it has been snowing the previous night, your driveway is covered in snow which makes you a little lazy in cleaning it up. Instead, you decide to have a snow fight. This guy had some similar thoughts and as you can see, he was so charged up that he made a ball this huge. 

Whoever was taking his picture wasn’t expecting him to throw that huge snowball at them. 

Next time, try beating this size of snowball. You might just surprise yourself! One thing, don’t throw it at your friends, you will be in trouble. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!

A “Smooth” Group Picture.

Only the person behind the camera would have seen this coming!

When this group of friends had enough of ice skating for the day, they decided to wrap it up with a picture. Was it a good idea to stand in the middle of that ice skating rink? We guess not!

They proved to be an obstruction in the path of other people skating and you can’t stop the flow in an instant. That guy tried his best to change his direction, but an accident was meant to happen. The photo was clicked at the most appropriate time and makes us curious about the events that followed.

A Wave Of Surprise…

The people just came for a beautiful view, that’s all! They didn’t expect an enormous wave to block their view and give them the memory of a lifetime. They’ll have a story to tell their kids about how a sudden wave rose and surprised them while they were captivated by the ocean view. 

People are running but one seems to be confused about the whole situation. No one is ready to deal with such surprises and running is the only option left, however, the storm will chase them at a higher speed. Come back for the view, people!

A Professional Catch.

Experience matters a lot in life and as we grow older, the experiences just keep adding. The things that you might not have knowledge of initially, make way into your life with experience. 

This cool old man might not be a professional player at the game but life has given him enough experience to try his hand at a catch. How professional does that jump look! We think his family wasn’t expecting him to act this spontaneously. His glove was a hint though. 

We need to learn a lot, people!

Beware of “Identified” flying Objects.

Watch out for some flying objects when you are in the park and taking some photos. There are many more mysterious things than UFO’S, like Frisbee. You never know when one would come flying towards you in the park. 

These three were definitely in a good mood and create some memories of a day out. Their happiness was limited for some time as unpredictable stuff happened like someone throwing a Frisbee at them which ruined their picture and as we can tell, it might have caused some pain to the girl in the center. Everything should be fine!

Mud Storm Takes Over

These people should have checked the weather forecast before stepping out for a drive (on a bike!). We believe this is a sudden weather attack that occurred but we could be wrong. 

There can be other reasons for this muddy “storm” and everyone can interpret it in the way they like. We just feel sad for the people who were ambushed at the time. We would never come to know what this was and its origin but it seems it created some chaos and vanished after some time. 

This is why safety is crucial especially when heading out for a stroll or a ride.

The Lunch Hour Performance.

When the work has been really hectic, all you want is the lunch hour to arrive so that you can relax for a little while before getting back to the same pose in front of the computer for the remaining working hours. 

Why not try some moves on that chair in the free time? Just don’t end up like this guy!

He was in a playful mood and started entertaining his co-workers with a cool performance. What do you think his colleagues did? They started clicking pictures and one picture turned out to be a perfect shot just before his performance ended in a disaster. Pretty rough!

What Does It Taste Like, Little One?

“Dad, this tastes like mud.”

“Where did you taste mud, my boy?”

That’s the conversation parents have with their little ones when they are curious to have a bite of each and everything they come across, edible or inedible! 

So, this kid was rushing outside for his playtime when a ball came towards him right at his mouth. We know what it looks like! It gives the illusion that the boy is chewing the ball. We can never predict what kids will do next. We think he likes how the ball tastes!

Hard To Leave Unscathed From A Crowded Place!!!

People have gathered to catch a glimpse of their favorite celebrity and you are one of those people. What are the chances of you leaving that crowded place just the way you entered there? Very less!

This picture tells the same story. The girl is so excited to be there but she has no idea about a sudden weather change for her. The “beer rain” is on its way to her and we find her expression really amusing. She would have to spend a lot of time cleaning it all up after going back home which happened a lot sooner than she imagined!

Also, we would like to think those phones were waterproof as they are right under the sudden pour!

The Truth Behind Your Favorite Titanic Pose.

How desperate we all are to try out the Kate and Leo pose from “Titanic”! If you are on a cruise, you wouldn’t miss a chance to stand at the edge of the ship with your partner and get lost in the moment and wishing to get that flawless shot. 

Sorry to burst your bubble, this is real life and not a movie. Here, things can go wrong in a split second. This couple was all set for a magical moment when a seagull insisted on being in the photo as well. The wish has been granted! But the couple was definitely hurt and disappointed after this.

Put Up Warning Signs For Tourists!!!

We wonder what this guy’s response would be when someone asks him about his day that he had booked for sightseeing! He has a long story to tell beginning with how much he regrets sitting on the fence for a picture to get the beautiful sunset in the background. He will constantly be warning people for the next few days till he recovers from the “trauma”.

The guys standing next to him are clueless about how this happened. They won’t even try repeating that pose, they have seen the consequence right beside them. Stand and pose, that’s all!

The Beauty Of Synchronization…

Similar uniform, same music instrument, similar stance for the game – these soldiers are so much in sync that this picture is starting to look like a painting. But yes, this is very real and it is all because of the timing that we get to witness this moment. 

No, you are not the only one wondering about this combination of things here. Football and guitar do not really have a connection but everyone has a right to create new ways of entertainment and for these hardworking soldiers, this was one such way. This is something refreshing to see.

Clean It Up, You’re On Camera!!!

It’s incredible how one small moment turns into a hilarious memory! The players wouldn’t have even thought that they would be captured at such a point in time. People never mind such pictures from the basketball court (or even any other game!). They are relatable. 

We guess he was just trying to clean something up near his nose and the camera decided to click at that very second. Did the guy score a point? We all want to know that. The cleaning was not a distraction for him, we guess!

Not A “Cheerful” Scene

The date night was going all smooth with a few beers and some delicious dinner. We really don’t know where the conversation went that it led to the crashing of beer mugs. This isn’t a desired scene on a date night or any other night. 

Don’t drink beyond your capacity, you can land in such a chaotic situation as well! It would have been better if they ordered more food and fewer drinks. They would not have embarrassed themselves in front of the restaurant staff and other people if they controlled their excitement. That’s an intense crash, we can’t look away!

Best View On A Slide!!!

“Look at me sliding like a pro!”

This is probably what the dog is thinking as he slides down with great confidence. Who would have ever thought of capturing a dog taking a slide in a park! This is undoubtedly the cutest photo we have come across. 

His reaction to reaching the end is priceless. He didn’t know when to stop and when it was over, he wanted to do it all over again. We have interpreted his feelings! We wish to see more dogs at the park, please especially on the slide.

How Not To Jump Off A Boat…

This man did not receive professional training in jumping off the boat and still, he had the courage to try it out. He saw some videos on the internet related to this and followed the steps. We think he missed some crucial points there. 

His head hit the water first and it looks like it wasn’t a good strategy. Whoever took this has to be a skilled photographer. There is an accuracy in the click which makes it a perfect fit for this collection of photos. We would like to mention that in case you want to try it, don’t shy away from getting trained in the beginning.