These Wedding Day Fails And The Reaction Caught On Camera Will Definitely Tickle Your Funny Bone

Wedding Days stand among the most splendid moments of one’s life. No matter whether one is a guest or a host, it has to be unforgettable for everyone. Therefore, the bride and groom leave no stone unturned to bring the best on the wedding platter.

From food to decoration, every element strikes the best of its notes. Not just that, many souls also take it a notch higher by adding more iconic bits to the narrative. Beautiful vibes get around letting the couple celebrate the best of their wedding ceremony.

But that does not imply that all goes well till the end. Many glitches and blunders surface to spoil the fun and grace of the wedding function. However, one cannot always say that these moments push the wedding off its standard.

Many of them manage to stand out and invoke humor notes. Thus, they end up turning on a better side and making weddings memorable. Adding to that, they also stimulate reactions on the part of guests.

Presenting that side, here are some wedding pictures delivering on that part. Do you find any of these striking a match with your wedding memories?

A Creamy Fall

Wedding cake cutting is the moment that brings cheers to guests of all age groups around. After all, this cake is not all about cream. It also wins attention for its iconic grace and design. Mouthwatering creamy floors tower up to win hearts around.

However, this couple could not seize the cutting moment in time. The iconic cake floors came tumbling down. The couple’s reactions speak their hearts out. The groom struggled to hold the falling cake. On the other hand, the bride could not help but only laugh.

The only winner on the scene is the cameraman. They did not miss out on timing and captured the iconic shot. Well, one can say it was a creamy capture. The couple can cherish the creamy fall wedding moment throughout their life.

Even their guests would have their wedding in their hearts forever. A toast to the cameraman!

The Hard-to-Point Crasher

A picture with the bride and groom shimmers as the most coveted activity on the board. Guests jostle with each other for grabbing enough space in the picture.

Well, the men in black in this picture do not seem to have a tough time with their picture. They line by the bride in style and beauty. But there is someone else spoiling their picture. At the first glance, the picture looks well to go.

But a focused look brings out the odd among the evens. What do you think: who is the spoiler here? The bride and men are posing at their best with their attires. It only requires a look in the right to catch the culprit.

It is a man in red and white strips peering by the tree into the camera. Maybe a creature from the fantasy world has come but is too shy to bless the couple?

A Thrilling Jump

Remember the college convocation days? Black hats and people take to the air to announce their graduation cheers. Well, this is no convocation ceremony. But this guest was not out of his jumping mood.

This wedding picture throws light on the thrill and excitement.

The bride and groom were on their feet to live the moment with their friends. They were up for a group photo. But it could not materialize. Thanks to a man with high spirits!

He sprang up at his best to showcase his agility. Not just that, but the cameraman also did not miss his performance. Thus, here is the picture presenting a mix of poses.     

An Off-timer

Timing matters the most when it comes to a beautiful picture. But this picture does not belong to that cohort. It seems like the photographer was warming up around when they captured this picture.

This couple was out in nature for a wedding shot. That meant they were vulnerable to all sorts of wild elements. The bride was cleaning her dress before giving a perfect pose.

On the other hand, her man was standing by her side and waiting for her patiently. They were busy with their bits when their photographer captured something baffling. It is a man with an overflowing beard in shorts at the back.

It looks like the couple chose a location too wild for them. But they can laugh their hearts out at the picture.   

The Ceiling Striker

Parties are not all about laughs and cheers. Accidents also lurk around to ruin the fun. They take on their worst facet to blow the person at the target. And this man felt the thud down his head and spine.

It looks like his friends were giving him fancy throw-ups when they threw him up very hard. To his horror, he crashed into the ceiling. His head got stuck with his legs hanging in the air.

That resulted in an odd white sight: a human body in white hanging from the white ceiling. It is harrowing to imagine the man forcing his head out of the ceiling.

Not just that, what would have happened when he would have got his head out of the ceiling? That is even more frightening to imagine. Hopefully, the people down would have rescued him.

A Little Cuteness

Cuteness does not need an occasion to show up. It can churn the magic on getting the chance. This picture is a perfect treat on that note. One can see a bride in white down the aisle.

She was catching up with her man when a little soul accompanied her without extracting attention. The little pup walked on her lacy veil. Not just that, it also showed up with beautiful flowers.

It looks like the bride got the little puppy in place of the flower girl. One can say that it is a beautiful match for the occasion.

But it also stirs humor vibes on that front. The pup continued to sit on the lacy veil without catching the attention of the groom and the bride. They were busy taking vows with the pup resting as if it cared for nothing.

To its delight, it did manage to win the attention of the cameraman.

An Explosive Pop-up

Champagne shots are icing on the wedding celebrations. Not just that, the champagne popping also adds to the wedding drama on the best note. Therefore, we have the champagne scene adorning all kinds of celebrations these days.

But it looks like this couple was not up to the power of champagne. Therefore, the groom shook it up with full force without having any idea about its intensity.  That caught him and his lady off guard.

The champagne exploded with a thud. It left the couple out of their breath. It spilled over with a force. The groom struggled to handle the bottle. The bride could not help with tried to escape the explosion and protect her fancy wedding dress from the champagne explosion.

Hats off to the cameraman for capturing the iconic shot! The couple can hold on to their champagne mistake.

Time For A Ride, Dear!

Marriage is a ride full of many ups and downs. But it looks like this couple was not all up for the matrimonial rides. Therefore, they decided to taste the thunder in its material form before getting into the grooves of marriage.

They chose a roller coaster ride for a thrilling start. To the surprise of the people around, they exchanged rings on the stationary ride. After that, they were all set to roll down the treacherous path.

The groom was ready with his heart for ride and marriage. Although ready for marriage, the bride was not on the same ground as her groom on the ride part. The frightening expression on her face underlines her scare.

Hopefully, the couple would have smooth sailing both on the ride and marriage fronts. One can only pray that the bride would not have abandoned her man after the ride.   

Ready To Get Addicted?

Love is no less than an addiction for many people. They find themselves living the best of their life in the comforts of love and care. The emotion of togetherness cements its mark with the seal of marriage for the couple.

Therefore, one can see people on their feet to get into the bond of the pious relationship. Marriage rituals stand different in different cultures. Some require more than others.

Owing to that, people derive away the constraint of religion by opting for a subtle court marriage. But this court did not keep it without hypes. The marriage courtroom shared its boundary with a drug testing section.

It looks like the court people did not mind accepting the addiction to love in the real sense.

The Bouquet Fight

For single ladies at the wedding, the most coveted part is the bouquet toss. After the couple takes wedding vows, the custom requires the bride to pass the luck of marriage to other single ladies around.

She graces that part by tossing her beautiful bouquet in the air. On the other hand, single women get on the mark to grab their luck. It is the quickest one who manages to add to her love fate by catching the bouquet. 

But, in this picture, it looks like the bouquet race turned into a bouquet fight. The bridesmaid and the flower girl were in no mood to let it go. They kept on holding to the bunch of flowers till the last ounce of their strength.

Not just that, one can also see the flower girl was up for the moment in her sports shoes! Ladies were too desperate to get married. Who do you think would have won the battle for marriage? 

A Fiery Wedding

It is hard to come across weddings that touch on the mark of completion without conundrums. The couple has to keep running around to douse the fire of words and acts that threaten their beautiful day.

But for this couple, this seems the fire broke out in reality. However, the relieved look on their face points to the possibility of a prank.

A guest might have created a fire panic and called the fire department to take the couple back by surprise. Whatever the case, the couple sealed their love with marriage without the fire alarm engulfing their moment.

Too Natural

Romantic wedding pictures hold an indispensable place in wedding planning. Couples like to have the best on that note to cherish their moments together for a lifetime. Serving that part, nature goes a long way with its bounties.

From mountains to beaches, fancy elements get on the board to win hearts. Therefore, one can come across pictures of love birds with green and blue beauties in the background. Making the best of their moments, they try to keep it as natural as possible.

But this couple took it too far. It looks like the waves overpowered the couple and brought them to their knees. However, the couple did not mind and posed candidly. Now, what can be a more natural way than this?

A Still Slip

Cakes are favorites for many people. No wedding looks complete without the creamy fervor of cake on the board. Unfortunately, not all wedding cakes manage to make it to the hearts and mouths of guests around.

This picture is a reflection of that part. The lady committed a significant mistake by ditching a trolley for her hands to carry the cake. Holding on to one’s shock, one can see the cake on the verge of ending up on the floor.

The couple is still experiencing the transition from their happiness to shock. The musicians are watching the heart-wrenching slip of cake with their instruments still blowing the cheering tunes.

The woman could not help but scream in shock and despair on seeing the beautiful cake collapsing. All credit to the cameraman!    

Two Colliding Emotions

People take different routes to make their marriage memorable. This couple chose birds to celebrate their day in the best way.

One can see the bride and groom cherishing themselves over the moon. White doves play around with them to push their happiness to another note. However, not all are happy in this picture.

The guest by the groom is experiencing a gut-wrenching moment. The lines of fear running down his face speak for his scare. It looks like he does not like white doves. But the cameraman loved his expression.

Therefore, we have him in the wedding pictures. Therefore, it is better to be cautious while being around a newlywed couple.  

An Accidental Fall

Nothing can be better than the shimmer of nature to form a background in a wedding picture. This couple had everything to serve on that note. They look on to each other adorably.

The bride is all smiles with her man. Not just that, their guests are also following them in the same mood. Adding to that, it gets a notch higher with the blue expanse of the ocean in the background.

But there is one exception that spoils the joy for all. One guest either got high in his spirits or lost his balance. Therefore, one can see him in the air and on the verge of ending into the ocean.

Guests behold him in shock. But the couple has no idea of the accident breaking out in the background. Thanks to the cameraman, they can keep it in their memory lane forever.  

Flabbergasting Exposure

Weddings come with their mortifying moments for the couple. Many times, the couple sees it coming from their guests. However, there are also times when their soul mates leave them shamed for their acts.

This picture brings that on in the best way. Robbi, the bride, saw the worst leaking from heaven when her husband of a few minutes turned up with an embarrassing prank with his family.  

One can see the groom flaunting and flashing the pink boxers. They come with wording that associates him with Robbi. Not just that, his family members are also not shy about helping him with his prank.

Therefore, one can see Robbi all alone with her in-laws pushing her into the pool of embarrassment. Her expression widely showcases her despair.

Photobombing Bridesmaids

A bridesmaid cannot afford to miss a picture with the bride. After all, it is their moment in the whole wedding schedule. These bridesmaids were also exercising their right to a fancy group photo.

They teamed with the bride in their fancy pink outfits. There was one woman who did not find a place in the cohort. But that did not mean she missed out on the ticket to the group photo.

She managed to grab her space by posing through the window in the background. To her relief, the bride and her friends did not take note of her. Finally, she had a picture with the group.

Even the cameraman did not mind her urge for the picture. Kudos to her!

A Distasting Spill

Weddings are full of customs and traditions. They go on to differ from religion to religion. Not just that, the couples also go ahead to add their bit on that note.

But this couple was unaware of an undecided event close to crashing at their wedding function. They were busy happily matching their steps. Not just that, the bride was happy to flaunt her white dress.

However, it looks like this man did not like her whites. Therefore, he did not mind tossing up his beverage.

And, in the picture, one can see the beverage in the air and close enough to spoil the joy of the couple. We can only pray that the bride would escape the beverage attack and save her white.  

A Cycle Shot

Well, not everything goes by planning at a wedding. Many ifs and buts are lining around to crush the joy to a great extent. Among the spoilers, the photo bombers top the list.

In this picture also, the group picture could not touch the notes of perfection. It seems like the bridesmaids and best men were all up for pictures with the bride and groom outside the wedding venue.

But then a cyclist crashed in. The expression on his face reflects his failure to pass without photo bombing the picture. Therefore, the only thing matching we have in the picture is the color of the cycle and the bridesmaids’ dress.

Maybe that was the reason that the cameraman also did not rein in from taking the shot.   

A Limbless Capture

This picture manages to make its way to the iconic wedding pictures that win admiration from its viewers. However, that stays on only for the moment of the first glance.

A look deeper into the details dugs out the odd elements. One can see the groom holding on to the bride in the air. But the bride’s limbs are missing in the picture. At first, one takes it as one of the pranks.

Not just that, one also comes across the possibility of the cameraman photo-shopping her limbs. However, after pondering over it, one manages to figure it out that the woman had folded up her legs to have a perfect jump in the air.

Her dress was well enough to hide them under it.

A Boisterous Send-off

Wedding guests finally take the charge of the tradition when it comes to sending off the newlyweds. People chose their way of giving a heartening send-off to their hosts.

Some people choose to use rice or lavender. Not just that, many people also add to the joy by using paper airplanes. But this wedding turned a bit off-track.

The guests were all up to perform the ritual by holding bowls of glitter. But the teary event turned into a happy fight. It seems like this man did not like the idea of sprinkling glitters.

Therefore, he decided to ditch the joy and threw the entire bowl of glitter over the person. But it was all glittery at last!   

A Baddie Appearance

Marriage occasions are all about grace and beauty for the couple and their guests. But these people were not in the mood to take it that way. The male bastion of the groom did not feel it right to shed their baddie facets.

Therefore, one sees the groom welcoming his wife with his black look. They graced the ground with sleeveless suit jackets. Not just that, they also pushed the bar with blue jeans.

Apart from that, they also did not shy from pairing their look with light blue ties. Delving deeper into the picture, one can also notice their bad-guy looks.

Not That Sturdy

Everything has to be in place to support a sturdy wedding dream. A bit of shaking can send the joy tumbling down. An unexpected collapse can leave expectations in shatters.

Something of that sort happened with this couple. They were happily posing with their guests when the stage on the water denied supporting their fun and thrill.  

Therefore, we can see the ladies in the water struggling to hold on to their feet. The bride was on the worst end of the scenario. Unfortunately, her man was also in the muddle and grappled to find stability.

No doubt, it was a nightmare for the couple and their guests. But the picture is enough to make their wedding memorable in the best way.  

Not A Perfect Occasion

A wedding is the most special moment in one’s life. Therefore, it is not a surprise to find couples yearning for all the attention at their wedding ceremonies. But a few souls do not respect their emotions.

We have one of them in this picture. No doubt, this couple was happy enough to cherish their engagement. However, the newlywed couple might not be. After all, it was their wedding.   

One can see them supporting smiles in the picture. But like all human beings, they would have seen the other couple snatching their share of attention at the ceremony.

Thus, if you were also to pop the question to your love, then be mindful of the space and occasion of your proposal.

A Wrong Step

Brides love to flaunt their long veils and fancy white dress. But it is not an easy task to go around with the dress flowing down. The woman has to take care of the things around her.

Not just that, but she also has to take care of the people around her. However, people may not be up to her gown. They may end up stepping on her beautiful dress. Something of that sort happened with this bride also.

She was walking down the aisle when one man stepped on her floor-length gown. As expected, the bride received a bolt from blue. The painful expression on her face speaks her heart out.

Not only did she, but the crowd also saw the tripping point. They also accompanied her with her disappointed expression. 

Sky High

Beaches cherish the love of newlyweds for holding their wedding shoots in their beauty. The heart-winning roll down of waves matches the serenity of the sky. Not just that, their blues also match with each other to push it to another note.

This couple is all over the moon in their wedding group photo. Not just that, their guests are also posing at their best to stir happy moments. However, there is one soul who is a notch higher on the excitement spectrum.

It is none other than the paraglider in the background. Not just that, its perfect position in the picture also pushes out the thought of its photo bombing. It appears as if the couple had placed it there for the picture.

Whatever the case, the glider is more than happy to be a part of the wedding picture.

It Is Not Feminine

Women love to pose for heartening pictures. And, the wedding is one occasion that they cannot afford to miss. This woman brigade also serves that note. Therefore, we have women from different age groups seizing the moment with the bride.

One can spot two hilarious angles in the picture. The first one is the order of arrangement. The younger ones separate themselves from their elderly counterparts by ruling on the left of the bride.

On the other hand, elderly women grab the space to the right of the bride. But it looks like not all loved the idea of all-woman group pictures. Therefore, one can see a man photo bombing through the window in the background.

He does not miss it out by bringing out banter in the picture.

An Intruded Attention

Blacks and whites stand out of the color code spectrum for wedding guests. Couples expect their guests to drop out the white and black dresses to add grace to the occasion. After all, black marks funeral mourning.

On the other hand, white is the color only for the bride. It is to let the bride have the attention at the ceremony. However, this couple could not have the best from their guests on that note.

One can see almost all women wearing white. Not just that, men are also wearing black in the picture. Adding to that, they also go on to blur the line dividing the white and black codes by pairing the couple in an obnoxious pattern.

Thanks to the two women in blue, the white and black overdose gets a bit down in the picture.

A Ripping Moment

Laughs and smiles are enough to make wedding pictures adorable. Taking on that note, this couple manages to stand in the best stead. At first glance, one can find the picture as a natural one.

The groom is laughing his heart out while his bride looks on. However, a closer look unveils the reason behind his laugh. There is a man with ripped pants in the background. It looks like the man was dancing like nobody was watching.

That ended up ripping his pants. The groom noticed it. He could not help but got down with laughter. Not just that, he also pulled his bride down with him. It also took her a few seconds to figure out the matter.

But the couple managed to get a heart-winning picture in their memory treasure.

A Horrifying Calmness

Many souls are not well with their expressions. They fail to bring their feelings to the face in the right way. This groom also belonged to the same cohort.

He was trying to present himself with calmness and stability when his bride was walking down the aisle.

But to his horror, the expression on his face was a bit off-track. It was a heart-wrenching face for a groom to carry when his bride his walking towards. It looked like he had been seeing a ghost marching towards him.

The poor bride would have experienced the worst rain down from heaven on seeing his face. This picture is enough to remind him of his expression correctness throughout his life.

Not just that, it also comes up as a warning to other grooms to keep it as natural as possible.

The RSVP Burn

Many people do not know the meaning purpose and meaning of RSVP. Therefore, they do not mind showing up without confirming their presence with the hosts. But this couple was not taking it anymore.

Therefore, they decided to teach their irresponsible guests a dreaded lesson. To make them realize the importance of RSVP, they came up with hilarious notes. They called out the people for not sending an RSVP to the couple.

The notes carried the indication and table numbers without any mention of the name of the guest. The poor guests would have been a center of attraction for other proud guests.

Well, isn’t it also a smart way to save money? After all, it is tough for one to gulp down the delicacies with the embarrassing banter in front of them.

Little Moves

It is difficult to find kids on the same page as their adults on every note. Weddings also carry moments of conflict. After all, what a kid has got to do with the wedding vows? It is pretty boring for a kid to sit through it, right?

We do not know about other kids. But this boy was not up for it for sure. Therefore, one can see him up for his moves when the couple was taking exchanging wedding vows. The dancer in him could not let him sit.

Therefore, he decided to steal the moments. He danced his heart out while his elders were tuned in to the adorable moment of the couple. But the cameraman was quick enough to capture his fancy moves. It looks like the party is already on.

A Balance Failure

Couples are at their best when it comes to taking a few quirky pictures. They put their brainy nerves on to bring heart-winning elements on the board. This bride also decided to pull in a heart-winning shot to add to her wedding moments.

It looks like she had decided to pose with her maid of honor and groom carrying her. But the poor woman had put in a trust too high for them. The two could not lift her faith for too long.

A bit of loss on the balance front was enough to knock her down. The horrifying experience on the face of her carriers underlines that failure. But she was still far from accepting their failure.

Therefore, one can see a bit relieved look on her face when she was on the verge of crashing down.

Wrapping It Up

Wedding cars deck themselves up for the newlyweds with all sorts of fancy items on the board. Not just that, couples also allocate the responsibility to their friends and relatives.

But this bunch of pals went too far with it. They decided to leave the newlyweds in a wreck with their car decorations. They went ahead to dump flowers and buntings. Not just that, but they also went in for obnoxious material.  

To leave the love birds in a fix, they decided to wrap the car with plastic wrapping. Remember the new toy car that you cherished the most in your childhood? Hopefully, the newlywed would have found a way to make their way home.

Surprise Wedding

Pranks and weddings are not two disjoint terms. They have been going together for years. It is only their cause-and-effect direction that changes. Sometimes, it is the guests who play a prank on the couple.

Other times, couples manage to pull them off for their guests. This picture is about the latter case. The couple invited their guest for a surprise. They told them that they were putting up a costume party.

Therefore, their guests reached the venue in fancy costumes. Then they cracked the blow on them. They went on to reveal that it was not a costume party but their wedding.

Thus, the slices of bread and spider couples could not help but attended the wedding function in their creepy costumes and looks. Sounds interesting, isn’t it?   

One Tone For All

Many people love to ditch conventional rules and stand out in the scene. This couple also shines under that light. They chose to dump the color code mandate. Therefore, one can see the groom and his friends gracing the occasion in the same attire.

On the other hand, the bride’s pals rocked the scene in black. Thus, they complemented rather than competed for the space in the wedding arena. Not just that, they also took it too far by carrying the same bunch of flowers.

Everything came out perfectly except for one thing. It is the guy on the left who lost it all out with his balance. He was about to fall into the river when the cameraman took the shot. God save him!

The Pussy Tale

Cats do not mind spoiling the moment with their naïve acts. They often come up with odd acts to deliver on that front. Not just that, their off timing makes the matter worse. This picture warrants that fact.

The pussy cat went on to grace the scene with its adorable walk. But it was not the right time to flaunt its moves. A newlywed couple was having their romantic moments when the furry creature intervened.

The beautiful landscape in the background also looks off with its presence. No doubt, the cameraman tried the turn the focus off it. But they failed to push it away. A stroke of bad luck for the couple!

A Committed Prank

Photo bombs are not child’s play for one to pull off. They range from pre-planned to spontaneous. They support the potential to either make it to break it for the couple. This one takes the narrative to another note.

The man in the background had put in significant effort to deliver the best on that part. Imagine the trouble that he took to get on the plank. Not just that, he also had to be on the plank throughout the picture.

And that too without catching the attention of the newlyweds in the picture. They were busy making love without having an idea of the spoiler at the back. Not just that, but the cameraman also did not step back from capturing it.

A committed act by the man!

Crafty Grandpa

Nothing can stand the feeling that grandparents cherish seeing their grandparents getting married. They make all sorts of arrangements to live the best on that part. But this grandpa took it a notch high with his stint.

It looks like he was an ardent fan of medieval culture. Therefore, he wanted to bring the best of it at the wedding. No matter whether the couple liked it or not, they would remember his efforts throughout their life.

After all, his efforts are no less than putting up a fancy wedding. It would have been amazing if the couple had also walked down together in the medieval hues. The grandpa would be more than happy to escort them.

A Weird Grab

A few pictures are nothing but a platter of weird things taken together. Nothing seems to be in place for the picture to touch on the notes of perfectness. This picture also comes from that cohort.

The best man is looking into the camera with his intervening look. Not just that, it also seems like cats and pups love to rest on the lacy veil flowing down the bride’s head.

Here, we have a black cat having the best of comforts on the white and comfy dress material. It cares for nothing. Not just that, but the groom and bride are also off-guard with their awkward poses.

The groom is a bit off with his expression. The bride is also out of her grace zone and scratching her back in the picture.  

A Wrong Invite

Some mistakes turn up for the better. This also holds true for wrong wedding invitations. This bride also ended up with something of that sort. She ended up inviting the wrong person.

But it was too late for her to undo that move. The person did not back down. But he went to tell her that he would show up at the wedding with his friends.

As expected, the woman was horrified and tried to convince him that invite was not for strangers.

But the person was not ready to budge. However, to her delight, it turned up well for her and her husband. The group of boys helped them capture many lively wedding pictures.

A Masked Presence

Kids do not like boring parties. Weddings can end up in that section with loads of rituals and traditions on the board. Therefore, little nuggets have to come with all preparations to make the best of their time.

This little guest also felt the boredom overcoming his senses. Thus, he decided to bring on his protection. Well, one can say that the Jason mask was a smart move.

After all, it is better not to spoil the mood and occasion with one’s off face and expressions. Not just that, but it also looks like he was up for some action to take that to another note.   

That is not to advise inviting random people. After all, strangers are strangers in every sense.