This Golden Retriever Spotted Something In Water And His Instincts Made Him A Superhero

When they said that dogs are more humane than humans, we felt it. That is the reason now most of the world is becoming a dog lover and we are in the squad. We are aware of the fact that dogs sense a trouble way before a human does. That is exactly what happened when this golden retriever dog saw something in water and the lives of the owner and the dog changed for good and how.

Roaming Around The Beach

Mark Freely being a dog lover likes to spend time with Storm and Sara and that is what he was doing that fateful day. The long walk with the dogs made his day better. Like most Golden Retrievers, Storm was full of love and fond of attention. 

The walk on the beach turned into an eventful day when Storm saw something in the water.

Acting According To Situation

The dogs were walking along Long Island Sound. The location is calming and one of the most calming stretches in North America. When something unusual appeared in the water, both of them were alerted. 

However, Storm was the first one to take the action and move towards the unsure object they saw floating in the water.

Fetched The Unknown Object

When Mark was just trying to make out what that unknown object was, Storm took action in the first go. He just started moving into ice-cold North Atlantic water and doggy-paddled to get hold of what he saw. 

Mark was shocked by Storm’s reaction and stood there just watching him. He was trying to figure out if it was a stick or something else but once the visual became clear, he realized it wasn’t just a stick.

The Hero

When Storm paddled towards the shore with the unknown object, Mark saw him holding it in his mouth. He realized that the object was some kind of animal that might have ended up in the water by mistake.

When the golden was arriving at the shore, Mark encouraged him to get back. He even recorded the incident and he is heard saying, “Good boy, Storm” and “Here boy, here”! Even Storm paddled faster and tried to reach the dry shore.

Strong Instincts

As the dog approached the shore, Mark saw that the animal Storm was holding in his mouth was a deer that was drowning in the ice-cold water. We do see some deer trying to swim in water but this particular deer was too small to handle the ice-cold, deep water. 

Mark was impressed by the quick action of Storm as he had managed to save this little life from drowning.

Was The Deer Even Alive?

Now the question was if the deer was even alive. Storm was trying to wake up the baby deer by giving him a nudge. The golden even licked him to wake him up. While the little fawn was being dragged to the dry land, Mark noticed how emotional Storm was. 

He was trying to console the cold animal and his concern was reflected in his actions.

On The Dry Land

Mark kept recording the incident on his phone and the Storm’s concern towards the fawn was overflowing. Both of them found out that the deer was still alive but not in complete senses. Mark was trying to encourage his dog to be compassionate towards the sick fawn. 

Storm was a kind, passionate and loving golden. He was taking care of the deer like its own babies and the sight was beautiful.

The Long Island

When the little deer must have dove into the water, he wouldn’t have realized the depth of the water. The long island lies on the eastern coast of the Bronx in New York and Westchester County. As this location is close to the North Atlantic Ocean, the water of this island was too cold to handle. 

Moreover, the estuary is deep enough for someone to drown as it can be deep up to 230 feet at certain points.

Caring Golden

Mark was heartbroken with all the sadness around him. He needed a few moments to process all the events of the day. Due to strong reaction instincts, Storm had managed to save a drowning deer. They might have lost him if the golden wouldn’t have reacted as quickly as he did. 

The dog took care of the fawn in the best way possible and while all this was happening, Mark decided to take action for the further betterment of deer’s health.

Assistance Was Needed

Mark was a lawyer and very passionate about animals. He took out time to give the custody of the deer to a local animal rescue organization called Strong Island Animal Rescue League. Initially, it was difficult for Mark to think logically due to the quick events. However, once he got hold of the situation, he decided to take professional help and that is when he decided to reach rescue homes.

Animal Rescue League

Strong Island Animal Rescue League was established in 2016 by Frankie John Floridia and Erica Kutzing. Frankie has been involved in the venture wholeheartedly and his wife is a pet shop owner. When the two of them heard the story, the two animal lovers couldn’t wait and rushed to rescue the deer.

For them it was a regular animal emergency, but who would have known that such a rescue story would become national news?

Running Back In Water

While all this was happening, Mark was amazed by how caring Storm was towards the fawn. He was continuously trying to wake up the little deer by comforting him. This comfort did work and the deer was brought to consciousness. 

Storm and Mark were taken aback when the deer woke up and started running back into the water. The storm once again took the action and tried to bring back the deer to the shore.

Do Or Die

This time it was a struggle for the deer to reach the deer. He still tried his best to get back the little fawn to shore. At this point, Frankie and his wife had reached the site and took immediate action. When they arrived at the beach, they saw the deer was already in the water and his head was about to be dipped into the ocean. Storm was still paddling to get hold of the deer but was unable to do so. 

Frankie didn’t think for another second and dipped into the water to get the deer and this moment defined “do or die”.


Frankie managed to get the deer out of the water and by now the deer was worn-out. He was scared, anxious and running out of energy. When Frankie and his wife were taking the little one towards the car, they realized that the deer must have died had they not saved him in time, actually, if Storm hadn’t taken any action in time.

The deer was dead on his feet and that was the level of his exhaustion.

Too Young To Swim

When the couple took the deer to a nurturing home, they were trying to figure out why he couldn’t swim through the water. They realized that the fawn was too small to paddle through the cold water and strong currents. 

Deer can swim through shallow waters but the Long Island is too deep for a deer to even try swimming in it.


While the fawn was being taken care of by the professionals, Mark and Storm were trying to get over the trauma of the incident that took on the beach. Over the last two years, Strong Island Animal Rescue Shelter (STARS) had invested their time in taking care of animals in need. 

Thankfully, the fawn was saved from drowning and was in the hands of professionals.

A Lesson For All Of You

In this particular situation, Storm used his instincts and went into the water to get hold of something that appeared in the water. When he realized that the unknown object was nothing but another animal, he took care of it as if it was its baby. 

From this incident, humans need to learn how to take care of others irrespective of who they are and where they belong. The humane qualities are diminishing from humans and we should be sorry for ourselves that social animal is way less emotional than an animal.


When the doctors tried to look for an issue in the deer, they realized that the deer was suffering from a condition called subcutaneous emphysema. In this particular situation, the oxygen gets trapped under the skin. In this scenario, the animal can get an infection that can be serious for the animal. 

As this deer was nothing but a baby, so, the STARS decided to give light antibiotic treatment to the fawn for his recovery. They focused on giving him a high protein diet for the baby’s recovery as it will help him get over all the infections.

Recover Phase

As professionals, they knew how to bring the baby deer back to a healthy life. With the healthy diet, the fawn was recovering quickly and the crew that took care of the baby was shocked at the level of recovery of the fawn in a few days. 

The fawn was back on his feet after escaping a near-death experience.

Golden Retrievers

If the deer had any speaking skills like we humans do, he’d probably thank the golden for the help he offered in saving him. The deer was lucky that Storm had spotted him at the right moment and put all efforts to save him. If he hadn’t done it, the reality would have been something else and most probably it would have been harsh for him.

This nature is in-built in Golden retrievers. They are loyal and caring, if there was any other breed, they would have stood at the shore looking at the unknown object floating in the water.

The Goal

Initially, the goal for this recovery mission was to get the deer back to his feet. When it was done, the next step was to introduce the deer to the wild again. They wanted him to be strong and accommodate to the wild environment so that he can deal with the rough situations and doesn’t have to come back to the shelter.

Best Of Friends

Over a period of time, while the fawn was recovering, Mark brought Storm to meet the little deer. Seeing the genuine care of Storm towards the deer, Mark made it a point that he would nurture the relationship they built in the moment of life and death.

In the post-recovery phase, both of them had bonded well and the sight of the two of them together was endearing.

A True Hero

Storm’s heroic actions were then spreading in the whole town. Mark had shared the video of the heroic stunt online and people couldn’t stop sharing it. The video was then a viral sensation.

The same was then picked up by the local news agencies and it became a story everyone wanted to cover. Storm was a national hero due to the viral video and his sweet gesture.

In The Moment

People started giving respect for the quick action of Storm. All the credit goes to the amazing training given by Mark. If not for the training, maybe Storm would have not known what to do in such a dire situation. 

The training enabled him to use his instinct and save the deer from drowning not just once but twice.

A Dog’s Life

The best part about being an animal is that the attention of people doesn’t get to your head. Storm was getting back to the normal life of a dog. The usual walks started happening and he was still a loving and caring dog like always.

The only difference was that now people knew about the love Storm has inside of him.

Man’s Best Friend

A dog is man’s best friend and that is because of the thing we mentioned in the beginning. Dogs are more humane than humans. With amazing training, Storm turned out to be a great animal who was there to save another animal without any purpose.

We can say dogs are best friends to deer as well. Storm proved that every dog has the capability of being generous, unlike humans.