This Hysterical Dose Will Prove That Doctors Don’t Lose Humor Even After Being In A Serious Profession

It is never fun going to the hospital because if you are making that trip then probably something bad has happened. With all the gloomy aura of the doctor’s office, a little humor can go a long way in keeping your sanity intact. There are many medical professionals who understand this and bring their A-game for their patients. Some doctors and nurses believe that laughter is indeed the best medicine. Playing pranks and tricks is a part of their job and sometimes even the patients get involved in their jokes. These are the funniest things that happened at the hospital that prove that doctors are some of the funniest people.

Don’t Forget To Push

This maternity ward seems to be full of people with a great sense of humor. They want the mothers entering the ward to have a little laugh before the screaming begins. The doctors want their patients to know that once you enter through this door, there will be a lot of pushing involved. It starts at the door and gets more intense by every passing minute. They are surely making their patients’ experience a little humorous. Or perhaps they simply wrote the script the doctors will be repeating in that room!

Prescribing Monster Spray

Who wasn’t afraid of monsters under the bed as a child? We have all been there and wished that we had some magic portion that could keep us safe from the creepy monsters. This young girl was no different and wanted some protection from the monsters under her bed. But instead of telling her that there are no monsters, this doctor had the pharmacy fill her a special prescription of monster spray. She was supposed to spray in around her room to make it monster free. Isn’t that adorable?

A Hospital Calendar

Pretty much every doctor has a calendar in their office. Sometimes these are sponsored by pharmaceutical companies and other times they are simply a nod to cute babies. But this hospital didn’t want a boring calendar and instead went for a funny calendar that had something hilarious on every page. Take September 8 for example, it states the most ridiculous reasons to date a nurse. This calendar is fooling nobody with its silly reasons but we bet it brought a smile to everyone who saw it.

Tooth Fairy For Halloween

Halloween is such a fun holiday but it is hard to imagine doctors dressing up for it, especially while they are work. But this guy had issues with embracing the spirit of Halloween. Not only did he wear a costume to work but went as a tooth fairy to his job as a dentist. He couldn’t have chosen a more appropriate costume! He probably attracted a lot of kids that day. Any excuse that makes kids want to visit the dentist needs international recognition!

Reading Material For Patients

It is common for doctors to leave magazines and newspapers for patients to read while they wait for their turn. At one glance it would look like this doctor just had some medical reading material left for his patients. But “The Complete Manual of Things That Might Kill You” is a great book to have in a doctor’s office because it is actually a guide to self diagnosis! This is a hilarious burn for hypochondriacs and anyone who self administers medicines instead of checking with a doctor.

An Angry Doctor’s Note

We’ve all at least once in our skipped work to go to the movies by calling in sick. While that isn’t a good thing to do, it guarantees that you won’t have to show up at work. This employer might have had too many of people faking illness to take days off. So when an employee called in sick, they were told to bring in a doctor’s verification note. The doctor was didn’t side with the company’s strict policy and sent back a hilarious note.

Diagnosing Gummy Bears

What do nurses do when there is no trauma coming through the ER doors? They get super bored and in their attempt to pass the time, they do what they do best- diagnose! But this time they weren’t treating humans. These nurses were diagnosing gummy bears based on their colors. The pink one being anemic and the icy blue gummy is hypothermic. But the best one is black, labeled as “He dead”! If that doesn’t reflect their sense of humor, we don’t know what does!

Definition Of A Nurse

This shirt should be a welcome gift when a new nurse joins a hospital. The definition of nurse printed on the back of this shirt is just mind blowing! The text reads, ‘The first person you see after saying, “hold my beer and watch this”.’ This is absolutely true because when people are too drunk, they tend to make the worst choices like attempting to climb a tree or smashing a bottle on their head. Whoever created this shirt was either a former nurse or married to one!

A Talking Television

Often times doctors would have television sets installed in the waiting area to keep their patients entertained so they don’t run off before their turn. But the noise can get too much for the doctors and they would sometimes turn off the TV. This doctor did the same thing but his patients kept asking why the TV in the waiting area was turned off. Instead of turning it on, the doctor went ahead and presented his patients with an alternative.

Before And After Photos

Doctors often have proof of their achievements hanging on their office walls. Sometimes it’s their medical degree and at other times they have photos of their patients treated successfully. The ‘before and after’ concept of photos works really well with incoming patients. This dentist decided to cash on this concept but added a humorous touch to it. The way they seem to have treated Gollum’s blackened teeth is commendable. Nobody would think twice before sitting in the chair and letting this dentist work their magic.

Hanging Weight Studies

There is nobody in the world who enjoys getting weighed in the doctor’s office. Most people want keep the numbers of their age and weight super private. But sometimes it is absolutely necessary to have yourself weighed for medical concerns. This doctor decided to make things a little more humorous and a lot less awkward for people who are conscious about their weight. This sign was funny in itself but the fact that it was placed right above the weighing scale just makes it hilarious.

Gentle Reminder For Appointments

Nobody remembers to make an appointment with the dentist unless their teeth are really hurting. So dentists take it upon themselves to send reminders to their patients at regular intervals. While most of them would send an email with a picture of a decaying tooth, others try a different route. This dentist went the extra mile and got a fake movie poster designed to attract the attention of their patients. Anyone who received this reminder probably spent a few minutes laughing and hopefully, making an appointment.

A Painful Comparison

Many people are scared of visiting the dentist because they aren’t sure how much pain they will have to endure to get their cavities filled. While dentists often try very hard to convince their patients that the treatment is painless, it doesn’t always work. This dentist wanted to take no chances and had a board installed outside their office. Even if it isn’t painless, it is a lot less painful than an episode of bad reality TV. We just hope no fan of the Jersey Shore saw this sign, it would have been awkward!

Drawing Some Blood

Thousands of people are so afraid of blood that they don’t even want to get near a needle. Doctors try their very best to keep the patients at ease when they draw blood but sometimes these reassurances don’t work. Someone was probably having a hard time with their patients and got super creative to tackle the situation. This awesome poster was found hanging on the wall of a hospital laboratory. The way they have taken the concept of drawing blood literally is gold. We are in love with the smiling blood drop.

Slapping Some Antibiotics

Very few doctors would be open to the idea of patients self diagnosing themselves. That’s mostly because their half baked knowledge can often be more dangerous for their health. A quick web search often ends with an advice of taking antibiotics and it becomes really tough for doctors to explain their patients that antibiotics aren’t an answer to every health problem under the sun. But this doctor came up with a comic to get their point across. Hopefully, this doctor’s patients won’t be gulping down antibiotics to treat their viral infections!

A Fertile Christmas Tree

It is awesome when people use themed Christmas decorations to tailor the tree as per their personality. But what would doctors do if they were to use themed decorations for their Christmas tree? Having thermometers and stethoscope as ornaments is very tough and yet extremely clichéd. So this fertility clinic got creative and hung Santa-hat-wearing sperm ornaments on their Christmas tree. The tree surely brought joy to the couples coming in with the hope of getting pregnant. Did they find a place that sold such things or was it a DIY project?

A Smelly Conversation

A simple statement can sometimes bring immense joy to patients, especially if they have been dealing with a chronic disease. This person attempted to make small talk with a patient who was taking contact and airborne precautions. Their simple exchange about how the other smelled was epic. It is probably a strange topic to discuss but if it brought joy to a sick woman, we don’t mind. The way this person said that the woman smelled like a facemask made her laugh really hard. That’s one witty medical professional!

Relieved Before A Rectal Exam

Nobody ever looks forward to an appointment with the doctor, especially when a rectal exam is involved. This one thing alone can discourage someone from visiting the doctor. It is awkward, weird and uncomfortable. One doctor felt it and decided to bring in some humor to help the patient feel at ease. They hung a painting on the wall to joke about rectal exams and hopefully, the patients understood the humor. Though, it would be funny to see patients running away after assuming that a dog would do their exam!

Birthing On Halloween

Anyone who embraces the spirit of Halloween on the holiday while working knows how to have fun. But it isn’t often that we see doctors dressed up in a scary costume while checking on patients. So it was even stranger when this doctor decided to help deliver a baby while wearing the Joker’s costume! Someone in the delivery room clicked this picture and shared that this is the first face the baby will see. Thankfully, babies don’t retain their first memories otherwise this baby would have been traumatized for the rest of its life!

Birth Reaction Chart

People have all kinds of reactions while witnessing the birth of their child. While some people jump up and down with joy, others are horrified at what the human body is capable of doing. This hospital put up a reaction chart for parents to know that every reaction is normal. Whether you are just happy to be a parent or are pulling your hair as your partner is pushing really hard, there’s a scale to measure your grimace level! We bet this fun take on birthing reactions brought many people joy.

Depositing In The Sink

This creative way of making it clear that you have entered a fertility clinic is commendable. We are sure not many people can imagine a sink as a male seed, just without a tail. But when you work at a fertility clinic, everything can be related to the magic of birthing a life. Whoever designed this fertility clinic sure had a ‘fertile’ brain because they designed this collection room with the right decorations. Any nervousness that someone may have while entering will be replaced with bursts of laughter after seeing this sink!

Collecting People Catchers

Nobody thinks of fishing as a dangerous hobby unless you are sailing in crocodile infested waters. There’s nothing better than relaxing on a boat in the middle of a calm pond with a book in one hand and a fishing rod in another. But strangely, it is pretty common for people indulging in this hobby to get caught in the hook they were using. This hospital thought it was funny and decided to display their collection of assorted fish hooks they’ve pulled out of people’s bodies over the years.

Warning For Sensitive Gums

Going to the dentist is scary even if your appointment is for filling in cavities. Nobody likes the idea of a dentist poking around in there with sharp objects. What if the dentist accidentally injures your gums or pulls out the wrong tooth? Nobody even wants to think about that possibility but somewhere it is at the back of your mind when you open your jaw for the doctor to take a peek. This dentist took the exaggeration route to put the patients at ease before their appointment and we love it!

A Reading Recommendation

Newspapers and magazines are often seen lying around a doctor’s office as a reading material for the patients. Sometimes even medical journals make their way to the waiting area to keep the patients entertained. But this doctor left a very interesting book in the office for all his patients to see. “Kill as few patients as possible” isn’t exactly the book title anyone wants to see while visiting a doctor. Coming across a book of essays on how to be the world’s best doctor must be very comforting for the patients!

Sick Of Seeing

With the policies for sick leaves getting more ridiculous by the day, doctors are losing their patience with companies. They hate it when their time is wasted in writing sick notes for employees who can’t call in sick at work without the doctor’s stamp. This eye doctor was so annoyed with such incoming cases that they went ahead and wrote the most ridiculous sick note for a patient. The note said that she “simply cannot see herself working today” because of her eye problems. That’s bold!

Canes And Hips

Hip replacement surgeries are pretty taxing and people don’t usually joke about them. But this man was feeling young after a surgery and decided to indulge in some fun. While having his hip replaced, he asked the doctors to save the bone. He then turned that hip bone into a cane to help him walk around! This is probably the first time anyone has used their own hip bone in this way. It is certainly funny but at the same time, slight disturbing!

An Epic Emergency Bracelet

Plenty of people wear ‘in case of emergency’ bracelets with their names and emergency contact numbers engraved on them. This is a quick way to know some important details in case the person wearing the bracelet gets into an accident. In many cases it has been life saving also. But this one doctor gifted their patient an emergency bracelet that was infused with humor. The bracelet reads, ‘please clear browsing history’. Nobody wants to be remembered after their death by the last thing they looked online!

Collecting A Stool Sample

Nobody particularly enjoys sending off their stool sample to the laboratory. It is overall very awkward and nerve wracking while you are waiting for the test results to come. That’s probably why someone decided to have some fun with it. This picture of a stool sample jar makes zero sense at first glance but a closer look reveals a tiny toy stool sitting inside it! Was it intentional or was there a communication gap? Whoever did this deserves a medal for this literal translation of a ‘stool sample’.

Nuts For Gifts

Opting for a vasectomy is a big decision and even after someone has said yes to it, they don’t necessarily laugh it off. But one doctor was sure they wanted their patients to laugh on their way home after the ‘snip’. This man posted a picture online of a bag of nuts that his doctor gave him after his vasectomy. We love how he laughed about it on Reddit. This gift is funny in itself but the fact that the bag is carrying a ridiculous brand name, makes it even more fun.

An Artful Office

Since doctors spend a good chunk of their time in their office, it makes sense why they would want to decorate it with personal touches. This doctor wanted to surround themselves with all sorts of cool art and we stand by their choice. The big poster that says, “Keep calm, I’m the doctor” is awesome and so is the painting. But we are more interested in the little sign that reads, “You will obey and wash your hands”. Now that’s a unique way to maintain hygiene!

Where’s Waldo

A couple of decades ago these paintings had taken over the market where people had to spot a man in a striped shirt and hat. Over the years people have used this concept for their Halloween costumes as well. But nobody really thought that Waldo could be of help in a doctor’s office. This dentist had one such “where’s Waldo” painting attached to the ceiling to keep his patients distracted while he probed their gums. That’s both creative and smart! We wonder if any of his patients were able to spot Waldo.

A Pen For Pregnancy

A Man took his pregnant wife for her first ultrasound. But instead of crying with joy and taking pictures of the ultrasound, he snapped a picture of the doctor’s pen. One look at the pen will explain why the man was more interested in it than his wife’s ultrasound. This pen has little sperms floating in it with an egg, trying to fertilize it. For anyone who doesn’t understand this, that’s how babies are made! We are in love with this doctor’s sense of humor. A pen that demonstrates pregnancy, you don’t see that every day!

Seeing A Sense Of Humor

Doctors can be very witty and this book is a prime example of that. “The Fine Art Of Prescribing Glasses” is a fine title in itself but the tag line attached to it makes it even funnier. All doctors should follow this guide and help patients get glasses, without making a spectacle of themselves! We are yet to see a better word play from the doctors! Is there anyone who doesn’t ‘see’ the doctor’s sense of humor here?

Dear Army Doctors

We don’t normally expect a wild sense of humor from anyone associated with the army. But these army doctors broke the stereotype with their epic patient satisfaction form. While the survey starts with pretty normal questions about how the patient was treated and if they feel satisfied with the overall care they were given. But it is the last question that turned the whole nature of the form. It is bold to ask patients to rate the moustache of the doctor on a scale of absent to inspirational!

Promotional Pocket Knife

Most businesses hand out flyers to catch the attention of potential customers. Doctors aren’t any different. They often use pens and business cards to advertise their practice. This one doctor did the unexpected by handing out pocket knives with details of his practice engraved. This vasectomy clinic is run by Dr. Snip and if that’s not funny to you, we don’t know what will be! The fact that a vasectomy clinic chose to advertise using pocket knives has taken the funny quotient to the next level. You can get snipping!

The Stork Has Delivered

According to popular German folklore, storks find babies in caves and bring them to households in baskets held in their beaks. We’ve all seen pictures in children’s books that depict this lore. One hospital used this popular tale to make their maternity ward more fun. The door to the nursery has this epic message attached, “Stork has delivered” and that the nursery window is open for viewing. The person who came up with this idea definitely knew his bedtime stories well.

From Feet To Colon

Doctors often hand out flyers to raise awareness about colon cancer. Bringing susceptible people for a check-up isn’t as easy as it sounds. They generally put up posters discussing who should be getting tested and why. This hospital did the same thing but with a completely different angle. Anyone who remembers wearing these high heeled shoes with snake skin is probably over 50 and makes for a good candidate to get their colon checked. We bet some old ladies chuckled sitting in the doctor’s office reminiscing about their time in these heels!

Dentist Themed Parking

When everything in the world is getting a themed makeover, why should parking spaces be left out? They deserve to hop on this trend too. That’s probably what this dentist thought when they put in the extra effort to change the ‘theme’ of the parking lot. The lines to specify parking areas were switched for a row of painted teeth. These molars are definitely bringing a smile to every person visiting the dentist. Perhaps that’s the plan because it’ll be way easier to look into their mouths when they are laughing!

Words Of Wisdom

People often visit the doctor to know how to lose weight. The doctors usually tell them to eat well and exercise regularly. That’s not what most people want to hear because well, they already know this. One doctor was so done with patients coming in looking for some magical advice that they hung up this epic poster on the wall. “I would do anything to be thin… except diet and exercise”, this sounds about right! Hopefully the patients stopped pestering the doctor for revolutionary methods to lose weight.

Perfect Pregnancy FAQ

Pregnant women and their spouses have a lot of questions for the OBYGN. Bringing a child into this world is magical but scary, so it is understandable that parents have endless questions. Sometimes doctors put up a general list of frequently asked questions with answers to aid these parents. This doctor did the same thing, with a twist! Their answers to the most common questions were unique, funny and downright ridiculous. Is anyone planning to have 35 kids or wants to know the right time to have an epidural? This list has you covered!

Surgery On The Table

It is hard to imagine how young kids pass time when they are hospitalized for some reason. The thought of a child in the hospital is heart breaking but sometimes, that’s the only way to get better. One person posted a picture of their two year old niece who was hospitalized. This little girls passes the time by playing operation with her doctor and Dora the explorer. The way all of them are scrubbed and following hospital protocols makes this all the more endearing.

The Wisdom Of Anesthesia

Anyone who has ever had a tooth removed knows that the anesthesia makes you disoriented. This man had his wisdom tooth removed and the dentist told him that he would take a funny picture when he was under anesthesia. He did not disappoint because when the picture was taken, the dentist seemed to have grown some hair and had pliers in his hands. We don’t know what effect the anesthesia had on him because no one in their right mind would smile at the person who was holding pliers to their face!

Delivering Bad News

Every doctor knows that delivering bad news to the patient’s family is one of the hardest things about the profession. It needs special skills because one insensitive statement can have adverse effects on the patient and their family. One medical student was attending a lecture on how to deliver bad news. The doctor ended it with this photo. The cute animals bear saddening news but together the combination is adorable. We aren’t sure if this photo helped the students very much but it surely created a laughing riot in the auditorium!

Nurse In Stitches

Nurses get bored doing the same thing day in and day out. Looking after the patients and closing them up after a surgery isn’t always fun. So what do they do when they want some entertainment at work? They use their medical knowledge to create such masterpieces on the patients. While stitching back a patient, the nurse decided to stitch ‘HAHAHAHA’. The precision with which this has been done means the nurse wasn’t joking around but the word itself is a joke!

Party With Prosthetics

This person went to meet their prosthesis doctor, not expecting this. The doctor stood there in the door with their prosthetic leg resting on the door knob. The barbed wire coupled with the attitude on the doctor’s face makes him look like a gangster! It looks like he is wearing it like a badge of a fight he won. That’s the positivity one needs while getting fixed with a prosthetic limb. On the other hand, could he have made it in his basement overnight?