This Is How A Foot Bath With Vinegar Can Actually Help You

With a vinegar bath, you can cure some frequent ailments

We might not pay much attention to our feet unless we feel an itch between our toes or during the sandal season. Have you ignored your feet for way too long, and is it time to correct this? Just treat yourself to a nice pedicure at home with water and vinegar. You can follow the instructions to do this given below.

Lessen swimmer’s eczema

Eczema is a common foot fungal infection, and it usually occurs on the soles and between the toes. This infection is not just picked up from the swimming pools as the name says, but it can be caused by other places too if you are walking around barefoot. This fungal infection can result in dry, itchy, and flakey skin or even blisters and inflammation. Because of the anti-fungal effect of vinegar, this substance with a strong smell can help cure fungal infection. Giving a regular bath to your feet in this helpful solution can alleviate symptoms and control the infection.

Bid goodbye to sweaty feet smell

The unpleasant odor of sweaty feet is caused due to a combination of bacteria and sweat that resides on your feet and in your shoes. Since vinegar is useful against both fungi and bacteria, you can utilize this solution to get rid of the notorious odor. By treating your feet with this vinegar bath occasionally, you will not block your nose after taking off your shoes. Rinse your feet thoroughly after the bath, as the smell of vinegar is liked by none.

A healer for dry feet and cracked heels

Apart from being repellent, chaps and dry feet can be painful and annoying. The acid content of the vinegar provides your dry feet with a fitting moisturizing treatment. Chances are that the skin in your feet area will feel comparatively smoother after a vinegar bath.

Vinegar bath for your feet

Treating your feet with a vinegar bath is as easy as pie. Take 1 large glass filled with vinegar and pour it in a basin or a bucket and add 2 large glasses of warm water to it. Repeat with the components in the same proportions until the tub has enough solution for your feet to completely dip inside it. The type of vinegar you use doesn’t matter. Soak your feet in this vinegar bath for about 10-20 minutes and then, dry them entirely. Make this bath for your feet regularly until the symptoms have abated.