This Is Why Your Local Supermarket Is The Most Entertaining Place In The World

If you have ever walked into a supermarket you know how it feels to walk into an alternate universe where people have embraced a chaotic lifestyle and questionable fashion sense. It is a place full of people dressed up like the most troubling and twisted characters of The Sims. If you have never met any such wacko, you are probably that wacko at the supermarket. While supermarkets may give you the impression that the walking dead have risen out of the dark dungeons to unleash the apocalypse on shoppers, you can’t come out of it without a funny story to tell. Some people exited their local supermarkets with the most epic clicks of these fashion-wrecks parading the aisles.

Cashier Going Bananas

There is no denying the fact that bananas are one of the best fruits out there. They are rich in potassium and you can eat them on the go! But why would someone buy dozens of them? Perhaps they are preparing to hide in a secret safe-house fearing the apocalypse or will be feeding an army of monkeys! We hope it is the latter because these ripe looking bananas aren’t going to last very long. The cashier seems equally amused by these bundles of bananas sitting on his counter. May lord gives him the patience to count them all!

The Sleeping Beauty

Waiting in line for your turn at the cash register can be pretty tiring. Hitting the snooze button sounds better than that but this woman found a way to do both, at once! She is saving her time and energy by taking a power nap inside of her shopping cart. Seems like she is sure that someone will wake her up when it’s her turn instead of bypassing her. She is a kind person who chose a cart instead of display-only beds for her nap so perhaps she’ll be rewarded with kindness too.

Perfectly Timed Word Play

Whether it is a pharmacy or a supermarket, we’ve all watched the security staff walking around the aisles at some point. But what happens when someone decides to whip out their “insecurity” sweatshirt for a grocery run? We aren’t sure if this guy wearing a black “insecurity” sweatshirt planned this photo but if he did, he’s a genius. In case this was not planned, kudos to the person who saw the contrast of two guys walking in matching yet different sweatshirts and clicked at the right moment. This is a true gem!

Leopard Print Onesies

Wearing matching outfits out and about is cute. But matching onesies in leopard print at the supermarket? Seems like a lot! Animal print becomes trendy ever so often that we don’t even notice when it goes out of style. But who really has the courage to wear head to toe leopard print while buying groceries? These women strutting their stuff in printed onesies don’t seem care what other shoppers think and that’s the confidence we need in our life!

A Frozen Stunt

Nobody said that supermarket store employees can’t take interest in acrobatics. But performing along the city block is one thing and inside a store, while on the job is a whole different ball game! This woman probably got bored restocking the shelves and helping the customers. We can’t blame her for that but we aren’t sure if striking a complicated gymnastic pose on the freezer is a good move. What if the glass breaks and she falls straight on the ice cream?

A Ride For Raccoon

We are always rooting for pet friendly stores but this one has taken it too far. Dogs and cats seem fine but how many people have we seen at a departmental store with their pet raccoon? The biggest blunder here is that this little guy is not on a leash but riding a woman’s shoulder! Is it really her pet or has this raccoon sneaked into the store and has claimed this poor lady as his slave? The latter seems unlikely but we can’t seem to fathom why someone would put themselves through this torture!

Dressed Like A Snack

If this isn’t the embodiment of the expression ‘looking like a snack’, we don’t know what is! He’s got his main course on the bottom and the dessert on the shirt but sadly, neither he nor we can actually eat it! While we can appreciate his love for food, this outfit is a fashion disaster. Too many patterns and colors are going on and the shoes are taking this mess to a whole new level. At least he’s got the confidence to wear this out in public!

The Claus Family

Elves might be on a strike but Mr. and Mrs. Claus are ready to save the spirit of Christmas. Kids will get their presents on time because the power couple in red suits is out shopping! From video games to coloring books, there’s nothing that a kid will desire and this place won’t provide. It is a supermarket after all! They might have been up the whole night visiting different branches to get every gift on the list but that’s just how Christmas shopping is like. By the way, did they park the reindeers outside?

A Salty Apology

If you are clumsy, going to the supermarket is like walking on a tight rope. Anything can happen when you are amid aisles full of glass jars and packets full of powdery stuff. What do you do if you break or spill something? You either call an employee or exit the scene sneakily to avoid all suspicion. One person chose a middle path here and escaped before being caught but left an apology behind. Etching ‘sorry’ in the powder you just spilled is probably not what the employee wanted but at least it made it to the internet!

Bathrobes In The Store

Trying to find time in your busy schedule to run errands is a nightmare. Every time you delay grocery shopping, you keep thinking about the depleting stock in your pantry. But how does one find time for this essential task? Learn from this couple! They have found the perfect time to make a run to the supermarket. Dressed in matching bathrobes, they seem to have stepped out of the shower and straight into the supermarket. It’ll take a lot of coaxing for us to get on board with this idea!

A Wild Goose Chase

People shop at supermarkets with all kinds of pets in tow. You may have seen dogs, cats, hedgehogs and rabbits in your local supermarket and you thought you’ve seen it all. How wrong! Here this woman has brought a goose on a leash to assist her in shopping for groceries. She may have the goose as a pet but since it is known to be a little wild, we can only hope she wasn’t being dragged along the aisles behind her seemingly ‘calm’ bird!

Yoga And Greens

If you have a friend who is a yoga enthusiast, you won’t bat an eyelid to this picture. They would just strike yoga poses whenever and wherever they please. This woman seems on board with that lifestyle. But what gives her the edge over other yoga fiends is that she is posing in front of an aisle of green vegetables at a supermarket. It doesn’t get healthier than that! Did she by any chance start the trend of taking photos at the supermarket while practicing yoga poses?

Ready To Wrestle

If this woman doesn’t belong in the Netflix series GLOW then we don’t know who does. Too bad they aren’t auditioning at this supermarket or else she would totally have been selected for a role! It isn’t clear if she can act or not but it won’t matter considering she’s wearing this artistic mask. Even the costume department won’t have to run around, thanks to her quirky outfit. The massive belt just clears any confusion one may have about her being a wrestler.

Freezer Diving

It’s not surprising that this picture ended on the internet. If you happen to pass a woman diving into a freezer at a supermarket, you’d also take a picture and post it online. But the big question is- what is she doing? There can be two possible justifications to this bizarre picture. Either this woman is trying to grab something from the bottom of the freezer or it’s too hot and she is trying to cool herself. We just hope she didn’t stay too long in there!

Raving About Ravers

People from all walks of life visit supermarkets to get things for the strange lives they live. From smartly dressed businessmen to cowboys, there is a lot of variety for a few hours of shopping and people watching. If you happen to see some ravers at the supermarket, consider your day made! You won’t be bored of standing in the checkout line if you have their colorful personas to look at. This girl’s pink platform shoes and rainbow leg warmers are giving us life even though they are a lot for grocery shopping!

Grandpa’s Fashion Walk

This seems like a normal photo of an old man perusing the aisles until you reach the bottom and see that he’s wearing high heels! He deserves a huge round of applause for his effort. People walking without canes also find it hard to work such heels but this grandpa is rocking it! We aren’t sure if it’s part of his regular attire or he’s prepping for his Halloween costume since he’s admiring the store’s mask collection. With his confidence, it doesn’t look like it’s his first time in heels though!

Tailing Fashion

Fashion is a strange thing and sometimes it changes even before people figure out what it was. People find themselves stuck in a cycle of constantly changing fashion that is mostly useless and you don’t even realize it is there. This man is a classic case of such a situation because if it’s not that then why does he have a black tail hanging out of his shirt? We bet he has no idea it is even there but for others it is presenting a fabulous opportunity to click!

The Dog Walker

That’s just a regular shopper who happens to bring three dogs with him to the supermarket! It should be normal for at least this branch since the cashier is unfazed by a dog sitting on top of a man’s head. Our best guess is that he is a professional dog walker and is trying to combine his job with some errands! It totally makes sense to bring dogs to the supermarket, there is so much space for them to walk and you can buy them treats too! We’re still unclear why a canine is resting on his shoulders though.

Cute Cart Chaos

Who hasn’t raced shopping carts in a supermarket as a kid? That was a part of childhood that we all want to relive but our age comes in the way. But not for this old couple! We are in love with the way grandpa is pushing this shopping cart and giving his woman a taste of her lost childhood. If being young-at-heart had a face, it would be of these two adorable seniors. The way they are casually going about their chaotic day without caring about camera holders is just perfect.

Parenting 101

This is a parenting lesson right here! Parents go to extreme lengths to teach their kids important lessons but how often do we see them wear embarrassing clothes out in public to remind them their fashion is bizarre? The story behind this picture is written on the man’s jacket and we are thankful for it! His little girl wanted to wear short shorts but the dad cut off his own jeans to this unacceptable length to tell his daughter how awful this fashion is. Kudos to this parenting tactic!

Cartless Shopping

This picture is confusing our brain cells like nothing else! What is this grandpa shopping for? This could either be for a parade or Christmas shopping for grandkids or perhaps he’s a marvel fan himself! Keeping his haul aside, we have to credit his innovation. Who knew wheelchairs could double as shopping carts? This man knows how to utilize his vehicle to the maximum capacity but that doesn’t mean we won’t be utterly flabbergasted if we saw him perusing the aisles at a supermarket!

Carting The Baby

It isn’t allowed to carry your babies in the cart with the groceries but does this count? This woman has her toddler safely tucked in the stroller and it just happens to be sitting inside the cart instead of on the floor where it might be in someone’s way. The technical detail here is being used to bend the rules but we are awe of this woman’s smart mind. New parents know the struggle of managing a baby stroller and a cart full of diapers at the same time. She’s a genius for this invention!

Flamin’ Hot Marketing

It’s not every day that we see people whip up their honed marketing skills inside a store. So this one right here is a treat, a Flamin’ Hot treat! Cheetos sure is taking their marketing tactics a notch higher. The costume is rather underwhelming keeping in mind how big of a brand Cheetos is but apart from that, the store employee does look endearing. Plus who are we kidding- nobody says no to some Flamin’ Hot Cheetos!

Arrive In Style

Some people are against the idea of leaving their pets in the car while they run errands. So often times they’ll bring them along for some adventure. This man did just that but in a lot cooler way! The dog is sitting in a stroller wearing the most stylish cap ever made and channeling the rapper vibe. This good boy is not coming in anyone’s way and looks much calmer than any child one would come across in a supermarket. We hope the officer just stopped them to say hello!

The Lizard Love

Of course it is completely normal to wear a hairclip that looks like a giant lizard is crawling over your head. Also it is not weird to bring your pet lizard to the supermarket full of edible things that can be potentially poised by reptiles. We aren’t sure if this is a real lizard or a plastic one but we’d rather be alarmed by a scary toy than be poised with a pet reptile. But we need the answer to one big question- what was the first reaction of the person who clicked this picture?

Scared For Life

Supermarkets sell a bunch of stuff that can be pretty dangerous sometimes but we don’t expect these things to land in the kitchenware section. This grandma realized she has enemies hidden amid utensils at her local supermarket. She came across a product called Nana Slicer! While her expressions are on point with the name of this invention, we can all breathe a sigh of relief since it isn’t meant to slice poor old women. Graphic designers just forgot to write BA before Nana and changed the whole meaning!

Conga Line For Shoppers

Many people think that the Conga Line is lame but telling that to these shoppers might lead to some fist fights! These people are so obsessed with this novelty dance that they want to practice it everywhere, even when they are driving around at a supermarket. While their zeal is admirable, this isn’t the place for practicing this dance. Other shoppers have a hard time navigating when there is one electric cart and here they have four!

Easter Bunny In Store

It isn’t uncommon for big stores to hire people dressed in cute costumes to attract children towards the toys. But having someone dressed as Easter Bunny walking through the aisles is a sure shot was to spoil the magic of Easter for little kids. Or perhaps this is just a customer prepping for Easter. But here’s the problem with that theory- this bunny isn’t in the chocolate section! Whatever be the explanation behind this picture, let’s just hope we don’t see a tooth fairy collecting dollars from the cash register!

Post-Shopping Warm Up

Standing in the check-out line waiting for your turn is extremely boring. This woman found a way to utilize that time in doing something that she would have done after the shopping trip anyway- stretching her legs for a vigorous workout! We bet she is heading to the gym straight after her grocery run. She probably is running short on time and doesn’t want to waste much time on a warm-up at the gym. Her solution is rather unconventional but it saves her time, so why not?

A Super-Ballerina

What would happen if Superman retired from his job of saving the world and decided to pursue ballet instead? Nobody needs to imagine this bizarre scenario since the result is already here in this picture! The world is already crazy about Superman comics and if they created one with this storyline, we can only imagine the sales breaking all records! A ballerina who can fly or a superhero who can dance with utmost grace, sounds like a blockbuster to us. Here’s hoping they don’t shoot it in a supermarket!

Cowboys On The Loose

This picture is the perfect representation of the old meeting the modern. This man seems to have come from the Wild West and straight into a supermarket. It is free world and everyone can shop wherever they want, wearing whatever they want. It is easy to understand that nobody did a double take at this man’s Wild West looks. But how can the cashier not freak out seeing a dog wearing a tiny cowboy hat? The puppy is adorable and we love its hat but that doesn’t mean our jaws won’t drop seeing this!

A Wild Ride

The best part about supermarkets is that you don’t even have to walk inside to start seeing strange things! Sometimes the parking lot is full of gems like these to ponder over for your entire shopping experience. We are not sure you can actually buy such a hybrid vehicle and the thought of getting it custom made doubles our horror. It won’t make sense to drive one of these when it starts to snow or rain. So what’s the point of this car or motorcycle or whatever this monstrosity is!

Loving the “Elf”

We don’t know who this woman is and where she came from but one thing is clear- she would watch “Elf” instead of “Home Alone” on Christmas. In case they decide to make a gender swap, it is pretty clear who will play the main lead. Her costume is spot-on and she even has the shoes matched to the original. Going by her expressions, it won’t be a surprise if she has every line from the classic by heart.

The Clean Cut

We haven’t come across anyone who would step out of the shower and head straight to buy fish! But that doesn’t mean nobody does it, take this young lady for example. She looks like she just finished washing her hair and didn’t even wait for it to dry out. For all we know she might be craving some salmon and doing her hair just wasn’t a priority. Lady, we understand your love for fish but you don’t want that stench stuck on your freshly washed wet hair!

Weiner In The Parking

This one isn’t inside a store but right outside one so it qualifies. Plus how often do we see a hotdog shaped vehicle in a parking lot? This strangely shaped vehicle is known as a weinermobile. These cars have been used since the ‘30s to advertise Oscar Mayer products. Thanks to its weird shape, it proved to be a great promotional tool for the company. They still bring joy to anyone who loves hotdogs but in case you aren’t from the states, this scene will leave you confused!

Acrobats In The House

Having two people with animal masks on their faces, performing some complicated acrobatics in the frozen foods section doesn’t reflect on the brand’s image in any way. Are they cleaners or professional dancers hired to perform or just some regular customers? These two are confusing our brains but their pose is outstanding. Let’s assume this was the supermarket’s Thrilling Thursday act. But does this furry animal dance make sense? No. Are we complaining? Absolutely not!

Canines V/S Felines

If we were to make a Venn diagram of cat lovers and dog lovers, they might be two separate circles with no overlapping whatsoever. But this girl might change the charts! She is a dog owner but her love for cats or at least “hello kitty” is out for the world to see. We are okay with lounging in bright pink kitty themed PJs while you pamper your dog but there’s just one problem here. This girl forgot she’s not in her bedroom but inside a supermarket!

A Supermarket Proposal

Supermarkets are huge stores with interesting things happening near every aisle. But it isn’t often that we witness a proposal at this place. This guy proposing to his girl near the clothing clearance rack is a new one for us. Did he buy the ring at the supermarket or is he just proposing her there? We don’t know their story, perhaps their first meeting was at the clothing section of this supermarket. Let’s not judge them but proposing at the Disney World is more our speed, just saying!

The Human Mop

Is that an employee who ran out of mops to clean the floor? Or is it just another parent totally done with their kid’s tantrums? It is unclear what transpired before this child ended up dragging behind an electronic cart driven around supermarket aisles but any explanation would be insufficient for this view! The person who clicked this picture was either a parent themselves or just someone with a strange sense of humor. But we still can’t get over the fact that this man is on a call, completely disregarding the child in tow!

The Beard Fountain

A passing look at this man won’t raise your eyebrows. That’s just an old man wearing a furry scarf around his neck, strange with a summer shirt but not that weird. Look again, that’s not a “scarf”! That white fur is actually sprouting from this old man’s neck! Looks like his beard missed the address by a few inches. We aren’t sure how this strange thing happened to him but it was definitely worth a click. Going by his expressions, seems like he’s been clicked like this many times before without his consent!

A Foxy Avatar

Can this be a real life fox version of spider-man? Perhaps a fox bit this person and he started growing a tail and some fur. Marvel Universe needs a new member after the strange events of Endgame and Fox-Man could fill the void left by everyone’s favorite Avenger. Though this idea is mind blowing, a parallel possibility is that this man plays the part of a fox in some theatre show and in his haste to run some errands forgot to change out of the outfit. Either way a great moment was captured at a boring supermarket!

A Recycled Outfit

Was she trying to steal clothes from the store but had to run without them? Did she mistake the appliance section for clothing racks? There can be multiple scenarios of how this woman ended up wearing a cardboard box in a supermarket but none of them make sense. For our own sanity we’d like to believe that she was participating in a fancy dress competition and on her way back decided to pick some groceries. With her hands holding up her cardboard dress, it doesn’t seem like she can actually shop but who are we to judge?

An Existential Crisis

We had no clue that a single picture could raise so many different questions. Is she an employee at this store or a customer? Is that a tester or did she crank open a fresh bottle of nail-paint remover? Why is she sitting on a floor where hundreds of people walk every day? Why are the other shoppers unperturbed by her? Our best guess is that she is new mom who has lost all sense of time and place due to lack of sleep. In her mind she’s at a fancy salon getting her nails done but in reality she’s in this sad situation!

The Ripped Fashion

Fashion is climbing a crazy hill with new trends taking this craziness a notch higher every month. The ripped jeans trend has been going strong for a few years but this man has taken it a bit too far. The way these jeans are ripped right from this man’s behind, it just defeats the purpose! But we have to talk about his kindness towards other shoppers. He is wearing a layer underneath his jeans to shield us from a cruel view that we won’t have forgotten for years. He deserves a round of applause for this act of kindness!