This New Way of Getting Pregnant Has Left This Same-sex Couple Baffled!

Parenthood is the most cherished joy that a couple can have in their relationship. Kids evolve as the bind that adds to their love to a great extent. They bring along the delight of shared responsibility and belonging. Not just parenthood but the journey to parenthood is also worth taking. The hurdles and complications of pregnancy get on the board as a real test of the relationship. They either end up making or breaking the love mirror. Couples who manage to emerge victorious in this test see their love taking on another note. 

Therefore, one can see couples longing to welcome their little nugget into their world. However, not all of them stand lucky enough on that note. Burgeoning health issues are getting into the scene as an impediment. The mushrooming fertility centers warrant that fact. The issue becomes more cumbersome when it comes to same-sex couples. They have to take unusual notes to live that dream. It demands them to jostle between clinics and labs to have the matter advancing in a favorable direction. Therefore, the achievement of becoming parents is no less than touching heaven for same-sex couples. Ashleigh and Bliss Coulter also felt on top of the world when they welcomed their baby. Let us tune in to their journey to parenthood.

Parenthood Consensus

Bliss and Ashleigh could see their relationship standing on a delightful note with their consensual decision of parenthood. Nobody would deny that it matters the most in a happy-go-lucky relationship. Luckily, they did not have to go through the ordeal after their marriage like many couples. However, their case was also not bereft of hurdles. After all, their case was unique and required much more than in case of ordinary couples.

Therefore, it was time for them to find ways to deliver on their desire. They had to look for suitable questions to their doubts. Not just that, they had to come up with a plan to make that happen in the best way. But where were they to start? How were they to take on that?

Analysis Time

Parenthood demands different from every individual. In many cases, things are a bit easier. On the other hand, many couples face the worst of the matter. Therefore, couples have to find a way for bringing that joy into their life. Bliss and Ashleigh were also facing a similar situation. They had their issues spiking their way to parenthood. Therefore, it was time for them to accept those challenges and look forward.

The crucial questions were vibrating and demanding answers from them. One of them was who would carry the baby. What was the procedure they needed to undergo to conceive? Not only that, but did they also want the kid to be biologically theirs? Or would they prefer to take the adoption way to welcome their little nugget?   

A Matter Of Choice

Different persons want different things on their way to parenthood. Ashleigh and Bliss also had their desires. They had the option of picking up a donor and a surrogate. Not just that, they could also choose to adopt a child. However, the couple was sure that they wanted their biological child. But then who would carry the child? Taking on that part, Ashleigh was more than happy to embrace the responsibility.

She always wanted to live that delight. Therefore, pregnancy blues did not deter her from desiring parenthood. But Bliss was not up for that role. She wanted to have a biological child but did not want to go through pregnancy. Therefore, it was unambiguous that Ashleigh was to carry the child in their case. But they were more questions that needed answers.

Shared Views

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the fairy of luck was all smiling at the two love birds. Many crucial questions found their answers without any hassles in their case. Ashleigh was all up to endure pregnancy. Her partner Bliss was more than happy to have her cherish that delight. Not just that, they also wanted to have their biological child. Therefore, things were set for them. However, was it possible for them to have their biological child?

The two women wanted to be mothers to the same child. Can nature allow this? They were pinning their hopes on the wonders of science. Something stupendous was bubbling in the line of their destiny. Let us check out what was waiting for them on the other end.

Not New

The couple was arraying their stars to parenthood. Both women wanted to be a part of the pregnancy journey. To their delight, they had a way before them. One of them could donate her eggs. Another partner could be a surrogate. Therefore, they could be there with each other and welcome their biological child together. But that was not all with them. They wanted to take it to another level. They both wanted to contribute to carrying the child.

That made them stand out. But they were not the first ones to have that thought. Someone had also desired that before them. Therefore, did that mean they could live their parenthood dream? What was the way out for them?

Fertility Boon

Thanks to the wonders of science, it is no more a dream for women to cherish motherhood. From single mothers to ones facing fertility issues, all of them can bring their hearts to life with their kids. That delight comes with the services of In Vitro Fertilization. Under this process, fertilization of an egg and sperm takes place in the lab. After fertilization, experts transfer the embryo to the woman’s womb.

However, this process does not promise a success rate of 100%. Apart from that, it also demands its clients to shell out a considerable amount of money to undertake the process. But it was a ray of hope for Ashleigh and Bliss to live their dream. Did it come up successfully in their case? Or did they also face issues and failures in their bid to become parents?

Search For Solution

Nothing can stand up to the joy of bringing life into the world. It goes a long way in giving humanity its essence. Not just that, it also helps in exploring one’s better version. Therefore, Ashleigh and Bliss also did not want to lose out on that note. They wanted to complete their marital life with the best in kind delights of the world. Adding to that, they also wanted to share every moment of their journey in the best way.

But to shape their dream, they need help to come to the other end. For that, they had to put in their effort. Therefore, they did not waste any second and started to bring out the best in that part. Apart from that, they also started to take on out-of-the-box ways. They did not give up on that part. To their delight, they found an ounce of relief in 2017.   

Meet The Doc Angels

Moving ahead, they started scouring the medical realm to find an answer to their parenthood desire. Taking on that, they ended up fixing appointments with many doctors. They began to discuss their case in detail. The couple knew the bodily constraints involved in their case. How can two women start a family together? Finally, they got their port of call. It had a few answers of relief for them. Two fertility experts were up to help them out on that part.

They were Dr. Kathy Doody and Dr. Kevin Doody. The two experts at CARE Fertility in Bedford (Texas) were trying out to come up with a technology to alter the fertility equation in the human world forever. But would they be able to help out the couple with their pregnancy? What solution did they offer?

Another IVF Way

The fertility experts were trying their best to bring their effortless technique into action. Though the process is similar to IVF, it has its unique facets. In this process, there is no need for an incubator. The fertilization process does not need to occur in the lab. On the other hand, the fertilization process takes place inside a device called INVOcell. Experts place it into the woman’s body. It is there that the embryo starts growing. Therefore, one can say that it is a way to let the baby grow in a natural environment.

But that is not all about this process. Many other fascinating elements also stand on the board. They were to go a long way in helping the couple have the best on the pregnancy note. Let us check out how and to what extent this process helped them.

Night Discussion

The advancement in the scientific domain in recent times has gone a long way in making human life better. It has cemented its narrative by cutting down on the besets lurking around. Delivering more on that part, many new startups and technology elements have evolved in the scene. Effortless IVF is also one such phenomenal work in the fertility science stream. But the experts did not pick it up for the couple until their late-night discussion.

They were at their home when they struck their conservation on the couple’s case. Then, Dr Kathy came up with the idea to use it in their case. Dr Kevin also agreed with her on that note. Not just that, the idea also added to the couple’s joy by bringing down the cost of the procedure to half the usual IVF process. Therefore, the decision regarding effortless IVF came on board for the couple.

The Newbie

The couple was not in the mood to drop out on anything that could help them with the desire to start a family together. They wanted to have the best on that part. But one cannot deny that there are always reservations about new procedures with few takers for them. The couple must also have them in their mind. Therefore, were they ready to be a part of the experiment? Was that the answer by God to their family dream?

The love birds were sitting on the other end, holding on to their hearts. They were listening to the experts with utmost patience. According to Ashleigh, they were a bit nervous about it. But Dr. Kathy’s confidence in the process went a long way in winning their faith in the procedure. No doubt, new things do bring a wave of thrill. Therefore, they were going through a mix of excitement and nervousness.   

A New Start

Finally, it was time for the couple to start the process on the right note. They were excited to inch a bit toward their family dream. It all started with Bliss undergoing a simulation of her ovaries. After that, egg harvest followed. The fertilization process started in her body. After five days, they removed the device from her body. Then, they went ahead to freeze the embryos. Would step one succeed in one go for in case of the couple?

To their delight, the magic worked. The fertilization process struck on success notes in the first go. The experts could then go ahead to see the fertilized eggs transforming into embryos. Therefore, it looked decent till then. But was the success streak to follow in the future for the couple? 

Second Move

The success of the first step brought cheers to the couple and experts. According to Dr. Kathy, it was not surprising because no incubator could stand up to the natural environment inside a mother’s body. There are livers, kidneys, and lungs. Therefore, there is no need for one to arrange for these services. Adding to that, the natural environment is also the best for the baby to grow. Thus, there were happy that the baby got the best in the initial phase.

After the success of the first step, it was time to move to the second step. The experts then needed to transfer the embryo from Bliss to Ashleigh. It was time for Ashleigh to contribute her part and live her dream of carrying their baby. But would she be able to cherish a delightful time with their baby like Bliss?    

No Certainty

Getting pregnant is no less than scaling a hill for many couples. After all, luck is not sure to come to all love birds. They have to endure much heartbreak when it comes to the methods of conception. Therefore, it was a big feat for Ashleigh and Bliss. The effortless IVF worked for the couple in the best way. We can say that for at least the first phase of the procedure. But it is still not time for celebrations because many crucial steps were lying ahead.

Experts were all set to transfer the baby to another mother. Ashleigh was to carry their love charm for the left time. However, like reciprocal IVF, this technique also does not promise any success. Thus, uncertainty was still shrouding the couple’s family dream. Would it go ahead on a smooth note?  

Success In Row

Heavens were all smiling at the couple. Doctors pushed their delight to another note by breaking the success of the second step to the love birds. They were all over the moon with the report of their baby growing inside Ashleigh. Therefore, they could don the crown of lucky parents even before the birth of their baby. Ashleigh cherished the pregnancy news in the first go. It is the joy that many mothers long to live with during their pregnancy struggles.

Finally, Ashleigh could live her dream of getting pregnant. She could see the best evolving on the board for their baby. Not just that, the lucky stars were also aligning themselves in the fascinating row. But how exactly was Ashleigh feeling after receiving their baby in their womb?

Pregnancy Feels

Ashleigh was over the moon with the pregnancy news. Many mothers have to face painful experiences and changes when they go through pregnancy. However, Ashleigh was lucky enough on that note. To her delight, things went smoothly. Her three trimesters did not push her into extreme pain and hardship. Their baby grew without any worries in her womb. The positive progress also gave her a boost during her pregnancy.

The mother cherished her pregnancy journey to a great extent. Not just that, but she also misses being pregnant. Thus, their little star did not give her a tough time. Both of them cherished each other’s company. Apart from that, she also had the love and support of her partner Bliss. For Ashleigh, it was no less than a blessing. She cannot stop talking about her beautiful journey with her family.  

Cutie Boy

The wait finally got over. The couple saw their life blooming when the wails of their little nugget broke out. They welcomed a cute baby boy weighing 84 pounds. With that, they saw their dream shimmering with the best in the world. Cheers to the doctors also who brought that miracle to life! Not just that, but the couple also provided an essence to that note by christening their son Stetson. The name celebrates him as a miracle boy.   

Not just that, they also pamper him like their little cowboy. For the couple, it is the best they have in their life. Adding to that, they also see the journey varnishing their joy of parenthood. They bask under the warmth of luck with the process touching on the success note in one go. No doubt, they are going to breathe into beautiful memories throughout their life.

Coming Together

The journey of parenthood becomes awful when there is mistrust and incompatibility between partners. Not just that, their strenuous relationship also takes a toll on the growth and well-being of the child. Looking through that angle, Stetson is indeed a lucky boy. His parents are in love with each other. That is also one of the reasons that rendered the complex procedure easier and more successful in their case. They shouldered responsibilities and pain to live the best of their journey.

Ashleigh was not alone when she was carrying the child. Bliss stood by her through the ups and lows. She tried to ease the matter to a great extent. As a result, Ashleigh could cherish smooth and hassle-free pregnancy months. Bliss also does not shy away from appreciating that fact. She credits her partner for the beautiful birth of their baby.      

Making A Family

After the birth of their boy, the two women saw their family life attaining its best possible notes. Since 2018, they have been adjusting to the new and beautiful changes in their life. Taking on that note, they raise their little nugget with unbounded love and care. Not just that, they are also seeing their bond getting stronger with their boy in their lap. They are setting new and heart-winning couple goals for others around them.

Their social media accounts shed light on that part in the best way. They go a long way in celebrating their relationship openly. Taking on that part, they present themselves as madly in love with each other. Apart from them, one can also see their boy living the best moments of his childhood. His happy and infectious smile says a lot about that part.     

Dreamy Life

Stetson is the dream that they always adorned ever since they came together. They are celebrating the best of their love life with their boy. They are grateful to all those who made it possible for them. The magic of technology is one of them. It is no less than a wonder that two women carried their baby during the pregnancy term. Bliss started the process by lending her eggs and carrying the baby for five days.

After that, Ashleigh took over and nurtured him for the coming nine months in her womb. What can be a more beautiful part of a relationship for a couple than this? Stetson got to grow inside the body of both parents. Therefore, women and their baby cherished their involvement through the term in the best possible way. Not just that, they also cherished the joy of being the first on the line in the region.    

Historical Indeed

Not only the parents, but the doctors have also created history in that field. Dr. Kevin Doody and Dr. Kathy Doody at The Center for Assisted Reproduction cherished the best phase of their career with the success of the effortless IVF procedure. For them, it was no less than an honor. Kathy was happy that they made it possible for two women partners to carry their child physically. Queer couples can now look forward to starting a family on a more positive note.   

Apart from that, Kevin also celebrated the technique as more accessible and affordable. Couples need not shed a humongous amount of money like that in reciprocal IVF. Not just that, it is also better because it provides the baby with a natural environment to grow. Therefore, parents can also see their children growing naturally through IVF!

Setting Precedent

The joy of embracing parenthood does not restrict itself to the couple only. It gets around stirring a ray of hope for other couples. Many couples reel under the agony of conception failure. Bodily constraints also fall in place to worsen the matter. The success story of these women has opened the door wide enough for others to try out the procedure.  Not just that, they have also set a precedent for LGBTQ partners around the corner. They can also see their babies living the best of the world.

The doctors are also happy about the process as a way for the community to live the dream. But what about the community? How did they receive the news? Did they also accept this as their way to parenthood? Is their world ready for this change?

Ambivalence Around

This is a big change. Therefore, one cannot expect people to accept it with open arms in one go.  Many people have welcomed technological advancement. But people still have reservations about it. According to Dr. Kevin, doctors do not like changes. Therefore, they would not accept the technology with ease and no reluctance. But Ashleigh and Bliss can go a long way in bolstering change waves with their heartening story of parenthood.

New technology is hard to accept in one go. People do not get ahead with the breakthrough without any doubts. But the community can see a rejuvenating change blooming around with Ashleigh’s and Bliss's love story. Their little nugget also adds to that part.    

Cost Efficient

Cost also matters when it comes to medical procedures. Not all people can take up the baton of parenthood by shedding huge amounts of money. Many fertility centers and technology are making waves in the domain. But nothing is worth it if the cost is too high. However, Ashleigh and Bliss did not lose much as compared to the reciprocal IVF. The effortless IVF procedure left them with a lesser money bill.

They spent $8000 on the fertility procedure. On the other hand, the cost hovers somewhere between $15000 and $ 20000 in the case of reciprocal IVF. One can attribute the cost increase to the use of incubators involved in the latter process. Therefore, one can pin one’s hope on the rise of effortless IVF as a better way. Meanwhile, the Coulter family is breathing into the best of their family life.