Every girl starts dreaming about their perfect wedding dress and wedding from the day they meet their dreamy forever guy. Brides spend a lot of time, money and research in order to find the perfect dress for their special day. Your dress can certainly make or break your wedding day and it is such a blessing when you find that specific dream dress that makes you feel like the most beautiful princess in the world.
Another very important choice for your wedding day is to hire the best photographer available in order to guarantee amazing photos of your special day and dress.
Take a look at these ugly wedding dresses you won’t believe people wore
The Digital Era
Can you believe that this wedding dress deserved a walk down the runway? We’re not sure if those are bars of soap attached to the dress or a bunch of white computer mouses. Either way, this dress will most certainly not be my choice for my special day. We know that we are living in the digital era, but really this is a bit too much.

Runway or Run Away?
This dress looks sleek and sassy on the runway and might make a fun and flirty cocktail dress. However, flashing your upper thighs while walking to the altar is a surefire way to raise a few eyebrows. All that classy lace detailing does nothing to deter the eye from taking in all that exposed flesh, which is not very becoming for a bride on her wedding day. And the feathery sleeve cuffs aren't doing the style any favors, either!

The Orange Sherbet Swirl Wedding Dress
Never has there ever been a wedding dress that’s so orange. It looks like her dress was made from swirls of cotton candy or orange sherbet ice cream. The orange sort of makes you think a lot about another institution's colour scheme, but let’s not go there. This bridal couple looks quite happy with their choice though.

The Octopus Wedding Dress
It looks like this octopus wedding dress done by Haya Al Houti may be one of the ugliest wedding dresses on this list. But if you’ve always dreamt of walking down the aisle looking like Ursula from “The Little Mermaid,” you’re all set. We wonder what was this bride’s motivation for picking this theme.

The Belly On This One
Walking down the aisle pregnant can be stunning. Nobody glows like a pregnant bride. However, you may not want to emphasize the baby bump by cutting out a giant hole in the middle of your dress. This is a definite no no, nobody should be caught dead in a dress like this.

The Crocheted Tampon Wedding Dress
We must have missed the issue of Redbook that said dressing like a giant crocheted tampon for your wedding is in. This bride looks like she’s begging and praying that someone will rescue her from this hideous dress. We are almost sure that her monster-in-law had something to do with the choice of this one.

The Poppin’ Balloon Wedding Dress
The designer must have been out of breath after creating this dress made up of tiny balloons. It looks like something you'd see at a kid's party, not a wedding. But if they all pop, the bride will have an epic wardrobe malfunction. She’d better not sit down in this outfit.

It's All In The Details
This dress has so much potential with its classic A-line silhouette and beautifully sculpted sweetheart neckline. Why would someone ruin it with those awkward looking black flowers? Also distracting from an otherwise classy wedding dress are the boxy-looking silver straps, which look like a tacked-on afterthought.

The Face Wedding Dress
Jean Paul Gaultier is known for bringing something special with his interesting designs. But we’re not sure why he decided to stick a face on the front of a wedding dress. We bet it costs a fortune, but who would want to wear this?

The Shredded Wedding Dress
It looks like the groom just pulled her out of an airplane engine, but sadly the dress didn’t make it. Let this be a lesson to all of you. Start saving for a wedding dress early in life so you can afford a complete dress that hasn’t been through the wringer.

Bathroom Déor Collection
No need to worry about love handles when wearing this shower curtain inspired wedding gown from this year's colorful spring collection. This dress looks like it was stolen from a bathtub with its shapeless design and floral print. Maybe it comes with a matching loofa bouquet and a nice bottle of bubble bath.

I Believe I Can Fly
These oversized bell-shaped sleeves would be terrifying around candles and a real nightmare at the dining table. Although the dress fits her well, the sleeves give it a comical look, like more of a costume than a wedding gown. Just add a halo and she makes a lovely angel.

Out of This World
At first glance, it's hard to tell if this is a wedding dress or some space-age material containing alien hieroglyphs. The mosquito netting around her waist helps capture small organic protein bundles needed for sustenance. This is not the type of bridal gown appropriate for a country church wedding but might be a perfect fit for sci-fi inspired nuptials.

The Wedding Dress That Won’t Hold Up
She’s a lovely bride and the dress isn’t quite so bad. The only complaint we have is that the top isn’t holding the bride’s "girls" up very well. But from the looks of it, the groom doesn’t seem to mind. Why in the world didn’t anybody help this poor girl to make a better choice.

Sad Vintage Bride
If you don't mind looking like a 1960’s kitchen chair, this could be your wedding dress. For the artistic bride, it would also make a stylish smock. The maternity silhouette is also very forgiving to those post-holiday pounds plaguing January and February brides.

The Most Economic Dress
Whoever designed this dress must have been inspired by Pam Anderson’s bikini bridal dress, which left very little to the imagination. Can you imagine how distracted everyone must have been throughout the ceremony? We wonder whether this was for real or a terrible prank.

Wedding Dress In The Hood
Most wedding dresses are kind of dull being all fluffy and white. So, this couple decided a graffiti-style wedding dress with the name "Wifey" on the back would stand out in the wedding photos. That it most certainly does, but sadly for all the wrong reasons.

Wardrobe Malfunction
Could this be another embarrassing case of the dress caught in the underwear or is there just something missing here? Arguably, there are a couple of things missing like for example the front panel of the dress. When choosing the perfect bridal gown seek out a design that doesn't have you flashing your unmentionables to the guests of honor sitting in the front row.

The Wannabe Louis Vuitton Wedding Dress
It’s as if a regular wedding dress and a Christmas gift wrapping got together and made a baby. The bride looks more like a decorated Christmas tree than a sparkling happy bride, and no bride should ever have to feel like that.

The Wrong Side of Wild
Animal print is not something you'll find on most wedding gowns unless it's a Quinceanera gown or evening gown passed off as a bridal gown. This ensemble appears to be a zebra print jacket thrown on over an out-grown Sunday school dress. Satin ballroom gloves don't add an ounce of elegance, just an extra layer of tackiness.

The Way Too Fluffy Wedding Dress
The designer put so much fluffy material in the back of the dress that it’s like a freaking airbag. But he seems to have forgotten to add enough material in the front, making this bride look more like a beauty queen. The trail of the dress consists of much more fabric than the dress itself.

The Mardi Gras Wedding Dress
If her goal was to be a pageant queen at Mardi Gras, then she’s all set. We love the belly dancing get-up. But it's not appropriate for a wedding, don’t you think? Maybe a little more coverage would have done the trick. On the other hand, we don’t think that anything or one can rescue this dress.

Chick Stole My Look
This wedding dress is so unusual it surely can't be found anywhere else. Yet something about it seems so familiar... Perhaps a similar look has appeared at some point in a nature documentary. If you're hoping to hide a baby bump, upper arm flaps or those love handles that three different diets couldn't seem to conquer, just surround yourself with shapeless fluff.

The Victoria’s Secret Wedding Dress
Well, you’ll certainly give everyone at the wedding quite a show. Just think of the aisle as your runway. Now work it, girl! You’re already showing everything else. Might as well show them your moves too. Absolutely no imagination is needed with this so-called dress. Apparently, this bride has more confidence than brain cells.

French Maid Outfit
This "wedding dress" is so outlandish it must have a crazy story behind it. Maybe a corporate client on a business trip to Vegas has fallen madly in love with his escort, who had to throw together a sexy French Maid outfit at the last minute. She was in such a hurry to leave, she forgot all about the deep conditioning treatment still in her hair.

The Redneck Wedding Dress
This bride might be wearing a camouflage dress, but she’s still going to stick out like a sore thumb. And we’re not just saying that because of the orange ribbon belt or the dress underneath. We guess that their honeymoon destination is no secret.

The Bowl Wedding Dress
The dress might be ugly, but at least they have each other. Good thing too. There aren’t too many people who would say "I do" wearing a dress that looks like three huge paper bowls put together. What on earth inspired this look?

The Cupcake Wedding Dress
Wearing a cupcake dress is one way to get people to come to your wedding. That poor bride!. She looks like she’s getting ready to marry Willy Wonka at his chocolate factory. Her passion in life is undeniably cupcakes.

Ethereal Wedding Gown
Contrary to popular belief, this is not an apparition of a bride who fell overboard during her wedding cruise and drowned in fishing nets. These tattered rags are part of a real wedding gown -- one that would make a great Halloween costume for a zombie bride, ghost bride or perhaps a bohemian princess.

The Furry Wedding Dress
No poodles were harmed in the making of this dress. It’s a little over the top and one of the ugliest wedding dresses we’ve seen, but we also wouldn't be able to look away if we had been invited to the big event. We don't see this look making it on an issue of The Modern Bride. We bet the groom loved this “bunny girl” look though.

The Diaper Wedding Dress
Looks like this bride has babies on her mind and she hasn’t even walked down the aisle yet. But we’ll bet this diaper dress will be a hit with wedding guests who need to change their babies' diapers. They certainly don’t have to go very far to get one. How ridiculous and desperate can a person get to wear such a dress?

The "Wrap" Dress
Walking in this dress must be a total nightmare. She looks like she’s the living embodiment of a napkin at a fancy restaurant or a genie smoking out of a lamp. Either way, it’s a total wedding fail. On top of the failure of a dress the bride forgot to do her hair and make-up as well.

The Skin-Tone Wedding Dress
This bride looks like she went out in the middle of winter without any clothes on and got into a snowball fight. We’re not sure if the fabric is skin-tone or see-through but either way, it’s a total eyesore. Less is not always more.

The Zestfully Revealing Wedding Dress
The dress is full of vim and vigor, but it seems to be missing a lot of material. This bride is showing way too much for people's comfort. It’s like we’re Superman and we can’t turn off our X-ray vision. Can any person be so desperate for attention, even negative attention.

There may be a pretty dress underneath all that fabric. While non-traditional dresses are usually cool, we’re not sure if there’s a market for something this…extravagant. We’re calling Tim Burton now. We really hope that this couple’s married life will be more colorful than this black dress.

Don't Say Yes to the Dress
Unless your wedding venue is the Moonlight Bunny Ranch, this wedding dress could get you arrested for indecent exposure or give your wedding video an NC-17 rating. Yikes! Is that skirt attached to something? Just say no to this dress!

Poofy Dress
Usually the puffy part comes at the bottom of the dress. This is almost like a reverse dress. It does have one thing going for it, though, it sure looks good to take a nap in. Maybe this girl is expecting multiple babies and needs to hide a mountain of a baby bump.

The Wedding Dress That’s So Lit
Every bride deserves to look like a Disney princess on her special day. But when the bride puts this on, it’ll look like she accidentally sat on a colony of lightning bugs who are flying up to her dress. This is more of a case of “don’t let the bedbugs bite”.

High Waisted
Simple gowns are great, but…wait…what’s that around her hips? Does she have a lampshade under there? Quite possibly, but not likely. Whatever is hiding under that dress, better stay right there.

The All-Too Revealing Wedding Dress
If this bride wanted to turn heads at her wedding, mission accomplished. It’s so revealing that it leaves tradition in the dust. We can’t help but wonder what the father of the bride thought about this. This looks like a true Las Vegas drive through wedding.

Not So Pretty in Pink
A blush wedding dress shouldn't make your guests do the same. Sexy lingerie wrapped in tulle isn't a great look for the altar but could certainly put a smile on the groom's face once the wedding night rolls around. This dress can easily double up as a great costume for a party as well.

Mama June
When Mama June and Sugar Bear – of down-home reality show Here Comes Honey Boo Boo fame – renewed their wedding vows in 2012, the former’s dress was certainly #OnBrand. The matriarch was decked out in full camouflage, including the” safety” orange hunters are legally required to wear.

Human Hair Dress
This woman wanted something a little different for her gown… something a little more Silence of the Lambs and less Disney princess. This custom gown was sewn from 250 meters of human hair. Yes, that’s real human hair. Why? Don’t ask us. There is something very dark and scary about this theme.

The Everything Dress
There is just so much going on with this dress, it’s hard where to start. The model looks like she’s in a swimming cap with some bushy fabric coming out of her head. Her shoulders are bound in what’s a lampshade, and the skirt looks like tissue paper. Looks like this designer couldn’t decide on design.

Flaming Dress
Somehow we don’t think “The Girl on Fire” would approve. Flames can be cool, you know, on a matchbox car, but that’s probably where they should stay. This bride definitely looks like she is on fire.

Cream Puffs Dress
While wedding cakes are certainly awesome, you probably wouldn’t want to wear one. This is a 20-pound dress made from cream puffs. You can almost feel diabetes through the computer screen. The only thing to wonder is what’s leftover after everyone picks off the cream puffs.

Carrie Bradshaw Dress
A fashionista in her own right, and with a bevvy of designer wedding dresses at her disposal, Carrie Bradshaw really should have done better in “Sex and the City: The Movie.”
Carrie gets to try on a variety of wedding dresses for her Vogue photoshoot, which includes designs by everyone from Vera Wang and Christian Lacroix to Oscar de la Renta and Dior.
She settles on a Vivienne Westwood gown, which at first glance seems like the perfect couture fit for the most stylish of the “Sex and the City” foursome.

The Princess Diaries 2 Dress
Mia’s wedding dress in “The Princess Diaries 2” was underwhelming, especially for a princess. Although Mia doesn’t go through with her arranged marriage, she does get to the altar in her gown before she backs out of the nuptials. The dropped waist fit isn’t a good look for most brides, including Mia. But the real problem with the dress is it just isn’t as striking as a future queen’s gown should be.

Bridesmaids Dress
Lillian’s couture wedding dress wasn’t what she hoped for in “Bridesmaids.”
Lillian’s wedding gown is a big topic of conversation in “Bridesmaids.” Eventually, she and Helen flew to Paris to get the perfect dress made, much to her best friend Annie’s dismay.

When Harry Met Sally Dress
Marie’s wedding dress from “When Harry Met Sally” was used as a punchline.
Her wedding dress turns out to be a puffy letdown. The embroidered bodice hides her figure, and the oversized sleeves and heavy skirt swallowed her. The dress is so unattractive that it becomes a joke in the film, with Sally only saying “Oh, Marie,” when Marie asks what she thinks of it.

Crazy Rich Asians Dress
Araminta Lee’s dress in “Crazy Rich Asians” was a glittering showstopper that perfectly fit her over-the-top wedding.
The main love story in “Crazy Rich Asians” is between secretly loaded Nick Young and his girlfriend Rachel Chu, but Araminta steals the show in her iconic wedding dress. Rachel looks like a couture Thumbelina in the sparkling gown, which comes complete with gold tights that run down her legs as she walks along an ethereal aisle decorated to look like a secret garden.