Unbelievable Photos Clicked Before The Most Unfortunate Historical Events

You can always expect a story behind every picture you see on the internet. It can be good, bad and sometimes horrifying. This is a compilation of some photos from the past that were taken just before an unfortunate event. You can’t predict the next moment just by looking at these pictures but there is a petrifying tale that follows it.

Covered In Terror

Click and shot!

This girl you see in the photo is Regina Kay Walters, 14, who was held captive by a serial killer. This girl from Texas wasn’t spared from the brutal attack of this killer who took this picture after making her wear a black dress and put on heels. He even chopped her hair off! 

We are sure that this horrible man had a gun pointed right at her as he clicked this photo. The girl’s frightened face says it all! Yes, he killed her after this.

Flipped And How!

The first glance at this picture might stun you as you don’t see someone performing a backflip such high above the ground. But what follows this “astonishing” stunt is shocking and heartbreaking!

This is Pavel Kashin, a Russian parkour artist who decided to go 16 floors above the ground and execute a backflip on the boundary wall. That turned out to be the last and worst decision of his life. Just seconds after this photo, he misbalanced and died. 

This photo went viral and the internet had a hard time digesting this news.

The Furious Reality

The unfortunate death of Paul Walker is still fresh in our minds and that was extremely unexpected. The car crash that happened on that ill-fated day left everyone disturbed. 

Here is the last picture that was taken sometime before Paul Walker stepped into this 2005 Porsche Carrera GT that gave him the last ride of his life. 

Still not over this tragedy!

Sacrificing Life For A Picture?

The obsession for taking selfies and photos is on a rise and millennials are probably giving disagreeing looks on this but we all know the truth. 

However, the extent to which people are going to get that perfect picture has led to life-threatening consequences. Here is the proof. This girl’s smile did not last long as she had a fall that took her life away. 

Imagine if she would have skipped taking this picture, things would have been so different!

Assassin In The Frame

This photo was taken right before Reynaldo Dagsa, a Filipino politician was shot and killed. We know he is not pictured here but his killer definitely got captured in the frame with the politician’s mother, wife, and daughter. 

Could there be a better proof of killing than a photo with the murderer pointing his gun towards his target? No running away for this assassin!

On Their Way To… Tragedy?

The Latin American popstar Jenni Rivera is all happy here with her makeup artist, publicist, attorney and stylist. This selfie did not call for a happy ending as the plane crashed after a while and all these people aboard died. 

Such a terrifying memory and now, this picture seems just out of a horror story for us. It is something we all fear, right?

Up, Up And Gone

Hot air balloon rides sound fun but you cannot really tag them as safe always. There have been a few misadventures related to them and here is one depicted through this picture. 

The accident took place on January 7th, 2012 to the north of Carterton in New Zealand when this hot air balloon with 11 people crashed into a power line (a really high voltage one) just before it had to make the final landing.

Fan Disguised As A Killer?

Who doesn’t recognize John Lennon, the iconic singer and the founder of the Beatles! 

We wonder if you are aware of his assassination or not. In either case, this picture would leave you in shock as Lennon was murdered right after this click and the assassin is standing right next to him here! Yes, that’s Mark David Chapman who claimed to be his fan but we all know that there wasn’t an ounce of truth in that. 

The world hasn’t forgotten this inhuman act yet!

A Murderous Shower

This is not the love we chase and nor did Travis Alexander saw this coming!

His ex-girlfriend shot and stabbed him right after this picture was taken at 5:29 p.m. in the shower. Who would expect to get killed while taking a shower? This just sounds to us like a scene from a thriller movie but it’s real. 

The man’s body was found on the washroom floor and this is the picture taken moments before his terrifying death.

Smiles Before The Disaster

The U.S. figure skating team can be seen posing with big smiles on their faces as they look forward to the World Figure Skating Championships in Prague in 1961. 

No one would have thought that the Boeing 707 boarded by them is carrying bad news with it. This plane crashed and so did the dreams of this team! 

It’s hard to process such a doomed situation.

Washed Away In A Moment

When the coastline of Southeast Asia got struck by a ravaging Tsunami on December 26, 2004, many lives were lost. Deborah Garlick would have never imagined that her Thailand holiday will lead to the biggest tragedy and she won’t survive it. 

Her parents found this undeveloped picture on her camera after they got hold of her possessions. Maybe the ill-starred happened right after this click. That’s how unpredictable life is, right?

Fearless On Duty

The mention of horrifying 9/11 attacks still throws us into a panic but the stories of valor associated with it can never be forgotten either. One of the heroes that emerged out of this attack was Moira Smith, an NYPD officer. Here she is seen helping a wounded man out of that terrible area. 

A few minutes after this picture was taken, this brave heart went inside the south tower of the WTC to save more lives but ended up losing hers as the building fell. What a moment captured!

A Devastating Collision

This one occurred in air and the destruction ranged till the ground. You see here Pacific Southwest Airlines Flight 182 and this is the last time it was captured. On September 25th, 1978 at 9 a.m., the sky above San Diego witnessed a dreadful collision between this aircraft and another one. 

The 137 passengers on board were not the only ones who lost their lives but the effects reached the ground killing seven people and ruining 22 houses.

Chilling Weather Experiences

A camping trip did not turn out to be fun for two brothers pictured here. Michael McQuilken, 18 and Sean, 12 experienced unfavorable weather conditions on their trip to California’s Sequoia National Park in 1975. 

You might be wondering about the worst that could happen on a camping trip but when the weather doesn’t support you, even life is at risk then. These boys were struck by lightning moments after they posed here. 

Good news – they managed to pull through!

From Noble Deed To Disaster

The person you see here had a rough moment over the Niagara Falls is Robert Overacker who just headed out to Jet Ski to create awareness for the homeless. Things did not go well despite the noble thought behind his actions. 

The rocket-propelled parachute carried ill-omen for him and he succumbed to death after falling. 

At this moment, we all wish to peep into the future!

Bad Fate Ahead

A flood came and took away the lives of 24 students in a moment. How could they have known the future! They took this selfie to relive the memories when they get back home but unfortunately, they couldn’t even make it back alive. 

The unlucky event occurred when the Larji hydroelectric project opened its gates and let the water flow upstream. That water led to a flood and these students drowned.

How His World Crashed!

James Dean was in a terrible car accident riding in his Porsche 550 Spyder in 1955. Yes, that’s him right there with the same car on the doomed day. He was clicked at the gas station for some reason and we got one last shot of this star. 

He might be gone but left many people loving him till date. The fans of this cultural icon have this photo as his last memory!

Combat Photographer In Action

There can be a few (or more than just a few!) risks involved at the workplace of a combat photographer. They capture the military operations in their camera and it won’t be always pleasant. 

Hilda Clayton would not have imagined that it would be her last day of life when she woke up that morning of July 2013 and went to the field to capture live-fire training exercise. An explosion of mortar tubes killed everyone present there including Clayton. 

This photo was taken moments before the tragedy happened.

A Mystifying Truth

When this photo surfaced in 2017, it created a perplexing situation as people could easily spot American aviation pioneer, Amelia Earhart here who was assumed to be dead in the crash that happened before this picture was clicked. Obviously, she survived the crash but what happened to her? Where did she disappear? 

All these questions are still not answered and we doubt that if 80 years could not resolve the mystery, another 80 would!

Selfies Need To Take A Break!

The mishaps revolving around selfies have been just increasing and they have been fatal! Look at this one. The girls look really happy but it didn’t take more than a second for those smiles to vanish. 

You see here Savannah Webster, Kelsea Webster, and Essa Ricker smiling wide for the camera as they stood on a railway track in Utah. Not an appropriate place for a photo, guys! We wish someone told them this before a train came towards them honking and took away their precious lives.