With the rise of eCommerce, it's only natural that the number of online shoppers worldwide rises along with it. As it stands in 2021, the number of digital buyers is at 2.14 billion. That makes 27.6 percent of the 7.74 billion people in the world.
Online shopping may be fast and easy but there’s always a catch – you never really know exactly what you’ll get until your order arrives if it arrives at all. There is a lot of proof that this perfect story can end up as an online shopping fail. These are some of them.
A Meditation Book From Amazon
We can't describe this as a failure, but it’s for sure very funny. One man ordered a Meditation Book from Amazon. This book teaches just how simple it can be to unlock this powerful tool into your life. This book contains one page of the introduction, followed by 40 pages which simply say “Inhale, Exhale.” Is this a joke or what?

Face Mask
This woman's face mask was a bit smaller than expected. Sometimes, it's so hard to tell the scale of things. If you just saw an image of that face mask with nothing else to show the scale, you too would probably think it would fit a regular human face. What is a face mask that small for, anyway?

Unicorn Float
While many people end up buying things online that are way too small, sometimes the opposite happens. And you end up with an entire room dedicated to your new unicorn pool float. I bet they were blowing it up going, "This seems big. Is it really big? No, it can't be that big. Oh no, it's that big."

Sparkly Dress
She wanted the dress of a princess - sparkly and beautiful. She did get a sparkly dress. “Not everything that glitters is gold” goes the expression, and it applies in this case. You can be the judge of that. This girl obviously wouldn't buy any more dresses online.

The Everything Dress
There is just so much going on with this dress, it’s hard where to start. The model looks like she’s in a swimming cap with some bushy fabric coming out of her head. Her shoulders are bound in what’s a lampshade, and the skirt looks like tissue paper. Looks like this designer couldn’t decide on design.

I'm A Pepper
For some reason, "I'm a pepper" doesn't quite have the same effect as "Trust me, I'm a Dr." That being said, I would 100 percent still wear the t-shirt that says, "I'm a pepper" because that's hilarious.

Garbage Bag
This person bought a punching bag from a Chinese company for $20. It sounded too good to be true, which normally is the case. When the first punch struck this bag, it tore open and revealed itself to be full of garbage. Legit, that's just a bunch of trash.

Sneaker Bottoms
This is hilarious. It looks like a case where they accidentally stuck the wrong-sized bottom to the rest of the sneaker, realized their mistake, and then mailed it off anyway. Hoping that the buyer either wouldn't notice it, or would just be too disgusted to send it back or complain.

Less Than The Perfect Fit
The Senior Prom is a very important night in every girl's life. After months of studying and finding a prom date, the only thing that you need for a perfect night is a perfect dress. Bodycon dresses are the hottest style on the planet now. Inspired by everyone’s favorite media family, the Kardashians, young women all over the world are wearing skin-tight, bandage-style dresses that show off their killer curves. All we can say is: “Sorry Girl”.

Purple Dress
Speaking about dresses, this dress looks perfect. No wonder this girl decided to order it! But she got an unpleasant surprise after finally receiving her home delivery. Instead of getting a sultry cut-out dress that perfectly accented her figure, this poor girl got a mangled garment that looks more like a window curtain than a going-out dress.

Big Lamps
These man-made lamps are the perfect match for any home. Just be careful of making the classic mistake of buying something on Amazon without checking Its size. Now he has two 10 foot lamps, a bit of an overkill we think.

Game Of Scams
This guy spent some extra money during his Christmas season, and ordered an Xboxone for $750 on eBay. He decided to take the plunge and order it after seeing the seller had only positive reviews. To his surprise, he got only a piece of paper with a picture of an Xbox One on it!

Sweet Idea
It’s a sweet idea – order a bouquet that resembles your loved one’s best friend, and watch as they react with surprised glee. Unfortunately, for this girl, things didn’t work out as she planned. She wasn't quite satisfied. Hopefully, her boyfriend also loves melted and squashed-looking breeds of dogs.

Blond Girl
This person asked for a "blond girl" on top of their cake, but it autocorrected to "blind," and this is what they got. Damn you, autocorrect! Always go back and read the instructions you include in your online order. Otherwise, this will happen to you, too. We hope the cake tasted better than it looked.

At first glance, the instructions this customer gave seem hard to get wrong. But let’s think about it for a moment. Sometimes people take instructions a little too literally. This girl tried her best to keep the party a secret and even attached a message to the company from which she ordered a gift, asking them to put the order in a box that would not look jubilantly obvious. It didn't look jubilant, but it did look painfully obvious.

Knit Top
We love that this woman's first thought was, "The shirt is way too small for my daughter. Maybe it will fit the cat." The review is sent to me. "It does cover all of the cat's nipples, however, she hates the weave. In summary, do not buy this, not even for your cat."

Drive Safe
This woman wanted to buy her boyfriend a keychain that would remind him to drive safely. But the one that arrived had a slightly more aggressive message for him. Makes us wonder whether this wasn’t an intentional mistake on the girlfriend’s side rather than the online company.

Confused Cat
This cat was not impressed with the gift it got. It’s not clear if this is a hilarious practical joke, or if the owner simply didn’t check the measurements that the seller posted. Whatever the case, it’s clear that this cat is majorly upset about this tiny scratching post and is trying to figure out what exactly to do with it.

Alien Balloons
These alien balloons always look good on the packaging but make sure you see a picture of one blown up before you buy them. Although, we wouldn't pass up seeing this little alien face nubbin for the world. So it's a double-edged sword.

I Want To Leave
Speaking of aliens... This patch doesn't quite have the same sentiment as the one this person thought they were buying. It's not wrong, though. Spend enough time on the internet, and you'll want to leave too.

This poor woman thought she was buying a regular-sized dustpan, but this came in the mail. The only possible reason this exists even is that giants are real and they do like to clean their houses as well. There’s so much to take in here, we wouldn’t be mad about it. Maybe she can use it for a snow scoop.

Wedding Rings
Wedding rings are a symbol of commitment to your significant other. ... Seeing the ring on your finger daily can also serve as a reminder to your partner about how much they mean to you.This poor couple ordered matching wedding bands online, not realizing that these are rings for Barbie dolls.

Christmas Mug
It is one of the most popular gifts on winter days. Once a hot beverage is poured inside, this mug comes to life and changes its colors and pictures. For this poor customer, this popular Christmas mug wasn’t exactly what she expected when she ordered it. Instead of a mug that changes its image when it's exposed to hot water, the buyer got a mug with a picture of two mugs on it.

Halloween Costume
Halloween seems to serve a valuable function for many children and adults. It continues to be so popular because it fills our basic need to address the mysteries that frighten us. This guy wanted to be Catwoman for Halloween, so he ordered black tights online. We are sure that he did not fit into those.

Another Halloween Costume
This girl wanted to be the heroine of her youth - Princess Leia from Star Wars. The outfit she got, though, has more resemblance to a ghost. But from the big grin on her face, it looks like she’s a good sport and is going to wear it, no matter what.

A Book Rug
A nice Persian rug conveys elegance, class, and wealth, so it’s no surprise that this young man ordered one and was super excited about the effect it would have on the aesthetic of his bachelor pad. But, to his shock, the rug wasn’t quite the size he was expecting when he received it. At least he’s found a useful purpose for the tiny carpet as a bookmark!

Christmas Tree
This customer bought a plastic Christmas tree online and got into the spirit of the holiday just by the thought of decorating his home with the perfect tree. However, it’s quite clear from the box that this tree is super misleading. Not exactly festive, but rather quite sad. We hope that the gifts made up for the sad tree.

Dress to Impress
This guy just wanted a loose tank top for his gym sessions. We’re pretty sure that this bodycon dress was not what this guy expected when he ordered a grey muscle tank. On the plus side, his glutes do look fantastic in the garment! We are sure that he will attract a lot of attention lifting weights in this cute little number.

Pocket placement is probably something that you’ve never thought about before but is obviously crucial to sweater design. This sweater was designed for the T-rex population in mind so that their short arms could easily reach the pockets. We don’t know, but even seeing this as a picture makes us cringe.

Bigger Is Better
This guy explains that his boss just bought 50 chairs in a great online auction! When they went to pick them up, the place was an elementary school, and the chairs were, well, kids' chairs. Sometimes when a deal is too good to be true, it’s because there’s something majorly wrong.

Mint dress
This poor woman ordered her wedding dress online, and not only is the dress cheaply and poorly made, it's green. It’s two completely different shades of green, not a hint of mint anywhere. We can't look at it anymore. Our face is turning the color of the dress.

Dog Likes It
As the temperatures dropped in the wintertime, this concerned dog owner wanted their precious pooch to be as comfortable as possible. So they ordered a doggie sweater from an online dog specialty fashion boutique. However, this particular jacket seems more suited for a miniature Chihuahua or Teacup Terrier than this canine!

Blanket For My Pet
One woman shared a picture of the knitted blanket she ordered for cozy days in, but it turned out it was just about big enough to cover her pet. At least the dog's happy! We can’t help but wonder whether she paid an extra small price or an extra large one for his one though.

Seeing Sideways
We understand this woman is a little less enthusiastic and decided to order a set of subtle rings with cat silhouettes. The color looks a bit off – one cat, in particular, looks like he’s lived through a comical cartoon bomb explosion or something like it!

Gender Free For Me
When a girl ordered a modern print dress, she didn't expect that it would suit her brother better because what she received was not the dress at all. We know T-shirt dresses are all the rage, but this is just straight-up ridiculous, they got the colors and print correct at least.

TV Stand For A Dollhouse
This is a good example of why you should always read the fine print. This girl didn't read the description of the product, which clearly shows that this was a TV stand for a dollhouse. She just had to strike while the iron was hot and immediately pony up the cash for such a fundamental piece of furniture.

Latex Leggings
Latex leggings or latex socks can look very sexy. These types of thigh-high stockings can become super expensive and run anywhere up to a few hundred dollars for a pair. This poor girl decided to give online shopping a shot and ended up getting these things that look more like garbage bags.

A Proud Canadian
Canada Day showcases an important national milestone on the way to the country's full independence. The day signifies the spirit of Canadian patriotism. This unlucky Canadian ended up ordering a shirt that looks more fit for a teenage girl than a hairy, grown man. He still rocks it anyway!

Here we have a mishap. But, we’re not sure if we believe that’s what happened here. Who wouldn’t double-check what they are sending? Maybe a careless person, but we still aren’t convinced! Seriously though, do people not understand how annoying it is to be excited to receive something only for it to be completely wrong?!

Phone Case
A lot of people want to have their picture, or a picture of their friends on their phone covers, laptop cases, mugs etc. That can be very sweet. But what’s not so sweet is the bizarre way this case arrived. The weirdest part of the whole incident is that the placement seems to be intentional – maybe the printers thought it was an unflattering photo of the friend and they wanted to spare him the embarrassment?

Leather Armchair
Ordering a Boy's Armchair is probably not a good idea, no matter how young you feel. Instead of getting the perfect place to lounge and drink beer while screaming at the TV, he got a miniature chair more fit for a young child. The keyword in this ad is definitely the word “Boys”.
Children's Kitchen
Tiny cooking sets have an important place in children's kitchens. However, this guy doesn't have a children's kitchen. Probably doesn't even have children. However, this would be perfect for someone on a diet looking to cut down their portion sizes!

Family Ornament
Family ornaments are something that you can cherish for a lifetime. Little keepsakes make for lovely gifts and are great for capturing memories. Many people order things, such as key rings, online. Sadly, sometimes your order will be confused with someone else’s, and you are left with another family’s order!

Camper Tent
Camping is always a pain. There’s getting together the gear, organizing, stuffing everything into the car, and then, after arriving at the campsite, dealing with the drama of unloading the stuff and setting up the darn tent. This guy, however, is experiencing a major camping fail after ordering what was supposed to be a two-person tent. But he looks pretty cozy by himself in there!

Wedding Dress
Wedding dresses can be one of the biggest expenses on a woman’s wedding day.
One of the reasons not to buy such an important dress online is that you could end up like this girl. This dress looks nothing like advertised. Luckily she got a refund, but what did she wear on her wedding day?

Another Wedding Dress
This is another example of a wedding dress failing. When it comes to something as important as a wedding dress, we wouldn’t blame the lady for being extremely upset! We hope there was some mix-up here as there is no way the dress on the right could pass for being the dress on the left! What an absolute nightmare!

Keeping It Simple
This modern cape can elevate even the simplest outfits to new heights of chicness. The customer who ordered it was expecting minimalism, but not to this degree! The box contained a literal piece of fabric with two holes randomly cut out. And, for what it’s worth, he ordered it in grey, not navy blue!

Purple Rug
This couple thought they’d found the perfect solution to brighten up their new home when they ordered this royal purple rug on the Internet. To their shock, though, the rug depicted was just a teensy bit bigger than the one that they actually received! Time for a refund.

I Watch
It looks like a joke, but putting the label "iPhone watch" on a plastic watch doesn't turn it into an Apple product. We sincerely hope the buyer reported the seller to the appropriate authorities and that he got a refund. We are sure that he paid an original Apple price and not a plastic one.

Bowl Of Fun
This poor guy ended up somehow buying the gigantic ladle size, which is pretty unhelpful for normal use every day and is inappropriate for any home. Next time, he will check the size. Best will be to donate it to a soup kitchen.

Yellow Jacket
Sometimes we see a garment on the hanger in a clothing store, and just have to try it on. But after looking in the mirror in the dressing room, we realize that it only looks good on a hanger and not on the human body. This guy got a cold shower when he figured out that the beautiful trench coat he ordered online “one size fits all “ isn't the right fit for him at all.

This guy bought a super inexpensive iPad on a popular auction website. When he took it out of the box, the piece of high-tech gear he ordered ended up looking more like a children’s toy! This is another example - If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Paris Or London
Maybe this would be a good idea for a shirt if you are a Parisian in London - you cover all the angles. Or maybe this unlucky traveler just grabbed the first thing that they saw without inspecting it carefully? Whatever the case, this frenzied tourist got the souvenir of a lifetime with this hilarious T-shirt to fail.

Small Skirt
It’s always hard to judge what size we need when we’re online shopping. Sometimes the model used could be super short and we just have no idea. This girl ordered a size small skirt online, and it turned out that it was small even for her leg. It barely fits around her thigh. Are there really people that small out there?

Wooden TV
Online shopping is always a risky decision, especially when the product you’re purchasing is an expensive piece of electronic equipment. This poor soul ordered the latest state-of-the-art big screen TV from an online site but didn’t quite get his money’s worth. Touchwood that something like this doesn't happen to you.

Small Curtains
Buying curtains is undeniably one of the most annoying things in life. You have to pick out the perfect set of drapes that matches the carpet or the wood floor, the bedsheets, the pillows, etc. This guy ordered his curtains online and solved literally half of his problem.

Model Not Included
We’re also not sure what money this guy allegedly spent 5,000 off (there’s a big difference on how much this is, depending on what country he lives in) to obtain the model. This also could be a poor attempt at a tasteless joke, but whatever the circumstances are, this comment is a giant fail.

Spreading It Thin
One of the worst things about moving apartments is constantly figuring out which stuff you need to buy because you accidentally threw it away. So when this woman decided to order a cheese board and knife set, she was in dire need of it. But when she opened the package, she found a miniature version, too small for even Barbie to use.

What A Snake
One of the best things about the Internet is that you can find anything you want, no matter how random, weird, or unusual it is. This gentleman very specifically wanted a belt where the clasp was made to look like a snake’s head. We’re sure he was overjoyed to find exactly what he wanted online. However, things went south really quickly. This looks more like a sad dinosaur than a snake.

Winnie The Pooh Mask
This girl decided to jump on the bandwagon and see if buying a sheet face mask would help enhance her skin. Instead of buying the plain ones, she decided to be creative and go cartoon-y. However, rather than being cute and cuddly, the result is just straight-up terrifying. We don’t recommend letting your kids watch this Winnie The Pooh.

Carefree Clothes
One of the best parts of going on a tropical vacation is planning the cute outfits you’ll rock on the streets of a tiny island town while getting that perfect sun-kissed tan. However, in this girl’s case, the clothes she ordered didn’t exactly fit her or her vacation wardrobe. The quality of the garments is way lower than depicted in the model’s picture.

Stilts Not Included
Since garments are hardly ever made by hand, there’s a good chance a pair of jeans can come into the world with zero human touches or intervention. We’re guessing this is what happened here when this unfortunate soul decided to order a normal pair of jeans with a standard length of 32″. While this pair of blues might be perfect for a professional basketball player, they don’t work for your average Joe!

Bear Suit
We aren’t too sure about the backstory of this one, however, we kind of love this bear suit thing! How great would it be for winter? It looks wonderfully thick and soft. We would even go as far as to say we might purposefully buy one of these depending on how much it cost! We might just go take a look and do some research!

Childish Games
Brittany ordered this stuffed carrot duo after her newborn baby, Emma, refused to eat vegetables. She thought it would be a good idea, introducing her infant daughter to a doll version of one of the vegetables she liked least, so when she found this item online, she thought it would be a perfect fit. We don’t think her plan worked at all.

Blown Up Expectations
When news broke that the culture-transcending figure Kanye West would be joining the slate of celebrity stylists at Adidas, the sneaker industry stood still. However, Kanye is not known for his cheap taste, and so many fans cannot afford the hopping trend. For this reason, they turn to cyberspace for a cheaper alternative solution. Unfortunately, these disproportional shoes are far from looking like the original brand.

Shopping online has a lot to do with trust – after all, the consumer does not even really see the product until after they have paid and it arrives on their doorstep. Unluckily for this buyer, he too was a victim of online forgery, but at least the person responsible for the deceit had the dignity to attach an apologetic letter.

Shoes By Kanye West
Yeezy 750 Boost’ is a pair of shoes created by Kanye West. When they were first released they were very much sought after by fans. So much so that people were and are willing to pay what some would say is an extortionate amount. Unfortunately, this has resulted in many people being scammed and ripped off. One horrible example of this is shown below! We can’t believe someone created that cardboard monstrosity and charged $2000 for it!

Love These Loafs
Most commonly known as loafers or slippers, slip-on shoes are typically low, laceless footwear that are high in comfort. However, whoever sold these shoes had the term confused with “a loaf of bread,” since the two were mixed up to form this unidentified merge. Not that the bread-based shoes aren’t comfortable, but walking on bread seems slightly off.

Game Over
Futuristic films always show the possibility of downsizing everything to make human life easier. Even a three-course meal was offered in the shape and size of a tablet on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and it seems whoever sold this tiny edition of the well-known video game console PlayStation was very enthused about trying out the same thing.

The style of shorts on the left is much loved by many. They are the go-to clothing item when the weather’s nice. We understand why as shorts are so versatile and can be paired with pretty much anything! Sadly, on some people’s quest to find a nice pair, they end up with something hugely disappointing. We hope that the customer got a full refund!

Makeup Your Mind
Jenna could not figure out whether what she received in the post office was too hilarious or upsetting, so she took a picture of the unidentified object she received and turned to her social media account to express her feelings. She expected makeup to arrive after ordering it online, but instead, it seems as though she received some sort of a weird toy in the shape of a chipmunk, buried inside a plastic egg.

You may think that it sounds silly that something like a wig could change a person’s life, but just think about how much they could improve the confidence of someone who has lost their hair for whatever reason. Bearing this in mind, imagine how disappointed you would be to expect the wig on the left but then receive the one on the right! Shocking.

Smart Watch
Since Apple released the iWatch, many duplicate versions with a similar concept have been made. Often referred to as knock-offs, these recreations are generally much cheaper, but much less useful. Some of the ‘smart watches’ out there is absolute junk. Could the people responsible for it not have made the image on the screen a bit less blurred?

Tiny Pool
They can't go swimming in that! One dad shared a picture of the tiny pool, bottom, he received after ordering the pool above. He also confirmed he got a refund, but that it took several complaints. We are sure the kids were very disappointed when they saw their new pool. Who must watch and who must swim?

Disco Fever
One man ordered disco pants from Amazon for a fancy dress party. But ended with ill-fitting, see-through trousers instead, right. We are certain that he was the life of the party and the talk of the town after pitching up like this at the party.