Wife Comes Home To Find Kids Sleeping On Floor, Notices Husband Isn't Alone

Three Long Weeks

After three long weeks away, Sarah Miller eagerly anticipated reuniting with her family. As the taxi pulled up to the house, a wave of joy washed over her. She couldn’t wait to see her husband and kids, knowing she had been gone far too long. It was late, and Sarah expected her children to be fast asleep, but she planned to wake them with the gifts she had brought from Miami. The excitement of surprising them was palpable.

However, the moment she stepped through the front door, a sense of dread filled her. Something was off, and she could feel it in the stillness of the house.

She Missed Them

When Sarah Miller woke up that Thursday morning, she couldn't help the excitement that coursed through her veins. She had been away from home for three whole weeks, and she couldn't wait to see them again.

Originally, she had planned to stay in Miami for four weeks but had changed her mind after a phone call with her husband. That was when she decided to come home a week early without telling her family.

Boarding The Flight

That afternoon, as she boarded the flight back home to Minnesota, her heart was pounding in her chest. That was the longest she had spent away from her three children, and she wanted nothing more than to hold them.

But as the flight took off, Sarah had no idea that her husband had been hiding a terrible secret, and she would walk in on it just hours later.

Waiting A Lifetime

The flight seemed to last a lifetime, but eventually, she watched as the plane approached the land beneath her. Finally, she was back in her home state with her friends and family.

Sarah wasted no time. As soon as she grabbed her luggage, she headed toward the airport's doors and ordered a taxi. She had been waiting for this moment for three weeks, but everything was about to change.

The Truth

She would never forget the moment the taxi pulled up outside of their beautiful home in Otsego, Minnesota. The air was cold, and the night sky was clear. Inside the house, she could only see one light on in their bedroom.

With a smile on her face, she approached the front door, ready to surprise her wonderful husband and kids. But soon, she would make a heartbreaking discovery.

Growing Up

Sarah had always dreamed of being a wife and mother. Growing up, she lived with a single father and always wondered what it was like to have a loving and devoted mother.

She promised herself that if she were ever lucky enough to find a good husband and have children of her own, she would give them everything she had.

The Perfect Man

Sarah was just 18 years old when she met a young lawyer who swept her off her feat. His name was Jonathan Miller, and he was the perfect gentleman.

Sarah and Jonathan met while she was a receptionist at a law firm where he worked, and they hit it off right away. After just a month of knowing each other, Jonathan asked her out for coffee, and she said yes.

The One

From the very first date, Sarah knew Jonathan was the one. He was charming, handsome, and hardworking. When she told him about her dream of becoming a stay-at-home mom, he saw no problem with it.

The pair soon made their relationship official, and just two years later, Jonathan finally asked Sarah to marry him. She was over the moon.

She Wanted A Family

Sarah and Jonathan wanted to start a family right away. In the months leading up to their wedding, they began looking for a home where they could raise a family.

They had lived in Saint Paul, Minnesota, all their lives, but Sarah wanted nothing more than to move to a quiet neighborhood away from the noisy city.


That was when she learned about Otsego, a northwest suburb within the Minneapolis–Saint Paul metropolitan area. It seemed quiet and had many good schools where she could send her children. 

"What do you think about this place?" she asked Jonathan, showing him the pictures of a beautiful suburban home in the heart of Otsego. Jonathan smiled, "It seems perfect," he said.

Buying A House

As soon as they walked through the doors of the beautiful white house, Sarah and Jonathan knew they had found their perfect home. They bought the house just weeks later and began preparing for the wedding.

Just a year later, they were settled into their new house as a married couple, and Sarah was beyond happy with how her life had turned out. But one thing was still missing.

Settled In

Sarah still wanted children more than anything else, and she felt like she would finally be complete once they had a child. As soon as they were settled in their new home, they began trying for their first child.

In the next six years, Sarah and Jonathan welcomed three beautiful children into the world. They had two girls and a boy, and Sarah loved them more than she could ever put into words.

She Had A Purpose

For the first time in her life, she felt like she finally had a purpose. She needed those three children as much as they needed her. Finally, she was living the life she had always dreamed of.

Jonathan was supportive and loving to his family. He worked hard to provide for their family while Sarah stayed home, raising them, cooking, and cleaning for them. But their perfect life would soon come crashing down around her.

Rewarding But Tiring

Sarah spent all of her time at home, helping her husband and their beautiful children. Although her role as a wife and mother was very rewarding, it could be extremely stressful and exhausting at times.

It wasn't until their oldest daughter was eight years old that Sarah finally decided to take a much-needed vacation with some of her old friends. For years, the ladies had planned a month-long vacation to Miami, and Sarah was finally ready.


In the months leading up to the trip, she had interviewed many nannies to stay with her family until she came back from her trip. But one young woman stood out from the rest.

Her name was Rachel, and from the second she stepped through their front door, Sarah already knew she liked the young woman. She was kind and loved children, just like Sarah.

His Opinion

But she wanted to hear Jonathan's opinion first, which was why she decided to invite Rachel over for dinner one night. That night, after the kids had gone to bed, Sarah, Rachel, and Jonathan spent hours talking and laughing.

"I really like her. I think she will be a good fit for our family. Once you get back, we can ask her to come over whenever you need some time alone," Jonathan said after Rachel left their house. Sarah couldn't be more pleased.

Staying With Them

Rachel began staying in their guest bedroom for the week leading up to Sarah's vacation. She wanted to ensure that the young woman had settled in before she left.

Having Rachel around was refreshing and relaxing for Sarah. She admired the way she had bonded with Jonathan and the kids in such a short time. But before she knew it, it was time to board her flight to Miami.

Leaving Them

That day, Sarah peppered her husband and children with kisses, telling them how much she would miss them while she was gone. But she couldn't wait to unwind on the beach with some of her closest friends.

"Have a wonderful time, honey. The kids and I will be waiting for your return," Jonathan promised before greeting his wife. But she had no idea that it was all a lie.

Flying To Miami

That day, Sarah and her girlfriends flew to Miami and booked into a luxurious hotel room where they would stay for the entire trip. She called her husband, informing him that she had made it to her destination safely, and in that moment, everything felt right in the world.

Sarah knew her children were in good hands, and she was grateful that her husband would have Rachel to talk to while she was gone. But she never could have guessed what they would get up to without her.


The first week of Sarah's trip was nothing short of perfection. She got to spend most of her days on the beach and her evenings in fancy restaurants with her good friends. Every night, she would call her husband and kids.

For the first while, everything seemed to be going well at home. The kids were all happy, and Jonathan spent most of his time at work while Rachel watched the kids. But something changed in the second week.

He Didn’t Answer The Phone

The following week, when Sarah tried to call her husband after work, she was surprised when he never answered the phone. But she didn't think it was a big deal and decided to text him a goodnight message, to which he never responded.

In the following days, it became increasingly hard to contact her husband. Sometimes, he would answer the phone to tell her that he didn't have the time to talk, and other times, he would ignore her calls and texts.

Calling Rachel

This pattern of events was becoming increasingly concerning for Sarah. She couldn't understand why her husband wasn't talking to her. Had something happened, or was he just busy?

After hours of stewing over the situation, she finally decided to give Rachel a call and ask her if everything was still okay at home. Rachel answered the phone immediately.


"Yeah, everything is fine. The kids have been keeping me busy, and Jonathan is spending a lot of time at work. Sometimes, he even works in the evenings," she said.

Sarah was relieved to hear that everything was okay at home. She knew her husband was always working hard and assumed that work had picked up in the last two weeks.

Making A Decision

It wasn't until the third week away from home that Sarah started to miss her family, to the point where she wanted to cancel the rest of her vacation and go home to them. But one call convinced her to make the decision.

It was on a Wednesday evening that she and Jonathan finally had a lengthy conversation. But she could tell that something was up. Jonathan seemed distant and distracted.

He Seemed Different

"Is everything okay? You just seem different," she said, her heart rate picking up. She had always been concerned for the well-being of her family and could tell that something was weighing on his mind. 

"Oh, everything is fine," he said in a strange voice. "I'm just missing you. I can't believe that you'll only be home in a week. The kids and I really miss you," he said. That was when she had an idea.

She Knew What To Do

For the last few days, she had been considering going home to her family, but she couldn't make up her mind. But when Jonathan said that he had been missing her, she finally knew what she had to do.

As soon as they hung up the phone, Sarah informed her friends that she wanted to fly back home the very next day. They were all supportive, understanding that she had never been away from her family for so long.

Booking A Ticket Home

That night, she booked a ticket home for the very next day, and she couldn't wait to see her family again. She decided not to tell Jonathan about her plan, hoping to surprise him and the children with gifts she had bought them from Miami. 

That night, she packed all of her bags and prepared to return to her family. If only she had known what Jonathan and Rachel had been up to since she left.


When Sarah woke up that Thursday morning, she couldn't help the excitement that coursed through her veins. She had been away from home for three whole weeks, and she couldn't wait to see them again.

Originally, she had planned to stay in Miami for four weeks but had changed her mind after a phone call with her husband. That was when she decided to come home a week early without telling her family.

Boarding Her Flight

That afternoon, as she boarded the flight back home to Minnesota, her heart was pounding in her chest. That was the longest she had spent away from her three children, and she wanted nothing more than to hold them.

But as the flight took off, Sarah had no idea that her husband had been hiding a terrible secret, and she would walk in on it just hours later.

She Waited

The flight seemed to last a lifetime, but eventually, she watched as the plane approached the land beneath her. Finally, she was back in her home state with her friends and family.

Sarah wasted no time. As soon as she grabbed her luggage, she headed toward the airport's doors and ordered a taxi. She had been waiting for this moment for three weeks, but everything was about to change.

Coming Home

She would never forget the moment the taxi pulled up outside of their beautiful home in Otsego, Minnesota. The air was cold, and the night sky was clear. Inside the house, she could only see one light on in their bedroom.

With a smile on her face, she approached the front door, ready to surprise her wonderful husband and kids. But soon, she would make a heartbreaking discovery.


As soon as Sarah stepped inside and turned the lights on, she couldn't believe what she saw. An audible gasp escaped her lips, and she looked around their kitchen. "What on earth?" she said silently.

The kitchen was completely empty. The air fryer, toasted, and microwave had all disappeared from the kitchen counters. The only thing that was left was a single piece of paper on the counter.

The List

She quickly reached for it and began reading, but she was confused. It appeared to be a list of every item in their home, with a price beside it. Many things had been crossed out, like all the gadgets that once stood in their kitchen.

Sarah couldn't understand what she was looking at. Had her husband sold a bunch of things from their house? Concern coursed through her as she headed for the living room, but she was not prepared for what she found next.

Sleeping On The Floor

As soon as she entered the living room, she was beyond surprised to find their three children asleep on the floor. There were no couches, and their television was gone. Had Jonathan sold everything? Her heart was pounding. 

She decided to wake her oldest child, a girl named Tammy, to ask her what was going on. 'Mommy, you're home," Tammy said sleepily, rubbing her eyes.

We’re Moving

"Hey, sweetie," she tried to smile through the panic that visibly appeared on her face. "What's going on? Where is all of our stuff?" she asked, hoping for a reasonable explanation.

Tammy rubbed her eyes and told her mother the words she never wanted to hear. "Daddy is selling everything because we're moving," she said. Sarah couldn't believe what her daughter had just said.

It Didn’t Make Sense

"What? We're not moving," she said, her eyes wide as she tried to make sense of it all. She knew she had to speak to Jonathan about what her daughter had said. Perhaps Tammy was too exhausted to give her the real explanation.

She slowly walked down the hall, feeling her heart racing in her chest. She had a terrible feeling in the pit of her stomach. But when she walked past the children's bedrooms, she noticed something.

Their Rooms Were Empty

Their beds were missing from their rooms, and they had suitcases filled with all of their clothes and toys. But this didn't make sense. Jonathan and Sarah had never discussed the possibility of moving someplace else.

She marched straight for their bedroom, her blood running cold as she desperately hoped for an explanation from her husband. But as she swung their bedroom door open, she saw something she would never forget.

He Wasn’t Alone

Before her eyes, she watched as her husband sat in bed, but he wasn't alone. Rachel, the nanny, was right next to him, reading a book in the spot where Sarah had been sleeping for years.

As soon as she walked in and they saw her, tears welled up behind her eyes. "What is going on here?" she asked as tears slowly began sliding down her cheeks.

Seen A Ghost

Jonathan looked like he had just seen a ghost as he slowly got out of bed and approached his crying wife. Rachel sat motionless in the bed, too stunned to speak as she watched everything unfold in front of her.

"Sarah, I was going to speak to you about this over the phone tomorrow. I thought you weren't coming back for another week," he said, stunned. He knew it was all over.

What’s Going On?

"I wanted to surprise you and the kids. What's going on here? Why are you selling all of our stuff? Why is she in our bed?" she asked, her heart pounding viciously in her chest.

Jonathan had tears behind his eyes as he stared at the woman whose heart he was actively breaking. He knew she deserved the truth and decided to tell her what was going on.

Fallen In Love

"Rachel and I have fallen in love," he said and paused. A tense silence fell over the room as Sarah stared at him with wide eyes. "We both felt a deep connection to one another, and I have decided to leave," he said.

Sarah couldn't believe what her husband had just said. How on earth was this happening? They were happy just weeks ago. "And you decided this in three weeks?" she said, her eyes wide.

He Wanted To Move On

All Jonathan could do was nod. "Look, I know this is so sudden, but I can't help the way I feel. We want to move someplace nice and start over. I know this is sudden, but it's what I want," he said.

Sarah was furious, and that night, she kicked her husband and Rachel out of the house with only the clothes on their backs. She couldn't believe what her husband had been getting up to while she was away, missing him.

A Terrible State

For weeks, Sarah and their children were in terrible emotional states; she couldn't believe what he had done. Jonathan and Rachel stayed in a hotel together as they tried to decide where to go next. But it didn't last long.

Just a month later, Jonathan came knocking on the front door, begging Sarah to take him back after he and Rachel had broken up. All Sarah could do was laugh in his face.

He Threw It All Away

"You threw your entire home and family away for a twenty-year-old girl, and now your relationship is over, and you have nothing," she said before shutting the door in his face.

She filed for divorce the very next day, and for the first time, she felt relief. She couldn't believe that he had hurt her so much, but she wasn't going to let him do it again.

Time To Move On

Eventually, the divorce was settled, and she got to walk away with half of what he owned, including the money from things he sold out of their house. 

Although Sarah was in a terrible spot for an entire year after the divorce, she slowly but surely got her life together with her three children. She knew that someday, she would find someone who truly loved her and who would never hurt her the way he had.