A Close Relationship
Nothing Looked out of the ordinary between the woman and her dog. But as their relationship progressed, she became a lot closer to her canine companion. It was her husband that was baffled by the situation.

Why would she take their dog into the bathroom? To make matters even stranger, he heard the sound of the door locking. He knew what he had to do. He pulled out his phone and looked for his new app.
Adopting A Dog
Katie wanted nothing more than a faithful canine companion to keep her company. David thought that it would be good for the couple to have another life to take care of. He worked in an office while she worked at home.

He thought that it would be the perfect arrangement. Katie would be kept company while David worked long hours in his office, which was an hour away from their home in Atlanta, Georgia.
Growing Close
After a bit of searching, the couple found an Australian Shepherd and named him Bailey. The shelter dog quickly grew accustomed to Katie and loved nothing more than her company.

David was reassured that Katie wouldn’t be lonely during the long hours when David wasn’t there. But as the weeks went by, he saw how much more often the dog stayed by her side. He didn’t want to be envious.
David was pleased that his wife would have a companion to be with her during his long workdays, and her joy made him happy. But he started feeling uneasy when he noticed how Bailey was permanently at Katie’s side. Was he growing jealous of a dog?
Lovely Couple
David worked hard to help provide for him and Katie. He even worked overtime just so they could afford the nicer things in life. They were a loving couple that felt like their life was nearly perfect.

Katie loved her husband dearly and enjoyed making dinner for him every evening. But David had no idea what else she got up to in her spare time.
Hard Work Pays Off
After months of working hard, David got his big break. He was put on a big accounting consulting team. Now he would be able to be home sooner in the day.

Katie wasn’t aware of his earlier times now and David would use that to her advantage. He knew that he could surprise her. But he had no idea what he would find.
Where Was His Wife?
David got home early and carefully opened the front door. He had to be quiet so as to not alert Bailey. He looked around, things were eerily quiet, but he kept up his mission.

David carefully searched the house for his wife. But after looking around, he couldn’t find his wife or their dog. The leash was at the entrance, so they weren’t on a walk.
The Bathroom
After looking through most of the house, David finally noticed something. He could hear the sound of water. Katie was currently in the bathroom. He could hear the shower running.

He Breathed a sigh of relief as he headed to the bathroom to make sure he was right. That was when he heard something; she was speaking, but to whom?
Caught Off Guard
David moved closer to the door, determined to hear more, but heard only the water running. When he heard the shower turn off, he called out to his wife, “Katie, I’m home!” The next moment, he heard a thud, followed by what he thought was a whine.

“Everything okay?” he called.
“Yep, I’ll be out in a second,” he heard his wife respond. Her voice sounded strained. When she emerged from the bathroom with Bailey close on her heels, she looked rattled. Had his surprise been that unexpected?
Is She Hiding Something?
“What are you doing home so early?” she asked him. David told her the good news. But her weak smile and seemingly unenthusiastic congratulations made him uneasy. He couldn’t help but think back to what he had heard.

His gaze lept back and forth between his wife and her dog as he wondered what she was getting up to while he was at work. Little did he know that the canine at Katie’s side was the key to the whole mystery.
Feeling Unsafe
Unable to contain his curiosity, David asked Katie, “Were you talking to someone just now?” Her eyes flew up to meet his gaze; then she quickly looked away. “Just Bailey,” she said. Noticing his skeptical expression, she added, “He makes me feel safe when I’m home alone.”

Disturbed that his wife would feel unsafe in their home, David decided to make some changes. But his good intentions would ultimately only cause more doubt in his mind.
Her Guard Dog
As David processed his wife’s unease, he wondered why she hadn’t mentioned it to him before. They had always been open with each other – why was she relying on her dog to keep her safe instead of telling him about it?

He kept thinking about it, trying to figure out what she thought Bailey could do to protect her while she was in the shower. If she wanted him to guard her, why was she closing him inside the bathroom with her?
Nothing Changed
The first days of David’s new job passed slowly as he got used to the new routine of getting home earlier. It wasn’t made easier by the fact that Katie was still taking Bailey into the bathroom with her, even though David was at home.

He still regularly heard her voice while she was in the shower. She maintained that it was just Bailey. But as she seemed to pull further away from him, doubt crept deeper into his mind.
Unusual Behavior
David also picked up on changes in Katie’s usual behavior. She seemed preoccupied and anxious, forgetting to do simple tasks like paying bills or buying groceries. He often came home to her sitting on the couch, her forehead clammy, with Bailey lying on top of her protectively.

Was she really that scared to be in their home alone? Had there been an incident that traumatized her? He panicked at the thought of failing to keep his wife safe but wondered why she wouldn’t tell him if something bad had happened.
Taking Precautions
After seeing this one too many times, David decided it was time to upgrade their home security. He purchased a doorbell camera, which would not only record footage of anyone who approached it but would also notify them if the front door was opened.

He hoped that this precaution would help Katie feel safer, knowing that she could monitor any unwelcome visitors. In the end, it only caused him more concern and confusion.
Just A Walk
While he was at work the very next day, David received an alert on his phone that the front door had been opened. He checked the camera to see Katie heading out with Bailey on his leash. He relaxed, assuming she was just taking the dog for a walk.

It was hours before he got another notification announcing her return. That first day, he assumed she had just been running some errands. But when it started happening regularly, he got uneasy. Where was she going for so long in the middle of her workday?
Is There Someone Else?
David’s thoughts were racing with possibilities. He knew there was something his wife wasn’t telling him, but he didn’t know what or why. But he kept thinking back to her conversations in the bathroom.

He could never make out her words, but he knew she was talking to someone. Was Bailey just an excuse for her to talk to somebody else on the phone? Was this the same somebody who she was going to see while David wasn’t home?
She’s Defensive
Unwilling to sit around and be made a fool of, David decided to confront Katie that evening. He waited until she emerged from the bathroom. Bailey was at her side, as always. “Who were you talking to in there?” he demanded.

Katie sat down shakily on their bed before responding, “Haven’t we been over this? It’s just Bailey.” Her tone was growing irritated. David found her defensiveness suspicious.
Not Getting Answers
He wasn’t going to accept her answer so easily. “What could Bailey possibly do to keep you safe in the bathroom?” She only blinked at him in response, provoking him to take it one step further. “And where are you going all day long when you tell me you’re working?”

The silence was heavy. David waited expectantly, wondering if his wife would finally be honest with him.
Throwing Around Accusations
That was when he realized that his wife’s silence wasn’t avoidance; it was her growing anger. “Oh, you’re monitoring me now?” she spat at him. “Spying on me? What happened to a trusting relationship, David? Are you that insecure?”

David couldn’t believe that he was the one getting yelled at when she was the one acting suspiciously. Her accusations hit their target – his heart. But he wouldn’t give up so easily
I’m Trying To Help
Swallowing his hurt, he pushed on. “Answer the question, Katie,” he said through gritted teeth. He tried to maintain a semblance of calm. “I’m your husband. I love you, and I want to help you, but I can’t do anything if you don’t tell me the truth.”

David saw the pained expression that briefly passed over her face, hoping it meant he was getting somewhere. But he wouldn’t get the response he wanted.
“It’s none of your business,” she snapped. “You’re just a controlling man who thinks he has a right to watch my every move. I can’t even take a shower in peace.” She was furious, getting more and more worked up, her breathing growing labored.
His own rage flared as Bailey whined at Katie’s side, and his wife’s full attention turned to the dog, dismissing her husband and his questions completely.
Lashing Out
That was when David really lost his cool. He was fed up with her obsession with the dog. Katie was supposed to be his partner in life. They had stood in front of their friends and family and vowed to love each other for better or for worse. Didn’t that mean anything to her?

He didn’t really mean what he said next, but he couldn’t stop himself from lashing out. He wanted to hurt her like she was hurting him.
Cold Words
“Typical,” he said with a humorless laugh as he watched her focus on Bailey. “You know, sometimes I think you love that dog more than you love me. I wish I’d never agreed to get him.”

He heard her sharp inhale. Katie slowly looked over to her husband one last time, her eyes cold. “Yeah, well, Bailey takes better care of me than you ever have. Maybe I should have just married him.” Her words hit him right in the heart.
She Hurt Him
David stormed out of the bedroom, his feelings hurt. He had done everything to make his wife happy. When she wanted a dog to keep her company, he’d agreed. When she’d felt unsafe, he’d taken precautions for her.

And yet, she kept choosing Bailey over him, kept concealing her true feelings and actions from him. His pain fueled him to find out once and for all what she was hiding in the bathroom. But would his suspicions be correct? What was she really up to?
Late Night Investigations
The night wore on, but David couldn't shake off the tension that had settled between them. Unable to sleep, he waited until Katie had drifted off before slipping out of bed. He crept down the dimly lit hallway, determined to uncover the truth that had driven a wedge between them.

The soft glow of his phone illuminated his path as he approached the bathroom door. A mixture of fear and determination coursed through him. What was happening behind that locked door that she wouldn’t share with him?
So Secretive
He kept thinking about hearing her voice. It was muffled behind the door, and the sound of the running bath water, but he knew that she was talking to someone in there.
It sounded like a full-on conversation. Then David thought he knew exactly what it could be. Why else was she being so secretive?

He Knew What She Was Up To
David came to the conclusion that his wife could possibly be having an affair. By talking while the water was running, it would block out most of the conversation.
David was now convinced that this was what his wife was up to. His mind filled with all kinds of thoughts, and he couldn’t believe that she would do something like that to him.
No Proof ,Was this where his marriage was headed? His wife was talking to her secret lover in the bathroom while he slaved away at work all day?
He was not going to stand for this. But he still had no proof. He needed to make sure before he could confront her. But how could he get the proof?
At His Wit’s End
David was at his wit’s end. He wished he knew what to do about this situation. It was driving him crazy. His wife was acting strangely with her dog.

He never imagined his life to be this way. Everything was normal, but then it changed, and it all started when Bailey came into their lives.
David paced around the living room, his fists clenched and his heart pounding, trying to figure out what he was going to do. His wife was pushing him away. Was she replacing him with someone else?

But despite her words, despite his own, he really did love her. He just didn’t know what to do to fix all of this – how could he fix it if he didn’t know what was broken? Was their marriage doomed?
The Silent Treatment
David slept on the couch that night and left for work the next morning without a word to his wife. But as he sat through his meetings, his mind wandering, he came up with a plan.

On his way home, he stopped by the security store and bought a small surveillance camera that could be hidden easily. He would hide it in the bathroom and see and hear what Katie was really doing in there.
At An Impasse
David knew it was a risky plan. Katie was already upset at the thought of him monitoring her movements. If she found out about this, he was certain it would be the end of their marriage.

But he also knew that he couldn’t keep living with these secrets and lies. They were at an impasse. He could only pray that they would get past whatever he found out and that she could forgive him for his deception. But he didn’t know how serious the consequences would be.
No Other Choice
David didn’t want to spy on his wife, but he had no choice. He didn’t know what more to do. It was very serious at this point, and his marriage depended on it.

He was convinced that she was keeping something from him. He just didn’t know what it was. He hoped and prayed that it wasn’t what he was thinking.
Their marriage had been very fragile of late, and he was eager to mend fences with her. However, she didn’t seem too keen to do so.

She was too fixated on Bailey and whatever they were doing in the bathroom. He hoped that the camera system he had set up would give him the answers that he so desperately sought.
Tension Escalates
In the meantime, the tension at home escalated. Katie remained distant, and David couldn't shake the feeling of guilt for invading her privacy. But he felt he had no other option.

He tried his best to get through to her to try and resolve their issues, but it was like a wall had been put up between them. There was no getting through to her.
It saddened him because he loved her very much, but the way things were going now, it seemed like she had found someone else to make her happy.

He had hoped to grow old with Katie. She was his dream girl, but ever since Bailey came into their lives, things had changed for the worse for them and their marriage.
Was He Right?
All hope was riding on the camera he had placed in the bathroom. His heart raced just thinking about it and what he would find once he looked at the footage.

Would he be right all along? Was his wife in love with someone else, or did he just have the wrong end of the stick? Only time will tell.
A Plate Of Hope
When David arrived home that day, the frigid atmosphere still hung about the house. Katie didn’t greet him when he walked in; she wasn’t waiting for him like most days. It made his heart ache.

But then he saw what sat on the kitchen counter – a full plate. She had still made him dinner. The food was cold, and she wasn’t there to eat with him, but he took it as a sign that she didn’t completely hate him. It sparked a small kernel of hope within him.
Avoiding The Issue
Yet, neither of them addressed the problem that evening. David could hear the shower running in the bathroom but didn’t stick around long enough to see Katie emerge. He didn’t want to sit through the pain of hearing her voice in there.

David headed back to his spot on the couch, where he started setting up the new security camera. He needed to link it to an app on his phone. Then, he would be able to discover what his wife was up to in real-time.
His Justification
David listened for the familiar sounds of his wife going to bed. He would need to make sure she was sound asleep before he dared to go back upstairs. She had to be completely unaware of his movements.

All the while, he thought of the happy times they had together, of how much he treasured her. He reminded himself of his love and commitment to her, digging deep to justify his deceit. David was desperate to rescue their relationship.
Spying On His Wife
Once he was sure Katie was asleep, he sneaked upstairs and into the bathroom. He looked around, searching for the perfect hiding place. The corners of his mouth perked up when he spotted the toilet rolls stacked on the shelf.

He carefully concealed the camera behind them. It was a great angle and close enough to the shower to pick up her voice. He would have the perfect view of it all, and he’d be able to hear everything she was saying, even with the water running.
Feeling Ashamed
As David crept back through the bedroom, he glanced at his wife sleeping soundly, Bailey at her side. He felt bad for what he was doing, but he pushed down the shame bubbling up as he watched her beautiful, serene face.

In his mind, her dishonesty justified him secretly observing her. It made him uneasy to spy on her, but this was truly his last resort. But what he discovered would not only change his life but overwhelm him with guilt, too.
A Blur
The following day passed in a blur. David and Katie still hadn’t spoken, and the only thing on his mind was watching the camera footage that evening. He barely registered what happened in his meetings.

When he got home, it was a repeat of the previous day – dinner waiting for him. But this time, he was too distracted, too nervous to appreciate the gesture. It would only be a couple of hours before his whole world got turned upside down.
Needing An Explanation
That evening, he watched anxiously as Katie and Bailey made their way into the bathroom. The couple still hadn’t broken their uneasy silence. He swallowed his envy, determined to get an explanation for the strange behavior.

As they disappeared behind the door, David opened the surveillance app connected to the camera. His hands shook as he held the small screen, watching his life change before his eyes.
The Moment Of Truth
The live feed initially revealed nothing unusual. Katie placed her phone down on the counter and got in the shower. Bailey had settled close by. But suddenly, he approached the shower and whined. Katie’s voice came, “Towel, Bailey,” and the clever dog brought her towel.

David watched as his wife sat on the floor next to the shower while Bailey grabbed something off the counter, right where Katie had placed her phone. Was she about to call someone?
A Different Kind Of Safety
He was caught off guard when he recognized the item – it was an orange pill bottle. He heard his wife weakly say, “Good boy, Bailey. Can you get my water?” The loyal dog obediently followed her command.

David watched Bailey lay down on Katie’s legs as she took a pill, her body tense. He recognized the anxiety he had attributed to her fears regarding her safety. He realized that she had been telling the truth – but it was a different kind of safety that Bailey brought her.
Regretting His Words
A million thoughts flew through David’s head, his eyes still trained on the footage. It was obvious that Bailey was more than just a pet or a companion to keep Katie company. He regretted his cruel words about the loyal animal.

More importantly, he had realized that his wife’s cold accusations were a facade, only meant to distance herself from him. But why would she push him away during such a difficult time in her life? David would soon find out.
She’s Suffering
David now understood that his suspicions had been completely wrong. He was overcome with guilt at suspecting her of infidelity when she was clearly suffering through something alone.

But his jealousy had quickly transformed into concern for his wife, and his guilt was put on the back burner. Was she unwell? Was it serious? Why was she hiding it from him?
He Figured It Out
The worried husband waited impatiently for Katie to emerge from the bathroom. He was sitting on the bed with his head in his hands when he finally heard the door open. His gaze flew up to meet hers.

David shot up to support his unsteady wife. He knew that she would be able to tell that he had figured something out – she knew him better than anyone. But he still only had a fraction of the whole story.
He carefully led her to the bed, where they sat down together, hand in hand. He waited patiently for her to say something. Her revelation devastated him.
“I have a chronic illness,” she admitted. “Bailey is my service dog. He keeps me safe; that’s why he’s always with me.” David took a deep, shaky breath. He had been jealous of an animal that was actively helping his wife.
Her Diagnosis
“It’s called Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome,” Katie continued. “My heart rate goes crazy when I go from sitting or lying down to standing up or if I stay standing for too long. Then I could faint. Bailey can tell when my heart rate increases.”

She revealed that her long trips out of the house were usually for doctor’s appointments or sometimes for extra service dog training with Bailey. Then, she sat quietly, waiting for David to break his silence.
Hard To Speak
David had to swallow the lump in his throat before he could speak. Finally, he said, “Why didn’t you tell me? Did you think I wouldn’t take care of you? That I would leave you?” He struggled to get the words out.

Katie looked away, guilt washing over her face. “I didn’t want to worry you,” she said softly. “You… You work so hard. You have enough stress. I didn’t want to put this on you, too.” He could see the tears welling up in her eyes.
Remembering Their Vows
David’s own eyes burned with tears, too. “Katie, through sickness and health, remember?” he said shakily, reminding her of their wedding vows. Shame still burdening him, he added, “I’m sorry I spied on you. I understand if you’re angry.”

She was silent for a moment before she looked back into her husband’s eyes. “For better and for worse, right?” she said with a small smile.
David’s guilt and concern overshadowed the anger he had felt towards her. He promised her that she was his priority and that he would always be there to support her. He decreased his hours at work and attended every doctor’s appointment with her, researching her condition so he could recognize every sign and symptom.

At the same time, they agreed that some couple’s counseling would be helpful to strengthen their marriage and get them through a rough time. Though it took some time, they both managed to put their guilt and feelings of betrayal behind them.
A New Bond
It didn’t take long for David to forget his jealousy of Katie’s relationship with Bailey. Now that he knew the truth, it was a relief to have the loyal dog be a part of their family.

He came to understand Bailey’s role better, and the two quickly formed a bond based on their love for Katie. David was grateful that his wife had Bailey when he couldn’t be there for her, and the dog always seemed to get extra treats when David came home.
A Healing Marriage
As Katie's health journey unfolded, David's support became an integral part of her daily life. With newfound openness, they communicated more effectively, breaking down the walls that had built up between them.

Their shared experience with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome became a catalyst for a deeper connection. Together, they faced the challenges, celebrated small victories, and grew even more inseparable.
Learning to Trust
The couple decided to attend counseling to strengthen their emotional bond further. Through guided discussions, they learned to trust each other more, addressing the scars left by David's distrust and Katie's fear of burdening him.

In therapy, they found the tools to navigate through difficult times, building a foundation of understanding and empathy that would sustain their marriage through the ups and downs that life inevitably brings.
Bailey's Unseen Heroism
Bailey's role as a service dog became not only a symbol of comfort for Katie but a reminder of the unwavering loyalty that existed in their marriage. David began to see the canine companion as an unsung hero, supporting Katie in ways he never could.

The little Australian Shepherd became a bridge between them, creating a unique bond that surpassed jealousy and misunderstandings. Bailey's presence became a comforting constant in their evolving relationship.
A Renewed Vow
In a quiet moment one evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, David and Katie stood together in their backyard. With Bailey by their side, they exchanged renewed vows, promising to navigate life's challenges hand in hand.

The experience had transformed them individually and as a couple. Their love, tested and refined, emerged stronger, and the scars of their past were replaced with the promise of a future built on trust, understanding, and unwavering support.
A Life Redefined
As time passed, Katie's health stabilized, and the shadows that once loomed over their marriage dissipated. The couple embraced the new normal, cherishing each moment and navigating life's journey with resilience and shared laughter.

Their story became one of overcoming adversity, learning to trust, and discovering the true strength that lies in vulnerability. With Bailey by their side, they forged ahead, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, secure in the knowledge that their love could withstand the tests of time.