Wondering Why Dogs Eat Grass? Here’s The Answer!

We often spot wild dogs relishing a meal they found themselves which may include raw meat, bones, and sometimes, they can even be seen nibbling vegetable leftovers. Pet dogs, on the other hand, don’t go in quest of food as they are served the nutrition on their platter (or rather in a dog bowl!). However, there’s one thing that most dogs gobble down and it gives rise to a certain mystery. Dogs eating grass is that baffling phenomenon and with each passing day, the theories behind this act keep increasing and they are definitely interesting. A pooch’s behavior intrigues us and we know all the curious minds would want to know the answer to their grass-eating habit. Let’s dive deep into this riveting study!

The Theory Of Illness

While many people and dog owners seem to have that worried look on their faces when they see their canine devouring grass, the experts present a different opinion. Eating grass is not a sign of illness for the dogs and so, the stressed faces can relax. It is observed over the years that canids and now, dogs might indulge in a meal of grass to get rid of intestinal parasites. It’s an entirely independent study about dogs and their ancestors dealing with the parasites emerging in their intestinal region. We can conclude here that grass-eating doesn’t point towards any illness in a pooch.

Following The Instincts

According to speculation, canines gulp down a handful of grass as their instincts push them towards this eating pattern. This dates back to the dog’s ancestors eating herbivores implying that grass was a part of their diet indirectly. Foxes and wolves have been doing the same thing with herbivores forming a major part of their meals. They consume the entire prey leaving no trace behind. The plants in the stomachs of those quarries become a part of what the predator needs to eat. So, eating grass can be instinctual for the dogs if all these facts are to be considered.

The Insufficient Diet

The dog owners have always been concerned about their pets’ diet and when they notice them devouring grass, it becomes a grave matter for them. Fortunately, with better researches and studies, it has been found that when dogs eat grass, it doesn’t signal any diet troubles. Even if their usual diet is deprived of some crucial nutrients, the canines won’t chew on grass to recover those supplements as grass doesn’t contain the nutrients that a dog would be lacking. Grass-eating is not something that would add a healthy component to their diet or substitute for the deficient nutrients. So, this theory can take a backseat!

The Boredom Hypothesis

One of the presumptions for dogs eating grass says that it might be due to the absence of exciting activities in their lives. But that’s just not true! Dogs can always find a thing to play with or a partner to go on a little adventure with – they are smart creatures! They won’t graze just to fight boredom. Stating that a dog must be bored when spotted eating grass can be vague reasoning as no logical facts support this. Apparently, there are a few strong reasons that explain the whole grass-eating situation of pooches.

A Genetic Urge

Apart from the instincts that take the dogs towards the grass, their genes may also contribute to their grass-eating behavior. Since wild dogs are categorized as omnivorous, they tend to savor meat and even digest a few fruits and grains. This could be the reason for the canines to be attracted towards the grass field and eat a few clumps of the green turf. From instincts to genes, dogs have a few good explanations to present for eating that grass. But these furry animals realize that the turf has nothing valuable to offer in terms of health and nutrition. So, it would never fulfill their craving for a wholesome meal. Turns out, the dogs might have quite a few more valid points for devouring the grass.

Treating The Taste Buds

While cats may be called fussy eaters for their overcritical behavior regarding what goes into their mouths, dogs won’t mind gnawing at anything that pleases their eyes, looks edible, and impresses their powerful olfactory glands. This is because dogs have one-sixth the number of taste buds than humans. That leads them towards any food item that satisfies their sense of smell but isn’t too good to taste and grass is one such edible product for these omnivores. The odor of the grass calls them but they never seem to comprehend the actual taste because of their feeble palate. The canines may just have an attraction towards grass for its texture and aroma.

Relief From A Digestive Issue

One notion that has made the veterinarians ponder is that the canines savor grass when they are suffering from a bad stomach. Many specialists have discovered a base for this argument as a few surveys concluded that a certain percentage of dogs threw up after eating grass and hence, getting rid of anything that was causing trouble inside their gut. However, there have been contradicting researches for this idea too as not all canines vomited after consuming the turf. Grazing the lawn can be a part of their eating pattern but some can choose to eat the grass when they want to expel the troubling parasite from their stomach.

Dangers Associated With This Habit

Many dog enthusiasts often carry a concern for their furry friends when they spot the canines grazing on the lawn. But are those green plants too dangerous for your pup? The answer is no and it also depends on the pooch and their reaction to the grass they just took in. Moreover, the chemicals or pesticides that are sprayed in the lawns are capable of causing uneasiness and any health issue that you detect in your pooch. Take them to a vet for expert advice and then, jump to any conclusions. Don’t panic, they can digest a tiny tuft of grass!

Research In Progress

There hasn’t been much research about the dogs, their traits, and eating habits. Even though dog aficionados and experts have been able to decode some of the crucial behavioral aspects of these furry animals but there’s still a lot to unravel. Canines would indulge in a grassy meal for a variety of reasons ranging from their genetic build, strong instincts that take them towards the lawn, a sick stomach, or the “luscious” taste and smell of the grass. The dog owners are awaiting science to stand with these theories and they can let their pooches roam around in the lawn freely without stressing about their grass obsession!

Keep Them Engaged

Many experts suggest that refraining your dog from grazing on the lawn is not a smart choice to make as it’s not a harmful behavior that will have a direct detrimental impact on their health. It’s just a habit that can be a consequence of various harmless factors. One thing that the dog owners can do is to involve the canine in various tough activities that keep them active and nimble. Even a safe chew toy can distract the dogs from the grass and cheer them up when they are bored. Just keep them busy with uplifting tasks and you’ll be relieved.