World-wide Mother-in-law Stories That You Have Probably Never Heard of Before!

The relationship between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law can often be strained. While some may have a great relationship, the majority of cases come from a place of tension. The character Marie Barone from Everybody Loves Raymond is a prime example of this. She is the nightmare mother-in-law that many people are familiar with.

The people featured in this article have all turned to the internet to share their frustrating stories of overbearing mothers-in-law. These women are from all over the world and they all have one thing in common - their mothers-in-law just can't seem to relax. We hope that you don't relate to any of these stories!

Not allowed to be in the post

The author's mother-in-law and her have always had disagreements. The mother-in-law recently relocated across the state to be closer to the author and her husband and 8-month old baby. The lunch they had together yesterday was fine, the food was delicious, and they got along just well. The author even gave her a parting hug.

The author assumed that everything was fine until she returned home and discovered that the mother-in-law had put a picture of herself, the author, and the baby on social media, along with a statement about what a lovely meal they had together. The author didn't mind the photo, but she was bothered by the fact that the mother-in-law had taken it while she was in the restroom and then not tagged her in the post as if she wasn't there.

So, to get back at her, the author asked to be tagged in the mother-in-law's "check in" post for the restaurant where they were eating and wrote "Lunch was amazing! I'm so thrilled the four of us were able to get together!" The mother-in-law did tag her in the post, but she also addressed her in a passive-aggressive manner. However, it appears to everyone else that they just had lunch together as a family.

Boys cant wear earrings

My 10-year-old son recently expressed a desire for an earring. I thought he was old enough to make his own decision, so I took him to a piercer and had it done. He only wanted one ear pierced and it looks good. To my husband and me, that's the most important thing.

But my MIL didn't agree with our decision. Yesterday she went to visit him alone and when she noticed the earring, she started yelling and scolding him for it. First MIL thought he did it himself because there's no way a parent would allow their son to do it. She was like "What will your mom say about this?" He said, "Nothing, she took me to the piercer." And MIL was like, "You're lying! Don't lie to your grandmother!"

She tried to shame him about having the earring. She was like, "But you're a boy. Everyone in the school will laugh at you because you look like a girl now. You're not a girl, are you? So you shouldn't be wearing girls' accessories!"

Then MIL demanded that he take it out. He refused and she was like, "Okay then, I'm going after my belt. Looks like you haven't been spanked for a while!"

MIL chased him through the entire house but he's too quick for her to catch. He ran out of the house, took his bike and cycled straight home.

He told us everything, and said that he doesn't want to visit grandmother any more because she's acting like this. I called MIL. She was still looking for him and asked me where he's at. I said that he's home already and won't be coming back anytime soon, because she's making a fuss out of nonsense. Also she has no right to hit him.

She responded that letting him have an earring is "turning him into a criminal and a girly boy." Um, okay?

I honestly couldn't even follow her trail of thoughts. How can an earring make you a criminal? How can it make you look like a girl?

MIL cant accept the fact that my husband and I are in an open relationship

The woman in this story is referred to as "MiL". She is a witch, and she has been known to curse people. MiL moved near her son and daughter-in-law without telling them, and she soon began spying on them. She believed that the guests her son's wife had over were all someone else's partners, and not her son's.

At Christmas, MiL approached her son and accused his wife of cheating on him. He laughed it off and told her that it wasn't true, but she didn't listen. MiL set up a fake Facebook profile and began messaging her daughter-in-law as a man. She propositioned her for sex, and when the daughter-in-law agreed to meet her at Starbucks, MiL showed up with printouts of their messages.

She was loudly arguing with them outside of Starbucks when the staff asked her to leave. The argument continued outside, until finally the daughter-in-law and husband drove away. The next day, MiL called them to say she was going to put a hex on the daughter-in-law to make sure she left her baby alone.

Mother In Law believes she is a witch

The woman in this story is referred to as "MiL". She is a witch, and she has been known to curse people. MiL moved near her son and daughter-in-law without telling them, and she soon began spying on them. She believed that the guests her son's wife had over were all someone else's partners, and not her son's.

At Christmas, MiL approached her son and accused his wife of cheating on him. He laughed it off and told her that it wasn't true, but she didn't listen. MiL set up a fake Facebook profile and began messaging her daughter-in-law as a man. She propositioned her for sex, and when the daughter-in-law agreed to meet her at Starbucks, MiL showed up with printouts of their messages.

She was loudly arguing with them outside of Starbucks when the staff asked her to leave. The argument continued outside, until finally the daughter-in-law and husband drove away. The next day, MiL called them to say she was going to put a hex on the daughter-in-law to make sure she left her baby alone.

Give me your and your husband's birth certificate!

My husband and I went to visit my mother-in-law's house for my sister-in-law's 50th birthday. While we were there, we got on the topic of birth times. I asked MIL what time my husband was born. She said she would check the birth certificate. She left and came back with a small lock safe. She pulled out her birth certificate, BIL's, and SIL's. Mind you, SIL is BIL's wife, not their sister.

MIL asked my husband where his birth certificate was. He said he had it. MIL asked me why I had it and I answered, "Because it's with all of our important family documents."

MIL: "But it should be here, with the other family documents."

Me: "Well, having it at our house means [husband] doesn't have to drive three hours here and back to get it, in case he needs it."

MIL: "Why would he need it?"

Me: "Because it's his birth certificate?"

MIL: "No, it needs to be here with the other family documents."

Me: "Well, I guess you can bring it after you get those things."

So SIL changed the topic and things went on without incident for the rest of our visit.

But today, my husband got a text from his mom asking when we were going on our trip. When he said we weren't going on a trip, she asked him why I needed a passport then. My husband said I had used that just as an example.

So then she texted me and said, "Christine [husband] said you didn't need your birth certificate right now. Please bring it with you when you come next."

So I responded: "I thought about what you said Saturday and I think you're right. So I'm actually taking my birth certificate and DH's to my mom's to be kept in her important family files."

Husband cheating is your fault

I am a 40-year-old mother of three boys. Twins aged 8 and 4 years old. I discovered my husband was having an affair a few weeks ago. I just found out because he passed me a disease. This is useful information.

So, in the last two weeks, I've only seen my husband once, when he questioned how he could be sure I hadn't given him the virus. I told him to leave, and he did so. He has abandoned me and our sons completely. This week has been difficult!

I went to a food bank and in hope, I'll be able to feed my sons until my benefits arrive next Tuesday. I hope to god I have enough gas to keep the house warm till then. My only options are my sister (who was a train wreck) and my mother-in-law.

She has called him every day since I told him to leave. I'm guessing he'll stay with her, but I haven't asked. I initially assumed she was being encouraging, but I was mistaken. She's been threatening me to take him back, which I've been dismissing, but she outdid herself last night.

She told me that I was being selfish since guys have different needs than women and that I should just let him come home. After all, he wasn't going out drinking every night!

I had gone insane. I questioned her where on earth drinking was worse than cheating and spreading the disease to her wife. I also questioned her about what kind of dad fled when faced with and didn't bother checking in on his children or ensuring they had adequate food or heat. She advised me to be a better wife. I warned her she should just go and die in a fire.

I pray to God that I am parenting my sons better than she did hers, and that I never become the type of mother who makes excuses and blames others for her son's shortcomings

The wedding rehearsal fight

One of my friends is getting married on Saturday. Yesterday was the rehearsal, and the groom had to leave to go pick up his friend who was having car trouble. While he was gone, his parents arrived. The bride had heard some things about the groom's mother being a witch, but she decided to stay out of it. When the groom's mother saw the bride, she said "Hi [first name]! Thanks so much for coming." The bride calmly replied "And I'd prefer you weren't about to be my mother-in-law, but it looks like neither of us are getting what we want today." The groom's mother complained to anyone who would listen until the groom got back. When he got back, she latched onto him, whining about how rude the bride had been. The groom carefully pried her fingers off and said "Mom, I've told you before: she won't start fights but she has my blessing to finish them."

Kiss my cats butt

MIL has a particularly virulent case of the baby rabies. She loves babies, and she wants all of them, especially girl babies, but any baby will do in a pinch.

When she came over to visit and saw me sitting on the couch, cradling a blanket-swaddled bundle, she just about lost her mind. She let out an ecstatic gasp and pounced, leaning over my lap with lips pursed in anticipation of getting some sweet, sweet baby-cheek kisses.

Only to stumble backwards while making a sound like somebody choked a goat.

See, we don't have a baby. MIL knows this, and has been told many times that SO and I are staunchly childfree - she just refuses to believe it. We do have cats though. One of them loves to play. His favorite thing to do is what we call the Sloppy Burrito. He jumps up in my lap, I cover him with his favorite blanket, and he will then roll up and around in it until he passes out from sensory overload (or rolls off my lap).

When MIL pulled back the blanket, she did not reveal an adorable chunky baby but rather an adorable chunky cat. And not his adorable chunky face, either.

MIL almost kissed my cat's butt!

Why didn't I tell her it wasn't a baby? she demanded. Why would she think it was a baby? SO countered. She thought maybe we were baby-sitting my best friend's newest pet cat. Well, then why didn't I stop her? Why was she trying to kiss some stranger's cat without asking first? Who just kisses strange cats?

She just muttered something about being too excited to control herself and excused herself to the bathroom.

They’re my kids, I can tell them apart.

Since giving birth to twins a month ago, I have been the only one who can really tell them apart. MIL is visiting for the first time since their birth, and she has been here for almost a week. I am tolerating her. Today, while I was putting the twins in their swings, MIL leaned over and started examining them like they were Area 51 aliens. She pointed to Twin B and said "this is Twin A." I said "no, that's Twin B." She insisted that "Twin A" had traits that Twin B did not have, but I knew that she was wrong. My toddler came over and pointed to Twin A and said their name; I told her she was right. MIL rolled her eyes. This is going to be a fun debate for the next few decades.

Give me a grandbaby, I will make you part of my will

My mother-in-law has always wanted us to have children, but we won't. My husband decided to finally tell her about his vasectomy, which seemed to shut her up for a while.

Well, yesterday MIL told us all that she had purchased a burial plot for her and FIL, and how she’s pre-planned a funeral and wanted to start working on their long-term medical requests and power of attorney docs. All good things! Then she starts to tell us about her estate. FIL tries to change the subject, but no, no, we have to talk about this as a faaaamily.

Well, MIL gets this smug look on her face and then goes on about how their estate will be divided up, which basically gives my husband almost nothing because we “don’t have children, and the money is to support their family line.”

Her face when my husband and I both nod approvingly at this… it was priceless. I’m fairly certain she wanted us to fight back, or cry and make a scene, or beg her for money.

She controls two of her children with money but not us, and it drives her nuts. She sent my husband an email last night “apologizing” for her decision and giving him a “method of communication” about this without me involved. 100%, she was trying to get him to beg her for money or change her mind.

So, he popped me on the email and responded, “Mom, we both want you to enjoy your money and have a happy and secure retirement. This is your money, you can do whatever you want with it, and we’ll never criticize you for your decision.”

Not just a secret Hitler

The writer’s MIL is a skilled manipulator and liar. She would say horrible things to the writer whenever they were alone, and then when the writer would later call her out on those things, she would twist the writer's words or straight-up lie to the point that nobody would ever believe them. For years, this was incredibly frustrating for the writer to the point that they only really spent time around her because it was the only way to spend time with their wife's siblings whom they adore.

This weekend, the writer, MIL, FIL, and some of their siblings and other relatives were over at MIL's house playing a game called Secret Hitler. In the game, players are on two separate teams - Liberals and Fascists. One of the fascists is Hitler. This information is hidden except that the fascists know each other. So it's basically a game of liberals trying to figure out who the fascists are while the fascists secretly try and cause chaos and get Hitler into power.

Well, in this particular game they were taking their turns and arguing about who was who, and MIL immediately started turning the table against the writer. The writer was a liberal this game so it was obvious from how she was playing that she was a fascist trying to take her down.

Eventually, a few rounds later, MIL made an uncharacteristic mistake during one of her lies to the table and flubbed a minor detail. I jumped on it and was able to then prove to the entire table that she was a fascist. The table agreed, and I used the "assassinate" mechanic in the game to eliminate a player.

So in my moment of triumph I stood up, made a finger gun motion at MIL and said "You are literally Hitler" and "eliminated" her from the game. In reality, if Hitler died in the game then liberals would win - which we did because MIL was Hitler. MIL stood up, threw her cards on the table, and stormed off up to her room where she spent the rest of night sulking because she got proven a liar in front of her family.

It was an incredibly satisfying moment for the writer.

Mother in law illegally opening a credit card on the name of her son.

My sister-in-law's wedding probably cost around $15,000 to $20,000. We knew that my SIL and new husband probably got a lot of help paying for the wedding. This was after my MIL told us they wouldn't be paying anything for our wedding.

My SIL's husband did tell my husband a couple of days later that my MIL paid for almost all of the wedding. When my husband told me that, I was kind of surprised but thought "oh well, that's life."

But then, yesterday, my husband got a letter in the mail from a collection company. It seems like it can't be right because they say he owed about $8,000 on a credit card he's never seen before. He called their number and the company said they would cut him a deal and he'd only have to pay $5,000. He thought it was a scam so he hung up.

He then called the actual credit card company and found out that the card was real and it was in his name but it hadn't been paid for several months. The address listed on the account was his parents' house 400 miles away and he hadn't lived there for at least 6 years.

He called his mother yesterday and she denied knowing anything about it. When he said he would just have to report it as theft to the police, his mother's demeanor changed completely, telling him he shouldn't go to the police and should just take the deal to pay off $5,000. She said something about "there's a good chance I was the one who opened the account and probably had a secret shopping habit." He told her insisted he was calling the police.

At that point, she finally confessed to taking the credit card out in his name back in January "but only to pay for the wedding." You see, she wanted her daughter to have her dream wedding but knew they couldn't afford it. My MIL couldn't afford it all either, so they took out a credit card in my husband's name so that they could make the dream wedding happen. She then told my husband to just pay off the bill so that my SIL wouldn't be mad about it and not call the police.

My husband hung up without saying anything and told me all of this. Then he called the cops

Granddaughter’s imaginary friend is not liked by my MIL

My daughter has an imaginary boyfriend, and she talks to him on her pretend phone. She asked me to make the two of them popcorn. It seems like young love.

At the in-laws yesterday, she was talking about her boyfriend, and she said that he is black with short green hair. Her MIL looked like someone slapped her across the face, and she said "What do you mean he's black?!" My daughter added "wif short green hair!"

The MIL flipped her lid over the race of my daughter's imaginary boyfriend. For real. I have been laughing about it since. I hope her imaginary boyfriend is also an atheist and/or liberal, because MIL's head would explode.

Interestingly enough, my daughter likes her imaginary boyfriend's pound cake fried in a pan with butter, and topped with whipped cream. Soulmates!

Gifts are supposed to come with no strings attached

So, we've been planning our wedding and things have been going a little crazy. Our parents transferred us some money for the wedding, but it's turned out to be more complicated than we thought. MIL is trying to convince my fiancee to wear a dress for the wedding, and my parents are giving us a hard time about our guest list. We're not sure what to do now.pps and transferred the money back. Then we went back to the table, sat back down, and told them what we’d done.

They responded that we were acting like children, and we said that we wouldn’t be told what to do. My mum and my future mother-in-law promptly burst into tears, and both fathers looked pretty angry. They told us that the money was meant for us, and we said that we wouldn’t accept anything from them that came with strings attached.

We repeated that we had all wedding elements, including our outfits and guest list already decided. We said it was final and we wouldn’t be taking suggestions, to which they said we were being unfair by not giving them a say. We then thanked them for the meal, put down a $20 each, and left without another word.

My sister died and that made my mother in law extremely happy

Since my husband and I got married, we realized that starting a family might be difficult for us. We found out that we both have some fertility issues, making it highly unlikely for us to conceive naturally.

Six months ago, my sister and her husband died in a car accident. They were driving home from picking up their kids from my house when their car was hit by a truck that swerved into their lane. They died instantly. My husband and I got custody of their three children- an 11-year-old boy, a 7-year-old girl, and a 1-year-old baby...

And my MIL thinks this is the best thing that could have possibly happened to me and my husband. When she heard that the children will be living with us now, she looked overjoyed and was like, ”It’s so great, it’s so great! It’s so amazing how life always fixes everything!”

Excuse me, MIL, what’s so great? That three small children lost their parents? As if my sister should have died so that I could have her kids. MIL’s excitement about this whole situation just makes my blood boil.

She was like, ”You couldn’t have children and then God gave you some! You should be happy too! That’s more than great! Now you can raise them, a house full of kids if the best thing that can happen to a person.”

I’d rather stay childless my whole life and have my nephews and niece be with their real parents than have children this way when they’re in my care because their parents died.

And then she said something that made me almost smack her across the face. ”And you should tell them to call you ‘mom.’ You’re their mom now and they need to understand it. Especially the youngest one.”

It’s like she doesn’t consider the children’s feelings at all, she thinks it doesn’t matter to them who they live with. I’m sure they’d prefer tho

Mother-in-law is a non-believer when it comes to allergies

The mother of the three-year-old girl with severe food allergies has always been understanding of her daughter's condition, and has encouraged a relationship between her and her grandmother. The mother has never left them alone together, however, because she had a feeling that it wouldn't be right. The grandmother has always been doubtful of the severity of the allergies, insisting that her granddaughter could never have anything wrong with her. Today, however, she decided to test this theory by giving the child a peanut.was over playing dress-up with my daughter. I had a horrible headache so I asked her to watch my daughter so I could lie down for an hour. She agreed. 20 minutes later I’m woken up to MIL shrieking that there’s something wrong with the baby. I go running to daughter’s room and she’s gasping for breath and her lips are turning blue. I scream at MIL to call 911 and use an Epipen on my daughter.

My daughter was able to take a deep breath and I noticed she smelled like banana. The paramedics show up (we live about a mile from a fire station), start an IV, and give daughter meds so she can breathe. I tell one of the paramedics that MIL fed my daughter something. He found part of a cookie on the floor. He confronts MIL who confesses she gave my daughter a peanut butter banana cookie but she didn’t know it would hurt her.

I text my husband and ride to the hospital with daughter. They admitted her for observation and he met us there. MIL called him wailing about how she was just trying to show us nothing is wrong with our daughter. We’re just too paranoid and have such odd ideas about her health.

She admitted to my husband that she’s been making allergen-laced cookies for more than a year. She bakes a huge batch and freezes them. She puts one in her purse every time she sees daughter just in case she gets a chance to slip it to her.

I can’t even wrap my head around this. Daughter is asking when MIL is going to come see her. She wants to show gramma her pretty bracelet (hospital band with stickers on it).

I’m so devastated right now. I never suspected MIL would do something like this. But don’t worry: we’re filing a police report.

The Hero Husband

MIL came to visit and the first thing she said was why we didn't get a babysitter. We told her there was no need, we thought she'd like to see Daughter. MIL responds that we're "spoiling that girl" and something about "this is how she'll turn out like (Me)." I blink and tell her I hope so because I am her mother. MIL makes a noise and finally looks at me.

She knew I was pregnant but I don't think she really absorbed this until she saw me. I am a small woman and Husband is a big guy who makes big babies, so it is obvious. MIL has to have another jab. "Well, she won't be spoiled when you have that one. Don't you people believe in birth control?"

I have no words. I look over at Husband who is handling it. He has paper out and is writing down an address. It's her hotel. He hands it to her and puts down her bag. She looks at him like she is crazy and asks what he's doing.

"That's the hotel address. For the cab."

She says she thought we were taking her (we were going to get a cab with her, do the dinner obligation, and then I was going to avoid her as much as possible for the week- which with how she is and the plans, would be easy). Husband answers "You made it clear you wouldn't want to be with (Me) your granddaughter. You will not be rude to or about to my wife. You will not be rude to or about my children."

She stares at him, mouth open. He goes on "I am going home with my family. There is a nice restaurant at (cross streets) near the hotel. Get some dinner. We will see you tomorrow to look at the places."

She has no time to reply. He puts his arm around me and sort of guides me and the stroller out while giving her an evil eye

Mother-in-law likes to ruin thanksgiving

My husband and I were getting ready to help out with Thanksgiving dinner at his parents' house, but things went downhill fast. I apparently cut the potatoes wrong, and his mom told me to leave if I couldn't do things properly. My husband went with me, and we went home instead. I'm going to make my own Thanksgiving dinner now, and have leftovers for weeks! Screw her.

You cant give birth to a baby girl

Since becoming pregnant, my MIL has become even more difficult to deal with. She's always been a bit volatile, but now she's fixated on ensuring that we don't find out the sex of our baby before it's born. She's convinced that if we do, we'll "ruin everything" and that the child must be a surprise.

Even though MIL is always convinced that boys are in the genes of our family (except for my husband's sister and my two nieces), science says that it's possible to find out the baby's sex. Regardless, DH and I are having a healthy little girl, and MIL doesn't get to know this information.

Mother in law decided to just cancel my appointment with the doctor

Someone close to me tried to sabotage my annual gynecologist appointment. They called and canceled my appointment, pretending to be me. I was angry and frustrated when I found out. My doctor is a male and my old-fashioned MIL doesn't understand why I would see him instead of a female doctor. I don't feel comfortable with another woman examining my private parts. I scheduled my appointment months ago and now I have to wait even longer to see him.

Turns out, it was my MIL who canceled my appointment. She's trying to convince me to switch to a female gynecologist. But that's not what I want. Now because of this step, I am going to have to take a lot of extra steps and precautions for my pregnancy. I will have to spend some extra time talking to the doctor and asking him questions.

My mother in law wont let my vegetarian daughter eat without making her cry

Is it excessive of me to refuse to let my MIL to feed my children after this?

My 9-year-old daughter became a vegetarian approximately 8 months ago and, for her age, takes it very seriously. For some strange reason, my MIL is enraged about it and despises the fact that my husband and I tolerate it.

We had dinner with my husband's parents on Friday night, and she prepared spaghetti. The rest of us got meat sauce, but when she handed my daughter her bowl, she remarked kindly, "and a special veggie sauce just for you." Halfway through her dish, daughter became concerned and questioned MIL if there was no meat in the sauce. MIL maintained that there were none.

I examined her dish and saw that there was steak in her sauce. My daughter instantly started crying.

While my husband approached his mother, I took her into the living room to calm her down. She initially claimed it was an accident, but once he proved he didn't believe her for a second, she revealed it was deliberate. She claimed she believed that by reminding her of how good meat was, she would "give up that vegetarian bullshit." People will believe she has something WRONG with her."

At that point, I insisted on our departure. I was considering throwing the spagetti in the bitch's face, but I knew it would traumatise the kids. We obviously stated to daughter in the car that there was nothing wrong with her and that grandma was completely wrong. But she seemed to have arrived at that conclusion on her own.

A woman was slapped after giving birth

The author's mother-in-law has not been allowed to see the author's children since she slapped the author's wife across the face shortly after the children were born. The mother-in-law claimed that the author's wife had cheated on the author and that the children couldn't possibly be his because they did not look black. The event caused a lot of chaos, and the author's wife was left alone in the hospital hours after giving birth. The mother-in-law regularly calls the author and leaves messages, sometimes apologizing and sometimes screaming obscenities. The author does not want to see his mother-in-law again.

Stepmom likes to show off, so we made her spend her money

My husband and I have a board hanging in our home with a list of all the things we want and need, as well as how much each item costs and when we hope to be able to afford it. Recently, my stepmother came to visit and, before long, she was commenting on my board and expressing her sadness that we couldn't afford any of the items. Within a week or so she had gone out and bought one of the things on my list for herself- a new fridge.

What really bugs me is that she then rubbed it in my face, bragging about how she just had to have it. It's super annoying and childish. Anyway, I was walking through a store's Christmas section when I came across an insanely expensive outdoor Christmas decoration set. This gave me an idea- I put the set on the high priority section of my board, knowing that my stepmother would be tempted to buy it. Sure enough, a couple days later she visited and asked about the set. I gushed over it, describing how it would make my Christmas dreams come true. To sweeten the pot, I told her that my husband hated anything too over-the-top or garish like the set she was eyeing. She fell for it hook, line, and sinker. The set is now up in our yard and it's ugly- I hate it. It's hilarious. My stepmother was silent for the rest of the visit after realizing she had been duped, and now she's refused to talk to me at all. This has been the best Christmas ever.

You are a cheater!

In a nutshell, the person's MIL is convinced that they will cheat on their fiance with a woman, despite them not being interested in anyone else. Recently, they met their fiance's cousin and hit it off - they're already friends. However, tonight the MIL sent a message to the fiance saying that the person had been unfaithful, and included photos of the person with two different women. The first was his straight cousin, and the second was his half-sister (whom he has never met). The fiance found this all hilarious and is still deciding whether or not to invite her to the wedding.

Mother-in-law likes touching random pregnant women’s bellies!

The woman behind me at Starbucks taps me on the shoulder, and I turn around to see that she is much older than me. She immediately starts talking to me about how far along I am, and asks if it's twins. I tell her I'm about 30 weeks pregnant, and she starts asking me about my diet and how big I am. I tell her that I don't know her and don't want her to touch me, so she calls the supervisor over. The supervisor tells her that she saw what happened and makes her leave.

Oh my grandbaby!

The woman's husband was talking to his mother on the phone about their soon-to-be-born baby. In an ultrasound picture of the baby, the child was flipping the bird. The mother commented that the child was going to be a trouble maker like her father. The father then said that he wanted the child to learn how to work on cars, just like he does. The mother then lost her mind and said that she would not allow her granddaughter to be a "butch" and raised "girly-girl". The woman's husband then said to his mother, "Ma. Shut up for a minute." He reminded her that it was not her child and that they would raise the child how they wanted, not how she wanted.ove him.

MIL wants to name my baby

The speaker is pregnant, and her MIL just called her to try and convince her partner to name the child Elizabeth after MIL's mother. The speaker told her MIL that she was in no condition to BS people and that the MIL's feelings on the matter were irrelevant. The speaker then said that the MIL was not the parent of either of the child's parents and that she was "grand, once removed". The speaker told her MIL that she could visit, dote on, and spend time with the child as they deem appropriate, but that she did not get a say in what the child was named.

MIL ruins my wedding dress

Future MIL is constantly complaining about the cost of her flight, the size of the wedding, and the guests that won't be able to come. I try to limit her exposure to my wedding planning, but when I do this she complains about being excluded.

She came over yesterday and told me that I'm getting fat and that I need to watch my calories so I can fit into my dress. This delightful conversation was interrupted by my fiance asking me to help him put a bed together, so I left Future MIL to her own devices. About 40 minutes into assembly, I went to go take a bathroom break and headed into the master bedroom... and what do I find but Future MIL struggling to yank my dress over her head. BUT IT WAS FREAKING STUCK.

I blurted out "wtf?!" and she immediately started stammering, "Oh my God! OH MY GOD! OH GOD!" At that point my number one concern was her tearing the sheer backing of my dress, so I rushed over to help her. It was all for naught as she managed to scratch her way through the back of the dress and completely destroy the sheer material. She burst the side zipper of the dress and got a dirty foot print on the train.

I asked her, as soon as I got her out of the dress (and note that she was wearing no underwear), what in the world she was thinking. She responded that she was just trying to make sure the dress would fit me; because if the dress fit her then it absolutely fit me too. If it didn't fit her, then I obviously had some work to do.

My future fiance is very disturbed by what happened. There was also a bouquet of dried flowers on the bed that wasn't there before. I think she was actually trying to pretend she was the bride... which for so many reasons, is so wrong.

She hasn't offered to pay for any of the repairs to the dress. I have no idea how much it's going to cost until I can get to the seamstress tomorrow. In the meantime, in lieu of an apology, she's lecturing me on spending so much money on a wedding dress and clearly the trouble she had getting into the dress was a sign I should get something less dramatic and ostentatious.

Mother in law stole my chemo medications

The writer explains that they are fighting cancer for the second time in their life, and that their MIL took their chemotherapy medication. They explain that their wife was angry and went to confront their MIL. They explain that while their wife was gone, they remembered that their MIL had asked to use the bathroom and she could have easily taken the medication with her. Their wife came back and told them that she had demanded the medication from MIL and MIL admitted to taking it and throwing it out. The writer explains that they have more medication now, but keep it under lock and key.

I am never taking you in, even if the house burns down

The author's MIL has never liked her, and even though she was the mother of her two grandsons and wife of her son, she never helped her in a time of need. When the author and her husband had an accident and needed to stay with his mother for the night, she refused to let them stay. She said that the author wasn't true family and that she had never blessed their marriage. The author and her husband spent the night in their car, and the next day they got a motel.

The MIL began calling and inviting them over to stay again, but this time she said that the author could stay in the garage for a few days. The author rejected her offer again. A few days later, the MIL made an official complaint to the fire department, accusing the author of causing the accident on purpose so that she could steal her house from under her. The author was taken in for questioning, but she was cleared of all charges as the investigation proved it was an accident. Shortly before moving to a new place, the author and her husband cut off contact with his MIL.

Wearing a white dress to her own son’s wedding!

The wedding party was waiting for the bride to finish getting ready when MIL showed up. She was flushed and in full hair and makeup, wearing a white wedding dress. The bride burst into tears and aunts and friends ushered MIL out.

We tried to console the bride, but she was upset. The game was on.

I went outside and grabbed a bottle of red wine from my car. I walked over to where everyone was getting ready to take photos and poured it all over MIL's dress. She screamed and yelled, threatening to sue me. People had to hold her back because she wanted to fight me. Eventually she switched from screaming to sobbing and sank to the ground. It was surreal, as if everyone just hit their limit and noped out from around her. The 12-year-old flower girl whipped out her phone and snapped a few photos much to our amusement.

MIL went home and changed (only 20 min from venue) into a nice dark green too small and low cut dress. Because of this she missed all of the photos. Wedding was beautiful; I got death glares from everyone she told that I attacked her with wine. Who cares? I drank and danced with friends. Bride thanked me in secret and 3 months later took me to the spa for a day of pampering. But I am officially "that evil woman" to MIL, and I'll take it with pride