29+ Celebrities And Their Historical Lookalikes

Considering the number of people in the world today, chances are that almost everybody has a doppelgänger somewhere- a person that looks just like you. Some of the doppelgängers on our list bear such an uncanny resemblance that you simply have to wonder- “Can it be?” Could someone in history or perhaps on the other side of the planet be the spitting image of you? If you’re lucky, you might even get a chance to meet them. There are many celebrity doppelgängers that make a living by impersonating famous and important characters from the past. But the ones we are about to explore below will seriously have you questioning whether historical figures hopped in a time-traveling machine and became mega-celebrities today!

Ellen DeGeneres and Henry David Thoreau

Thoreau was a 16th century American essayist, poet, philosopher and author of the essay "Civil Disobedience", in which he argued to speak up and protest against unfair governments. Ellen Degeneres seemed to channel her inner Thoreau when she put her career on the line and came out of the closet. It was certainly a worthy cause as it has been said that Ellen Degeneres has influenced LGBT rights more than any other celebrity! Is it possible that Thoreau travelled in time to become one of the world’s most popular TV hosts?

Brad Pitt and Hermann Rorschach

Is the hairstyle and mustache enough or do you need the accompanying seductive stare as well? Being a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, Hermann Rorschach might have been interested in your answer. He might even have subjected you to a Rorschach test that he devised (remember those mirror image inkblots?). Anyhow, if there is ever a movie about him, Brad Pitt would be the first choice to play him.

Jennifer Lawrence and Zubaida Tharwat

It must be nice for Jennifer Lawrence to be compared to "the most beautiful eyes in classic Egyptian cinema". The overall resemblance between these two is undeniable. Although there is a huge generational gap between them, it is surely nice to have such talented actresses next to each other!

Peter Dinklage and Sebastián de Morra

Is it the Portrait of Sebastián de Morra or famous “Game Of Thrones” character Tyrion “The Imp” Lannister? Who does the painting by Diego Velázquez depict – a court dwarf and jester in the court of King Philip IV of Spain or the Hand of the Queen Daenerys Targaryen? Or maybe Peter Dinklage’s ancestors inhabited the Iberian Peninsula before they moved to Westeros, and perhaps the painter Diego Velázquez would be a Game Of Thrones fan? We’ll never know.

Jack Gleeson and Caligula

Who is better known for their cruelty, sadism, extravagance and as an insane tyrant – King Joffrey from “Game Of Thrones” or Roman emperor Caligula? They both started as noble and moderate, but very soon turned into fearful tyrants. Anyhow, every good story needs a villain. And those two provide very good examples of the perfect villain. Makes you wonder whether certain personality types go with certain facial features, doesn’t it?

Eminem and Severus Alexander

Another modern time celebrity and his ancient Roman doppelgänger- Eminem and Severus Alexander both had turbulent times, each according to the period and circumstances they lived in. But you could tell by their looks that they were serious and meant what they said. It might be best to stay on their best side, wouldn’t you agree?

Anthony Hopkins and Socrates

Anthony Hopkins might have played some ancient Greek characters, but he resembles one classical Greek philosopher in particular, and none-other than the famous Socrates at that! He was the oldest of the three famous ancient philosophers and served as the teacher of Plato and Aristotle. Tough act to follow, wouldn’t you say? True to his lookalike, Anthony Hopkins’ acting career is highly respected.

Mark Zuckerberg and Philip IV of France (Philip the Fair)

We don’t think you could call Mr. Zuckerberg Mark the Fair and he’s not royalty (yet), but his resemblance to the French ruler is obvious. Perhaps if he had a Facebook profile in those days, you could track the posts and likes and see if the two were somehow related. But, considering how royal families from different countries intermarried, who knows – maybe Phil the Fair somehow became Mark of Facebook?

Sylvester Stallone and Pope Gregory IX

Although Sylvester Stallone doesn’t speak much of religion in public, he closely resembles a man who did speak about religion in public very often. None-other than Pope Gregory IX to boot! Same upside-down eyes, same nose, same lips. Makes you wonder if the pope was reincarnated as the famous actor, doesn’t it?

Andrew Garfield and Leon Trotsky

It is highly unlikely that Spiderman was involved in the Russian revolution, but the actor who plays Spiderman is the spitting image of Leon Trotsky, famous Soviet politician and Marxist theorist. Perhaps, if Leon Trotsky had been bitten by a spider or possessed any special powers, the world as we know it would not exist today! Luckily for most of us, that was not the case.

Sacha Baron Cohen and Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

Perhaps a young Stalin was the inspiration for Sacha Baron Cohen’s character Borat. The two look so similar that it’s possible to mistake one for another. However, personality-wise, they are so different! Borat is from the ex-Russian Republic of Kazakhstan and Stalin was from Georgia, but the differences don’t end there. Borat is quite comical, as you’d expect from Sasha Baron Cohen, while Stalin was quite serious...dead serious to be honest.

George Washington and Michael Douglas

Doesn’t Michael Douglas look almost exactly like the famous face that adorns the one dollar bill? George Washington, as we know him from the US currency might have been able to stand in for Michael Douglas on set! The two share more than just looks, both are iconic characters in their own right.

Bill Murray and Edgar Allen Poe

Another example where facial expressions tell you something about the character of a person is the case of Bill Murray and Edgar Allen Poe. Both seem to have a dark side to them, as can be seen in Poe’s poetry and Murray’s acting. The actor’s signature look is a frown and if you ever read Poe’s macabre poetry, you’d probably ended up frowning yourself! No wonder Edgar Allen Poe is Bill Murray’s historic doppelgänger.

Jimmy Fallon and Mahir Cayan

We guess when Jimmy Fallon saw a picture of the Turkish revolutionary Mahir Cayan, he was quite surprised. Fallon’s headshot could easily pass for Cayan! Except for the mustache, Cayan and Jimmy Fallon look like the same person. Celebrity doppelgänger from history? Without a doubt.

Nicolas Cage and his historic doppelgänger

If Nicholas Cage ever wondered what he would look like with a mustache, he simply needs to look at a picture of this guy! The unknown man in this picture looks just like a historic version of Nicholas Cage. We are not certain who he was, but if I were a member of the Cage’s family I’d be busting out the old photo albums to figure out if he’s a long lost relative! Now what’s the easiest way to become a part of Nicholas Cage’s family?

Matthew McConaughey and his historic doppelgänger

It seems that mustaches must have been popular in the old days since every man was wearing one, including this Matthew McConaughey historic doppelgänger. The resemblance is such that it is hard to believe that it is not a Photoshop illusion at work! We can assure you it is not and Matthew the elder might have been pleased to meet Matthew the younger!

Jay Z and his historic doppelgänger

If pictures could talk, this one would surely rap. Either Jay Z is a couple hundred years older than he made us believe or this is his historic doppelgänger. The headgear might be different, but he could certainly strike a pose, just like Jay Z. Now all we need is a Beyoncé from history!

Eddie Murphy and his historic doppelgänger

Although he plays casual characters, Eddie Murphy is a suave gentleman, similar to his historic doppelgänger. Hat, bow tie, pin-stripe suit and a cheeky smile- Eddie to a tee! You might think this is Eddie in one of those modern movies made to resemble the black and white era!

Queen Latifah and Zora Neale Hurston

The smile gives them away, and what a beautiful smile it is! If these two are not related, then they are surely doppelgängers! Considering Zora was an author, anthropologist and filmmaker, she is surely someone that Queen Latifah can be proud to have as a doppelgänger.

Oprah Winfrey and Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou was an American poet, singer, memoirist and civil rights activist and she published several autobiographies, essays, poetry bundles and is credited with a list of plays, movies and TV shows that span a career of more than 50 years. She was also Oprah Winfrey’s close friend and mentor. Not bad when your protégé is one of the most influential women in recent US history. It seems that when you are so close to someone, you start to look like them (ask my dog). So, no wonder Maya Angelou is Oprah’s doppelgänger!

Zach Galifianakis and Louis Vuitton

You might ask what could Zach Galifianakis and Louis Vuitton possibly have in common? Well, not much, unless you look at them side by side. Flowing and not so tidy hair, bushy mustache, chubby, and they never have a normal expression on their face. If anyone is Zach’s historic doppelgänger, then it has to be Louis Vuitton. Although it is not likely that they are related, I’m sure Zach wouldn’t mind owning part of the LVMH empire.

Jack Black and his historic doppelgänger

Jack Black is one of the most easily recognizable actors, his stature and looks cannot be mistaken for anyone else. Except maybe with those of his historic doppelgänger from this photo taken in the 1950s. Did Jack steal his style? Well, if he did, he did it well! The hairstyle, the eyebrows, the smile, and even the two-day beard look. Unmistakable Jack Black.

Matt Damon and Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub

Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was a Soviet World War II fighter pilot credited with more than 60 victories and considered to be the highest scoring Soviet fighter pilot of World War II. So, if it ever happens that Americans make a movie about him, there is an actor who seems to be born to play him. Matt Damon looks like spitting image of the famous pilot, so no need for an audition. Cameras – roll. Sound – roll. We can already see a sequel in the cards!

Channing Tatum and his historic doppelgänger

While we’re talking about World Wars, let’s head back to World War I. This soldier looks like Channing Tatum with a uniform and ready to join the corps! If it was the XXI century, you might believe it, but in the 20th century, not likely.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Judy Zipper

When you talk about doppelgängers, you’d expect them to be the same gender. Not in the case of Leo DiCaprio. We are not sure who found this photo of a lady named Judy Zipper in an old yearbook, but it looks like Leo put on a wig and a smile.

Stephen Fry and Oscar Wilde

When you’re an actor, you usually have a favorite playwriter. And when they are also famous poets, it’s an added bonus. But what if you looked like one, too? Do you get preferential treatment if your historic doppelgänger is Oscar Wilde? Not sure if Stephen Fry needs it, but he surely resembles the famous poet.

Hugh Grant and Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde seems to be quite the actor! If you change his hair and make him look a bit younger, he resembles a completely different actor- Hugh Grant. Hugh Grant might not strive for dramatic roles, as his preference seems to be romantic comedies, but if there was ever a biographical movie about Wilde, Hugh could surely play the role of Oscar Wilde.

Paul Giamatti and William Shakespeare

When speaking about famous playwrights, Shakespeare is normally on top of the list. And who does he look like? Apparently, Paul Giamatti doesn’t have to go to much effort to say that William Shakespeare is his historic doppelgänger! Some were born to write and others to act!

Jon Stewart and Henry Ward Beecher

I’m sure John Stewart would come up with a joke about Henry Ward Beecher, and it would most likely involve his famous adultery trial. But, he should be careful, since he is his historic doppelgänger and it might backfire. People could easily mistake the two for each other due to their rather close resemblance to each other!

Charlie Sheen and John Brown

John Brown is famous for his work as an abolitionist while his historic doppelgänger Charlie Sheen can often be seen turning his brother Alan into a little slave on the sitcom Two And A Half Men. Charlie Sheen might argue about his penchant for slavery but he surely can’t argue about his resemblance to John Brown.

Bruce Willis and Douglas MacArthur

We are not sure if Bruce Willis ever took up the habit of smoking a pipe, but if he did, he would certainly resemble the famous five-star general and Field Marshal Douglas McArthur to a tee! Although Bruce has played his fair share of action heroes, he could reserve the role of McArthur for his golden years!

Conan O’Brien and Marshall Twitchell

We wonder if the well-known comedian Conan O’Brien would be able to scrounge up a joke or two about his very serious historic doppelgänger. Marshall Twitchell was no joke and he was quite serious about his love for politics and ended up becoming a US senator. Well, this might be an interesting comedy night!

David Duchovny and his historic doppelgänger

If you ever needed a war reporter, you could call David Duchovny. Don’t you also wonder if he got the inspiration for his job from his historic doppelgänger- a Ukrainian war reporter from WWII? Strangely enough, David even shares some actual heritage with his Ukranian doppelgänger as they are both from Ukranian origins.

Florence Welch and Joan of Arc

Quite often, similar looks can also point to a similar character. This might be the case with Florence Welch and Joan of Arc. Joan is Florence’s historic doppelgänger, but Florence also has certain feistiness and relentless energy to fight for what she believes in–although through music, not with the sword. What can we say, different times call for different weapons.

Adrien Brody and John Locke

Both Adrian Brody and his historic doppelgänger John Locke are skinny, which makes their facial expressions even more pronounced–eyes like saucers, large bags under the eyes, a distinctive nose and cheeks, untidy hair. There’s a certain charm and appeal to the look!

George Carlin and Charles Darwin

This one is a no brainer. George Carlin is obviously a step in the evolution of Charles Darwin. How else could such a close resemblance possibly be explained? We wonder what the next evolutionary phase holds in store for these two!

Alec Baldwin and Millard Fillmore

We are not sure if Alec Baldwin has any ambition to run for president, but he could surely play one, his historic doppelgänger Millard Fillmore. Stylishly plump, thick hair, seductive smile are probably better qualities for a president than an actor, but Alec could definitely make it work. We are pretty sure he could pull off the role of President Fillmore, especially since he would not have to work much on the looks!

Tommy Lee Jones and Andrew Johnson

When we look at these two facial expressions, we have to ask- how is it possible that two different men can manage to create the exact same expression? Well, maybe because they are not so different from each other. The most striking resemblance is the nose and the lips. They give them such a serious look. Or maybe Tommy Lee is that good of an actor?

Jeffrey Tambor and Benjamin Franklin

If you wonder who this is, just imagine him without any hair on his head! Yeah, that’s the one- Mr. Ben Franklin with long thin hair! Perhaps Jeffrey Tambor can stand in for a portrait in the event that the $100 bill ever needs a revamp!

Orlando Bloom and Nicolae Grigorescu

The resemblance between Orlando Bloom and Nicolae Grigorescu is unmistakable. From the long flowing hair, young looking, piercing stare all the way down to the sharp dress style–they are literally twins. They might have been from a different era and practice a different art form but the similarity in appearance between Orlando Bloom and his historic doppelgänger, famous Romanian painter Nicolae Grigorescu, is a striking one!

John Travolta and his historic doppelgänger

We are not certain who this guy from the 1800s is, but the resemblance to John Travolta is remarkable – chin, lips, nose, eyes, forehead. John changes his hairstyle frequently, so there might have been a period when he actually wore the same one as this gentleman. It seems that we might have an actual time traveller on our hands! For all we know, he might have even acted a bit!

John Krasinski and Carl Adolf Feilberg

Although this is a painting- a portrait of Carl Adolf Feilberg done by Christen Købke- it very much resembles John Krasinski. Well, at least in the days before he grew a beard! They both seem relaxed, but self-confident. Perhaps John could ask The National Gallery of Denmark to borrow the painting and exhibit it at his home. After all, finding a good portraitist is not so easy nowadays.

Keanu Reeves and Paul Mounet

Here’s another portrait and this time of Paul Mounet by Louis-Maurice Boutet de Montvel. The subject in this painting pretty much looks like Keanu Reeves. Now we know what Keanu would look like if he was serious. Or is that just the attitude after hours of posing?

Rupert Grint and Sir David Wilkie

This time, it’s the painter, not the painting. Since this picture is a self-portrait of Sir David Wilkie, the painter and the subject is one and the same. Maybe gingers tend to look similar, but those two could pass as twins- the nose, the eyes, and even the way they smirk, it all looks identical. A couple of centuries pass and David turns into Rupert, what an interesting world we live in!

Michael Phelps and Charles Lamb

This portrait of Charles Lamb looks just like the swimmer, Michael Phelps, complete with a long skinny face, large mouth, and distinctive stare. Charles might have written some essays and books, but Michael won 28 Olympic medals. It could be a bit hard to compete with that.

Shia LaBeouf and Albert Einstein

We don’t know if Shia LaBeouf wished he was smarter at times or Albert Einstein wanted to be a better actor in certain situations, but they could’ve changed places if needed. The distinctive eyes and face shape give them away. Just like Einstein had Mileva Maric as his life companion and support, maybe Shia could find someone to go through life a bit easier.

Michael Cera and Hitler’s mother

Sometimes you just don’t want to be associated with someone, but it happens and, even worse, gets stuck. Not sure who dug up this old photo of Hitler’s mother, but they even managed to find her doppelgänger – Michael Cera. Take a wild guess about what he must’ve felt like about this association. But, now it’s on the internet and that means it’s here to stay. Sorry Michael.

Alicia Keys and Lena Horne

This one is quite the opposite of Michael Cera’s case, it must feel nice to be associated with someone very accomplished at their profession. Especially if they were multi-talented and their career spanned over 70 years. So, Alicia Keys should be happy to have Lena Horne as her historic doppelgänger. Not only do they sing in absolute perfect pitch, but they have stunning looks as well. Charismatic smiles and piercing eyes– true ladies.

Mesut Özil and Enzo Ferrari

Although Mesut could surely afford one of Enzo’s creations, we are not sure if he knows that he looks like the legendary Enzo Ferrari, the founder of the famous car brand. Mesut Özil might be from the country that produces BMW, Mercedes, and Porsche, but his historic doppelgänger is from Italy. Considering Mesut is of Turkish origins, it is a rather interesting combination.

Justin Timberlake and his historic doppelgänger

Apparently, Justin Timberlake’s historic doppelgänger is a convicted criminal and this is his mug shot. That might be the reason for the serious look in the photo, while Justin is always smiling. Otherwise the resemblance is more than obvious. Too bad they are from a different era, surely Justin could’ve used a double in more than one situation.

Maggie Gyllenhaal and Rose Wilder Lane

Not only do they look alike, but they are both daughters of famous parents and made an impact in their own right. They both have a mild smile and warm look that radiates from their eyes. Surely they could’ve been perfect sisters. Well, maybe they are soul sisters.

Robert Pattinson and his historic doppelgänger

It might be hard to believe but this image is not the work of Photoshop. The facial expression, hair style, and the attitude of Robert Pattinson’s historic double matches his to a tee! We think you would be hard-pressed to find people who share more similar looks than these two!

Christian Bale and his historic doppelgänger

Was Christian Bale around during the Civil War? According to this photo, he was- and was not very happy about it. Although the guy in this pic has a long beard, it’s the stare that gave him away. Knowing Christian, it wouldn’t be surprising that he practiced for a role of a soldier by actually going to war. He is that committed to his work and career!

Johnny Depp and Arthur Schopenhauer

Johnny Depp might owe his success to Arthur Schopenhauer and his power of will, since they might be related..or at least he looks like his historic doppelgänger. Pouting lips, seductive stare, nonchalant hair. Knowing Johnny, Arthur must have been quite the ladies man!

Hank Azaria and Rudolf Steiner

In case you were wondering, Rudolf Steiner was an Austrian philosopher, social reformer, architect, economist and esotericist. Hank Azaria could most likely give a voice to each one of them, because playing him would be easy – they look very much alike. Now, does he need to agree with all of his views to be able to play him? We think not!