30+ Images That Prove Gym Is A Place Where Danger And Fun Co-Exist

The health craze has slowly increased in the past decade and so has the love for social media. Put the two together and you get pictures of people on their health journey. One prime spot for this amalgamation is the gym, which by the way has high potential for epic failures. Some people were present at the gym with their phones on instead of exercising and ended up capturing perfect moments that went viral on the internet as the funniest fails ever!

Hit The Floor!

It is high time that people understand gymnastics is no joke. This woman needed to be airborne with these rings to understand that she is no Spiderman who can fly up in the air with ease. The person who captured this moment must have been enjoying the spectacle since they didn’t bother to call the trainer to get this woman down. But we are not shocked, this truly would have been entertaining to watch!

Ice Cream Break

When you are exhausting so much of your energy at the gym you sometimes feel like you deserve a snack. You totally do but not while you are still at the gym! This woman is taking a break from her workout and slurping some ice cream as a reward for her tough workout. But how did she even get an ice cream in there? If we blur out the background, it may seem like she is watching a movie and indulging in her favorite snack.

Arching For Lifting

Bench press needs a lot of technique, one wrong move and you can throw off your back. Arching the back needs to be very precise in this exercise but this man is bending all the rules, just like his back! Rumor has it that by just looking at this picture for a whole minute might give you a backache. The photo itself is screaming for help. Let’s hope this person’s spotter knows better and asked him to arch his back a little less.

Is It Your Movie Time?

The award for faking a workout goes to this woman! She is sitting on a chair, watching television and living her best life and still giving the impression that she is working out. How? She has plopped her chair on the treadmill! Technically she visited the gym and was on the treadmill and who is even going to ask her if she actually tried to exercise? We all need to learn a thing or two from her, she’s winning at life!

Coming Straight From A Ramp Walk?

People spend hundreds of dollars for the perfect workout shoes. Trainers also often emphasize on the importance of comfortable shoes for the gym. But not everyone cares about this little detail, just like this woman. Dressed in all black, she is attempting squats while wearing heels! She is either heading out for a date straight after her workout or else her crush is at the gym and she’s trying to impress him with her brave moves! Whatever be the case, heels for the gym are unheard of and for good reason!

What’s The Latest News?

Some people are really into world affairs. Knowing what’s happening and where is a must to kick-start their day but hitting the gym is also important. That’s a tough choice to make but not for this man. He has found a way to merge the two and create the perfect activity- reading the newspaper while sitting on gym equipment! So what if this new activity is doing nothing for his calories, at least his brain is nourished!

Napping At The Gym

If you are exhausted after climbing a flight of stairs, you can resonate with this woman’s need to lie down after a draining workout. Who cares if the towel is sweaty or the floor is dusty? As long as there is a flat place to snooze out, any sleeping position is comfortable! Just close your eyes, prop something cushiony under your neck and zone out into a world of dreams about a healthier version of yourself.

Batman Getting Back To Routine Life

Superheroes have so much to manage that we can’t even imagine being in their place! They have to take out time to hit the gym while saving the world without losing their focus. Batman didn’t sign off from his superhero hours before sweating it out on the treadmill. He might be on 24*7 duty and is planning to use this very treadmill as runway for his flight in case an emergency arises.

The Cat Trainer

Gym is a place where people from all walks of life come to walk it off on the treadmill! Men and women of different cultures and choices come together to burn some calories and get active. While gym is all about exercising and not about fashion, sometimes we can’t help but notice their eccentric attire. Like this gym trainer whose cat print workout wear left this woman in complete confusion. We wonder if anyone in the gym was able to concentrate on exercising when the trainer was dressed like that!

Segway Tour In The Gym

If this how you wish to sweat it out then let us make it easy for you and tell you that you can’t lose weight this way. It might be leisure time for you but it isn’t going to help in losing any pounds off your body. 

Shedding weight takes effort and if it were as easy as riding on a Segway then nobody would have needed a gym and there would be no gym fails!

Baby On Board

Some gyms allow patrons to bring their babies to the gym and take care of them while the parents work out. But not all gyms have that luxury, so what do parents do then? Skipping on a workout session is an option when the babysitter cancels but not for this dad! He has found his own solution to the problem. Why not make ‘baby wearing’ a cool gym thing at the gym? It keeps the baby entertained and adds some pounds for an ever better workout. Sounds like a win-win to us!

Workout Before Night Out

Women will agree that there are not enough hours in the day to do everything! After working 5 days a week for 8 hours a day, a girl needs some chill time. But how is she supposed to head out for a night on the town when she needs to workout before that? This woman has solved that problem. She is impeccably dressed for a night out in a cute dress and heels but before meeting her friends for a drink, she is working out at the gym. She just saved herself from making a extra trip back home to get ready.

Donald McDonald's Is Getting Rid Of Cheeseburgers

Who doesn’t love a good cheeseburger? But the problem with delicious junk food is that no one can eat just one. And as we start stuffing ourselves with burgers and fries, layers of fat also make themselves at home on our belly. The entire world loves McDonald’s and no doubt the food chain’s own mascot is also a big fan. Perhaps he has been binging on the Happy Meal and has hit the gym to get back into shape for his job to smile at hungry burger lovers!

The Mental Workout

People go to the gym and work on different muscles but why has nobody thought of exercising the most important muscle- the brain? Nobody had heard of such a thing at the gym until this man walked in! He isn’t playing chess to keep his mind active, that’s too mainstream for him. He has found a fresh way to exercise his brain muscles but we have a doubt that he simply has no idea how this machine works. What he is doing must be strenuous for his neck but at least he stands out!

Do Escalators Help In Warming Up?

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for everyone who doesn’t frequent this particular gym. Like how many gyms have an escalator installed for their patrons to climb a floor to get healthier by exercising? Interestingly, this doesn’t end here. People are actually using the escalator instead of the stairs to reach the gym. Isn’t it counterproductive? They are saving energy on the stairs to use it up inside the building!

Are You Shower Ready?

Gym attire is notorious for smelling bad and any person who has ever had to walk back home after a workout knows better than to stop and chat with other people. But this man will not have to face that problem. His solution is painfully simple- just workout in a towel, take a shower and then put on fresh clothes. You’d be lying if you say sweaty clothes don’t give you nightmares on laundry day. No sweaty clothes, no painful laundry and everyone is happy, not if you don’t want to flash other gym goers though!

In Need Of A Trainer

This man is a prime example of why gyms hire trainers! People who don’t know how the machines work can ask the trainers for guidance but not this fellow! Instead of asking anyone how to use the equipment he went ahead with full confidence to create this epic fail. The person clicking the picture was also probably laughing at this man’s self dependent attitude and didn’t bother calling for help. He got a lesson and we got a laugh, it’s a good place!

Workout For Eyes

While pumping every muscle in the body, people often forget to exercise their eyes. Whether it is cardio or weightlifting, there isn’t much stimulation for the eyes but this guy wants to change that. He is doing 20 reps of reading a huge book which is awesome, the only problem is he is doing it while lounging at a workout bench! Had it been a stationary bike, it would have made sense but wearing cargo shorts and reading a book isn’t a gym vibe for sure!

Too Tall To Fit In This Gym

This man whose face we can’t see in this picture is way too large for the room he is trying to exercise in. People have excuses to avoid exercising but he is way too dedicated for that. Although, the gym might want to extend the roof and let people of his height work out in a better way. Imagine working out in a gym where clouds of dust are complimentary to sweating! You may want to switch your gym unlike this man who just wants to make it work somehow.

Finding The Balance

How many times did your mom tell you as a kid to only serve yourself as much food that you can finish? More times than one can count! But this man probably forgot that this lesson is applied in all aspects of life. Clearly he is trying to lift more weight than he can handle. His face has turned red and he looks like he is in extreme pain. But who was the person who decided to capture this moment of tragedy instead of helping this poor chap?

Family Time Is Important

Life is busy these days and multi-tasking has become an integral part of your day. While we are all trying to juggle our responsibilities as a parent with other tasks at hand, this dad took it one step ahead. Not only did he take his infant to the gym to break a sweat, he is also wearing him while lifting heavy weights. That must be one hell of a workout- burning calories with the thrill of adventure!

Stretching With Best Friend

Anyone who has ever looked for motivation to hit the gym has at least once glanced at their best friend to keep them accountable. It is easier to muster up the energy to work out when you have a friend by your side. But this man may have taken this too far! We agree that dog is man’s best friend but how often do we see people tagging this best friend along while stretching at the gym? Perhaps it is his dog’s fit physique that motivates him!

Potato Head Got His Priorities Right

Is Mr. Potato Head the mascot for this gym? It would totally make sense! They are probably targeting people who are couch potatoes to throw away their laziness and jump on the treadmill. Jokes aside, it looks pretty difficult for any man or woman to run on the treadmill wearing a head-to-toe potato costume. What if they fall on the treadmill? Nobody wants to see a mashed potato on gym equipment!

Complicated Push-Ups

Dressed as Swiss cheese, this man is already attracting a lot of attention at the gym. But his outfit will be least of your concerns once you realize what this guy is trying to do. He is attempting push-ups but for some reason he is balancing his body on some weights. As innovative as it looks, it is highly unsafe. One wrong move and he will tumble down and for all we know, those heavy weights will be over him!

In Need Of Motivation

Working out in the gym needs motivation of some kind and different people have different ways in which they find the motivation to exercise. But how often do we see a trainer holding a whole cake in front of a man as an incentive to help him exercise? Surely unheard of but whatever works for him! We only wish our gym trainers were this caring. Where can we sign up for this gym’s membership?

Date Night, But First Workout

Only this woman knows the pain of getting ready in a time crunch while you still want to hit the gym. With less time to spare for her hair, this young girl decided to let her rollers do their thing while she sweats it out in the gym. Perhaps she was heading out for a date with her high school sweetheart and pumping her muscles right before her big moment in an attempt to woo him completely!

The Aggressive Trainer

Are we really looking at a picture of an unfit trainer screaming at a gym member to push their limits? It doesn’t make sense why someone as out of shape as this person will work as a gym trainer but there is an explanation for it. This is a scenario of a London gym with “human dumb-bells”. Here people can choose their own trainer who vary in weight. We have no clue how it is benefiting people but now that we are talking about it, we guess they are successful in creating news about themselves.

iPod Or iPad?

Many people can’t workout without some high energy music blaring into their ears. We totally support anything that keeps you going but this man might have taken it too far. He seems to have forgotten the difference between an iPad and iPod. They both may play the same music but having a giant iPad shoved into your gym shorts might not make for a comfortable experience. What if it falls out? You’ll lose your music and your iPad in one swift move!

Multitasking Needs To Be On Point

Let’s get one thing straight- being a functioning adult is hard! You have to manage your job, household chores, errands and hobbies while still taking out the time to workout. Multitasking is the way to go, just like this guy. He is running on the treadmill to lose calories and is simultaneously knitting a jumper to keep warm in winters. Seems like this man’s motto is- Manage your hobbies while you workout and you won’t feel exhausted ever!

Running On The Hamster Wheel

Running is a great way to stay active but those who don’t have the luxury of open spaces for their morning run have to settle for sweating it out on the treadmill inside a gym. But this man decided to take it a notch higher by running on a hamster wheel. We wonder if he was trying to connect with his pet hamster better or preparing to be born as one in his next birth!

This Is Not How You Do It

With so much equipment at the gym it is easy for anyone to get confused between them. But you can get help and understand how the machine works, that’s what trainers are for! This guy probably didn’t want to call a trainer to help him in his urge to look like a pro but he failed miserably! Using a squat rack to do the leg press doesn’t seem like a pro move. Plus for all we know, he might just injure himself!

Flexing The Brain

Excess of everything is bad even if it is the healthiest thing- exercising! This man seems to have forgotten that he is bald and the world is having a view of his taut nerves ready to explode out of his brain! All the pumped up nerves on his head resemble a walnut or even the inside of his brain. Somebody needs to tell him that he has taken it too far now, it’s time to relax.

Having It All At Gym

This guy seems to be doing everything that is not meant to be done in the gym. He is doing it all except the exercise part and we are nothing but jealous. This seems like a man who is asked to go to the gym by his girlfriend and is there just in case his girlfriend tries to track down his location. He is probably just working on a presentation while sipping on his favorite sweetened beverage and just forgot he wasn’t in his office. Let’s give him the benefit of doubt!

Leisure Time At The Gym

Flipping the pages of a magazine while nibbling on a cupcake is everyone’s idea of a perfect Sunday afternoon. But this man has brought his lazy Sunday to the gym and left us in shock. But perhaps he isn’t really hitting the gym. Who knows, he might just be posing for a promotional photo-shoot for a housing society that wants to advertise its indoor gym and bakery! Let’s hope this is his story because nothing else justifies such comfort at the gym!

One Last Leg Day

We get it, some people get carried away in the gym and overestimate themselves. But this man has gone beyond all logic with his choice of weights. Going by how much he has on his plate, this might have been his last leg day! The consequences of this stunt can be horrific and will rear their ugly head in a few days and by the time he realizes his folly, it would be too late!

Much Needed Mario Motivation

Going to gym and exercising is not just a physical task but a mental activity as well! Anyone who has ever been to the gym knows that it takes a lot of pep talk to finish a round of their cardio workout. While some people listen to music to get pumped up for the workout, others rely on visual motivation that this man is providing. This Mario fan is dressed up in full cloud gear to push joggers for that one extra mile and we are here for it!

Leaving Everyone In Splits

Some of the equipment at the gym is so complicated that most people wouldn’t dare to touch them without the help of a trainer. That is probably the right way too because these trainers are there to guide the patrons in working out without injuring themselves. But this woman didn’t feel the need to ask for help. She got on a machine that she had no knowledge about and ended up doing splits while lifting weights. It is an impressive feat but that’s not how it’s supposed to be done!

The Human Tetris

Who doesn’t enjoy playing a game of Tetris with their friends? But not many would think of mixing this mental game with their gym workout. This group of men decided to take the unconventional route and invented ‘The Human Tetris’! We are impressed by their balance, strength, flexibility and tenacity. It isn’t easy for humans to balance themselves on top of each other to resemble Tetris. If this isn’t teamwork and collaboration at its finest then we don’t know what is!

Pass Me The Ball

Using a gym ball for exercising is a great way to build strength, balance and cardio endurance. People often opt for exercise balls at the gym when they are trying to improve their core stability and balance. But what was this man trying to achieve with his unique ball exercise? Perhaps he just wants to rest on the ball and pretend that he’s exercising so the other patrons don’t ask for the ball. Or could this be a new exercise that nobody has ever heard of?

Cruel Intentions At The Gym

Bringing takeout food to the gym is just cruel to the other people trying to exercise. But not only is this man trying to tempt these people into breaking their diet but he is also doing this while sitting a piece of exercise equipment! Anyone waiting in line to use this machine would have to sit and watch him eat. We wonder how many people decided to cheat on their diet after their workout that day!

Canceling A Gym Membership

For some people the gym is their safe haven where they get the will to focus while for others, this place is their worst nightmare! So many people force themselves to exercise for a few days and then slowly lose the motivation. But at least this person is honest about it. They wanted to cancel their gym membership after realizing they were wasting money on something they didn’t want to do. Their honesty is so refreshing and we hope every gym gets at least one such cancelation form a year!

Gamers In The House

Whoever said you can’t multitask while working out was so wrong. This man is rocking the whole multitasking spirit at the gym and it can’t get any better! He isn’t like the other people who listen to music on their phone or read a kindle while exercising. He’s taken it a notch up! This man is playing games on his laptop while he is working out at the gym. But why couldn’t he wait until he got home? We’ll not judge him, to each their own!

Training To Be Spiderman

If people tried to channel their favorite superheroes at the gym, this man would be living his Spiderman dream. The way he is trying to pull the strings while hanging up at this weird angle makes him look like Peter Parker in training! No matter how much we want to believe this superhero story, the more logical explanation of this photo is that this man had no idea how to use this machine. He might have used his ‘spidey-senses’ to get up there but will it help him getting down?

A Touch Of Sarcasm

If you’ve never been to the gym you’d probably think that this message is for the elderly or people with less physical strength who need assistance in re-racking the weights. But one day at the gym will be enough to tell you that this note has a touch of sarcasm to it! So many people forget to re-rack the weights after using them, not because they are weak but because they are lazy and can’t be bothered. We bet the front desk girls put this note themselves to shame these people!

If I Fits, I Sits

Pets often join their owners during a workout. The power human-pet duo sweating it out is very inspirational for other gym goers but we aren’t sure this dog got the right idea! While this woman was doing some exercises on the floor, her dog decided to take a little break. But it didn’t sit near her feet or head, but it went straight towards the middle of her behind and plopped itself! But it looks so comfy that we don’t want it to move.