35+ Images Of Tattoo Fails That Are Painfully Hilarious

The art of work etched to the skin can turn into a masterpiece or it can haunt you for the rest of your life. We don’t know if these people regret their decisions or this actually means something to them. 

Advice: Maybe getting a tattoo on a drunken night is probably not the best decision you take. Also, when you decide to get a patch of ink on your skin, please check the spellings before finalizing it.

STD Awareness

TSD must be the initials of the baby but doesn’t that look like he is creating awareness for the STDs. We don’t know if there is one disease he is talking about or the general STDs. We are sure it wasn’t a mistake. However, he didn’t see this coming even though it was a conscious decision.

He definitely is thankful to the tattoo artist but is this really something he should be thankful about? We aren’t quite sure if he is going to admire the tattoo the same way in the coming time.

His Wildness Just Got Revealed

The last night dare is still continuing while he works. Oh, wait; this isn’t an actual “thing”. Seems like a drunken mistake. The way he is showing it off, he seems proud of the skimpy garment he is wearing for the rest of his life. 

We don’t judge him for having a feminine side to him. We are glad he pulls off the garment tattoo above his derrière with confidence. That’s how you break the old stereotypes with sass. Way to go buddy!

Regret Nothing But This

The message is clear but the spellings of the latter word need regret to some extent. 


This helps in maintaining the symmetry of letters. However, just because you wanted to maintain symmetry, you can’t skip one letter in a word. That stops making any sense. 

Also, if this was a mistake from the artist’s end, you need to sue them. He ruined your message and made you do exactly what you didn’t want to do.


Your Tattoo Is Not Where It Is Supposed To Be

Well, you must be where you are supposed to be in life. But guess what? Your tattoo is headed to some other direction. It is not where it’s supposed to be and also, the D in supposed should have been put in place to get the message straight.

Tenses are important and you should have learned this in standard 5 where teachers were forcing you to study.

Another advice: Check the alignment of your tattoo when you are getting it. Or you can be leading a life with a hanging tattoo just like her.

Have You Ever Seen A Legit Clock?

We are sure this isn’t the right way to write numbers. This Pirates obsessed person definitely had some emotion related to the tattoo of the pocket clock he got on himself. However, he forgot to check the numbering on his clock and got a disaster inked on him.

We don’t blame him for the error but maybe checking the blueprint can help you make a better decision. Some mistakes are incorrigible and this one is definitely one of them.

Test Tattoos Are A Thing?

We can’t say if it’s a man or a woman but the mistake is similar to a five-year-old. Didn’t anyone tell him that tattoos are meant to stay, even the test tattoos? Sorry, buddy, maybe someone was playing around with you and you got played.

If someone told them that the test tattoos will vanish in a while, they should have known that they were being pranked. One needs to be dumb to the next level to believe this joke and follow the prankster’s word.

Test Tattoos Are A Thing?

We can’t say if it’s a man or a woman but the mistake is similar to a five-year-old. Didn’t anyone tell him that tattoos are meant to stay, even the test tattoos? Sorry, buddy, maybe someone was playing around with you and you got played.

If someone told them that the test tattoos will vanish in a while, they should have known that they were being pranked. One needs to be dumb to the next level to believe this joke and follow the prankster’s word.

Keeping The VIN Number Forever?

This man was way too excited to get his car. We can say that because he got his car’s VIN number tattooed on his body. That’s true love and commitment. But is he going to keep the car in his garage for the rest of his life? 

Isn’t this number going to be nonsensical after a while when he sells it? Well, let’s focus on the bright side. It is going to be beneficial until he owns the car as there won’t be any trouble while filling out DMV forms.

Incorrect Phases Of The Moon

We all studied waning and waxing moons in our science classes. Maybe this person and the tattoo artist had skipped those classes. 

Hence, the tattoo.

Moreover, they were too sure about their concepts and didn’t even bother to consult anyone or the internet. We can see how overconfidence can lead to terrible mistakes. If you cannot spot the mistake, maybe you needed to attend your science lectures with better concentration. And if you are way past your school days, go and learn about the concept or we are judging you.

Freckles Or Stars?

We aren’t sure what this girl wants out of life and this tattoo. If she wanted to have freckles, she should have used a Snapchat filter to get them. Getting some dots on your body isn’t going to make you look beautiful in any way.

Another thing we see in this picture is stars, the way they appear from the earth. We can’t really figure out the reason behind the tattoo but if it was because she wanted to spot a constellation, she could have done that with real stars.

Nickle Back Tattoo

This woman wanted to have her favorite band on her back and that explains the Nickle. But will she be able to explain it to her kids in the future? Maybe not, hence, god should really pick her from this planet.

No parent can tolerate being embarrassed in front of their kids. It is worse than being embarrassed in public. Well, at least she has it on her back, so, she need not witness her stupidity every now and then.

White Or Gold

We were tired of this image on the internet and this man was gutsy enough to get it imprinted on his arm for the rest of his life. We know he is a man because we judged him with his hair growth. 


Memes are temporary and getting them on yourself is probably not the best decision you took. Sharing it on social media numerous times would show that you are really “in love” with the meme. However, getting it inked is not exactly the right way to express your love.

We Spotted A Real Chandler Bing

When someone mentions the third nipple, we can just think of Mr. Bing and his sarcasm. We are glad you spotted one on your body but what was the need to make it outstand with your tattoo? So, you want your following dates to know that you have one and make fun of you?

You have some real guts buddy. Thank you from the coming dates, you gave them a reason to not date you after they come across this.

It Was Meant To Be A Body Part

And not a part of the tattoo. When you want to replicate a tattoo, you have to make sure you can differentiate between the tattoo and the body part in the middle of it. This man was not sure what the tattoo meant and got it on him just because he liked the feel of it. 

In the process, he didn’t even bother to see that he was getting another man’s body part tattooed on his body as well.

Protesting Through Tattoos

We know people who are really attached to a specific cause but this one took his dedication towards a cause to another level and got it on his body. Captivity of animals at SeaWorld is a terrible thing and we all detest it. We have one question, isn’t there any other way to protest against this cause? 

Right now we want to protest against people who are getting such tattoos. Do we need to get a tattoo to do the same? We hope not!

Cringe-Worthy Love

We understand that teenage love is full of clichés but you have to know that it is also temporary. You are going to fall out of love and date numerous people after that. Getting such a tattoo is lame and worth a laugh. 

Moreover, if you are planning to marry each other, know that death “does” you apart, not due you part. Also, why did you visit a child in play way to get your tattoo done? Oh, is it your own writing? Ouch!

Love For Tupac

We know you love Tupac and the posters on your room walls must have announced it. Getting a tattoo of your favorite artist is a commitment to the next level. We know many people who do that.

This man either chose a terrible tattoo artist or had a really bad imagination about the tattoo. Tupac on a unicorn sounds fine but looks horrendous. We are just hoping that he considers it a mistake and not a masterpiece of his life. 

Also, no, not just god, we are judging you as well.

Is It Incomplete Or A Plain Disaster?

We don’t understand what it is supposed to mean. Is it an incomplete superman tattoo or just disastrous gun tattoo that was drawn by a five-year-old? 

Whatever it is, we hope the man gets a way out of this. It isn’t large enough to ruin his life. So, getting it covered up will be the solution. After all, he will have his own kids who are going to mock him over his insane tattoo.

A Message In A Crossword

Why would someone want to do it to their body? It’s okay if you believe in the quote but using your whole side waist just to let people have a bit of entertainment is nonsensical. We know the idea of crossword it creative but it is irritating at the same time.

We know the difference between a father and a dad and we don’t need your crossword to tell us that. Not on your body at least.

You Knew The Baby Was Supposed To Come Out

Didn’t you study biology? Were you not aware that the baby has to pop out of your body in the next nine months? You knew the tattoo was going to be permanent and pregnancy was not. If not, well, the joke is on you lady! 

We get it, you do have strong genes and you were expecting a strong baby out of your body. However, getting it imprinted on your belly is not the best way to let people know about the strength of the new guest.

It Won’t Get Better Now

When it comes to wrong grammar, we can’t stop cringing. This one is doing the same. For this man “It’s Get Better” and for us, it is never going to be good, forget about the betterment. Also, he is totally showing off his horrible grammar, which makes us feel bad for the language.

In life, things do get better, but my friend, you just got a permanent tattoo and it never gets better. Not even in a million years. Trust me!

Tomorrow Is Aware Of You Today’s Mistake

Tomarrow might not know anything but tomorrow “knows”. Your terrible mistakes are not hidden from your coming time. Also, this one is a permanent mistake; hence, it is not even hidden from people you will be meeting in the future. Even your own kids will be laughing at your masterpiece only when they learn the spellings of Tomorrow.

How can people go wrong with spellings of a word they use on a daily basis? This fan of the Beatles should know that he has disappointed them and their song.

Too Dumb To Find The Difference Between “To” And “Too”

Well, if it was made while they were racing to win a tattoo making race, we can spare them. However, the person, on whom the tattoo has been etched, will not spare them when he finds out the blunder that has been done to his body. 

All we have to say is that they were too fast to check the spellings and too young to understand the mistake. Also, they are too dumb to live on this planet. Did it hurt? Well, it was intentional.

Spiderman Needs Some Inspiration

This man knows exactly how to become a Spiderman. He can give some goals to the man himself. Getting stung by a spider? DUH! Old tricks!

This man has a new way that can help you become a Spiderman and it works, at least for him. Otherwise, why would one get such a huge spider tattoo on the face?

If you still haven’t sensed the sarcasm in this point, you need a sarcastic bug to bite you, so that you can get what we meant.

Never Get A Tattoo Ever Again

Don’t! These motivational people need to get some spell check, grammar check, brain check, and kinds of check-ups before they get a tattoo imprinted on their body for the rest of their life. So, why don’t you never don’t get a tattoo ever again?

If you do, Always, Do check grammar, spellings, the formation of the sentence, and everything that could go wrong. There is no way out of this tattoo, so our sympathies are with you forever.

Do We Have A New Religion In This World?

Why weren’t we informed about it or did we miss some important news? The last time we checked, Hello Kitty was just a Japanese fictional character. Now we see this?

Also, Kitty was not a real cat. Did you know that? No, it wasn’t a girl, or boy or any other animal. Hello Kitty is Jesus to some people, that is what the tattoo suggests. We are sure that the Kitty must be flattered by this honor. Thank you from the Japanese people.

God Is Awesome And This Man Is Savage

Religious beliefs make you blind and in his case, religion made him dumb. In today’s world, most people are atheists but some people like him still believe in God, more than anything else. 

However, he was unable to see what was being written on him. If he had given prior approval to the tattoo, we are judging him and his belief in his God who is “a” awesome god, and not “an” awesome god. 

Can anyone please explain this to us? Please, we beg of you!

Eyebrow Perfection

We know that girls are obsessed with perfect brows and they can go to any extent to get them in shape. Plucking, threading, brow penciling, or even tattooing they do it all. However, we don’t know what the motive of this eyebrow tattoo was. 

She could have used a marker instead of getting these two thin curves on her forehead. 3D Brow Microblading went wrong in her case. No girl deserves this and now her eyebrows are not on fleek.

Either Be Single Or Don’t Get A Couple Tattoo

Because couple tattoos are the worst thing ever invented. They are clichéd, cringe-worthy, and out of line. This one defines exactly what we mean by “out of line”. There is no symmetry and why would a couple get such a tattoo?

It makes no sense when you are not hugging your partner, so do you plan to greet people while you are topless and are hugging each other? Isn’t that the weirdest?

You Just Ruined A Baby Picture

If this is how babies actually look, I might stop loving all of them. We are hoping that this is just a blundered art and nothing more than that. We have seen many people who want to get a picture of their babies on their bodies. The thought is extremely sweet. 

However, tattoo artists can ruin the whole concept by ruining the picture of your baby and your body forever. Imagine a parent waiting to see the result and ends up getting this picture on the body, heartbreaking it is.

Spare The Babies

These tattoo artists can be really sadists. They can turn your bundle of joy into a monstrous child. What kind of satisfaction do they get out of such a ridiculous act? They turned a normal baby into a cunning ghost that is going to scare the parents for the rest of the life.

And what about the baby? It will be a torture for the baby to see such a picture of herself that too on one of her parent’s body.

Did Taco Bell Bribe Him?

Why would one want to put the logo of a brand on their back? We hope he is the owner of the Taco Bell. If not, we just don’t see any other reason for this love towards the brand unless; the brand is bribing the man with free food. 

But seriously, what was the need? Why would one do it to oneself? We just hope the food outlet gives him free food until the tattoo is on his body. By that we mean, FOREVER!

Did You Know?

We should applaud people for knowing that it is a mistake and they still have guts to wear one for the rest of their lives. This woman has clearly made bad decisions and is making it clear by her tattoo. Way to go girl!

Also, we can find out a grammatical error in the tattoo. “Clearly, she has made some bad, bad, bad decisions.

We hope her partner doesn’t consider himself in these terrible mistakes.

Filter For Life

This man seems to be obsessed with the spectacle filter on Snapchat. That could be one reason that he is getting one permanently. The geeky look definitely makes you look fine but getting it on your face for the rest of your life is just weird.

Moreover, the tattoo making is in process. We don’t even know what the final result is neither do we want to know. It is going to make us cringe and that’s all. We are glad that we didn’t get to see the horrendous sight.

Ear Tattoo

Getting your ear tattooed is some kind of love these days. However, this woman didn’t go down that lane. She instead got an earring out of the tattoo. Her tattoo seems to be inspired by we don’t know whom. All we know is that it is creepy and bizarre.

We can’t believe she looks at herself in the mirror and gets to see this mana every day of her life. We don’t mean to offend her. It could be her husband but it is creepy to see your husband’s face sitting on her face for the rest of her life.

Nolege Is Power

We know power resided in Knowledge but is there something called ‘nolege’ also acquires the same? We should have been informed about it. Till now we were looking for knowledge and now we have another task. We will have to find nolege as well.

These people need some kind of filter before getting such tattoos on their bodies. When you decide to get a tattoo on your body, you are not just exposing your body to a needle and chemicals. You expose yourself to laughter and there is a possibility you might turn into a meme.

The God Of Dance

You cannot try to describe Michael Jackson and definitely not this one. There is no one who can be close to what he was for the people. Same is the case with this tattoo in the reverse. There is no tattoo that could be as bad as this one. 

It is the worst way a tattoo artist could make a picture of the MJ. So, we request all the tattoo artists, if you are not sure what you are doing, just don’t do it at all.

Gorgeousness Redefined

Marilyn Monroe is the epitome of gorgeousness. A true follower would want to get her picture on their body, especially in the pose she has patent right on. We don’t blame the person for deciding to get it on their body.

However, we can’t stop complaining about the tattoo artist who just ruined the picture completely. The remarkable pose of the lady is now just a joke just because of this tattoo. Norma Jeane Mortenson should have sued him.