These Hilarious Bridesmaids’ Dresses Are Far From The Trend And Closer To Being A Disaster

Weddings are a joyous occasion and if you are asked to be a bridesmaid, the date holds more significance for you! From helping the bride make major decisions about the day to looking into minor details, bridesmaids have a lot on their hands. But one decision that a bridesmaid dreads the most is- What will the bride choose for her to wear? While every woman wants to look fabulous while walking down the aisle with the bride, sometimes the luck is not their favor. The bride can sometimes miss the mark and her bridesmaids end up looking like Little Bo Peep! That’s exactly what these women had to go through when they said yes to being a bridesmaid!

Smiling For Four Blooms

A muted color, stylish one shoulder accent and decent fit, this bridesmaid dress could have been a hit if not for one tiny detail- four giant flowers on the skirt! They are so over the top that we aren’t even mad at them, it’s hilarious. We would have been okay if there was one accent flower but no, the designer was trying too hard here and ended up creating a disaster. Two flowers in the front and two in the back, what was the bride thinking? At least the bridesmaids are pulling them off.

Pretty In Pink, Almost

This is literally the dress that pops up in every bridesmaid’s mind when she imagines having to wear a ridiculous dress to her friend’s wedding! While most women are lucky to dodge this monstrosity, these 4 were not. Not even one of them looks happy to be wearing this fuchsia disaster. If the dress wasn’t enough, they are wearing a matching hair accessory to take this look to the next level. The only good thing is that if they get lost, the bride can spot them from miles away!

Retro Moustache Misery

The bride in this case went full retro with the bridesmaid dresses. The gingham print and the cut of the dress are very classic but this theme has been overdone to the point that this photo makes us cringe. These bridesmaids not only look like they belong to a different decade but are also wearing fake moustaches for some reason. Of course they don’t look happy! The only positive side to this wedding story is that they’ll have something to laugh about 50 years later, when the word embarrassment has evaporated from their dying memory!

Nightgowns For Bridesmaids

This bride definitely wanted to look the best dressed at her wedding. She didn’t want to take any risk with the bridesmaids overshadowing her and she had the best plan- select nightgowns as bridesmaid dresses! Why else would a bride put her friends in bubblegum pink gowns that would flatter no one? To top it all they are wearing matching pink veils for some reason. Even the flower girl is wearing a mini version of this outfit. And just for our peace of mind, tell us that one of the bridesmaid’s isn’t sliding off the bride’s garter?

Worrisome Winter Wonderland

These themed weddings need to chill out! It is sad to watch young unassuming women dressed in the most clownish outfits and walk down the aisle behind the woman of the day. These bridesmaids fall in the category that deserves our sympathies. This winter wonderland theme went south and the bridesmaids ended up looking like Santa’s assistants. The short dresses with boots are a miss and the whole spray tan is way off. But if that’s the bride on the left, can the girls really complain?

Green With Envy

Something is awfully wrong with these dresses. We aren’t sure what is bothering us- the color, fabric, cut or a combination of the three. But one thing is clear- no bridesmaid wants to wear this dress! It seems like the bride ordered these dresses online and what came in the mail was not exactly what she had ordered because come on, who in their right mind would pick such a dress for their wedding? Or perhaps the packages were mixed up and instead of the bridesmaid dress, they received a Halloween costume!

Cape Against The Veil

Women are superheroes and anyone who doesn’t agree shouldn’t go to this wedding. It seems like the bride wanted her to-be-husband to know he is lucky to be marrying this super-woman. Though we are all about girl power, this wedding theme looks more like a costume party! The capes taking over the veil wouldn’t have bothered us so much if it wasn’t for those masks. All the women are happily posing for the picture but we aren’t sure they’ll feel the same way 10 years later!

Not Quite A Bride

If you were to make a dress from left over fabric strips of wedding gowns, this is probably what you would end up with. The whole layering, strange cuts and a cocktail of different fabrics and textures is making us sick to the stomach. Plus why are the bridesmaids wearing white? We genuinely hope the bride went with a different colored dress or at least a white dress that didn’t look like it went through a paper shredder. We don’t want the groom to be looking at every woman walking down the aisle and wondering if she’s the one!

Mountain Of Marshmallows

Voluminous pink tulle skirts look adorable on little flower girls but what happens when bridesmaids decide to match with them? This photo is a proof of the disaster that ensues when you go full fluff for the wedding party! These strapless gowns would have looked fine without that strange puffy bottom. These dresses don’t do justice to them and simply make them look like tacky mermaids made out of marshmallows! The whole scene with the bridesmaids and flower girls looks like s’mores on the grill!

Hooded Angles

This seems like a photo from a few decades ago. We love how the grandma is in a short dress while the other ladies are wearing floor length gowns. You go grandma! But there are so many unanswered questions here. Why did the bride choose such a shiny and ill-fitted dress for her bridesmaids? What’s going on with the hood-cape contraption on these dresses? Are those hanging bouquets in their hands? Whatever’s happening fashion wise but at least they look happy!

We Are All Equal

The wedding day is supposed to be all about the bride and groom. But what if the two don’t want the spotlight on them? Never mind, you can confuse the guests by having the entire wedding party dress the same! This picture could be in any of the couple’s wedding album because it is impossible to tell who the real bride and groom are. The women even have the same hairdo, the only thing better than that would be getting clones to confuse everyone including the photographer!

Less Is No More

If there is one thing that can be said about this bride with full certainty, it is that she does not believe in “less is more”. The huge dress she has on with the massive beaded tiara says enough about her over-the-top preferences. But the problem here is that the bridesmaids are also wearing super puffy dresses and if they are left to roam on their own, at least one of them will be asked if she was the bride! They needed to tone it down with the volume of the dress and perhaps the color too!

Rainbow Ready Bridesmaids

Individually these dresses are pretty but put them together in one frame and it looks like a unicorn just threw up! We know some people are all about the rainbow theme but couldn’t they just wait a few years and use it for their kid’s first birthday? Standing in line, the bridesmaids look like the layers of a rainbow but that’s a lot for a wedding. Looking back at the photos from her big day, the bride might have realized that her theme totally took the attention away from her.

Highlight Of The Wedding

Most brides would want to be the center of attention at their wedding. They dress up in a big dress, wear the best makeup and style their hair to perfection. But what if some bride wants her bridesmaids to get the spotlight as well? She puts her girls in neon outfits! Just like these girls here who were rocking the highlighter look. If the dress wasn’t enough, they were decked in matching giant hair accessories and bouquets. We have one question though, did the guests even notice the bride amid these ladies?

Bubblegum In Bubble Hem

Pink knee length bubble hem dresses with high necklines, surely a photo uncovered from the attic! The bride looks pretty in her white dress but what on earth is going on with the bridesmaid dresses? We are assuming that the one in the blue dress is the maid of honor but it is impossible for us to overlook the fact that she is wearing the same shade shoes! And can someone explain what’s up with those headbands with some veil like extensions?

Bow Down To The Bows

No woman would ask her friends to wear such embarrassing dresses to her wedding, unless she was taking revenge from them over some petty fight they had back in college! One look at this picture and you’d think that this is a dress for a preschool play performance and not a wedding. What are those giant bows doing in the back? The angle of the photo also doesn’t help the cause. The bottom line is- you don’t make your bridesmaids wear shiny satin dresses with flower crowns if you really love them, there we said it!

Winter Wedding Disaster

What even is going on with this picture? Purple silk and white fur muffs with matching hair accessories, someone sure knows how to overdo a theme. To an outsider, this looks straight up like the winter version of grape juice themed wedding! The dresses alone wouldn’t have been such a disaster but together with the accessories, this is a mess. We don’t know how these bridesmaids agreed to pose with the bride looking like that. Let’s hope this marriage lasted because the bridesmaids are not having a round two of this torture!

A Sunflower Business

For the sake of these bridesmaids we sincerely hope that this wedding was indoors. The top to bottom yellow ensemble is giving off sunflower vibes and we wouldn’t want bees to get confused and start picking at these poor women for some pollen! The polka dots and matching hats is making this outfit worse. The dresses don’t even do any justice to the women’s figures. What was the bride even thinking while picking out these dresses? This looks like a classic case of making the bridesmaids look bad on purpose so the bride shines brighter!

Androgynous Wedding Party

Either the bride was too keen on the androgynous style for her bridesmaids or she got their outfits made from the fabric leftover from the suits of the groomsmen! Either way, this is not pleasing to the eyes. The idea of putting bridesmaids in suits is fresh and has a lot of possibility. But the way these ladies are dressed in ill-fitting garments from head to toe is making us cringe. We hate to say it but the pink bow is the only good thing about the outfit!

Terrifying Theatre Vibes

A bride needs to have immense love for theatre to pull off an act like this. It aches to see the bridesmaids going through with the bride’s vision and putting themselves through something that can be compared to Victorian era torture! Firstly, the tiered dresses with the flowery bodice are a fashion disaster. But that wasn’t enough, the poor ladies had to wear strange hats that belong to an era gone by. The good thing is that the bride’s outfit is keeping up with the theme, so at least they all look ridiculous together!

Mystery Of The Missing Curtains

Some poor woman was missing her curtains but when she went to this wedding, she realized her curtains were repurposed into dresses for the bridesmaids! We don’t know if she demanded her curtains back or if her anger melted after seeing the plight of these women. The bride has to be a sadist to put her girls in what one would call “curtain dresses”. Looks like she figured out how to be a bridezilla without acting out- just put your girlfriends in the ugliest dresses found in the store!

Mixed Retro Chaos

What is even going on with this photo? The suit is very 70s but the bridesmaids dresses are screaming 80s. Perhaps they went with everything that was “the fashion” at some point. BTW did the bride match her eye-shadow to the groom’s suit? With everything said and done, we still don’t think that using grandma’s drapes to make bridesmaids dresses is a good idea. Is that a cross between a cowboy hat and a fascinator on their heads? Nobody signed up to see this strange sight walk down the aisle, not even the guests!

A Christmas Tree Is Missing

Of course this was winter time, the Claus family is here with a snowman! A Christmas tree could make this moment picture perfect but never mind, we’ll get over this void! If this wedding is not happening on Christmas Eve we don’t if the bride can justify her pick for the bridesmaids dress. Even then the bridesmaids would have needed some convincing to say yes to this red velvet monstrosity. Is this a Santa themed wedding? Probably yes. Is it worth it? Definitely not!

A Fairytale Wedding

What happens when a girl dreams of her wedding as a child and never leaves the original vision even when she is a grown woman? She ends up having a Disney themed wedding just like this bride here! One would imagine a Disney wedding to take place in a castle where the bride is wearing a big dress but this bride has taken it too far. She literally made her bridesmaids dress like various Disney princesses and even copy their hairdos. The good thing is she played this theme into her look as well. Yes, she’s Ariel!

Santa’s Snowscape

This bride’s choice of bridesmaid dresses is questionable at best. The ruffles on the neckline and the two tone hemlines are such a pain to see that the bride looks like a breath of fresh air in contrast, who by the way is marrying a guy who wears a top hat to his wedding! Together the wedding party looks like Santa’s snow canvas right before Christmas. The groomsmen with red accents on their suits are taking this vibe to the next level. As if the ‘snow’ wasn’t enough for their theme, they even made the flower girl wear white!

The Bridal Trio

This could easily have been a picture from a beauty pageant. It looks like the runner-ups are standing around the winner with bouquets in their hands, posing for a picture to be published in the national newspaper. But this is a wedding photo! The bridesmaids are dressed in white and have black veils on for some reason. Their bouquets also match and so does their jewelry. Was this bride scared of being the one in the spotlight or did she really have a pageant themed wedding? Either way, this is a miss!

A Wedding To Check-Mate

Our first thought was that this is a chess themed wedding and the bride is the Queen. But there was one flaw with this theory- why are the bridesmaids dressed in the opponent’s color? Perhaps the groomsmen were dressed in white! Jokes aside, we believe that this was a wedding in the 80s. The living room backdrop and the volume of these women’s hair are hinting at the decade. Anyway, we aren’t a fan of the whole lace and giant bouquet vibe, it is too much to take in!

Attempting To Be A Flamin-Go

Is it just us or are these bridesmaids actually looking like a wedding cake topper? The layers of pink and orange together with sparkly tiaras are too much to look at. This could very well be a quirky bride’s wedding dress! Looking at these dresses we believe it was a flamingo themed wedding but if the bride had planned for real flamingoes to make an appearance, the birds would be shouting “Flamin-Go” at the ladies! BTW did the wedding party head to the beach for taking photos?

Hats Off Please

Hats off to the bridesmaids who agreed to wear dresses that resemble the fabric on their couch! Also, keep your plastic-looking hats off! Even if this was a beach wedding, those floppy hats should not have made an appearance. The bride could have stopped here but she even made little girls wear the same printed dress. Plus, why would you put the flower girls in bonnets? No wonder they look sad! This photo should never have seen the light of day, banish it back into the album it came from!

A Conservative Color Wheel

The idea of having all the bridesmaids in different colors of the same dress may look brilliant on paper but it doesn’t necessarily translate in real life. At least that’s what happened here. While the pastel colors are fine, the matching bouquets are a bit much. But what takes this to the disaster zone for us is the fact that these women are covered from neck to toe. It has left us with a big question- are these women nuns or was the theme of the wedding “conservative”?

Three Tiered Cakes-Maids

No bride would want her bridesmaids to overshadow her on the big day. So bridesmaid dresses are usually very different from the bride’s gown. But one bride wanted the coordinated feel in the wedding without giving up the limelight. She came up with a brilliant idea- have bridesmaids put on dresses that look like a three tiered strawberry cake! This one move ensured coordination between 2 important aspects of the wedding (cake and bridesmaids) and also made sure that no bridesmaid would overshadow her. Talk about getting two birds with one stone!

The Good Witches

Either the bride is not dying for attention or she is extremely secure because why else would you let your bridesmaids wear white on your wedding day? But in this particular wedding, we don’t think either is the case. The cape hoodie contraption on the bridesmaids is so weird that we bet most of the guests would have preferred to ignore their existence. The pretty white lace is saving these outfits from giving everybody some major witch vibes! BTW is that the groom on the far left dressed in white from head to toe?

Hippie Babies

This photo has to be from the 70s because in any other decade this is a straight up disaster! The pink blouses and orange printed skirts are giving us some serious psychedelic hit. And what’s with the pink veils? We will never be able to fully grasp the reason why some brides put their girls in bridal gowns or veils. It’s not like these girls will have to take up the bride’s place when she excuses herself to the bathroom!

Versatile Velvet For Wedding

First thing is first, why does it look like the bride and her bridesmaids are still in school? Age is just a number but we hope she wasn’t a minor when she tied the knot. Anyway, our concerns about this photo go beyond the age of the bride. The dress she chose for her bridesmaids has a strange combination of red and pink velvet which makes them look ready for the school choir. But the highlight here is the outfit of the flower girls who are giving elves a run for their money!

Chaos At Wedding

Did this bride have a vision for her bridesmaid dresses? Or perhaps she was running short of time and instead of selecting a dress for all the girls, she just let them wear whatever they wanted. There can be no other explanation for this chaos! Every woman is wearing a different dress but the funny thing is that not even a single dress is pretty. The shiny fabrics and elaborate sleeves are trying way too hard! But what bothers us the most is how another woman is wearing white!

Butterflies As Bridesmaids

Considering that the bride is dressed in a traditional gown, we aren’t sure if she picked out the bridesmaid dresses. Did the girls surprise the bride with their outfits on the wedding day or was it all planned from the beginning? If the butterfly theme was the bride’s doing then there is no doubt that she did this on purpose so none of her friends could upstage her. But with literal wings jutting out of the bridesmaid’s dresses, we don’t think the guests were even looking at the bride!

Pastels All The Way

No points for guessing the theme of this wedding, it has to be PASTEL! This bride knows her color palette and does not sway from it. But did the poor bridesmaids have any say in their dresses for the big day? We don’t think anyone can pull off a pastel ensemble head to toe and these bridesmaids even had to carry bouquets matching their dresses! Was this the bride’s plan to keep the spotlight on herself? Her plan might have failed because the woman on her right is totally rocking it (even the hat)!

A Wedding Fantasy

Did this bride have an obsession with ‘Game Of Thrones’ or something? We can’t come up with any other reason why she would make her bridesmaids dress like a fictional character from some elaborate period drama! For the well being of the ladies we hope that this was a winter wedding because if they are posing in the summer sun with these dresses on, we are not sure all of them actually survived till the reception. On the bright side, fainting would have saved them from having to wear these ghastly dresses.

A Peachy-Matchy Disaster

These bridesmaid dresses are loud, tacky and trying way too hard! Counting all the issues with these dresses would take 3 days but we’ll try to summarize the horror here. The top is gaudy alright but what has happened to the bottom? It looks like someone stapled a roll of fabric to increase the hemlines at the last minute. The whole tiara, necklace and bouquet situation takes this matchy-matchy ensemble to a whole new level. The worst thing is that the bride seems to be wearing a similar dress in white!

Repurposed Lingerie

We would hesitate to call them dresses, they are more like an outcome of poor judgment. This looks like it was pulled from a boudoir collection not a bridal boutique. Were the bridesmaids comfortable in parading down the aisle in lingerie-esque outfits? The dresses are too shiny and short and then the see-through cape adds to the whole lingerie vibe. Perhaps the bride was deciding on her honeymoon lingerie when she was carted away to shop for bridesmaid dresses. Weddings are full of confusion but this one is a bit too much.

Scorching Summer Wedding

This is clearly an old photograph so we won’t be trashing the style of these dresses. But can we overlook the fact that all these dresses look more like night gowns than bridesmaid dresses? We don’t have a problem with thin straps on dresses but that frill on the bodice and hem is definitely giving us a casual sundress vibe if not straight up sleepwear. At least their bouquets look cute, perhaps that’s why they are smiling!

Flowers On Flowers

There is nothing wrong with a floral dress for a summer wedding. But shouldn’t bridesmaids stand out a little? Perhaps that’s what this bride thought when she decided to put her bridesmaids in these floral full-sleeved gowns that are hard to miss even from a mile away! The dresses alone wouldn’t have looked that bad if it wasn’t for the bouquets that pretty much camouflaged with the dresses. It is hard to pin-point where the dress ends and the bouquet begins!

Dreaming To Be A Unicorns-Maid

We have all wondered what life would be like if unicorns were real. But have you ever imagined what would bridesmaids wear to a unicorn’s wedding? You don’t have to because the answer is right here! That pink top wouldn’t let anyone forget it but it wasn’t enough on its own. It needed a ruffled skirt sporting yellow, blue and pink colors, and of course, a matching hat was much needed. The only good thing about this dress is that this woman is trying it on so hopefully, it wasn’t the final choice!

Loaded With Gold

This woman is smiling her widest as she tries on a bridesmaid dress at a bridal salon. Her confidence and happiness is almost infectious but the dress is stopping us! We love the mermaid style on her and the color is also beautiful. But the rest of the dress is a big mess! What even is going on with the red puffy sleeved jacket? So much golden work will surely outshine the bride, unless she walks down the aisle in a dress practically made of gold!

Bridesmaids Going To Ruffle Town

It is hard to believe that women dressed like that will smile for the camera! They are gorgeous women and going by how much they are ready to bear to be bridesmaids, they definitely are great friends too! Then why did the bride put them in the worst dress any store can stock? There are ruffles everywhere we see, the tiered skirt and even the bodice has it. Then they have matching ruffled hats and umbrellas! It is all too much to take in, perhaps that’s why the bride didn’t make them all wear the same color!