Most Outrageous And Weirdest Wedding Dresses In The History Of Weddings

Wedding day is meant to be the most special day for you and your partner, turns out to be a disaster. From being the center of attraction to joke of the day, the journey is a hilarious one. It might turn out to be devastating for the bride but she won’t realize until she gets to see her pictures. 

Cupcakes Anyone?

Well, this bride took care of all her guests with this gesture. Selecting a dress that could serve the guests who come to meet her is the best thing in the world. We don’t know what was going in her mind when she narrowed down to this dress but whatever it was, the guests at this wedding must be the happiest guests ever.

This bride seems like she just stepped out of a tea party and gate-crashed her own wedding. That umbrella just gives us the idea that she is bad at making choices.

Wedding On A Budget

A wedding cake is a must in all the weddings. Bride or groom could be missing from the wedding but cake? It has to be there and nobody is compromising on that. This bride had to choose between an expensive wedding dress and a lavish wedding cake. That is when she must have come up with the idea of the dress as a cake. 

Seems like a decent idea to us but how can one carry a cake along with their body? Also, if people start eating off her dress, is she comfortable with getting striped on her wedding day by all her guests?

No Sharp Weapons At This Wedding

Well, there is no way these people could afford to have a sharp weapon at the venue of the wedding or the reception. Also, candles will be risky as well. The balloons are not the appropriate kind of material for your wedding dress. It is risky and will be making too much sound on getting hugged. 

That creates another danger! Don’t hug the bride too tight at this wedding; there is a massive possibility that she will be stripped by the end of the occasion if people hugged her way too tight.

Let’s not talk about the extra background she is carrying with herself, it is giving us all the wrong ideas.

A Bodysuit Would Have Been Better Than Body Paint

If revealing all the details of your body is the idea of a wedding dress then a bodysuit would have been a better choice. It looks classy and there is nothing else left to reveal. Bodypaint is not exactly the best thing you could come up with on your wedding day as your wedding dress.

However, this dress just looks tacky and kind of a thing you would have worn for the wedding night and not the wedding party. So, let’s just say they were more excited about the night rather than the event that declared them married.

Opposite Of Exaggeration

Most brides go overboard with their dresses but this one went under-board and got the most minimalistic dress she could come up with. Maybe she was trying the concept of mosquito net and loved the idea for her wedding dress as well. When we said that need some filter, we meant “a filter in their brain”. However, this one bride needs a legit filter and that will be for her brain and dress. 

Maybe she was left unsupervised and that led her to make such a transparent decision for her wedding dress.

Cocooning Her Way Into Her Wedding

We can’t make out any other reason for this dress. Maybe she had been making this dress since she started dreaming about her wedding. She might be assuming she will turn into a butterfly as soon as she gets married. Hence, the cocoon justifies this thought perfectly.

Well, marriage definitely makes you glow better if the spouse makes you happy. So, the process is no lesser than turning into an even more beautiful person.

However, does that you mean you get a cocoon as your wedding dress? Maybe, maybe not but for this woman, it was a definite yes!

Setting The Alter On Fire

That must be her only motive behind this wedding dress and we don’t blame her. Every bride wants to look hot, gorgeous, elegant, and sexy on her wedding day. The dress makes a woman look elegant and gorgeous on its own. Adding a bit of fire on her dress helped her set things on fire.

We hope the groom's outfit was somewhat related to water. It would help the people to balance out the heat the bride will be radiating with her fiery dress. This is a throwback to the time everything was in fore theme; the cars, the décor, the sunglasses and now a wedding dress!

The Asymmetrical Balloony Dress

Asymmetrical is in trend and so are the balloons. However, the combination of the two turned out to be not so great. You gotta make sure there is no sharp tool at this wedding as well. We know cutting a cake would be risky for this bride so, the groom will have to do it on his own. 

Or they could skip the wedding cake completely. We really want to know what is up with these balloon dresses. We assume we have missed on an essential balloon trend that made its way in the fashion industry.

Unclear Idea?

We are not really sure what is this dress all about but it has managed to crack us up in the most ridiculous way. Some say it is inspired by Violet Beauregard’s character in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. However, we are glad she didn’t turn into a complete white berry-like the Violet. Well, she turned into a blueberry, however blue is certainly not a color for a wedding, is it?

We thought hard, what could be the reason but then the groom caught our attention and we can’t believe that this man showed up in pink jumpsuit for his wedding. Why would someone do that? Are we going to a kid’s birthday party?

Mother First

This woman already had three kids before she got married and her priorities are straight up. She knows her kids better than anyone else. She is aware that they might need a diaper at any moment and making a dress out of those would be the best solution. No pain of carrying an extra bag to carry the essentials. 

We may also perceive that she is ready to be a mom right after the wedding and she wanted to give a sign to her groom and this dress just helped her in the best way possible.

Inspired By Your Pet

This woman seems a bit too inspired by her pet and we don’t blame her. Pets tend to be too special to people, no matter what the pet is. Even if you have been petting a sheep, you can be in love with it. 

We can’t help but think what if she is getting married to the sheep itself? What if this dress was meant to be twinning with the groom and that is what she has ended up doing? 

Whatever this is, her dress is apt for a pet lover. Imagine a person with a crocodile as a pet. Wild, isn’t it?

Were They Aiming To Look Like A Snac?

We’d like to tell them; maybe they have succeeded in it but they are more like a dessert, rather than a snac. Choosing an orange and white outfit for a wedding could be a bit offbeat. However, they are carrying with such confidence made these two look cute together.

Complimenting each other, that is what marriages are for, right? They are doing that perfectly and if not snac, let it be a dessert. It is not how we’d like to see wedding dresses but if they are happy with their choices, who cares?

Crème Puffs Are The Priority

Brides have been very considerate about their guests these days and they take care of the necessities of guests. Food is what they come for and bringing the dessert along with you to the alter seems like the perfect start to the wedding.

Croquembouche is a traditional dessert served at weddings. It is in the form of the pyramid traditionally. Hence, this girl is the perfect traditional girl you were looking for. Unfortunately, she is married now. She knows how to take care of the traditions and make the guests happy. What else do you need?

Off To Cheerleading?

If her husband is a sportsman, we bet this bride is a dedicated one and is a true fan of her husband. Otherwise, no woman would screw her white gown just for a cheerleading dress. These two must be very obsessed with their love story and that is the reason they wanted people to know about it through their wedding dress. 

We can bet that the minister at the wedding was his coach! Jokes aside, if these two are so dedicated towards their story of how they met, this team is in it to win it.

Over-sized Dress

This is the true definition of exaggerating a wedding dress. This is what we meant by going overboard with your wedding dress. This cotton candy lady should have left in a separate car; at least her groom would have some space left to himself.

The giant dress, the huge tiara, the pose as if she owns the world, all of it is enough to tell that she owns the wedding. The groom has no say in it, not even his seat in the car. So, if you want to have a say at your wedding, ask your girl to get a minimalistic dress for the wedding.

Could You Guess The Length Of The Veil?

If you have a huge family and friend attending your wedding, this could be the perfect veil for you. Well, another condition to fulfill is to have and entrance grand enough to fit this veil. The purpose of the dress would fail if it has to be folded the way it is in the picture. 

We thought the longest veil was that of Priyanka Chopra but now we doubt that. This veil should be over 200ft and that easily beats the 75 feet long veil of Priyanka Chopra. 

Another question! Is she going to keep this veil attached at the reception party as well?

Soldier Wife?

A dedicated soldier wife is definitely going to pull this off. Getting over the idea of a white gown, this woman just made things war-ready. There is a probability that she might not be a soldier wife and is just obsessed with camouflage or the army. She definitely looks stunning but are you sure that this pretty lady is headed towards the alter and not war?

And if it really is a wedding dress then the marriage won’t be lesser than a war. Also, those flowers are good enough for a memorial and not a wedding.

A Ray Of Hope On A Rainy Day

We don’t know what to say. We are controlling the inner Chandler inside us. We don’t want people to feel bad about how we look at their wedding dresses. So, we’d keep our sarcastic comment to ourselves. 

Hence, we are left with one option and that is covering up by saying some sugar dripping stuff. These two look oh-so-cute together. We assume they are following the concept, “There is a rainbow after every rainy day”. 

Well, screw it. Let’s be honest they look like they are headed to a circus. Phew! We had to get it off our chest.

Orange Is The New Black

We know orange is trending but black could never go out of fashion. This woman chose to go unconventional and mix both the colors and get the best out of it. 

Even the groom wanted to give his best and tried to match his outfit in every way possible. However, we can appreciate him for the try but he is not even close to what his girl had envisioned for herself. Her sneakers tell how particular she was with her attire of the day. She made sure she was all covered up in those two colors; hence, she got the sneakers of the same color.

Christmas Time?

This could be the perfect dress for a Christmas theme party or a prom. We are not sure if this is how we want wedding dresses to look like. Wedding dresses are meant to be elegant but this one is more like something that could make you a bit shabby in white and red.

The black gloves just make her complete look weird. Moreover, if she is headed to the venue barefoot, we doubt if it’s her wedding day or she is off to some religious event she is required to attend.

Favorite Basketball Team?

Getting a customized wedding dress is cool and that happens every now and then. However, the motivation behind the customization of this wedding dress is this woman’s favorite basketball team. The love for the team is true and more important than the love for her groom. 

Can we ask one little question? What was the outfit of the groom? Was he waiting for her sporty bride in shorts at the altar? We hope not, it is just an inappropriate pick for the wedding. We all love sporty couples but the admiration for the favorite team should be in limit and away from the altar.

Saving The Budget

We are not sure if there was a strip game at the wedding or just cutting down on the budget. This time we thought we should be mentioning a weird groom dress. It’s an irony that there is no dress to mention here. The bride’s dress looks gorgeous and it seems like the guy had to skip on his outfit after spending stacks of bills on her dress. 

We aren’t judging the couple because we know receptions can get a bit wild and that can lead to some major changes. This reception just led to the loss of clothes. We are glad they kept the boxers on.

Designer Gown For The Wedding?

Not if it’s this one. It was the second wedding for Tina Turner. Maybe that’s why she was willing to ditch her white gown and opt for this oh-so-wild dress. Giorgio Armani’s gown is no doubt a beautiful creation but for a wedding? Well, we aren’t sure about that. This pick is definitely unique but not apt for a wedding, at least not your own. 

Black sequin dress with a poison-green lining is not what most girls would choose but Tina pulls off it graciously and looks ravishing as always.

Patriotic Bride

Remembering your nation on the day of your wedding is quite heart-touching but is that really necessary? Unless you belong to a patriotic clan. We find nothing wrong with the dress but how did she manage to arrive at the venue with this dress without any wrinkles.

Patriotism is a legit thing but shouldn’t that love be kept aside for 4th of July? Or maybe they had their wedding on the same date and that somehow justifies the dress. At least it makes a bit sense to us now. And this is not the only bride that chose such an outfit; there is another bride that chose a wilder version of patriotism.

Getting Your Wedding Dress Made Out Of Hair?

When you have ombre hair, you want your wedding dress to do full justice to your hair. So, what is the solution? Get your dress made out of hair of same shade and you are good to go. However, we would like to know the salon that colored the hair and the shop that made this dress out of hair.

We might not choose this dress for our wedding but it can be an option for our Halloween party at least. We admire the thought and the effort that went into this dress and that’s all we can do.

Peacock Wedding

Can you guess the cost of this wedding dress? This wedding dress, made up of 2009 peacock feathers was a $1.5 million wedding dress. It looks gorgeous and oh-so stunning. The sad part about the dress is that we don’t know how many peacocks had to suffer the loss to get this dress made.

Animals and birds are not going to survive on the planet if this kept happening. Also, if they managed to survive, the beauty of these creatures will be seen on dresses of humans and not where they actually belong.

Feather To Your Own Wedding?

Cortaderia Pampas Grass White feathers! That’s the first thing that came to my mind when I saw this dress. We know they are not legit feathers but we can’t stop comparing it to Pampas. We all know a wedding is all about celebrating it with free spirit but trying to become birds can be a bit dangerous. 

When we see at the picture taken in a picturesque view, it seems as if the groom is in the frame just for the sake of his bride. Well, they must have had their first fight after the wife would have come across this picture.

Nature Lover Bride

In this era of awareness, there is a lot about nature that you need to learn. This bride chose it as the theme of her wedding but the groom chose to remain sober and wear a suit. However, he couldn’t escape throwing the dead, plucked birds in the air. We knew the tradition of releasing doves in the air but this one is news to us.

Wedding traditions are weird and no one can escape them. Trying to change them a bit won’t be harmful, right?

Chocolaty Wedding

White chocolate lovers got a new idea for their wedding dress. This woman has some serious obsession with chocolate and the picture is proof. However, we just hope that the weather is right because if this dress caught the heat, her whole idea is going to melt and make her feel naked in a matter of a few minutes.

Also, the aptest dress for the groom would be a dark chocolate tux. Isn’t that going to be the most romantic dress? After the ceremony, they can head directly to their suite and use the aphrodisiac to make their first night after the wedding steamy.

Quite A Recyclable Dress

We are glad this woman chose a paper dress for her wedding as it is recyclable. People need to take care of nature and if this is how people tried to avoid manmade fabrics, we will be able to save our planet from global warming. However, will you choose it for your wedding, you selfish creature of the blue planet?

The bride looks stunning in the dress and the shore vibes of the image gives us all the right feels. Moreover, she seems ready for the surfing session.

Octopus Bride

Under the sea theme is quite trendy these days. Being a mermaid is one major dream of every girl. But an octopus? Seriously? That too on your wedding day? Does your groom work in a fish market? Well, that is the only justification for these bizarre tentacles in the dress. 

The dress would have been classy, elegant and graceful if these tentacles were not joined to the dress. Moreover, the giant, silver seaweed tiara is making the whole outfit stand out of the crowd. We hope the groom is dressed equally bizarrely. Otherwise, the girl alone will be the joke of the day.

Divorce Before The Wedding?

Why would one want to get their wedding dress made out of the divorce papers? We are not aware of the fact that the divorce papers are from the previous wedding or just something they got printed just for the wedding dress.

The couple seems carefree about the dress but we hope they are not so careless about how they plan to spend their life with each other.

Patriotism Continues

Another wedding that is probably scheduled on 4th of July or the girl is probably too patriotic to get married in a white gown. This one is wild because this one even had a scarf to match her gown and is a proud American. We would love to see her groom’s outfit. 

Is the tux made up of all the elements of the American flag? We would love to see his outfit as well. The patriotism will run in the family in the coming generations if the husband is following the wife’s footsteps.

The Hippy Wedding Dress

We don’t have an issue with the dress. People have personal choice and it’s in their discretionary what they want to wear. Personally, we wouldn’t choose this dress for prom, forget about our wedding. Aiming to look like Barbie, this woman got backfired.

Too much bling, too much pink, too much makeup, too many frills. We can’t stop listing down the too muchs of this dress. So, we will stop here and say that maybe this wasn’t what we look for when we choose a wedding dress.

Sponsored Wedding

Is it a wedding or a corporative event that has been sponsored by some brands? If Mountain dew, M&Ms, Hyatt, Pepsi, Castrol, Frontier, etc. are sponsoring this event, we expect it to be grand. Hence, it becomes the responsibility of the bride to promote the brand with her veil. 

However, why is the groom in a basic tux? Why do women have to take full responsibility and men can be as carefree as they want. We need an answer because no bride can tolerate the names of brands printed on her wedding dress.

The Overdressed Bride

This bride was either too inspired by GOT. Well, we said it because of the extravagance in her attire. The chandelier she is hanging on her backside is something not every girl can carry. This woman seems very dedicated to the theme and that is what has made her pull off this outfit with grace. 

We wonder if people had to carry her outfit separately or were she transported to the venue with a truck. Whatever it was, if the guy was mesmerized by her look, the effort was worth it.

Kissing Under The Light Of A Thousand Stars?

We all love Ed Sheeran and his song “Thinking out loud”. This woman wanted some extra stars at the wedding ceremony and that is the reason she decided to take some along with her. After all, not many stars are visible on this polluted planet. 

Carrying your own backup plan isn’t wrong. But is it safe? She must be carrying batteries under her layered dress and that doesn’t sound fine to us. However, the final result is definitely magical and it will look even more beautiful while they have their first dance under the legit thousand stars.

Bling Bling Bling

This dress is the next thing after sun that can burn your eyes. The gold dress is not the only thing to pay attention to. The bouquet she is carrying has real money and it tells how expensive the wedding is going to be. We don’t have the details but it should have gone under the most expensive weddings.

Maybe they wanted to create a piece of art or maybe they were just following their cultural tradition, whatever it was, the results are grand and a major fail. Do you agree?

Pyramid Bride

This one is definitely a cultural thing. However, why did they make the bride look like a pyramid? We are sure that wasn’t necessary. We aren’t here to bash a culture or anything of that sort. However, the bride should have been given a choice of how she wanted to look. The look on her face clearly says that she isn’t happy.

We don’t know if that is because of the husband she’s got or the dress she got to wear for her D-Day! However, we can say that it is an achievement that they managed to make a bride look like a pyramid.

Indecisive To Choose A Color?

This bride seemed indecisive to choose the color of her wedding dress. Hence, she chose to become a colorful peahen for her wedding. We wish to see her peacock because a guy in these many colors is a sight we can’t afford to miss. 

This one is weird because of the reason that it has so much going on with itself. What do you think; is it worth taking the risk on your wedding day?