Take A Look At These Rare Historical Photos That Will Leave You Amazed

There are all kinds of pictures related to wars and other historical events that are all over the internet. But have you ever tried to look beyond that collection? Some historical pictures lie low and they are the most surprising ones. We will unveil the stories behind them here. Let’s expand your horizon! It’s time to dig deep into ancient times and reveal the hidden side of history.

What Expensive Movie Sets Looked Like!

This is 1963 and the movie being shot is “Cleopatra”. This is the glamor that existed in those times. If you had any other image of the movie-making process in the earlier times, then erase that. 

This movie was made with a really high budget and one of the most expensive creations of that time. These beautiful ladies in stunning outfits are the extras who are enjoying the view during the break. We bet the view was great! Did you imagine the cinema to look like this in the past?

Another Marilyn Monroe Moment

If you think that women were reluctant to speak their minds in the past, then you need to know about this perfect comeback by Marilyn Monroe in 1951 after she received hatred for dressing a certain way. 

Her red dress did not “please” some people and a journalist wrote that a potato sack would have suited her better. Marilyn nailed a “potato sack dress” look and released her photo. That is a savage move!

She did not let those rude comments get to her. This photo gave them the right answer!

A Unique Beauty Pageant…

The year 1956 saw the rise of a new title for the women - Miss Perfect Posture. This is not heard of, right? But it happened and the rules were laid down to win this title. 

Yes, those are real X-rays and the decision rested on these X-rays and the standing posture of the contestant. A chiropractic convention organized this event to promote chiropractic treatment which was not so well-known at that time. 

These are the three winners picked for this title after they cleared all the rounds and tests. Those trophies don’t come easy!

A Tribute To The Animals!

World War I led to a lot of disorder and bloodshed. Some brave soldiers lost their lives during the battle. As much as that matters, the animals who fought and got killed carry importance too. They deserve respect! 

So, the American soldiers honored all the animals including horses, donkeys, and mules who sacrificed their lives. This picture depicts the tribute!

The animals contributed to the win as well and these soldiers had that realization. So, they got together and stood to form a horse’s head. This kind of tribute is truly inspiring and touching!

An Unconventional Path Of Einstein.

We all know the extent of racism that once existed in the world. While people chose to stay silent on this subject, Albert Einstein jumped on an unconventional road. His lecture on relativity at Lincoln University in Pennsylvania in 1946 had a strong message. 

This was the first time that the black students had the opportunity to receive college degrees. So, Einstein did not shy away from expressing his opinions on the condition of black people. He stated, “Racism is a disease of white people.” His speech left an everlasting impact on the audience!

The Tunes Of Jazz!

This picture has the greatest jazz player, Louis Armstrong and his wife Lucille in front of The Great Sphinx of Giza, Egypt. His wife is clearly mesmerized with his tunes. Who wouldn’t be? He has received the title of one of the best jazz players for a reason! 

Everyone wants to listen to this incredible American composer and trumpeter. He rose to fame in the 1920s and his career graph kept rising till the 1960s. People loved his music and that motivated him even more. His wife is fortunate to sit in a beautiful location and listen to the wonderful compositions by this amazing artist!

Strong Fashion Game!

The fashion shows are not new, they were organized many years ago as well. This photo is straight out of what they looked like in 1950s Germany. 

World War II left the world in chaos. There was a lot to deal with especially in terms of spreading peace and happiness. The fashion became a source of these required changes. The style evolved over the years. 

Coco Chanel and Christian Dior showcased their designs on the ramp. The glamorous models aced the fashion game and people were attracted to this world!

A Story Of Valor.

In 1943, Franceska Mann had to witness some really tough times in the Auschwitz concentration camp. This Polish-Jewish dancer diverted the attention of the guards with her moves and quickly got her hands on the gun owned by the roll call officer. She aimed the gunshot at him and he died right there. This act of bravery was inspiring. 

The other prisoners supported this revolt, but things did not end well for them. All the prisoners who participated in this rebellion were killed. 

Franceska Mann’s bravery should be known to all. During the struggling times, she showed strength and fought till the end.

A Disastrous Snowstorm!!!

A dreadful blizzard hit the United States and the East side of the Rocky Mountains in 1966. The snowstorm ruined so much and people died while trying to survive in those freezing conditions. The snowfall did not stop for days and the mercury levels fell to a large extent. The cold had no limits leading to 31 people dying after freezing. 

The attempts at warming the houses with fire proved dangerous as well. Many individuals lost their lives in that fire. 

This picture says everything about the blizzard. Just look at that level! It’s unbelievable.

Have You Ever Seen A Kilt?

If you are from Scotland and Ireland, you are probably familiar with a kilt. But if you haven’t seen one, you are in the same category as this curious woman. She seems so interested in the design of the kilt worn by that Scottish soldier. 

The year is 1944 and the place is Rome which was liberated in that year. So, the celebrations were in full swing at that time. Hitler had announced the withdrawal of the troops from Rome and people were on the streets to share the moment happily with all. 

This photo might not depict those celebrations, but is definitely explaining the curiosity in people about the uniforms worn by the soldiers.

When Cellphones Were Not In The Picture…

Count your blessing as you do not have to move around carrying a huge hard drive to store your pictures. We have come a long way! 

That is a 5MB IBM hard drive in that box lifted by a group of men in 1956. You probably want way more than 5MB now in storage, right? Imagine how enormous that hard drive would be! 

Any company could rent this storage for a month by paying $3,200. That was a lot of money then. We are fortunate to live in the present where we can carry our storage devices with ease!

The Most Convenient Lawnmower

The people in the 1950s came up with the most comfortable way of mowing their lawn. Imagine a hot summer day and you have to crop the grass of your lawn. Not a good idea! This is why an air-conditioned lawnmower was invented. 

A magazine featured this incredible invention and it is definitely a unique creation! Who thought that this could be a status symbol too! Forget luxury cars and look for this lawnmower around. We might have to travel to the past for this.

Let's Attack The Sweets!!!

The sweets came under controlled distribution in England when WWII started. The rationing lasted for many years and came to an end in 1953. This picture was taken on the exact day of that end. Who doesn’t like candy! 

We relate to these kids so well. You would run to a candy shop too after skipping sweets for a while, right?

The confectionary sales saw a £100 million rise after the ration on sweets finished. This historical photo is a reflection of the present in some way!

Impervious To The Electricity.

Nikola Tesla is engaged in his work while there are electric sparks around the laboratory. There is probably an experiment going on at that moment and Tesla is taking notes of the results. What else can you expect from a dedicated electrical and mechanical engineer?

Tesla and Thomas Edison worked together on some projects (of course related to the field of electricity!). But things didn’t work out as a team for them. 

Tesla made various important contributions in his field and to be specific, he is the one behind the improvised electric supply system.

A Great Chef In His Kitchen

There are so many talented chefs around the world now but Anthony Bourdain and his amazing meals can never lose their value. He is a well-known chef and gained a lot of recognition for his cooking style. 

This moment was captured before he rose to fame for his cookbook Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly (2000). He is snapped in his kitchen at the New York home here, probably coking something delicious!

Bourdain’s achievements didn’t end there. He had his own food and travel show as well. When he cooked meals for himself, he realized his talent. That’s when he entered the professional world of cooking.

That Reaction Is Priceless!

When was the last time you had this shocking expression? Whenever it was, it can’t beat this boy’s reaction. It is a picture taken during the late 1940s and the kid saw a television for the first time. So, we guess his reaction is justified. He is taken aback by the screen displaying images that are not still. It is amazing!

We are glad the moment was captured. The invention of the television was groundbreaking and it shows. People would not have imagined something like this to exist in those times. This is a memorable historical picture.

Just Another Day In Iran In The 1970s...

The culture of Iran has changed drastically and this picture is proof. Can you imagine a woman wearing this kind of dress in Iran in the present times? We all know the answer to that. They do not accept women dressing in anything except the hijab. That’s what the rules state now!

This is the picture taken in Tehran, Iran in 1973. You need to believe us here! 

Let us contemplate the consequences of this happening right now in that country. It goes without saying that such action would be frowned upon. Also, the girl might end up behind bars for this.

Women Ruling The IT World.

Here’s Susan Kare, a graphic designer who contributed to the field of technology by creating icons, images and fonts that we now use on our computers and phones. In the 1980s, she used her designing skills to make images for NeXT and IBM. You can see her relaxing in her office and being all comfortable. 

The women participated in every field and made great accomplishments on their way during those years. Kare is one such example. She even went ahead and took the position as a Creative Director at NeXT. We are glad to know such facts from history!

The Famous Faces.

What are the chances of a genius scientist meeting a loved celebrity in the 1930s? They might not be that high considering the distinct professions. However, Albert Einstein and Charlie Chaplin broke that difference and finally met at the premiere of “City of Lights” in 1931. 

Einstein loved Chaplin’s art and wished to meet him in person someday. That day did come and Chaplin could not stop singing praise for Einstein and his contribution to science. When Einstein told Chaplin about his fondness for him, Chaplin said, “It’s true, but your fame is even greater: the world admires you, when nobody understands what you say.” 

We are all in for such conversations and meetings!

The Art Of Archery

You might be wondering how old this picture is! This scene is from more than 150 years ago. Yes, this will take you to the 1860s. It wasn’t originally colored (obviously!). 

These Zen archers from Japan had a fixed technique of shooting. The designated distance between the archer and the target was 28 meters. Can you believe those arrows had original bird feathers from its every wing! Even the outfit is customized for it to be appropriate for archery. It is called the Kyudo outfit. Kyudo is basically a martial art of archery which gives the results of meditation.

A Look At The Largest Horse.

This huge red roan Belgian stallion has received the title of being the largest horse ever. He lived from 1928 to 1948. He was named Brooklyn Supreme!

Let us reveal his height and weight here! He is as tall as 199 cm and weighs 1450 kg that is almost equal to a car. If you compare this with an average man, Brooklyn Supreme is 16 times heftier. Can’t even imagine, right?

Charles Grant Good and Ralph M. Fogleman kept this giant stallion under their care. People in the U.S had to pay 10 cents to be able to witness this animal when these owners decided to show him around.

A Wedding During The Bombings…

When London experienced bombings in the 1940s, the conditions worsened each day. The houses were attacked and shattered in the city. However, the bride took her wedding vows even in such terrible times. You can see her stepping out of her destroyed home with her husband.

The bride did not the destruction come in the way of her celebrations. She got dressed in a beautiful white dress and completed the wedding tradition. This is what London went through and witnessed in those earlier times. This historical photo will stay in our minds for long.

Times Of Ceasefire.

The festivals are a way of forgetting the past wars and establishing cordial relations with people. The Christmas of 1914 witnessed something like this where French, British and German soldiers agreed on a ceasefire along the Western front. 

The soldiers chose the ground between the opposing trenches as a place to exchange Christmas presents and have a talk. They all sang carols together after the meeting. This photo reveals the Christmas Truce event and how both sides played soccer during that time. They forgot the war for some time and celebrated the festival in harmony!

It Was A Tall One!

You are looking at the picture from 1941 of the Empire State Building. Wondering why it looks so tall? It is because the rest of the buildings surrounding it were not high enough at that time. 

We all know what New York City looks like now. There are way taller buildings surrounding the city presently. But this wasn’t the case in the 1940s. 

People were thrilled after the construction of the Empire State Building. They visited the city just to get a glimpse of the “monument”. That was the impact it had!

Guess The Number Of People Inside!

You are aware of the fun challenge involving phone booth, right? You try to fit in as many people inside the booth as possible. This game existed way before the arrival of online gaming entertainment. So, if you think this generation came up with it, there you go with proof of its history. 

These kids are having so much fun adjusting inside the phone booth. The spectators are amused at this sight! Here’s a challenge for you - Take a closer look and guess the number of people packed inside the booth.

Life Before Technology...

If you always wanted to know what a female dormitory looked like in the 1970s, then here you go! This may not reveal the entire situation of that accommodation, but you do get an idea, right?

There were no cellphones and the only way to communicate with your loved ones was through the public phones installed in a particular area of the building. Do you realize how comfortable your college life is now? You don’t have to stand in a queue to make calls!

The women seem joyous in that environment. Everyone is excited to make the long-awaited call finally!

Love That Inspires.

The famous American singer, songwriter Dolly Parton married the love of her life, Carl Dean on May 30, 1966. This picture was taken around that time. She looks gorgeous in that outfit which speaks a lot about the fashion of the 1960s. They make a beautiful couple!

Dolly and Dean took their vows again when they completed 50 years of being a married couple. They totally inspire and reinstate our faith in love. Dean could not stop gushing about his wife and said, “My first thought was I'm gonna marry that girl. My second thought was, 'Lord she's good looking.' And that was the day my life began.”

The Clash Of Fashion!!!

Step into the era of the 1960s and witness the two contrasting ways of dressing in one frame. The nuns are dressed in their traditional gowns and veils while the woman on the right is reflecting glamor from head-to-toe. The nuns seem spell-bound by her fashion sense! 

The ‘60s fashion had amazing elements of grace as we can infer from this photo. That woman’s dress, handbag and shoes are so trendy. We are in awe of this photo. The expression on the faces of the nuns is quite impressive. Such a pleasant scene!

Making Friends With Polar Bears.

When you are working around the cold regions of the Arctic Ocean, you will not find anyone to talk to except the polar bears hanging around in the snowy regions. Okay, there cannot happen a conversation, but you can befriend them just like these Soviet troopers. Feed them and they will love you!

In 1950, the Soviet soldiers had to perform their duties at the heights of the Arctic Ocean and this is how they spent their time. They did something for the inhabitants of that place. What’s better than offering them some treats? Isn’t this scene just adorable?

The Royal Wedding!

You are familiar with Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, right? But here is a historical picture which is iconic in every sense as it marks the wedding day of the two of them. 

We all were glued to our screens to watch the Royal Wedding of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry but missed out on Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip taking the vows. Of course, we were not there in 1947 when the nuptials took place. 

This picture is here to help you live that royal moment. Very royal indeed! The couple gained everyone’s attention on their special day and we see why!

Aiming a perfect shot!!!

This photo holds great importance in history. We’ll give you enough reasons to believe that!

This is Saundra Brown from the Oakland police force who received training for shooting a gun professionally. She was the first black woman to accomplish this training. A proud moment for all the African-Americans!

Brown has many accolades to her name. She served as a police officer for 7 years (1970-1977). After that, she studied at the San Francisco School of Law and received a Juris Doctor Degree. This incredible police officer has now become a Senior Judge of the United State District Court for the Northern District of California.

A View Not To Miss...

We know it is hard to take your eyes off such a wonderful view especially when it is a sunset over a desert. The Great Pyramid of Giza or the Pyramid of Cheops may seem different to you here but don’t forget this is around 1920 and Cairo wasn’t as crowded and developed as it is now. 

The tourists seem so captivated by the stunning view of the Sahara desert. We won’t deny - it is enchanting! Look how they are surrounded by sand from all the sides. There is no end to that desert.

Post-WWII Welcome.

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free!” These words written with the Statue of Liberty held significance at this time.

World War II left behind a lot to deal with for the survivors. The tough times had not ended yet for those Jewish refugees and survivors of the Holocaust. The United States welcomed them in 1946 and gave them the opportunity to make a good life for themselves. 

Here you see them taking in the view of the Statue of Liberty as they stepped into the States. They came through the way of sea and this monument was the first thing they encountered.

Special Roller Coaster Ride

It was a Disneyland outing for the Kennedy and Glenn family. Robert Kennedy (a politician and a presidential candidate) and John Glenn are pictured here enjoying a roller coaster ride with their kids. Even the members of the political families spent time with their kids and took them out to places like these. It is a great thing!

We have seen photos of such influential political figures in a political scene or a formal setup. So, this is really unique and pleasant to see. This is what makes this photo a part of this compilation.

Gigantic Black-Board For Calculations.

Yes, that is a real chalkboard you see! It is larger than any you have seen till now. This is because the calculations carried out by the NASA scientists were quite lengthy. They needed a lot of space to fit in all the equations together. They could not afford any disruption in the flow of the computation. 

This shot of scientists sitting on the ladders in front of a huge black-board featured in Life magazine. Those are general equations revolving around trajectories of spacecraft written on the board. This picture tells the story of NASA Race for Space!

Bridge Of Chairs…

Paris got attacked by a flood as river Seine rose to high levels in 1924. It caused a lot of obstructions for the people in the city. They could not carry out regular chores due to the increased water levels. Walking from one place to another became a task. That is when people had to come up with a plan to move around the city without getting drenched. 

This is what they did! They gathered chairs from the neighborhood and arranged them in a line. So, people got on the chairs and crossed the road with ease.

Mirror Selfie Trend Is Old!

You can’t deny standing in front of a mirror in a washroom and posing to get that perfect selfie. We all have been there! But do you know where this trend started? If you are somewhere in the ‘90s with the answer, then you need to go 60 years back. Yes, the first mirror selfie was taken in 1938. Take a look at it here!

That is Frank Sinatra, a popular singer waving in a selfie taken by a camera (we can’t really say what model it is!). From those cameras to phones, we came a long way but the selfie trend doesn’t seem to fade away!

Women Breaking The Stereotypes!

These three women are an inspiration as they did not succumb under the “rules” laid down by society for women and their education. This is a photo taken at the Women’s Medical College of Philadelphia. These incredible women from India, Japan and Syria studied there to enter the medical profession. 

The exact date when this shot was taken is October 10, 1885. We are still waiting for another such iconic photo to surface on the internet. It is hard to take your eyes off the stunning traditional outfits worn by these ladies!

Are You This Brave?

When a cyclone hits, people usually run to save themselves from the destruction it may cause. However, this photo from 1989 tells something different. This woman seems unaware of the fierce backdrop. That tornado is coming her way. Getting a picture clicked is not a good idea in such a situation!

You can’t ignore heavy winds, you never know when they will turn into a cyclone. We wonder what made the woman stand in those winds and pose! Her hair tells us the intensity of that tornado. It is roaring!

The “Recycle” Logo History.

We come across this logo all the time. It is present on every other packaging we see and on trash cans too. It carries significance as it describes the recyclable nature of the material. But do you know the origination of this logo? It came into existence on April 22, 1970. Yes, on Earth day! In fact, it was the first Earth day.

The Container Corporation of America (CCA) organized a competition involving the design of a recycling logo. Gary Anderson took the award for the best logo and we all are aware of it now! His logo has gained a lot of recognition since then.

An Art That Speaks!

Salvador Dali’s paintings have always received varied reviews. People don’t understand his thought behind creating such pieces. So, they tend to think that he is a drug addict, probably a psychedelic or hallucinogenic one. He has a perfect reply to such comments. He said that he doesn’t do drugs, he is drugs.

As you can see here, his painting is quite eccentric and not easy to interpret. This picture dates back to the year 1941 and Dali is working on his “The Face of War” artwork. His painting might not be as realistic but Dali’s conviction shows in them.

Animals Needed Shelter.

Wars can impact the lives of humans and animals in a similar way. This is what happened when World War II began. The Soviet troops were ready to enter Berlin and the people knew that they had to rescue the animals from the Berlin Zoo before the war begins. This bird is one of those animals! 

Since those innocent species had come to a new place, they had nowhere to go. This is why you see the bird in a washroom. It feels good to watch the German woman feeding and playing with it. We are glad the animals received some shelter!