Before And After Effects Of Photoshop On Hollywood’s Biggest Stars

We have all heard that natural beauty is eternal and nothing could beat the natural lines. However, technology is being used to cover up the beauty flaws. Want to guess the name of the technology? No points for guessing the god of the beauty industry, Photoshop!

Magazine covers, brand shoots, and even the Instagram posts are edited to the next level. These images will tell the true story that remains behind the curtains and is never revealed to the audience.

Cindy Crawford

Aren’t stretch marks a real thing? We thought people have them and they need to embrace them the way they are, but hey, we were wrong. You should be hiding your imperfections under the layers of clothes. If you chose to strip one of those layers, use Photoshop. 

It won’t help in real life but if you have to post a picture on social media, it should be perfect, no? Cindy Crawford is a woman who is beautiful and her beauty is in her smile. If you start putting her under the filters of Photoshop, she won’t be doing justice to her audience.

Kim Cattrall

A woman’s smile makes her beautiful and that is what shows the real side of a person. However, you can’t see that side if people kept covering up the laughter lines. 


You erase the character of a person when you erase the realness from someone’s face. Aging is a natural process, nobody stops aging in their 30s or 40s. Hence, you will get wrinkles, no matter what!

Covering up the wrinkles and other flaws give unrealistic expectations to people, which is not fair for the audience. They don’t realize what the real picture is.

Britney Spears

Hollywood is the biggest industry in existence on the face of the earth. The stars of the industry are shining better than any other celestial body. However, not everything is due to their talent and beauty. Some credit goes to Photoshop as well. This magazine cover is proof of that statement.

Not all fame comes your way by being the way you are. Sometimes, covering up their marks and wrinkles gets your attention. Not all are comfortable with realness; hence, there you have all the fakeness in the world for you.


This gorgeous woman is bloody sixty years old! Her age is what makes her graceful and Photoshop has ruined it for us. Making her look like some 30-year-old has turned this picture into an artificial beauty, which isn’t setting any beauty goals for us.

This American singer, songwriter, actress, and businesswoman has given us major goals for empowering women. This beauty tool puts her in a bad picture as if she wants to be known for her beauty and not her achievements.


Singers are loved for their voice for god sake! Why would you make them look perfect? Fergie’s eyes are enough to captivate someone’s attention, you wouldn’t even notice her flaws. If brands have chosen to blur her lines, it is messed up and nothing else.

Fergie’s singing career began with her solo album “Dutchess” in September 2006 and there was no looking back for this lady with a voice of gold. 

Still, you chose to put her under the filters of Photoshop? 


Candice Huffine

There is a reason why we love plus size models. Their curves and love handles are natural and we beg off you; don’t ruin them for us by making them look perfect. It is the time when we are finally embracing all people in their natural form. Still, brands are obsessed with perfection. Doesn’t that beat the purpose of the plus-size brand and its models?

Candice Huffine is the best-known model in the industry. She entered the industry as a teenage beauty queen and is known for reducing the barriers. This picture depicts how brands are against going beyond “being perfect”.

Lady Gaga

We are sure this is a picture of brand promotion. It is obvious the brand needs to attract attention towards the bag rather than a strong personality like Lady Gaga. She can tend to take away all the attention when you put her on stage or a picture.

Giving her a subtle look in the picture and exaggerating the features of the bag is one thing they have done to get attention towards the bag.

We don’t say the bag is no good, however, it is not good enough to shine brighter than THE LADY GAGA!

Justin Bieber

All the Beliebers would agree with us when we say, “Get better cameras, rather than Photoshopping pictures of him”. We are glad they didn’t make any major changes with his body, other than just adding some muscles to his picture. The clarity of image definitely has some issues and it can be sorted without Photoshop. That is why we said, “GET BETTER CAMERAS.”

Girls are gaga over his looks and his singing and they love him for a reason. If you choose to change the whole aura of a person, what are we supposed to fall in love with?

Also, don’t forget to look at the change they made in his package.

Lindsay Lohan

We do miss her younger version. Remember how cute she looked in The Parent Trap? However, that doesn’t mean you start editing her pictures and make her look like 20-year-old. If that is how things are meant to be then even we should start editing our pictures when we start getting wrinkles. 

In her case, she doesn’t even have proper wrinkles. Some freckles and pores are being hidden. Well, we, being in our 20s have them as well, so, aren’t we eligible enough to become models?


We get it, jawlines are important and having a double chin can kill all the sexiness. However, if you wouldn’t have covered the excess mass from Beyonce’s chin, it would have given confidence to other people with double chins. But, no, why would you do that? You’d better sell unrealistic expectations rather than confidence for being real, wouldn’t you?

Beyonce is our favorite and we love her in every form and every shape. Even if the picture with pores was made public, we would still love her the same.

Katy Perry

We know how you want them to look flawless because they have been promoting your beauty products. But don’t the audience deserve to know the real picture? Don’t we deserve to see the real side of stars we love? Katy Perry is known for being real all the time and covering up her real side is just bizarre.

She is an American singer, songwriter, and television judge. Her career trajectory has always gone up. Four Guinness World Records, five American Music Awards, a Brit Award, and a Juno Award, and inclusion in the annual Forbes lists of highest-earning women in music from 2011–2018 are proof to her amazingly successful career.

Miley Cyrus

We can’t believe these people edit collar bones and necklines as well. What was wrong with it? By this time, we have understood that smoothening skin is just part and parcel of editing and you can’t skip on that step. But what was wrong with her neck?

Miley Cyrus has millions of fans and her Instagram page is proof to the list. This editing is not going to increase even half a follower and her original picture is flawless enough to make someone fall in love with her.


Like we said earlier, this woman is an institution of grace. We cannot judge her for any wrinkle or any other flaw. Her face has added so much of fierceness in the picture and editing that picture just ruins the character of the whole idea. 

If the creator of the picture wanted a face of 20-year-old, they should have hired a 20-year-old model only. It is nothing but disrespect of gorgeousness if you hide the wrinkles of the most beautiful woman in the whole freaking industry.

Britney Spears

Maybe the brands were not satisfied with her edited face. Hence, they chose to edit her legs and hips as well. Why, just because you didn’t find her legs slim enough? Adding some effects to the picture was okay but making this perfect bod slimmer is ridiculous.

Britney has taken inspiration from Madonna, Janet Jackson, and Whitney Houston, as they were her three favorites. As a child, she used to sing along with their songs and it gave her the confidence to enter the industry. However, such photo editing tools are used to disrespect her talent.

Penelope Cruz

A girl’s crease lines of eyes show how genuine she is while expressing her happiness. If you are reducing those beauty lines, you are just ruining the whole picture for her and for her lovers. Well, she has tons of them. Want us to show you her Twitter/Instagram/Facebook timeline? 

Penelope Cruz’s origin tells why she is so gorgeous and still, they have to blur the lines to make her look like artificial beauty. This Spanish actress and model owns a clothing store in Madrid and designed jewelry and handbags for a Japanese company.

Jennifer Lawrence

Okay, it was okay if you had edited just the crumpled skirt. However, it is just not okay if you choose to reduce her waist along with the wrinkles of the skirt. We have always wanted to be on a magazine cover someday. But we thought maybe our waist is too broad to be on any of them. If this is how they reduce the waists then where should we audition?

We’d love to be featured on one of these pretty magazines and have a name for ourselves. After all, we are tired of being behind the camera and typing stuff for you to read.

Angelina Jolie

Not this one, please! Angelina Jolie is the perfection and there is nothing you can correct about her. Even if you try to, you will mess things up. This image is proof of the mess up. She looked natural, real, and gorgeous in the first picture. The second picture is more like a doll that isn’t happy with the filters on her face. 

Angelina with Academy Award and three Golden Globe Awards doesn’t need your editing apps to prove that she is gorgeous and her worth is way more than you think she does.

Kim Kardashian

Stretch marks are marks of happiness. You get them when you have lost fat or given birth. Either way, they are the reason for the celebration. Covering them up is like hiding your success and a lifetime change. We have no issues if you try to brighten up the image but we definitely have issues if you cover up the marks of your body. She has embraced them so you should be comfortable showing them in your brand shoots as well.

Meghan Trainor

Some features of these stars are soooooo good that trying to improve them can ruin the picture. Here, Meghan’s assets look perfect and the artist who tried to make it better ruined the quality of pictures and the perfect legs. Moreover, can someone explain what made him or her change this redhead to a brown-haired woman? Were they just having fun with colors or was there a genuine reason?

Whatever it was, Meghan definitely didn’t need this makeover. A badass woman whose debut single sold more than four million units doesn’t care about her candid pictures.

Kristen Stewart

All we want to know is that are these two different shots or did they actually Photoshop the picture to hide her teeth? As if, we were dreading her teeth or her opened mouth. We are tired of mentioning the skin smoothening filter, so know that it is still irritating to us. We just chose to ignore it by now.

We still don’t want to see artificial beauty but we can’t help if these editors can’t let the stars be the way they want to be.

Faith Hill

Just because you are promoting skinny pills in your magazine, it isn’t necessary to reduce mass from Faith Hill’s back. Moreover, why would you want to cut off mass from her arms? People do want to lose weight and look skinny but no one wants to look malnutrition-ed or underweight.

Faith Hill is one of the most successful artists of all times. Her work has sold more than 40 million albums worldwide, so, it’s clear she won’t have an issue with being herself in front of the camera.

Leighton Meester

Okay, this is just like any other Snapchat filter. Why would they want to change the natural look into full-fledged Smokey eye look? We think she looked gorgeous in the first picture, so, why on earth the editors chose to give her this look?

Leighton Meester has been a model for brands like Jimmy Choo, Herbal Essences, and Vera Wang. Were those pictures also nothing but a deception? We don’t want brands to trick us into buying their products just with the help of editing.

Prince George

My goodness! Why would you want to make this little prince look any better? Isn’t he the cutest already? Don’t do this to us and to these cute little munchkins. We are tired of trying to match up the fake beauty standards of actors. We can’t try to put our babies g through the same inferiority complex.

Prince George was born 22 July 2013 and is third in the line of succession to the British throne behind his grandfather Prince Charles and his father.

Keira Knightley

Sometimes it becomes tough to believe that things are real. Here, it is Keira Knightley’s chest that has been increased with the magic of Photoshop. We know how she looks when she steps out and when you put some extra cushioning in a picture, it becomes obvious that it is fake and made up.

Keira Knightley is a British actor and is a recipient to Empire Award. She is married to musician James Righton and they are expecting their second child.

Miranda Kerr

Do they have a problem with creamy makeup? We know matt is in but is it really that important that they had to edit images to make her makeup matt? Isn’t Miranda’s smile bright enough to make the picture look good? 

We know we can’t stop asking a question but please tell us why! Why is editing such an important part of the glamour industry that they can’t leave even a good looking picture? Yes, we won’t stop asking questions until we get answers to all of them.


These tools are used to make younger stars look superhumans and to make older people appear younger. But why? Aren’t you comfortable with the concept of aging? We understand that we all loved Madonna when she was younger but we love her more for achieving all the success in all these years.

She has made it big and she is getting bigger with her undying grace with increasing age. Her originality is in her character and brands just kill it all by adding some unreal filters.

Britney Spears

We don’t have enough words to introduce this gorgeousness and these people have guts to edit her picture. Just because she had an extra bulge on her waist?

We must say, gutsy people! We need this confidence to survive this lifetime.

Britney Spears has an oh-so-stunning body and we can’t even imagine people can be a critique of such a goddess figure. We feel sorry for such critical people. How can they even like themselves if they can find a flaw with her?

Katy Perry

The three things mentioned on the cover page are heavenly and still, you want to edit one of those? Clearly, you can’t feature the rest two. The first one will be too explicit to be put in a magazine like this one and no one has witnessed the second one. Otherwise, these editors must have edited God’s picture to make him look perfect according to the standards of the glamour industry.

You believe that the girl in the picture is fallen angel and still you expect her to look perfect and have no bulges or stretch marks on her belly? Strange!

Lady Gaga

Oh, no no no! Please, editing pictures was okay but creating a new person out of a picture should be banned. Here Lady Gaga doesn’t even look like herself. The magazine was supposed to feature Fall Fashion but the cover page shows the “FALL” side of editing. 

Moreover, the question they have asked, do we know Lady Gaga? Well, clearly we don’t know the Lady Gaga they have made by editing her picture. Even the color of the dress isn’t the same. What the hell were they even thinking?

Kim Kardashian

Another Snapchat filter picture is here for us! Can’t these celebs step out without makeup? If they do, is it necessary for you to add some layers of the makeup of their face? Kim looks flawless in her natural look but maybe the editors can’t be okay with such minimalistic look.

What is this is her look for a gym? Slapping makeup on face is a must for you guys, isn’t it? Okay, we agree no one would step in the gym while wearing those hoops but still, let them carry themselves the way they want. The editor is such a pro that he didn’t even leave her eyebrows and made them look perfect as well.

Oprah Winfrey

This one is funny for us. We aren’t sure if it is a painting of a Photoshopped picture. Whatever it is, it just made us laugh and how! We are still rolling on the floor laughing. 

Why would you edit Oprah’s picture and make it look like a carton of reverse Michael Jackson? Does that give you any sense of being artistic or was it a straight-up dumb move? Her gorgeous blonde hair turned into black, she turned black from white. Was it a mistake or an intentional move to show off your creativity?


This one is actually a funny one. We don’t know what were the great photo editors were trying to do. However, they did manage to give Zendaya uneven skin tone. Just because you wanted to add some tan to her body, you should have done that evenly. 

Leaving one of her legs is making us laugh. We understand it was a shadow effect they wanted to create but failed at it miserably.

Better luck next time buddy, hope you see the fail before we spot it.

Jennifer Aniston

The first picture gives us a nostalgic feeling, as this is how she used to look in our favorite show ‘F.R.I.E.N.D.S’. The second picture is just an artificial picture that makes us cringe. Rachel didn’t look like this. She is imperfect, she is gorgeous, she is love! Every fan knows this and can’t deny this fact. 

Recently, Jennifer and her ex-husband Justin came together for the funeral of their dog. Her net worth has turned out to be $200 million.

Selena Gomez

You seriously had issues with her undefined eyes and glossy lips? Well, we must say you really are very critical. We pity you and your spouse. How can one deal with such a critical person? She looked cuter in the first image and you ruined the natural look of the picture with a matter of a stroke.

She has her Instagram game on the point that is the reason she has gained 154 million followers. It was recently announced that Gomez will voice a character in The Voyage of Doctor Dolittle, which is scheduled to be released on January 17, 2020.

Serena Williams

She is hot and didn’t need any editing from your end. Serena Williams is a star that needs no introduction and we are obsessed with her. Hence, we won’t say much. Just that the previous picture had better quality and had originality.

We are tired of asking questions from you about your criticism, your lack of talent and most importantly your keen eye to make people fake. So, we give up on you now and hope you get well soon. 

Advice to all the photo editors: start looking for beauty in imperfection.