These 40+ Incidents Prove That Karma Exists And You Can’t Escape It

Justin Timberlake knew the power of karma, hence his song “What Goes Around, Comes Around”. But not everyone is as smart as this music sensation. Some people just enjoy causing trouble and forget that karma is waiting for them around the corner! We love it when people get exactly what they deserved, especially when the people they wronged get to watch the action unfold. These people got a taste of karma at its best, when it was sneaky, swift and brutal. That’s exactly how we like it!

Between The Lines

There is nothing worse on a Monday morning than being unable to park because someone else parked horribly wrong! People ‘cross the line’ and don’t even think twice about the inconvenience they are causing to other people. One person decided it was time to clap back. They left a brilliant note on the wrong parked car. It wasn’t a letter to rant or cuss at them but a drawing of a turtle with the most brutal sentence- “Maybe if you practice coloring this turtle, it will help with your parking”. Someone should be reading ‘between the lines’ here!

A Re-Laxative Weekend

Every time someone’s lunch is missing from the office refrigerator they pray for karma to befall on the food thief. Not many people are lucky to actually see that happen but one person was and they decided to show it off! This person put up a note for the person who stole their food from the refrigerator. The catch is that while the thief thought it was an ice cream bar, in reality they were laxatives for the owner’s constipated dog! We bet that notice made other employees laugh too, that’s a hero right there!

Karma Is A Sugary Candy

Nightclubs are places where people get so drunk that they do some things just to embarrass themselves. Like this girl who was so high she decided it was cool to steal a bottle from the bar and drink half of it in minutes. The sad part is she didn’t realize that wasn’t a bottle of liquor! The nightclub later posted on their Facebook page about the girl and how she accidentally stole a bottle of Grenadine and gulped 600 calories in pure sugar. Who said Karma didn’t have a sweet tooth?

Winning A Parking, Losing A Job

Sometimes it is best to not take revenge from people because eventually karma will do its thing. That’s probably what crossed this man’s mind when his parking spot was taken by another man. But we bet he didn’t expect karma to intervene so soon. That person ended up having an interview with him! He may have won the parking fight but he was probably kicking himself for being rude to his ‘could-have-been’ boss. He’ll be parking his car some 5 miles from his interview location next time!

Bunny Ears For Justice

It isn’t often that we see instant karma which makes this picture all the more special. This could have been a cute picture of two happy girls but one decided to use her fingers to make funny ears on her friend, who is oblivious to this devilish plan. But the room’s lighting aided karma and the girl herself ended up with bunny ears, thanks to the shadow of her fingers. We bet she didn’t smile this wide when she saw the photo!

A Crappy Parking

How do people get their driving license when they clearly can’t read a signpost? That’s probably because only your driving abilities are tested and not your ignorance! But one bad driver learnt their lesson after karma sent a little birdie to drop a ‘message’! Parked right in front of a ‘no parking’ sign, this car quickly turned into a bird’s private bathroom. We don’t know how filthy it looked after the bird had done its business but the stink would have knocked some sense into the driver for sure. All hail karma!

Peed To Even Out The Deed

Why do some people think it is okay to leave their dog in the car while they run errands? If you can’t do that to your baby, you can’t do that to your dog, simple! This person decided to cage their dog in the car while they did some shopping. Nobody can imagine what that poor doggo was feeling when he was left alone like that. If the fur ball decided to relieve itself in the car, it was well deserved for the owner. That’s what you get for animal abuse!

Karma Loading For Laundry

Karma is no magic wand, it simply does to people what they did to others. So when you are not in the mood to wait for god’s intervention, you should take the reins of karma in your own hand, just like this person! Some selfish brat took out their clothes mid-cycle to wash their own but it didn’t end well for them. Just to spite them, the other person threw out their freshly washed clothes in the snow to be frozen and then left a sassy note behind. It just doesn’t get better than this!

Snowman’s Revenge From Vandals

A couple built a 10 foot tall snowman outside their Kentucky home. While most passersby honked their cars in delight, one driver was not happy about this masterpiece. Someone tried to drive their car right through the snowman to shatter it to the ground but karma has other plans! It so happened that the couple had built their snowman using a massive tree stump as the base. When the couple got back home they saw tire marks across the yard that ended abruptly on the base of the snowman. Lesson learnt!

A Car Makeover

Funny pranks among friends are common but sometimes these pranks can cause a lot of inconvenience. Like for this person who had their car toilet papered as a prank by their friend. That’s not a pretty sight to walk into when you are trying to get to work! But this person decided to take revenge on their friend and covered their car in sticky notes. We would have loved to see the friend spending hours taking out every note! There’s a popular saying- What goes around comes around and this photo is a prime example of that!

Karma Gets To Drunk Drivers

Parents often take away things from their kids to correct their behavior. But how often have we seen parents buying ad space in the newspaper to get their point across? This mom saw her child drunk driving and was having none of it. So instead of having a tough talk with them, she simply decided to sell their car. The best part of this entire story is that she mentioned the reason for selling the car in the ad! It was an entertaining day for the readers at least!

Cat In The Box

Cats are notorious for taking revenge on their owners even when they’ve done nothing wrong! So let’s not blame the cat here. How could this person have ordered pizza and the not shared it with his feline friend? Of course the cat decided to sit right on that slice of pizza it wasn’t offered. The cat’s owner (read staff) was probably wishing he had shared a slice with this fur ball, at least the rest would have been safe. We’ll call that karma because nobody blames the cat, we repeat, nobody blames the cat!

Trashed By Karma

If you are parking in front of the dumpster and blocking the way of a garbage truck, you are being mean and selfish. So when the garbage men decided to take their revenge from this person, it was applauded online! Leaving garbage bins around the car so the driver can’t get their car out without some effort is a ‘trashy’ sense of humor but this person deserves every bit of karma coming their way. Looks like this driver will be giving way to every garbage truck they ever come across!

Concrete Example Of Karma

Nobody enjoys waiting in the traffic but we all have to bear it and wait for it to clear out. But sometimes people think they are smarter than the system and try to change lanes to cut off other drivers. This person did just that but this time, karma was on watch! Someone posted this hilarious picture online with the caption- “Brand new Jaguar driver believes he’s too important to sit in traffic. Insta-karma smackdown”. We bet this arrogant driver had a tough time explaining his insurance rep how he had concrete poured over his car!

Leaving Licensed Evidence

One person posted a picture online of their friend’s car after a hit and run. The focus wasn’t on the damage that person did to the car but on the fact that in their hurry to escape the accident scene and not get caught, they didn’t realize their license plate was stuck to the car they rammed into! Had they stopped to assess the damage they would have noticed this hilarious “accident” but now they’ll be facing karma and its sweet revenge!

Sharing Foot Fungus

How low can people stoop down? The answer is in this notice that someone hung up for the entire apartment complex to see. One person stole a pair of boots from outside an apartment while they were drying. Now even old shoes are not safe outside their home! The good thing here is that the thief met their karma if they wore those shoes because as per the original owner of the boots, they have foot fungus! The thief probably didn’t expect karma to bite the very foot they wanted to protect with stolen shoes!

Stealing From A Thief

This woman got clicked proudly smiling with her bike but she isn’t happy to buy a new bike. The secret behind her smile is that she stole it! No, she isn’t a thief! Her bike was stolen and a few days later she saw an ad for it on Craigslist. This smart woman chose to not call out the thief and instead, messaged him and met him at a local McDonald’s. Once she was sure it was her bike, she asked to take it for a ride and never returned. Yes, she stole her own bike!

Best Wishes For Cheater

Imagine you open the newspaper while sipping on your morning coffee and read this ad. You’ll laugh till you spill the coffee or have your eyes popped out (if you were Patrick Brown)! We’ve all seen women crying, filing for a divorce or throwing their husband out of the house if they ever catch them cheating. But this one woman went a different route and decided to send best wishes to her husband and his mistress on having a baby, but through a newspaper ad. Talk about exposing a cheater in front of EVERYONE!

Baby Momma Gets Served Karma

When karma decides to intervene, tables can turn rather quickly. That’s precisely what happened with this man who was scared to get beaten up one moment and the next minute he is clicking pictures of the changed scenario. His baby’s mom came to his house with her family to beat him up but got pulled over by the cops. The next thing the baby’s dad knows is the cops found drugs in the car and now the entire family is in deep trouble. Perfect selfie opportunity!

Climate Control Karma

This picture was taken at the Ferro Fini Palace when Venice experienced its worst flooding since 1966. The interesting thing about this photo is that it was taken right after Veneto’s regional council rejected the Democratic Party’s plan to combat climate change! While climate change is a serious subject and nothing to joke about, the timing of the water flooding into the offices where this meeting was held looks like karma’s jab on the politicians who were turning a blind eye to the problem. Needless to say, this incident made it to all major newspapers!

Karma Strikes Through Your ID

When someone breaks into your car or home, you obviously expect to be missing a few things. It aches to have your belongings stolen but sometimes karma is watching from around the corner and smirking at how things will turn around. That’s what happened with this man. He posted his story online about how someone broke into his car and stole a few random things. But 10 days later he dropped his debit card under the car seat and while looking for it, he found the thief’s wallet with his ID! Perhaps there’s no running away from karma!

Hit, Run And Drop Bumper

It is annoying when people hit a vehicle and then run from the scene. While a lot of drivers get away with this, sometimes karma has other plans for you. Like this driver who rammed a car and fled the scene so quickly that they didn’t realize an important part of their car was left behind. The driver escaped with the car but their bumper (with the license plate) was left behind. We bet the cops were laughing at this and wondering if cars should come with easy to fall off bumpers, it makes their job easier!

Luggage Loaded With Karma

Karma doesn’t always arrive instantly, sometimes it takes its own sweet time but it is worth waiting for. Like it happened for these two friends who had an empty suitcase stolen from the trunk of their car but got it back through karma. As it turns out, the thief used that suitcase to pack up his belongings and jet off but somehow it got lost. The airline did the right thing of returning it to the address on the tag. Here’s the catch- the thief forgot to change the tag that had the information of the original owner!

Chained To Karma

Hitting someone and not getting beaten up is not a badge of honor. Sometimes you are saved from turning black and blue because something worse is waiting! One person experienced this in the most embarrassing way when karma turned the tables on him! It is a crime to slap a cop, even if you are a lawyer and if you do that, things get real bad for you. Like for this man who slapped a lady constable and was arrested and then presented in the court by the same lady constable. Karma can’t do it better than that!

Karma Comes Through The Window

You are not supposed to park your car in front of a fire hydrant, period. But some people either don’t understand the simple rule or they think that it doesn’t matter. Well, those people better stop parking their cars like this man did! We are guessing the fire truck arrived after this person parked their car. They probably didn’t realize that if a house is on fire, nobody’s got the time to find the owner. BTW do firemen flip a coin to decide who gets to bust the windows?

Taco-Bill For Littering

Some people litter the roads while they are driving but it makes zero sense to us. Why people can’t sit with their own trash for 20 minutes but can happily litter the roads they walk on every day, is just beyond us! One person threw out their Taco bell leftovers on the highway but karma bit them back. One Good Samaritan saw them, picked up their trash and dropped it off with Bylaw Enforcement. Looks like some paperwork is waiting for them!

Parked Right Into Karma

When you are in the parking of a supermarket, there is one straight forward rule- “Do not park in front of the shopping cart stall”. While this may be clear to most of the shoppers, there are always a few who think they can get away by being selfish and blocking other people’s way. One driver did just that but they had no idea that karma was coming to bite them. After this person left to go shopping, someone surrounded their car with shopping carts. We are not sure if they learnt their lesson but we are digging this revenge!

Something Is Smoking

When someone let’s you hitchhike they are being kind to you but some people don’t know how to repay kindness. Like this person who stole a pack of cigarettes from the very person who gave them a ride in their car. But this time karma was on watch! As the driver explained in their post online, in a haste to leave the car with the stolen cigarettes, the hitchhiker forgot to pick up their bag from the car’s trunk. What they left behind was worth a lot more than some cigs so it’s safe to say, kindness never goes unrewarded!

A Parking Waiver

There is always a reason why some spots have the “No Parking” sign in front of them and yet, some drivers park exactly at the forbidden spot. If your eyes were closed how did you park so perfectly wrong and if they were open why did you not see the sign? While most of the times nobody does much to teach such bad drivers a lesson, this time nature took it upon itself. This person tried to park their car on the beach, which by the way is a no parking zone. Looks like karma was riding the waves here!

Dine And Dash

What do people do after finishing their meal at a restaurant? Wait for the check, pay up and leave. But some people believe in the ‘dine and dash’ philosophy, so they exit without paying for the food! Sometimes these people get away with it and other times, the waiter pulls them over and makes them pay. But for this person, karma happened! In their haste to finish the food and dash without paying, they forgot to pick up their ray-ban sunglasses. A $27 meal rounded up to $100 for them!

Mother Nature Works For Karma

With the number of cars in use increasing by the day, it is obvious that the fight for parking space is also getting out of hands. While we understand that everyone wants a spot to park, it isn’t okay to steal someone’s designated parking space. When drivers don’t understand this simple thing, karma decides to tackle it but with some help from Mother Nature. Like this person witnessed when their parking spot was stolen by someone and as if nature had waited for this exact moment to let a nearby tree fall, on the same car!

A Ticket For Parking Enforcement

We have all at least once experienced pure frustration upon finding a ticket stuck on our car when it didn’t deserve. One person who had experienced it before saw karma’s sweet revenge one day while going about LA streets. They clicked a picture and posted it online for some mutual laughs. The photo was of a car of the parking enforcement department and it was given a ticket for being parked wrongly! While it is known that police and emergency vehicles are exempt from parking laws, this was still a welcome sight!

A Billboard Display Of Karma

Cheating in a relationship is unforgivable and if your partner gets down to taking revenge, your pride is done for. One man got a taste of massive embarrassment after his wife caught him cheating and found a way to announce it to the entire city! An angry woman called out her cheating husband by displaying her message on a billboard. The best part is that she paid for it from their joint bank account. That’s the best cocktail of financial setback and public humiliation!

Worming Up To Karma

It isn’t every day that we see a Facebook status announcing that karma has done its job, so this one is special. One person took to their social media handle to explain how a white truck took off with a package from their twin sister’s doorstep. But it wasn’t a rant post. The twist in the tale was that the thief probably assumed they stole a brand new gadget or some other expensive item. But in reality it was a package full of worms for the owner’s pet lizard!

Stuck In Karma

Without context, this picture seems to be of some young men who had their car stuck on the beach. But when one person posted this photo online, it was proved that karma has its way of making people pay for their actions! Apparently, these people tried to knock over someone’s kayak just for some laughs but when that person got back to the beach, this sight was waiting for him! Like any sane person, they clicked a picture and cheered karma for its win!

Unleashing Fire For Bad Parking

Bad parking has been causing inconvenience to people since time immemorial. One person parks their car the wrong way and 10 other drivers are left boiling in anger but unable to do anything about it. But tables turn when you park outside a fire station! There is a reason you aren’t allowed to park there but in case you forget that, here’s what happens! We can only imagine how this car’s owner got it out. This person won’t be parking their car in the 2 mile radius of a fire truck!

Donkey To The Rescue

Kids are always playing pranks on each other but sometimes the prankster gets a taste of their own medicine. Like this boy who wanted to make his friend look silly in a photo but ended up looking like a donkey himself! It is amazing how a donkey photobombed this photo with just its ears, that too perfectly aligned with this prankster’s head. Perhaps making fake ears on the other boy was his way of feeling less awkward but karma taught him a L-ass-on!

When Karma Relieves Itself

There is no person on this planet who hasn’t at least once in their life cursed a pigeon for ruining their day with its poop! If you’ve gone to the office with stinking clothes because you didn’t have a change of clothes in your car, you have wanted revenge. Karma has heard us because here is a pigeon with poop on its back! We don’t know how such a thing could even happen but believe us or not, this is payback. Perhaps this one will stop treating our heads and cars as its personal bathroom!

Karma Parked Itself Right

Finding cars parked horribly wrong and at the wrong spots is more common than finding a Toyota Corolla running on the highway. But it isn’t everyday that someone gets to see karma befall on these bad drivers. This person also didn’t expect karma to teach a lesson to a bad driver who illegally parked in their parking lot. They definitely deserved to have their car tire stuck in the mud. While this person just left a note on the car, we’d have poured wet concrete over the tires and watched it dry!

A Mug Full Of Karma

Blackmailing will never end well for anyone but sometimes karma puts its own twist on the matter and takes it up a notch. That’s what happened when these two people got arrested and the world saw the irony! These two men created a website called and put up unsuspecting individual’s mugshots on it without consent and demanded money to take them down. These are their mugshots after they were arrested for extortion. Redditors had a field day when this photo was shared on the platform!

Revenge Of The Braided Horse

Who said only humans have the urge to take revenge? Animals can also make you pay when you wrong them. At least that’s what this horse did after its owner decided to braid its mane! Horses are majestic animals and that’s partly due to their mane. Why would you braid it without your horse’s consent? This person learnt their lesson the hard way. The horse went to get a drink of water and then poured it all into its owner’s boots. We have to say that’s one smart horse!

The Tale Of Parking Vengeance

Why do people insist on parking their vehicles where they are definitely not supposed to be parked? It is a hassle for everyone else and sometimes also for the one who wrongly parked because people keep coming up with unique ways to take revenge! This person wrongly parked their car in the motorcycle parking. We bet some people let it slide but not this motorcyclist! They parked their motorcycle in the wrong direction behind the car. It would have been fun to watch this driver get their car out of the parking lot!

A Vindictive Army

Karma comes back to bite in different ways. Sometimes it employs nature while other times people join forces to take down a person. This driver was probably in a hurry and parked in the worst way possible. Since the parking lot was empty, it wouldn’t have bothered the other drivers one bit but that doesn’t mean such bad parking is okay. Five drivers joined hands to block that one car and teach the driver a lesson. The look on that driver’s face after coming back would have been priceless!

No Egging Before Halloween

We all remember how dressing up as different characters for Halloween and collecting treats in the neighborhood was fun. There was a bit of TPing and even egging of houses but only on this holiday. But can you do this on any other day? These teen boys were probably past their ‘trick or treating’ days and decided to relive them by egging someone’s home. Sadly for them, the owner caught them in the act and made them clean up the mess. Halloween won’t tempt them again!

Bitten By Karma

Just because animals can’t tell you their pain doesn’t mean it is okay to torture them for your entertainment. Anyone who has ever ill-treated an animal should be ashamed of themselves and remember this man who called Karma upon himself. This photo of a newspaper story is the biggest proof that karma is real. A man beat a raccoon to death for fun but was then bit by a rabid animal! Not so much of a sport now, is it?

Revenge Of The Tree

This sign was randomly placed in a petting zoo and someone clicked a photo of it and posted it online. Whoever thought of it was a genius and of course, an environmentalist! As humans we cut trees for our selfish needs even though we know that it is bad for the environment and ultimately it will come back to bite us. What humans will face eventually is different but someone came up with the thought that trees take instead revenge too. Ever had a paper cut? That’s where it’s at!

Avenging Sister’s Thievery

Anyone who has a sibling would know about the constant banter, pranks and straight up mean revenge games that go back and forth. Sometimes they are harmless while other times you have pay back for crossing a line. This girl stole her brother’s $20 and he was not about to let it slide! He hid her project on her own computer in a sneaky way and left her with a passive aggressive clue. Good luck to this girl for finding her work without completely snapping!

Logged Into Karma

Stealing never brings you joy for long, karma will catch up with you eventually and you’ll regret it! This person learnt that lesson after being arrested and having his crime plastered all over social media! This person worked at Panera Bread and stole a phone from a girl there. Unfortunately for him, the cops arrested him and retrieved the phone. After the girl got back her phone, she realized that the thief had logged into his Facebook on the phone. She left the perfect status on his social media handle for all his friends to see!

Karma For Fat Shaming

So many people deal with weight problems and put in a lot of effort to do something about it. Weight loss is a tough journey and these people don’t need anyone to make it tougher. Passing comments at a person trying to get healthy is just mean and unacceptable. A 14-year-old boy in a minivan passed rude comments at a runner but he didn’t realize that his mother would have none of it. She made him run 5 blocks with the runner while she drove next to them!

Loaded With Karma

What’s up with people parking their cars in the wrong spot? We understand that sometimes it is hard to find a parking spot when you are in a hurry. But that doesn’t mean you can block other people’s way with your car. This person parked their car in the loading zone even though it is forbidden. They didn’t think about the hassle it would cause to other people so nobody cared about how they will get their car out! That’s how karma treats selfish people!