35+ Reasons Why Flight Experiences Are Hilarious

The idea of flying is extremely frightening to many people and it is easy to understand why. You are hurling through air at high speeds in a metal vessel suspended thousands of feet from the ground! Though science has made flight journeys pretty safe, the thought of being flown inside a tube of metal with all exists sealed can be scary. But people hide their fears and endure a scary journey for the convenience of reaching their destination quicker. But do they sign up for crazy in-flight experiences as well? These people made riding a plane amusing for other passengers and were clicked at the right moment.

Taped On Flight

Every person’s body handles liquor differently, while some people can drink more without losing control on their body, others might not have the same luck. Regardless of that, it is never a great idea to drink a lot of alcohol before taking off for a high altitude! This man learnt it the hard way after he had to endure an airplane journey tied up like this. He downed a whole bottle of liquor before boarding the plane which was not a good idea in itself but we can’t fathom how he was even allowed on the plane!

Bamboozled Panda

There is nothing cuter than a panda on a plane, except for a panda on a plane with its paws full of bamboo! Being the national animal of China, it is no surprise that this Chinese airline made an exception and let this precious cargo be on the flight. It is nice to see that they made sure this cuddly bear was comfortable with a cozy blanket, its favorite food and extra legroom. This sight was picture perfect so we aren’t even mad at the photographer for invading this panda’s privacy!

A Flying Burger

People love different things and we can’t judge them. With that being said, this strange spectacle would confuse anyone and make them want to click a picture of it. There are a few possible explanations as to why a giant burger ended up on an airplane seat. It is a VIP burger and needed a space of its own instead of being squished inside a bag. Or perhaps some kids on the plane were trying to kidnap this burger guy. Whatever be the reason, some passenger paid for Wi-Fi to tweet this immediately and we need to respect that!

Statue In Tow

Someone got a giant statue on a flight and checked it in as luggage. This time we can safely say- we’ve seen it all! We didn’t even know something like this was allowed on an airplane and who on earth thinks that carrying a statue on a flight is a good idea? The best thing that came out of this fiasco is that it entertained other people at the airport and made for a great viral picture. P.S. can someone tell us how much did the owner have to pay to get this overweight statue on the plane?

Sign For Sea Safety

Airlines these days don’t seem to pay much attention to safety announcements. We aren’t talking about the smartly-dressed flight attendants demonstrating the use of oxygen masks but the more subtle hints they leave around the seats like this one. Telling the passenger that his life vest is underneath the sea is a scary realization for them but thankfully, it is just a coincidence how the announcement is torn. But imagine a gullible passenger believing this one and jumping into the ocean for safety!

Flying Thanksgiving Dinner

It won’t be wrong to call this one a well traveled turkey! No matter how much we want to believe that this is a domesticated pet and will be a table guest at a thanksgiving party, the chances of it being served as dinner on that table are more! This would not have been a pleasant flight for the passengers considering the fact that turkeys are known for their trademark noise which sounds like gobble gobble. It is ironic in this case since this one is probably being flown to be gobbled down!

Sleeping On The Job

This pilot had one job- to fly the plane but instead, he is catching some sleep while basking in the soft morning sun. We might not know how to fly a plane but being awake might still be a prerequisite! We know that it is common for pilots to take a nap on long flights but this picture can still freak people out. Perhaps we’ll now be carrying an alarm clock on every flight and toss it in the cockpit before take off!

Scare Of A Lifetime

Imagine you are all ready to watch a movie on the flight and this appears on the screen. On a scale of 1 to 100, how terrified will you be? We are a definite 100. All those hijacking stories start making sense suddenly and all at once. We enjoy watching thriller movies on the ground, safe in our homes but in the air, they don’t feel the same. We’ll prefer some light-hearted movies on the flight. Either the production needs to change its name or this movie should not be made available in flight.

Three Monkeys In One Human

Either this person is the biggest fan of the three monkeys or he is against socializing on an airplane. Regardless, we are in love with this picture because who even enjoys making small talk with strangers while being cramped in a tight space? He has covered all bases- giant headphones that’ll keep him from hearing unwanted sounds, a face covering to stop him from talking and an eye mask that blocks his vision of other people. He seems qualified to teach a course on introverts!

One Man Flight

Delta already has a reputation but they exceeded it when they privately chartered this man to his destination! Interestingly the young man had no idea he was the sole passenger on this flight. There could have been 159 other passengers on board with him but instead, he got the plane all to himself for the entirety of the flight. That left him enough room to do cartwheels between aisles and hopping from one seat to another. We hope he indulged in all this only when the fasten seatbelt light was off!

Flight To Fatherhood

We can’t say it is safe for a child to be sitting on his father’s head during a flight. Turbulence is nobody’s friend and this strange sitting posture might make it this kid’s sworn enemy! Keeping the safety concern aside for a moment, can we all just take a pause and give this man the Father of the Year Award? It is commendable how he is tackling two kids on a flight where there is nowhere to run around and expend energy. We aren’t sure the person sitting behind them will be happy but at least the rest were entertained!

Sopping Wet Socks

We don’t think people were relieved to find out that the awful smell wasn’t coming from the bathroom. The person who captured this picture surely has a sense of humor but we don’t think it was shared by the others. A man really thought it was okay to dry out his socks on the window cover in a plane! We don’t know how he got his socks wet or if they were even wet in the first place. But in any case, it isn’t a great or hygienic idea to dry them out in such close quarters!

Stinky Feet Not Allowed

Kids are unapologetically honest and if we could learn this quality from them, we’d get out of unpleasant situations much faster! But sadly, it doesn’t look like this little one was able to dodge this stinky situation. The passenger in the seat behind her popped their feet on the armrest on this girl’s seat. We can’t understand how someone would think it is okay to do something like this but we are glad the girl showed her displeasure with her epic expressions!

In The Bag

Either Katy Perry’s song Firework was inspired by this person or he took the singers word “feeling like a plastic bag” too literally! Either way we wouldn’t expect such a sight on a flight! The only plausible explanation to this bizarre picture can be that the person wanted to avoid getting sick. Honestly, we wouldn’t question him since airplanes are breeding grounds for germs. But quarantining inside a plastic bag doesn’t seem safer in this case. How in the heaven is this person going to breathe?

Just For The Drinks

People catch a plane just to travel from one place to another at extremely high speeds. But this man seems to have bought an airplane ticket solely to enjoy the free beverages they have on board and we are here for it. We bet he had a massive hangover by the time the plane landed but who cares? At least, he wasn’t the one flying the plane. Plus who knows, he might have taught his fellow passengers some drinking games from his college time!

A Pony Rides

People pet ponies to ride them but this family wanted their pony to ride an airplane! This isn’t even the strangest thing about this family. They went ahead and got their “little” pet on board with them and parked it in the leg room! They knew their idea was bizarre which is probably why they didn’t flinch when a fellow passenger clicked them and their pet. We wonder if they let other people take the pony to ride around the aisle for a small fee.

The Screen Blocker

When you are trapped in a plane for long hours, the in-flight TV is a savior for many. But not for this passenger who has his screen half covered with a red coat, thanks to the woman in the front! What even is wrong with people these days, no sense of concern for others! Probably this person should just prop their feet on the screen and let the coat warm them. That’ll serve this woman right for being so inconsiderate!

Love For Luggage

People who prefer to prop their bags on their laps instead of the overhead compartments are beyond us. Like you will go through so much trouble to cause inconvenience to other passengers! And if they are on the aisle seat, lord save everyone trying to pass by! Either this person has some antique valuables in his bag or he thinks the luggage compartment is a mystery tunnel from where his back will vanish and reach Narnia perhaps!

A Sleeping Compartment

This airhostess needs someone to nudge her awake and tell her that this overhead compartment isn’t for sleeping! It is probably because of people like them that flight attendants require drug and alcohol testing before they can board the plane. Jokes aside, we are truly impressed by this woman’s ability to climb up there and fit into that tiny compartment. We wouldn’t be able to do that even with help from a friend. Is it compulsory to be this flexible to be a flight attendant?

Put Your Feet Up

Someone actually snapped this picture of another passenger while on a flight. Have we come down to this? We don’t even want to guess what this person was doing with their legs up in air like that. But comedy sake, are they delivering a baby mid air? Perhaps this person didn’t like the leg room available to them and got creative with their posture. Whatever it is, we sincerely hope this isn’t an open invitation to the mile high club, for all we know there are kids on this flight!

Chewbacca In The Plane

We don’t know how these passengers are keeping a straight face, we’d be going gaga over this awesome warrior! You don’t see Chewbacca rolling into your flight and attempting to open the overhead compartment. We are thrilled to see him onboard but we’d love him and Han Solo in the cockpit, after all they are both pilots! On second thought, it’s better to keep him in the passenger seat, who is to say he won’t free us from this galaxy and send us straight to heaven! Anyway, we just want to know if he giving out autographs?

A Piggyback Ride

With flights being a little more lenient and open minded about therapy pets, animals have become a common sight in airplanes. Most passengers would be happy to make some space for dogs, cats and rabbits but this one might have a tough time getting acceptance. We aren’t sure if the passenger on the next seat was comfortable having a smelly pig on their side for the entire flight. We hope this flight doesn’t have to make an emergency landing on a remote island because this piggy will have to run for his life then!

Sleepy Heads Are Leaning

It is already bad sitting next to someone on a plane who is snoring. But having to sit quietly when a co-passenger is practically leaning on you for support while they catch up on some sleep is a tragedy we hope not even our worst enemy has to live! This poor woman was crushed (physically and mentally) when her neighbor in the plane dozed off. Though she can see the humor in this situation, we don’t think she was thrilled by this intrusion. Someone wake up this sleep head now!

Do Not Disturb

All you need is an innovative mind and you can get through any situation. This woman wanted some alone time avoiding the random botheration from her seat members. She surely came up with an amazing plan. It's not every day that you get to spend some alone time far away from the daily chores. One moment of peace is something we all crave! Using that baby’s stroller cover to create a cocoon on a flight is brilliant. Sit in your cozy seat and sip a hot cup of coffee. We applaud you, girl!

Chef Boyardee Onboard

Looks like airplanes and restaurants don’t agree on the same rules. While the latter lives by the “no shoes, no shirt, no service” rule, this airplane seems to not care about it. It’s hard to believe but there really is a man in an airplane with his shirt completely unopened and no neighbors raising an eyebrow! The whole situation would make us uncomfortable but there is solace in knowing that there is an uncanny resemblance between this man and Chef Boyardee (from ravioli cans). Was he was offering ravioli to other passengers?

Bullseye Spotted

It isn’t uncommon to rub shoulders with celebrities on business class or first class flights. In fact, in some areas it is so common that the other passengers don’t even bat an eyelid. But that didn’t happen on this flight when someone caught on camera a rather unexpected celebrity! Someone photographed Bullseye, the famous mascot of our favorite grocery chain while he was napping midflight. Not only is this pooch adorable but also very down to earth, sitting silently in economy class! BTW, was he being flown around for an opening of a new Target store?

Peeping Painted Toenails

A guy documented his entire flight journey with a pair of feet that belongs to the passenger in the seat behind him! We are glad that he could find humor in this situation because we absolutely cannot! How does a person prop their feet on another passenger’s seat for the entire flight? Forget about any concern for others, how on earth did their feet not feel tired sitting like this? Either this person has done a PhD in ruining flight experiences for others or they thought they were in their living room!

Flight For The Flightless

This plane had a lot of wings going on and we don’t mean the ones the aircraft has. We are talking about these two penguins that hobbled around the aisles and let passengers click pictures with them! We totally understand this one. Penguins are flightless birds, they can’t fly to their destination so of course they need transportation. We can only imagine the charisma these two were radiating as they paraded onto the flight, flapping their wings and posing for the fans.

Freedom Of Feet

This picture has left us with many questions. Is it normal for pilots to get into the cockpit wearing flip-flops? Are grey shorts a part of their uniform? Who else was in the cockpit that clicked this picture? Too many questions and not enough answers. We can live without them but one question will bug us for the entirety of our lives. What are those notes on the control wheel? Let’s just hope this casual pilot didn’t just prop his instructions like that!

A Sticker Explosion

We always knew that kids are obsessed with window seats but we had no clue this was the reason. The kid sitting on this window seat stayed busy the whole time and covered the area between the two seats near the window in colorful stickers. We can only imagine the face of the flight attendant who was given the charge of cleaning this mess up. It looks like a preschool exploded and somehow the parents didn’t try to stop it. Perhaps one episode of Barney can fix these people!

A Baby Carrier

The small space in the overhead compartment is probably reminding this baby of his crib at home. We are all about creative seating if it means that the baby will be calm and quiet but this still doesn’t make the cut. Looks like the baby’s dad is standing guard but it is still far too risky. What if a slight turbulence shifts the balance of the plane? What if the baby shifts in his sleep? We are human and we make errors but one small error here could claim someone’s life here!

Reclining All The Way

Why do some people think that they own the whole plane when they really have just paid for one seat? This woman is a classic example of such people and the person who clicked this picture definitely agreed with us! Airplane seats shouldn’t even be able to go that far because there is no way that someone would recline their seat like this without annoying the hell out of the passenger behind them. This guy reading the newspaper is either a saint or silently planning to murder her when the plane lands!

The Migrant Musician

Having a musician on board a long flight is a delight! He can serenade you with his slow jams or if he’s disturbing your sleep, you can simply open the hatch and push him out. Perhaps that’s why he is sitting next to the emergency door! Jokes aside, this musician looks like he has tired himself out with his in-flight practice session. We hope he used his headphones for this but in case he didn’t, tell us he was taking requests! There is nothing better than live music on an airplane and we are here for it.

Stop Kidding Me

Under some amusing scheme, this passenger won a free puppet show with his flight ticket. He must be so excited to fill the long hours ahead of them by watching a weird looking toy and its funny faces. But there’s one problem- this deal was a surprise for the passenger! We bet every time this person tried to sleep, the kid in front popped up their little toy to ‘entertain’ this drowsy neighbor. This last minute entertainment plan might have been a delight had it been the good old time when personal TVs weren’t introduced to flights!

Finger Friends Forever

Someone holding your finger mid-air warrants a side-eye but in this case, it is far too cute for any mean reactions! This passenger was surprised to see a baby in the front who kept turning back to hold their finger. It doesn’t get better than this! We are absolutely glad this person got this on camera and decided to share the joy with the world. Who knew keeping a baby calm and quiet on a plane was this easy. Let’s just hope this baby didn’t think the finger was a pacifier!

The Annoyed Doggo

Having dogs on a flight isn’t weird, especially after going through this list where a lot of strange onboard animals have been featured! The secret is in this dog’s expressions. Kids were sitting on the seat behind this pretty dog and the way it is glancing back and giving those annoyed expressions, it seems like it wants to say, “Tell your kids to stop kicking my seat”. We’ve all done this at least once in our life but never looked this good!

3D Movie Time

Is it possible for people with long hair to forget that they have long hair? It’s like expecting someone to forget they have a nose on their face! And yet, we come across a picture like this that is cringe worthy from every angle. This person showed complete disregard for the passenger behind them when they threw their hair over the seat, covering the poor person’ entire screen. If you have taken a long flight, you know how precious the TV is. In our eyes, that’s too much hair and an unpardonable offense!

Daniel The Duck

People were delighted to see a 4 1/2-year-old Indian Runner duck board the flight from Charlotte to Asheville in 2016. His human introduced him to the fellow passengers as her emotional support animal. As expected some did exclaim, “Now I’ve seen everything”! Who wouldn’t react like that when your fellow passenger on a flight is a duck as that is wearing red shoes and a Captain America diaper! We hope his quacking got the same response as a popular singer gets after a successful concert.

The Sleeping Cocoon

Long flights and undisturbed sleep don’t go well together. Even regular flyers find it difficult to fall asleep in the uncomfortable position a flight offers. But this traveler took matters into his own hands, or his head in this case. This weird helmet pillow contraption has probably come from the sky mall catalog but we didn’t know people actually bought these. Not one of the most aesthetically pleasing designs but it gets the job done and anyway, nobody looks good while sleeping!

The Wine Lady

What do you do when your neighbor in a flight refuses to stay quiet even for a minute? We’d scream in their face or try to drown their squeaky voice by wearing noise cancelling earphones. But this passenger found a brilliant way to shut them up with kindness! They sent a glass of wine to a fellow passenger with a kind note that ends with a brutal message. We are in love with their creativity and hopefully this lady gave rest to her lips after sipping some free wine!