40+ Images To Show What Life Is Like In Russia

Only one thing comes to our mind when we hear the words “largest country in the world”- Russia! This country is so big that it has 11 time zones but more shockingly, it is larger than Pluto in terms of surface area! From their love for vodka to their involvement in world politics, Russians revere their rich culture deeply. We might know Russia as the home to the coldest place on the planet, but there’s so much more to this country than any tourist guide will spell out. There are many secrets buried in the snow covered landscapes. These never before seen photos reveal life in Russia like we never knew it!

Keep A Beard And Pay Tax For It

Russian emperor, Peter the Great was in a state of war with the beard. He implemented an unusual tax on facial hair in 1698 under which, men had to pay a tax if they wanted to grow a beard. His logic behind this strange decision was simple, he wanted Russian men to look more like the Western European men. He was so adamant about this new tax that if any man was found with a beard without paying a tax for it, the Russian police would publicly shave him!

Chilling In Russian Winters

Even if you haven’t been to Russia, the stories of Russian winters are known to the whole mankind. Severe frosts, knee-deep snow, and endless holiday festivities are just a normal part of the day in Russia. The temperature can fall below minus 10 degree Celsius and it can even drop down to scarier figures in some part of the country. 

If your romance can survive the winters of the country then you are probably made to last. Why’s that? Because they say that if a couple has managed to feel a spark between them despite three layers of sweaters and two coats, then the feeling must be true.

In Russia, A Hare Has Its Own Statue

Hare Island, home of Peter and Paul Fortress is by the north bank of the Neva River. The area was hit by a few big floods in 18th and 19th century and it drowned many original habitats of the island hares. However, there was one hare that managed to get to the safe area by hiding in a boot of Peter the Great and hence the name of the island came up. 

That’s quite a daring survival story to get inspiration from. Now, there exists a memorial statue that is there to honor the hare and the statue can be found near the bridge that connects Peter and Paul Fortress.

Lost A Room After WWII

The Amber Room that was initially built in Berlin, Prussia in 1701 was dismantled and then installed in Berlin City Palace. In 1716, it was given by the Prussian King Frederick William I to his then ally, Tsar Peter the Great of the Russian Empire. 

In 2016, the value of the room was evaluated at $500,000,000. Woah! It’s disheartening that such a huge ass amount is missing now. Shocked? Well, yes, after WWII, the Amber Room has not been seen in public and the priceless piece of art is now a mystery and nobody knows its exact location.

Clock Stuck At 2:10 A.M. From More Than Hundred Years

No, it is not because they are lazy. On the night of 25/26th October 1917, the provisional government of Russia was arrested by the Bolsheviks. This took place at 2:10 a.m. and the clock in the White Dining Room in the Hermitage Palace has been stopped at the same time to honor that part of history. 

That exact moment, Russia became a communist country and there was no looking back. That’s a unique way to stop the world at one moment. It has been more than a hundred years and the clock hasn’t been put to work ever since.

The Debate Of Beer

We all know how famous Russia is for its alcohol. People are bound to be obsessed with it. Therefore, until 2011, beers were not considered alcohol as the concentration of alcohol is just 10%. Even now the drinks that are considered “lite” beer in the United States, they are considered soft drinks in Russia. 

Well, the government is aware of the fact that drinking is a serious problem in the country and is taking measures to mitigate it and treat it as well. It is safe to say that the younger people are way more responsible drinkers that the elders.

Size Of Pipeline Is Greater Than Circumference Of Earth

We all know about the fact that Russia is the biggest exporter of natural gas and the new plan of the natural-gas pipeline into Europe from Russia is shaking up geopolitics. However, the issue with the pipeline is that the whole country is covered in it. 

The length of the pipeline is 259,913 kilometers and it can circle the earth six times and still some of it could be spared. The part that shocks us is that the nation is not stopping from installing further pipelines and has future plans.

Take A Dip Like Walrus

This country where the temperature remains below freezing temperature for more than four months of the year people should be bundling up in layers of clothes. However, few people strip down and take a dive in freezing cold water and call themselves "morzhi" or walruses. 

They claim swimming have benefits in abundance. Improved blood circulation, relief in arthritis and rheumatism pains and getting rid of the system of toxins are few of those benefits. Also, the country which is famous for its vodka says that this kind of swimming can help in curing hangovers. So, the next time you are hungover and in Russia, go take a dip in frozen water.

Domesticating Foxes Is Their Forte

It might sound weird but this happens in Russia. The story goes back to 1959 when a scientist, Dmitri Belyaev decided to try his hand at domesticating foxes from the very beginning. He began the process with foxes who were less aggressive and were afraid of people. 

With time, foxes became more dog-like, they were not scared of people anymore but they still don’t cuddle like actual dogs do. The experiment was facing serious financial problems, and since 2016 only a small amount of foxes live on the farm that are used for this experiment.

Keeping Some Cities A Secret

Russia is famous for its secrecy and they have managed to keep few of their cities a secret. You can’t view these cities on maps and the entry is strictly prohibited. These places were previously under chemical and military industries. Such places are called “ZATO” which means a place that has closed administrative-territorial entities. 

Some cities, such as Perm, opened before the fall of the Soviet Union, others, such as Kaliningrad and Vladivostok, remained closed until as late as 1992. There are currently 44 publicly acknowledged ZATOs in Russia with a total population of about 1.5 million people.

Pastime? Bodybuilding!

What is your past time? Netflix and chill? Well, in Russia, people do bodybuilding to kill their time. Shocked? It is one of the most popular sports in the country, irrespective of gender. Both men and women are engrossed in bulging biceps and protruding veins. 

There are women like Nadezhda Alexandrovna Yevstyukhina, who won a gold medal at the age of 17 and then there is Maryana Naumova, the youngest powerlifting world champion in history. Only Russia is capable of producing powerlifting goddesses who are beautiful and strong at the same time.

A National Day Of Conception Is A Real Thing

As the population was decreasing and the government didn’t know what to do about the situation, they came up with an idea of a conception day. So, in 2005, the governor of Ulyanovsk declared September 12th as the Day of Conception. 

Couples are granted a half day leave on that day and if they are successful and give birth to a baby after 9 months, they get a prize from the government. The gifts are in the form of car, cash or home appliances. Since 2005, the birth rate in June has tripled itself.

Women Outnumbering Men

One serious issue in Russia is the sex ratio. There are 86 men for every 100 women. The government has been trying to battle this problem from a very long time and still, they haven’t been able to recover from the gap. The reason you ask? Well, men in Russia die more than women as men tend to work more often in challenging, dangerous, tiresome jobs that wear them off earlier. 

This can also be blamed on WWII, many men lost their lives and it’s been more than 70 years but still, the country has not been able to recover from the loss.

Missing Articles In Russian Language

With a population of 144 million, Russian is the 8th most spoken language in the world. Due to the fact that this language is very specific, Russian is difficult to translate sometimes. The rich language is spoken by such a large number of people and hence has a nuance to it. 

The fact that the language has no articles, i.e., “a” and “the” is weird as the language is quite rich. We wonder how they figure out a difference between “few”, “a few”, and “the few”.

Russia’s Very Own Times Square: Red Square

A market square that used to be next to the merchants’ area in Kitay Gorod is called Red Square or Krasnaya ploshchad in Russian. It is located in Moscow and it is not related to communism in any way. The first gateway was built in 1680 and previously, it was the top spot for high-profile executions. 

Nowadays the Red Square is packed with people who are there for a vacation, bridal parties, and they are all snapping photos and marveling at their surroundings. The Kremlin and Red Square were both recognized as UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 1990.

Weird Security Of Hermitage Museum

Here we are talking about the greatest museums in the world. The Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg is known for the artwork it has in itself. The most famous artists in history such as Michelangelo, Da Vinci, El Greco, Rembrandt, Matisse, and many others’ masterpieces are all here which means we can’t even think of evaluating the cost of things that are kept in it. 

Hence, some highly skilled people are employed to take care of the art and the Hermitage Cats. Why cats, you ask? Well, the cats roam around to keep the museum mouse free. During winters the cats stay in the basement and in summers they can be seen near the square.

Russia’s Padlocks Of Love

These trees are planted in Padlock Tree Park in Moscow. There are rows of trees and each one is loaded with hundreds of padlocks which are surrounding Moscow River and are a symbol of a couple’s eternal love. They are a sight to see and are similar to the padlocks on the bridge in Paris. Every day of the week, especially on Saturdays, you can see newlyweds standing nearby the rails, flinging their keys behind them into the muddy Moscow River. 

It is said that the divorce rate in Moscow has reduced to a great extent since the “Padlocks of Love” custom has been embraced, but science has not yet backed this view.

Staple Of Slavic Cuisine: Pikled Veggies

Due to intense winters, the growing season of veggies is relatively shorter. Hence, people started preserving food by pickling vegetables. It has been centuries and pickled food is now staple in Russian cuisine and the love for it has increased immensely. People are now obsessed with everything smelly and preserved so pickles had to be included in Slavic cuisine. 

Pickles are known as Zakuska- A Holy Grail of Russian snacks that go along with a shot of vodka. Now it seems like Russians are habitual of pickling everything such as tomatoes, mushrooms, garlic, and even eggplant even though it might seem weird to the rest of the world.

Russian Leaders, Not So Basic

To the outside world, Russian politics might look a tad bit weird with strange politicians. The creative impulse of the Russian leaders is on a different trip. Apart from a legendary political career, Mikhail Gorbachev has also recorded a romantic ballad album. 

Also, Vladimir Putin, current President of the country, has recorded and released his judo DVD and even has his pictures gone viral, where he is bare-chested and riding on a horse for hunting wild animals. Also, there are pictures of him scuba diving in the Black Sea.

Russian Crime Is Topping The Charts

As we have mentioned earlier, the nation is full of extremes. Another extreme of this nation is the crime rate. The police has its own statistics and according to them, 20,000 foreign citizens were victims of crime in Russia in 2017. Taking the past records of crime in the country, the percentage has fallen down but the crime is still very much present. 

No doubt the country is wealthy and is rich in culture but the presence of extreme poverty and violence are contributing to the high murder rate in Russia.

Tunnel To USA From Russia

We have always been told that Russia and the United States are two opposite corners of the world. However, many people are not aware of the fact that the minimum distance between the two nations is 55 miles. Now, the engineering of the two nations has been put to the test with the project called TKM-World Link. 

The project will cost about $65 billion and if it turns out to be successful, the history of engineering will change immensely. This idea popped up in the authorities of Russia as they found themselves close to Alaska.

The Larger Aspect Of Russia

Well, if you have read this article to this extent, you definitely know that it is the largest country in the world with the largest pipeline system with the largest production of vodka. 

The country takes the one-tenth area of the Earth and has the Volga River which is the longest in Europe and Lake Baikal which is known to be the deepest lake in the world, containing almost 20% of the world's freshwater supply. Russia is full of extremes and including its winters in the list of extremes won’t be wrong.

The Biggest McDonald’s Outlet In Moscow

In 1988, Moscow gave permission to build McDonald’s in the city before the fall of the Iron Curtain. It was a way to build better relations with America and as a strategy of its slow process of having better relationship with the West. In 1990, when the world’s largest outlet opened up in Moscow, on the opening day, 30,000 people were served and a world record was set. 

People waited in line for 6 hours to get the taste of the world's best-known burger. Well, McDonald’s has that kind of effect on people.

This Lake That Can Kill You

Okay, we might be repeating ourselves by saying that there is another extreme we are about to talk about. The most polluted lake also exists in Russia and it is Lake Karachay. It is safe to say that it is the most polluted place on the planet. Russia is known for its petrochemical companies and nuclear facilities along with its pollution.

 Even after the perfect location and calm blue waters, the lake is toxic to a high level. The level of toxicity is high enough to kill a person if he stays in for an hour. So, it would be foolish of you to take a dip in it.

Cats Have Their Own Theater

A cat theater in Moscow is another thing that is not known to people. Approximately, 220 cats are employed as actors. Each production takes two and a half years for proper execution. It was founded by veteran Russian clown Yuri Kuklachev in 1990. 

But in recent times, Russian bloggers have explored the cat theater world and have accused the circus of cruel training methods and inhumane living conditions for the animals. If that is the reality, then it sounds ridiculous. The act has now traveled through Europe, America and the Middle East.

Origin Of Weird Superstitions

The flowers could be your favorite thing to gift someone but did you know a bouquet with even number of flowers is given at a bouquet and the only bouquet with an odd number of flowers is considered a gift? If you have heard this one, then let us tell you that this one had its origin in Russia. 

Another superstition is related to calla lilies. We know that most brides have chosen these flowers for her wedding day but in Russia, it is believed that the bride who carries them on the wedding day, ends up getting divorced.

Love For Alcohol Is A Major Obsession

We have mentioned it in quite some points and it is safe to say it again that Russians love their alcohol. So, if you see someone’s glass empty, know that they are ready for another drink. So, don’ wait for them to ask, just pour some more liquor for them. It is bad manners to keep an empty glass waiting. 

If you are visiting Russia, then your glass will be refilled as soon as you empty it, no questions asked. If you don’t want someone to refill your glass, just leave your glass half empty and you are good to go!

Most Beautiful Metro In The World

Russia has one of the most beautiful metro stations in the world and they are the most immaculate metro stations as well, most of them look like museums. During the peak hours, a metro arrives every 90 seconds at each station, without exception. Metro is Russia’s fastest mode of transportation. 

The average number of people who are transported by metro is 90 million. The deepest metro station of the world, The Metro of St. Petersburg, is also buried in this country and it is a hundred meters under the ground.

Second Beverage Love: Tea

Getting over one beverage, let’s talk about the other one that keeps Russians running. The love for tea in a cold country like Russia is more of a necessity rather than a want. It is part of their culture and traditionally it was a drink to have in the afternoon, but gradually it has spread as an all-day drink. The most known way is to have it with dessert after a meal. 

A sign of hospitality is if you have brewed your tea in samovar, a tea brewing device. On average, Russians drink tea six times more than the America’s.

Another Extreme Of Russia: Traffic

Okay, even we are tired of coming across these extremities of Russia and this one is the worst one. Moscow has been named as the world capital of traffic jams in 2018 in an annual report released by the INRIX automotive analytics company. A struggle that every human being goes through is this one. The moment you hit the road in the hope to reach the office and you end up being on the road for another hour, that is the worst feeling ever. 

You are jealous of the ambulance that gets to pass the traffic in a jiffy. That is what Russian people go through every single day, without exception.

Protection From Russian Winters

What word have you heard for this one? Trapper hat, Aviator hat, Shapka, Chapka? Well whatever you may call it, this cap was once armed forces' winter uniform, which is now a fashionable "ear flap hat" that is often identified with Soviet Russia. This country where the cold can go real bad needs large layers of clothing is required and this hat with ear flats can help you be safe from the Russian cold wind.

 If you are one of those who doesn’t really care about the cold weather, you can then tie the ear flaps on the top of the head while the sub-zero breeze blows.

Dash Cams To The Rescue

You must have noticed that the video clips from Russian's dash cams are among the most watched online and there were numerous videos of the meteor flying through the sky. 

Ever wondered how come so many videos were recorded by different motorists around the Russian city of Chelyabinsk? Well, that is because almost everyone in Russia has a dash-mounted video camera installed in their car. This is done because many people in Russia stage accidents involving feigned injury to get out money from innocent people, hence people use this camera to prevent that from happening.

Home To Dogs Is Subways Of Russia

We have known about the beauty of Metro stations of Russia. However, we won’t be talking about the known fact, let’s talk about the subways Russia has. Subways are not just important for people living in the country but also for the dogs. 

A Russian biologist, Dr. Andrey Poyarkov, says that around 500 dogs use subways to stay there in winters and also to come into the city for finding food during the day, and in the evening, they use it to go back to the suburbs.

Even Bears Are Addicts

Other than the obsession of Russian beer and strippers, another major obsession is of bears. They are a widespread symbol for Russia used in cartoons, play, and art since the 16th century. 

The sad part about this nation is that even the ears are addicted to kerosene and gasoline in jet fuel, and this addiction has forced them to stalk power generators and helicopters to find the fuel and sniff it for minutes. They end up passing out because of it.

Go To Twins Star Restaurant For Extra Drinks

This restaurant in Moscow is inspired by surreal Soviet film, Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors. The employed staff are pairs of twins and each twin pair has to wear identical clothes while they are at work. If a twin pair dines in the restaurant, they get two-for-one deals on the drinks and triplets who go there for a meal get three-for-one and quadruplets four-for-one. 

The restaurant that has been open since 1994 is run by dentical twin sisters Lisa Ganz and Debbie GanzDebbie Ganz and actor Tom Berenger.

Saint Basil Cathedral’s Remarkable Beauty

A remarkable work of art in the field of architecture can be seen in Saint Basil's Cathedral. It is said that after architect Postnik Yakovlev completed the work of this masterpiece, he was blinded by Russian tsar Ivan the Terrible so that he could never build anything like this afterward. 

This church is located in Red Square and now serves as a museum. Its shape is like that of a flame of a bonfire that’s reaching up to the sky and is one of the most beautiful buildings in the world.

Opposite Traditions Of Wedding Bands

We have all known that wedding bands belong in the ring finger of the left hand but as we are talking about Russia, there had to be a twist. So, when you get married in Russia, you will have to wear your wedding ring on the ring finger of your right hand. 

However, this exceptional case is not just of Russia, the right-hand rule applies to Ukraine, Poland, Georgia, Germany, Spain, Austria, Norway, India, Serbia, and Greece as well. Another additional rule of Russia is that they have three bands that symbolize the Holy Trinity, or the past, present, and future of the couple.

Rules For A Handshake

With all the major industries being set in the country, it is obvious people travel to Russia for business growth and handshakes is a common gesture of greeting someone. However, when in Russia know that Russians consider a handshake under the doorway an omen and it could lead to an argument. 

So, watch your hands and handshakes when you are under a doorway. The case is same with kissing, so avoid bidding goodbye with a kiss at the threshold. Wit for the person to enter the place or get out of the place to do either of these.

Winters Affecting The Density Of Russia

Since the 16th century, Siberia has been part of Russia. It is one of the coldest regions of the country and also of the world. The area of Siberia is 13.1 million square kilometers, which is 77% of the total of Russia’s land. However, the population of the state is just over 40 million people which is 27% of the nation’s population. 

So, the density of the state comes out to be 3 people per square kilometer. To avoid the low quality of life, people don’t prefer to reside in Siberia.

Women Living Longer Than Men

Did you know that the probability of a Russian man dying before the age of 55 is 25%? Life expectancy of Russian people is considerably low as compared to other nations. Two large studies suggest that the reason for such low expectancy is vodka. 

Obviously, what else were you expecting from a nation that is infatuated by that type of liquor? Russian women have a longer life expectancy than men, so this makes them lucky as they can expect to live up to 73 years of age.

In short, women of Russia are greater in number and they also live longer. Why would one want to be born as a man in Russia?

Subbotnik: Cleaning Up The Nation

After the October Revolution, people would go out voluntarily and do some unpaid cleaning works on every Saturday, also called as Subbota, and Sunday. The voluntarily work then became an obligation and has continued since then. 

In some areas of the country, days are fixed for different works like, cleaning the streets, fixing public amenities and collecting recyclable materials as part of a community effort to take responsibility for their surroundings. In Czechoslovakia, a similar kind of work was known as Action Z.

Put Your Coats In Cloakroom Before Entering

Where? Anywhere you go! Whether you are in a restaurant or a theater or airport or any public place, a person of authority will ask you to deposit your coat, bag and hat to deposit in the cloakroom. A cloakroom is a major necessity in Russia is a cloakroom.  Russia is not basically a country where etiquettes are not prized but even they have some limits and wearing a coat exceeds them. This person in most cases is a pension-age woman who is working there for a small salary. You can be sure that they won’t let you enter until you deposit all your excess baggage before entering the place.

Sochi Skybridge, Highest Bridge Of Russia

Despite having three times the area of Europe, Russia never had a bridge of height greater than 100 meters till 2014. The bridge game changed in that year. It was Sochi Skybridge that was opened as the first major permanent bungee bridge site in Russia with a height greater than 200 meters. 

Currently, it is the sixth height bridge in the world. The bridge has two observation platforms with a panoramic view of mountains and the Black Sea coast. The sky park includes a zip-wire ride which takes you on a 700-meter ride at a speed of 90 miles per hour.

Yttygran Island: Shrine And Center For The Butchery

An island in the Bering Sea 15 miles northwest of Cape Chaplino is Yttygran Island. It is one of those locations that is eco-tourists and the water around the island is home to Beluga whales. Tourists mainly visit this island to see the whales and the famous Whale Bone Alley. 

The alley consists of carefully arranged whale skulls, bones, and stones. It is supposed that the alley was initially a shrine, but also a center for the butchery and storage of whale meat.

Alaska: Part Of Russia In History

We all know about the cold war between Russia and the United States. However, did you know there were major repercussions of the war? One of those was selling of Alaska to the United States Government by the Russian Tsar in 1867 for the measly price of $7.2 million. Say Whaaaat? 

Yes, the richness of the area was not known and the world would have looked different if Russia still had their control over North America during the cold war. The Russian island of Big Diomede is just 4 kilometers away from the island of Little Diomede, which now belongs to the American state of Alaska.