When it comes to embarrassing moments, none of us is saved, not even celebrities. Whether one says an inappropriate word during a speech or when one calls someone by the wrong name, no one is left at pardon during these situations.
But the most crucial thing about these embarrassing moments is how you react to them. Do you let it ruin your day, or do you chuckle along with others? But say what you may, it's an art to be able to laugh at yourself. And the people on this list are proof that whatever the situation may be, a generous laugh or a contagious smile makes everything better.
In today's advanced world, everything is possible, from morphing your face with celebrities to making yourself turn into an animal. Funny filters are not uncommon; from Instagram to Snapchat, these filters are everywhere. They can make you look like you have a full face of makeup, or they can make it look like you have a spider on your face. The diversity and creativity of these filters surely amaze us.
So when this girl tried on this funny filter that gave her beady eyes and a chubby face, it surely was a look for a great chuckle. But it got funnier when she made a hilarious comment about how she looked nerdy in the filter. whilst having the look of a textbook nerd in real life too.

Wayne's World
What began as a dearly loved Saturday Night Live sketch evolved into one of the all-time greatest cult favourites with time. Mike Myers and Dana Carvey played basement-dwelling, babe-obsessed music fans in the original sketch. It became one of the most loved characters on television.
The sketch quickly became a movie, which was released in 1992 and was also very well received. But what's funny is how people changed their entire looks to resemble their favourite characters. Having heard stories about people spending thousands of dollars trying to look like their favourite characters like human barbie dolls etc, Garth was certainly not a character we had in mind that people would want to turn into.

How would I know?
Leonardo DiCaprio is unquestionably one of the greatest performers of his time and is regarded as one of Hollywood's most powerful figures. He has been nominated for several awards over the years for his superb performances, but he didn't actually win his first and only Oscar until 2016 for The Revenant.
In this picture, you see him leaning towards the engraver moments after having won the academy award and jokingly asking, "Do you engrave Oscars every year? How would I know? "hilariously implying how he had never won an oscar even though having been nominated several times until now. We are sure it's safe to say that Leo isn't just a talented actor and a handsome man but also a funny guy one would want to hang out with.

National Doughnut Day
We always see a joke floating around on the internet and around people about how cops love doughnuts. Even though it's a hilarious stereotype, there is a reason behind it, as explained by the Former Seattle Police Department chief: "Graveyard cops in the 1940s and 1950s had few options. They could either bring a meal with them, hope there would be an all-night diner along their route, or eat a lot of doughnuts. But when times were difficult, doughnuts saved their day as they were affordable and practical and fulling.
And now that we now know the reason why cops prefer doughnuts so much, we can't help but be fans of the delicacy too. Whatever it may be, it's nice to see our protectors taking a day off and chuckling with us on these stereotypes.

You're very welcome
When one looks at a picture of an accident, the thought that pops in our heads is whether everyone is safe or not or if people were injured etc. But it is hardly a case when an accident picture makes us laugh at its irony. If it were to us, we might have assumed that the pair deliberately struck the sign for it to be this hilarious. But we know that is absurd.
But one must admit that the picture screams irony in all possible ways. From all the places they could have been at, from all the other poles they could've hit. The couple hit the pole that encouraged drivers to exercise caution.

Pimp My Ride
Trick photography has always been amusing, from making it look like we are standing on top of the Taj Mahal or like giants holding the Eiffel Tower with our own two fingers. It's all about the right angles. And we all have a favourite angle, too, whether it's the top angle or the side angle; the options are endless.
Even though photography is a manmade wonder, it can be a little misleading. And we are sure when you first looked at the given picture; you thought the guy was driving a car too. But to our surprise, it was all fun and games, and he was holding the handlebar on a bus seat. Trick photography, indeed. Whatever your excuse might be, he did make you look at the picture twice.

When you wish upon a star
As famously stated by Scottish author J.M. Barrie, "Dreams do come true, if only we wish hard enough. You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it." But sometimes, not all of us have the time, patience and investment that is needed to make our dreams come true. So, we look for shortcuts or ways that would minimize the efforts and time that are being invested and maximize our outputs.
And from the looks of it, the owner of this picture tackled the problem of weight gain with the quickest, simple, easy and non-time and work-consuming solution. All you need to do is to stick a calculator on a sheet of paper, stand on top of it and then type the weight you want to be weighed 45 in this case. As ironic and hilarious as it may be, it definitely gives us a great chuckle.

My precious
Hanging a picture of the Gollum from The Lord Of The Rings in a dentist's office can go two ways. Either your patients will be your humour fans as well as Lord Of The Rings fans, or they'd be terrified of the before and after picture of the Gollum and wish for it not to haunt them in their dreams.
Whatever the reactions may be, we are hoping that the dentist is not only operating on teeth but rather is an artist by night, too, as that is the only explanation for hanging a before and after picture of a Gollum with good teeth. This doctor definitely is in touch with his wild side and embraces it without being apologetic about it.

Make-Up Hack
There is no denying that getting both the eyeliners or eye makeup to look the same is no less of a talent than wizardry and taking it for granted in the girl world is no less than a crime. Whether this girl was joking about wearing goggles in the shower or not, there is no denying that she is a genius.
In everyone's life, there have been times when the makeup looks absolutely breathtaking and 'fly 'as she would say, and we don't want to compromise on the look because of greasy hair at the last moment. Even though this hack is hilarious, all of us admire her skill and dedication to decoding the perfect look for the evening.

Holiday Cheer
Ugly sweater contests are our favourites. While this isn't the first time that we've seen an ugly sweater like this one, as this joke has been around for quite a while, we can't help but laugh at the dude's mischievous smirk as his boss stares into his own reflection.
Even though his boss wore a traditional ugly sweater with huge motifs and big prints, we have to give this win to the employee for this clever prank. As funny as this prank was, we just hope that this did not get him into trouble after the holidays.

Heavy Lifting
At times, there is nothing better than driving down the freeway and looking at all the different types of cars with different license plates, stickers, and sometimes even tire covers. It's always interesting to read different things on cars. From something as basic as "Baby on board "to anything as unusual as "Blow the horn to tell me you're aligned" to something like what we can see in this picture "please be patient; I'm pushing as fast as I can".
Apart from this being a funny sticker on its own, the photograph makes it funnier. In the picture, it seems as if the Jeep is pushing the RV to move faster. This intelligent owner chose to purchase a tyre cover that makes it appear as though their small Jeep is doing all the heavy lifting.

Play Ball
Being born without a limb or losing one at some point in your life can be unimaginably tough. But some people always choose to look at the brighter side of the sun. Take this prosthesis doctor, for instance, posing with a nail-covered bat with his prosthetic joint, making it look as if the Bat is a part of his leg. Who doesn't need a doctor as cool as him? Who makes even the hardest situations better with humour?
Laughter, indeed, is the best medicine. Our Bat legged cool doctor is proof that any situation can be made fun; the only thing it needs is a different outlook.

Flash is the fastest guy in here
All of us dread going to the DMV in our life. At times the staff is extremely unfriendly and not supportive and patient, the lines are outrageously long, and the process is extremely slow. So, one has to make up their mind about going to the DMV as it consumes more than half of your entire day. Unlike the owner of this picture, who was lucky enough to have met Flash the Sloth from 2016's Zootopia at the DMV office on Halloween.
Even though the owner of this picture had to go to the DMV on Halloween, we are certain his day was made after looking at this DMV employee making an effort to make people laugh with his costume too. As the lines at the DMV move as slow as a sloth does, we hope Flash helped him get his work done quicker.

Benching Bottles
Not a gym freak but love drinking? Well, this next user has the perfect balance strategy for you. Who doesn't love to sit back and relax with a bottle of beer at home after a long day of work? But knowing that you'll have to go to the gym after comes as a buzz kill. Well, if this is an issue you're facing, too, this new workout plan is for you.
Maybe put a weight on top of the bottle? So when you drink, you're lifting too. Now isn't that genius? Losing weight and getting to drink simultaneously that's the dream. Forget the stress of a beer belly after this workout. Whatever you may say, this little hack sure gave us a great laugh.

You're a wizard, Harry
Daniel Radcliffe has always been one of the most loved celebrities for his character, Harry potter. All of us have fond memories of childhood when we would merge ourselves in the tales of Harry Potter in Hogwarts. Having said that, what would you do if we told you there is somebody who looks more like harry than the actor who embodied Harry's character himself? Well, this picture is proof that doppelgangers do exist in real life.
And if JK Rowling decides to immortalize her next book into a movie again, we have two Harry to play the role. Whatever you may say, we are sure that Daniel Radcliffe was astonished by the look of his doppelgangers.

No one noticed
When we go out and get our hair done and our nails manicured, all of us want to be noticed. That is why there is the old running joke of why girlfriends make their boyfriends guess by asking them, "Do you see something different?" when they get themselves pampered. We are sure Ghufran Salih was also expecting the same thing from her friends, family and loved ones.
But unfortunately, people didn't notice. She must have had many haircuts all year, yet nobody appeared to notice! We're obviously just having fun and joining in the joke with Ghufran. No one can tell if she's gone to a hairdresser recently since she wears a headscarf that completely encloses her head and hair.

All by myself
At times it happens even if you have the warmest and the most welcoming of personalities. People instinctively conclude that you are completely unapproachable if you possess a resting ( you know what ) face.
Consider this beautiful girl, for instance; we are sure she's a warm and sweet person to talk to and is interactive and helpful by nature. But, because of the resting ( you know what ) face, it appears as if she despises everything and everyone. And anyone that approaches her will have to take a firm hearing. Well, at least she sees the irony of the situation as we do.

Keep them at arm's length
"Slenderman "is the only word that comes to our mind when we look at this picture; imagine having unusually long hands just like this girl in these pictures taken of her. Earlier, we talked about trick photography, and its wonders. Well, bad photography is not behind in the race of clicking funny and ironic photos.
We are certain that the girl in this picture is a beautiful woman with perfectly normal arms and does not resemble the traits of a slender man at all. But in these pictures, which are surely taken from a bad angle, it looks otherwise. But luckily, she finds it just as ironic and humorous as we do and jokes about it by saying that it appears she has arms so long that she can tie her shoelaces standing up.

Is it bad luck?
There is nothing quite like some good 'ole Chinese food, whether you order takeout or eat at a restaurant. Chinese food is one of the most soothing cuisines, from spring rolls to lo mein, especially when you know you'll be receiving a fortune cookie at the conclusion of your meal. But what would you do if your fortune cookies get served to you like this?
There's a cookie and a fortune but isn't the fortune supposed to go inside the cookie? In this case, we think it's safe to say that the job isn't really that well done. Even though we are sure that it is not bad luck yet, we cannot stop laughing at the irony.

Failure is not an option
Waking up in the morning with a clear head and getting some coffee in your favourite motivational mug to go about the day is something we all do. But having the handle of your favourite mug break off just as you try to take the first sip of your coffee isn't something all of us have in our minds.
What is ironic about this picture is how the quote on the mug says, "Failure is not an option ", and ironically fails in doing its job itself. Didn't the mug know that Failure was not an option? And still failed in the task of being a mug and got its handles broken off. Whatever it may be, it's sure that even the owner of the mug enjoys the irony of the situation as we do.

Buzz Buzz
The following poster is "my friend, who has been in a come for three months and is presumed dead, texted me this." Can you picture getting a message like this from a friend? Imagine missing your friend for several months, with even the doctors losing home and presuming the girl is almost dead. And then receiving a picture from that very friend with a peace sign and a pout, saying, guess who woke up
The person you've been missing for the past several months has woken up, so you check to see who it's from when your phone buzzes with a notification. The fact that the ex-comatose friend submitted a selfie with a duck face suggests that he has a terrific sense of humour.

World's worst parking inspector
This picture screams irony; imagine working as a parking inspector and your job is to patrol streets and parking lots to enforce parking restrictions and at times even have illegally parked vehicles towed. But this picture is proof that sometimes even the master makes mistakes.
Being a parking inspector himself, he parked in an otherwise restricted parking spot and got a ticket and tire boot lock jammed on his car by another parking inspector. It's so ironic that even he says, "Don't show this to my boss ". What has us thinking is how the other parking inspector might have reacted while jamming an official parking inspection vehicle for being parked at a restricted spot?

Old Farts
Every restaurant has customers who have been loyal to them for years. And we are sure this was the case with this restaurant too. These old men visit Jack's every morning and sit at that very table every single day. So it only made sense to honour these old men by giving their table a sign. One must think that the restaurant might have named the table with one of their names or so, but what is ironic and hysterical is that they honoured the group of old men by naming their table the "Old fart table."
We are sure these men found it just as hilarious as we did, or they wouldn't be there having coffee with a table named "Old Farts ". We applaud their young and jolly spirit, and we hope that they live longer life.

Picture Day
Imagine finding out you have a twin years after you've grown to be a self-sufficient adult who also works in the same school as you. And the only way you found out about this was via the school's yearbook. All jokes aside, this is a pretty funny mishappening that can happen to anyone. From restaurant menus where they've spelt lobster sauce as mobster sauce to a misprint in a yearbook, it is an honest mistake to make.
But we are sure Mr Ben Kisila had a good laugh about it, too. However funny this situation may be, we hope the yearbook printer did get paid and didn't suffer a deduction because of this misprint.

Whatever floats your goat
Getting a tattoo is always a big decision because it's permanent and obviously will stay will you forever. So people take great caution and think deeply about what tattoo they want to get. But some people get tattoos for reasons other than personal attachment and art. This case, for example, is of an elderly man whose hair with age started thinning and a bald spot appeared on the top of his head.
But this is no ordinary man. He made the best of what he had and added his own personal, funny touch by getting a goat eating the grass tattooed on the top of his head to make it look like the goat ate his hair. Talk about being the "Glass is half full "kind of a person. We are sure this makes him laugh every day, as it made us too.

Ralph Lauren
"Love is blind; you shouldn't be "is the advice we would want to give this next person. He apparently got his ex-love interest, Lauren's name tattooed on his wrist. But unfortunately, their love wasn't as permanent as the tattoo was. So, what do you do with a tattoo of the name of the person who broke your heart on your body? You play it off really smooth, just like this guy did.
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. He took this saying pretty seriously and covered the tattoo of the girl's name with the brand's name, "Ralph Lauren ". Talk about brand loyalty, right? Would you get the name of your favourite brand tattooed on your wrists? We wouldn't.

ICU Honey
Nothing is worse than frequent sicknesses and hospital visits. It's difficult to get through physically and emotionally, and it definitely takes a toll on your mental health. But one should try not to let it get to your own mental peace and find happiness in the littlest things, just like this guy.
"Laughter is the best medicine ", and he proved it, even though he is in a hospital gown and has an IV attached to his hand. But it surely didn't stop him from finding the joys in little things, and he made a funny comment about how he wanted to interest ladies in a gulp of oxygen and a glass full of fluid.

Be Different, They Said
In today's day and age, everyone wants to be different and unique. All of us want to stand out from the crowd and have our own unique personalities. And we are sure that this was also the idea of this group of guys. They wanted to embrace their individualities by wearing the same T-shirt with the quote be different.
The mission failed, but successfully. Even though they couldn't look different they sure did pass the message along about being true to ourselves and our own little perks and embracing our individualities and journeys fully. Even though this was a sweet loss of war, it made us think about how we should love ourselves.

Safety first
We are always told to practice what we preach. And that is one piece of advice that always keeps us in check before giving suggestions to others, unlike in this case where even the message on the banner is to "Think safety first ", but the way the guy is putting up that poster is not safe at all.
Hanging a banner with the quote "Think safety first "and not using a ladder to actually put it up and rather standing unsafely on two railings where one can slip and get a major injury is one daring task. But this guy isn't afraid to do so. Hence we think it's safe to say that even though the situation is highly ironic and unsafe, it sure is funny. The only suggestion we would like to give this guy is to "Practice what you preach."

A little self-love goes a long way
There are always those days when we need a little confidence, and getting a compliment about our looks or nature always acts as an instant mood lifter. But unfortunately, this was not the case for this girl, who didn't receive a compliment in quite some time, so much so that it really got to her, and she took the funny corner by sharing a mirror selfie of herself in a classic mirror and a makeup mirror, in which she looks really funny as the image is distorted.
We are sure people appreciated her beauty and sense of humour after looking at this picture, and she got the little confidence boost that she had been looking for all along.

Happy Divorce
There is a cake for every happy occasion, a wedding, a birthday, an anniversary etc., but it is not very often that we see a divorce cake. For all, divorce is a difficult time to get through, but isn't it better to be happy alone than to be unhappy together? For some people, divorce is a happy thing, too, as it means getting out of an unhappy relationship or environment to better and happier things.
This cake and its funny representation are proof that a great sense of humour can lift anyone's mood and can give a better outlook on life in general. Laughter indeed makes situations better.

One in a million
Here we go again, another fortune cookie mishappening. We are sure that when someone writes "One is a million ", they're trying to refer to the fact that it is indeed rare, unique and hard to find. Unlike in this scenario when the receiver of this fortune receives the same fortune twice, making it redundant and indeed not so unique and rare.
So much so that he hilariously commented how he is in two in a million now. Well, if we had received this fortune twice. We would have thought of the same thing too. But it's great to see him take it all in fun and appreciate that even though he is two in a million, he is still a great catch.

Moms are superheroes
Moms, indeed, are superheroes. From being uneasy for nine months to giving birth and then jumping back into a hectic life with a baby on board again right after giving birth while their body goes through so many changes is purely godly.
And giving birth isn't an easy task either; enduring the pain of a baby coming through is not easy at all, but moms always get through it. But what is hilarious in this case is that while this guy's friend welcomed his child. He fainted at the site of his child's birth while his wife was doing all the hard work. We are sure he was of help after the birth and gave the mom and the baby some comfort, as giving birth is not an easy task for sure.

She's a brick house
We all have sometimes been in some conversations or arguments where it feels as if we are talking to the wall. This means that when one is talking to the other person, they are not giving appropriate responses and are not comprehending what the other person is saying.
This Snapchat user took a funny corner while sharing this picture with a wall saying, "Just me and my girl after a disagreement ". We all know the pain he is going through but it sure is funny to see him make this situation funny with his humour than feeling sad about it.

A perfect match
Whoever took this perfectly-timed photo definitely deserves an ample amount of recognition. From the setting of the phone cover to the angle of the picture, everything about this photograph is absolutely perfect and makes it look like whoever is behind the camera is an anime character.
The perfect setting of the hair and the neck in the phone cover is truly an uncommon coincidence; everything just blends seamlessly. Ignoring the distraught expression on the anime character's face, isn't this a truly perfect match?

Made in China
Whether its clothes, toys or even our gadgets, we are no strangers to looking at the label and finding a tag that says "made in China ". What is funny about this picture is that this woman decided to take patriotism and her love for her country and culture to the next level by getting a permanent tattoo made on her back saying "Made in China."
Talk about being proud of your country and culture. This woman shows that even though there are various ways to show patriotism and our love for our country, getting a permanent tattoo is the best and the hilarious option.

Snap of a finger
If you're a Marvel fan like us, you know exactly what the power of a snap is by a hand that holds all the infinity stones. But this is not just a fancy toy we are looking at. When this boy got a cast after breaking his hand, His mother decided to make the best of the situation and turned the cast into an infinity gauntlet- one of the most powerful objects in the Marvel universe.
But we are sure as we see this boy's innocent smile that he will not turn half our world into dust like Thanos did and would rather be the hero the world needs. A cast or not, we all want that infinity gauntlet and kudos to this kid's mom for making his day and even ours with this amazing idea.

All fun and games
It's all fun and games until one loses a hand. No no, we are not talking about a horrific accident, we are talking about this hilarious picture. Even though this snapchat user lost his hand, he surely did not lose his humour and his spirit and made everyone laugh with his jokes.
Imagine going to open the fridge and your hand comes off, well, even though it sounds like something out of a Halloween movie but it is hilariously what happened to this snapchat user. But much like the prosthesis doctor we saw earlier on the list, this guy also clearly knows how to make a joke and have a good laugh about any situation.

Glow up
Adding to the list is another absolutely delightful and hilarious snapchat user who has found the humour in having a prosthetic limb. After going to the beach for vacation, all of us come back with a glowing tan, but how would one convince their colleagues that they indeed went to the beach even if they didn't have a tan?
This snapchat user takes the funny corner by sharing a picture of stain and varnish rubbed off on his prosthetic leg to give it a glow so his colleagues would believe him. Well, there is a way no one imagined a stain and varnish could be used. Even though he couldn't get a natural tan and glow on his prosthetic leg but he surely did manage to light up our faces with laughter with his humour.

How big
You know you've made it big when instead of booking an economy class airline, you opt for first-class business tickets. But if that isn't big enough, imagine being on the cover of Forbes magazine. That surely is a big deal for all of us.
Even though this high school government teacher didn't actually land himself on the cover of one of the most reputed business magazines after this picture, he surely did land himself as the funniest teacher. What we are wondering is what magazine cover he would put himself on next when he boards the return flight.

New diet plan
Sometimes we just need that little push and motivation to live the healthy life we dream of living every day but fail as soon as we give in to our own whims of wanting to eat outside. Having said that, there are many people who want to lose a couple of pounds to feel better and healthier.
This guy makes this situation funny with his great sense of humour by sharing a picture of his wallet, saying "Lost a bunch of pounds this week! ". Well, as much as we want to lose things, we dearly hope to lose weight and not money. Whatever it may be, we hope you lose all the weight you want to and gain all the pounds in your wallet.

Looking for work
We know being out of work comes with its own set of challenges. Not only are you stressed about getting a new job and making ends meet you're free most of the time, which causes boredom. But what should one do in those situations? You laugh about it to take the pressure off, just like this snapchat user.
While strolling through the supermarket's empty isles, this snapchat user decided to make a candid and funny joke about her situation and posted a picture while pretending to look for something on the empty shelves, referring to her situation of not being able to find a job in this highly saturated industry. Well, we hope the recruiters appreciated her sense of humour and whim and hired her as soon as possible.

Healthy Fats
Who doesn't like healthy fats, but wait we are not talking about an avocado, fish or eggs; we are talking about this guy's costume. Even though he is promoting healthy fats, we are not sure if it is in the best way possible. He is dressed in an avocado costume, where his actual belly is the avocado pit.
Whether it may be healthy or not, this guy sure didn't hesitate to take on the costume and make people laugh.

Thinking outside the box
Since the tech sector recognizes that you require all the accessories in addition to the hardware, it has grown to be a multimillion-dollar business. This man knows exactly what he's doing. Even though we are unsure if he is a genius or simply has a limited budget, what we are sure about is that he surely did make us laugh.
You know, one doesn't always have to get fancy new equipment to make gadgets work. Some out-of-the-box thinking and some home make-shift projects are just enough to make it a smooth rolling machine. Take this man, for instance; why spend all that money on a fancy computer stand when a hanger can do the same job? We appreciate this man's creativity, and so should you.

When you're a kid, sometimes it feels like it's an Olympic sport to get the adults around you frustrated. So is the case in this story; while just checking their kid's phone lying on the table, this man realized that all of them had the same screensavers. And no, it was not of great scenery or a motivational quote; it was of their dad's zoomed-in photo where he looks extremely frustrated.
Even though it's sweet that the picture on their screensavers is of their dad, but it is sure that it is because of an inside joke. Whatever it may be, we advise the father to roll with it, as even though the picture is funny, humour is Gen'Z's love language

I have my concerns
Sometimes you have no control over what your face does, some people have more expressive features than others, and we think that this is the case with this snapchat user too. He was hell-bent on finding out why his coworkers thought that he always looked suspicious and had a look on his face. Well, after finding this picture from his childhood, all his fire was set, and all his questions were answered.
Apparently, that's just his face, and he has had it since he was born. You know how sometimes you take some habits from your childhood forward. We are sure this look was o

College graduation is one of everyone's major life events. We wish to spend this great day with our family, friends and especially our parents. But sometimes when our parents can't make it, it becomes upsetting. That is when our friends step in to make our day.
Just like the friends of this snapchat user. When they got to know that his parents won't be able to attend their son's graduation, they made sure that somehow he got a picture with his parents. No, we are not talking about photoshopping them into the picture or anything else. This snapchat user's friends dressed up as his parents to pose for a picture. And from of looks of all their faces, we are certain they did make his day memorable and special

Many people battle with weight throughout their lives. Some people even set a target weight that they want to attain, and for those people, it's important to record it from time to time. However, those who don't lose the weight they want to in the amount of time they set for themselves must have dreams similar to this woman.
One day just magically standing on the weighing scale, and all your weight fades away automatically. Even though this can only be a dream and never a reality, all of us, somewhere down the line, have wished for our weight to suddenly disappear. We hope this woman reached her weight goals and didn't have to stand on template cardboard of a weighing scale with less weight to attain her dreams.

Business in the front
The '80s and '90s brought us some pretty unique trends. One of those, the mullet, left its mark on society and continues to do so to this day. The picture of this snapchat user's dad isn't the only fun thing about this picture; it's what is written on the picture, which is the funny thing to focus on.
From the looks of it, he was making a joke in reference to mullets and the fact that they're iconically known as the 'business in the front, party in the back hairdo — hence the "party's in the back" flyer. If only Joe Dirt himself could make an appearance with his iconic mullet. Perhaps his real-life counterpart, David Spade, would be willing to show face?

Isn't that cute
We're all seen TikTok and Instagram trends of pictures and videos where people recreate the fondest memories they've captured on film. So is the case with this father and son duo. The picture is 34 years apart, and clearly, the baby in the picture is a grown old man now.
The only difference is the facial expressions of the father, as obviously the weight of his son now is much much more than it was 34 years ago. From the looks of this picture, I think it's only right to say that the weight of his son might have increased significantly, but his love for his father has not decreased one bit.

Keep smiling
Sometimes when life throws a curve ball at you, it at times leads you to a life full of struggles. But one has to pick themselves up again and get back in the game. And this old man certainly understands this truth of life. And while getting his life back on track again, he thought, why not have a little fun with it?
With a sign that says, "Best friend stole wife..Need $ for a thank you card ", we are sure he got many laughs and captured the attention of many people along with this snapchat user, who is thinking the same thing as we are, humour can get you through the toughest times.

One of the nicest and the most memorable things to do at the grocery store when you're a child is to ride around in the shopping cart. This father and daughter had a tradition where he would push the daughter around the store in the cart. But this tradition only seems fit when you're a child and not a grown woman shopping for some alcohol.
But we can all understand how our parents don't want us to grow up and stay the same little kids we were in our childhood. But in this case, we are certain that this duo definitely needs a new tradition. A dinner night every two weeks or golf every weekend?

Working hard
You know when we see people of the same age as our doing great things and achieving all their goals. It sometimes strikes a feeling of jealousy in us. It can be with a friend, a colleague or, in this case, even a duck. The duck in this picture is no ordinary duck; he is the best juvenile waterfowl, the reserve champion, the best waterfowl and the best juvenile too.
Having read all of the duck's achievements back to back surely makes us question our life choices. We might work hard, but the duck works harder.

Intermittent fasting is one of the newest diet fads. If done correctly, it can be quite beneficial, but one must first do their own research about the subject. We have all been in a position where we don't always have the time to hit the gym. Hence fasting becomes an easy turning point for diets.
In this case, this Snapchat user is supposedly studying fasting while devouring a subway sandwich. We are unsure about what the book says, but we are certain that a subway sandwich is not a part of the diet for sure. Because if it were, everyone would fast every single day.

Need to read more
When you do the same job every day, it actually develops into second nature to the point that you can essentially complete the activity while closing your eyes. This truck driver obviously became too numb to the message on his own truck. Otherwise, he would not have found himself (literally) in this situation.
Even though the slogan says, "On the road to success, there are no shortcuts ", this truck driver on the road to his delivery must have thought about taking a shortcut but unfortunately got stuck. Whatever it may be, we hope the driver is safe and has a much more aware sense of all his surroundings.

Not so psychic
There is no question that certain people are born with a unique skill or a special gift that enables them to connect with various energies more easily than others. This gift also sometimes enables them the ability to read minds and predict the future, or even connect with those people who have left our world.
But if you have this talent, you ought to be able to foresee the future. The irony in this situation is that this cancellation notice, which informs individuals that something has been postponed "due to unforeseen circumstances," was published in a magazine for psychics and mediums. The psychic prowess of this magazine is certainly not all that it's talked up to be, or they would have been able to predict this before and stop this from happening.

Grammar isn't my strong suit
We don't know about you, but we're sure that if we handed this award to any of our English teachers, they'd probably have a lot to say to us. And no, it's not a thank you, but rather a really nice hankering about the incorrect use of grammar.
The most ironic thing about this award is that it is a gift to an English teacher. Imagine being the teacher at this school and noticing that even after your constant hard work and guidance, you couldn't even make the kids differentiate between "Your" and "You're ".

It's so true
Safety begins with you; what a nice slogan and a true one too. But what is ironic about this picture is that even though safety is being promoted in big, bold letters on this vehicle, the driver somehow managed to jam the truck into a car.
We are sure that the driver of both vehicles learned the hard way that safety actually begins with them. We hope that both the parties in this vehicle are safe and sound, and even though this picture is not hilarious, rather worrisome. But it sure is iconic in its own way.

Like father like son
Since we are kids, we are meant to pick up habits from our parents, but what will your reaction be if you're the spitting image of your parents in terms of looks and mannerisms since you're a baby? That is what we feel like looking at this picture. From the way they're both sitting down to the expressions on their faces, this father-son duo has us all giggling.
We are just happy that the mom saw the irony of the situation and was able to capture it. Even though both of them have suspicious looks on their face, we hope one of them breaks the silence and bond like best friends after.

Spitting image
Handmade gifts are always so much more thoughtful than store-bought gifts. They represent time and effort and are symbolic of care and affection. This grandpa had the sweetest gift for his granddaughter to help her raise her self-confidence. We give the grandpa an A+ for the effort her put into this portrait. But we are unsure if this indeed is the spitting image of her.
Whatever the case may be, grandpa's intentions were pure, and his care and affection for his granddaughter are reflected in the time he has invested in this painting.

New fads and trends emerge on social media every other. One of these trends involved pregnant women uploading images of themselves caressing their baby bump online. This woman wanted to participate but wasn't really expecting.
Even though she wasn't pregnant, if she were, this picture would still have been absolutely adorable. On the other hand, we would also like to join this trend, but only after a big Mcdonald's meal.

Biden Bans Plastic
Many communities throughout the world have started implementing governmental reforms to make their homes more environmentally friendly. The action taken by many of these cities was to prohibit the use of plastic bags. It appears that not everyone received the memo.
What's more ironic about this picture is that even though Biden banned plastic which was also on the cover page of the newspaper. The newspaper somehow still got delivered being wrapped in one. This clearly was a miss, but we are sure that in the long haul, people would switch to more environmentally friendly alternatives.

Not so much
All of us have our own personal favourite coffee mugs, the ones we always take our coffee in and are loyal to it no matter what. But should one do when their favourite coffee mug has the quote "Quality "on it, and the handle breaks off?
Not such a sure mark of 'quality ', is it? Even though this Snapchat user broke his favourite mug, he definitely didn't shy away from pointing at the irony and giving us a good chuckle. Well, we hope the makers of this mug practice what they preach and make better quality mugs in the future.

It's the effect
The domino effect is the cumulative effect produced when one event sets off a chain of similar events. Well, if this picture doesn't scream irony, then we don't know what does. The domino effect literally means a chain of similar events, and what better than looking at four consecutive domino delivery bikes falling in order?
We hope the delivery guy got to his delivery on time and didn't have to give away the pizza for free, and we hope his bike suffered no damage, but this surely was one rare coincidence to witness.

Almost an A
When a new restaurant passes its initial health inspection, it's a major deal. It is, therefore, understandable why the owner of the restaurant wanted to brag about his "A "level hygiene. But when you look at the picture closely, there is a 6-legged surprise waiting for you. So much for an "A ", and yet this is the best they could do.
We aren't sure if we would dine in this restaurant after seeing this, but we can only hope that they got rid of this roach issue and maintained their "A "mark in all its honesty.

Let's be honest
A building needs a lot of maintenance, particularly if numerous people enter and exit it frequently throughout the day. Therefore, after saying that they could fix everything, this maintenance company only wanted to be extremely clear about what they could and could not fix, even after having claimed that they could fix anything.
That being said, we hope they got the doorbell fixed if they couldn't fix it and continued on their mission of fixing everything, obviously, except for doorbells.

Bad dog
When you get a new puppy, there's a lot of training that comes into play. You have to ensure that they understand what's right and wrong. You have to practise with them, give them more time. Just like you give a newborn baby while teaching them new things. Some people even send their little fur babies to schools for this.
But sometimes, just like it happens with kids, some lessons just don't stick with them. And this dog owner surely does see the irony in this picture of how his not-so-obedient dog tore his obedience certificate into pieces. We hope he learned it better with time, even though his puppy eyes are hard to say no to.

Do as I say
How do you tell people not to do something without having to say it again and again? You put up a sign, or you make a board. We are sure this is what this guy had in mind too. But sadly, it's ironic how he implemented the task.
The caution sign was to not hang anything from the pipe, and ironically the employee went ahead and hung a sign that said so on that very pipe. We are certain that the employee must have gotten an earful about this stupid decision even though it made a chuckle point for us.

Just as we saw with the divorce cake, an end of things can be a great start to beautiful beginnings too. Keeping that in mind, this man's friends surprised him with a party for getting fired.
Even though getting the axe isn't always the best, if you're unsure about what you're doing, it becomes a blessing in disguise in the long run. We hope the man joined the party fever with the appropriate gusto and cheered for new beginnings afterwards.

Your package has arrived
If this next post isn't hilarious for you, then we don't know what is. One look at these photos, and we are rolling on the floor laughing. When you get a package delivered to your apartment, it is only obvious to expect an email and a picture of the label with it.
But on the contrary, how would you react if you received a confirmation picture like this? However you may feel about this, we wish all our delivery guys are just as fun and jolly as this one.

Hotline cringe
If you're a fan of dark humour, you'll definitely like this next example of ironic pictures. This woman specifically works for an emergency mental health assistance hotline for people in need. So, one would imagine her desktop background would have a nice motivational quote.
Rather, on the contrary, this woman has the picture of a telecom assistant with the caption end me. If this doesn't scream irony, we don't know what does. We can only hope that she got the help she needed and assisted others in doing so too.

Sorry mom
Some parents have a tendency to pressure their kids into choosing certain career paths even when the kid's interests lie elsewhere. As parents, people should understand a child's personal choices and encourage them to be the best versions of themselves in whatever career path they choose.
However, this hilarious dedication is both heartfelt and funny. And we are sure his mother understood that he is an amazing author, and people truly would have died if he had chosen the career of a doctor even though he had no interest in it.

Beary tasty
Nowadays, we have access to just about anything we need online, including recipes and instructional videos for making our favourite meals. And we are sure that this snapchat user got inspired by an influencer's bear-shaped rice dish and decided to try it out.
The result might be shocking, but we are sure it was very tasty. Even though the influencer's bear looked like that, we are certain that it must have taken a lot of practice. Whereas this user did manage to make a bear, even though the bear looks like he was playing in the mud outside, we give the user an A+ for his efforts.