55 Celebrities Who Have An Unusual Body Part

Quite often we have the perception that our beloved celebrities are better than us, that their lives are impeccable, and that they have no flaws, especially when it comes to their appearance. Therefore, it may come as a surprise that not all of them are perfect and that their bodies are sometimes more unusual than we think. Believe it or not, there is a bunch of A-listers who have some abnormal body parts, and a lot of our favorites are not afraid to show them. Here is the list with some of them, and some names may surprise you. It looks like celebrities are more human than we think.

Count Your Toes

Kate Hudson is the epiphany of a true American sweetheart, and for decades she has been on the top of the entertainment industry. She is a successful actress, wife, and mother of three, so it seems that everything around her is perfect. There’s just one little thing, apparently, this famous blonde has six toes on her left foot, but she has never confirmed the fact, so we just have to see some pictures of her, and analyze them in detail to find out if it’s true.

Thumbs Up!

This actress is one of the most attractive women in the world, and she has held that title for years. Megan Fox took the world by storm when she first appeared on the big screen many years ago, and ever since her first appearance we love watching her movies. There is one more thing she is famous for–her clubbed thumbs, a condition that is known as brachydactyly. Her thumbs look strange, but their functionality is normal. Fortunately, everything else on her looks perfect.

No Shame

This English singer and songwriter has a secret body part, and she is happy to show it to the entire world. Lily Allen has a third nipple under her left breast, and we had the pleasure of seeing it a few times live on TV. She has a special bond with her extra nipple, and she says that it ‘goes hard when you touch it’. So, if you ever see this quirky girl on the street, ask her to show you her body-friend, she will probably gladly do that.

Monkey Business

Shailene Woodley stars on HBO TV show ‘Big Little Lies’, and her performance on that show is incredible. Sadly, during the show, we cannot see that this star has one more pretty cool talent. She has a condition called prehensile, which means she can use her hand and feet in the same way that a monkey is able to. Her special talent is very popular, so she enjoys performing tricks at parties, and we would really like seeing that live.

Let’s Fix It

Damon Wayans is one of the funniest comedians out there, and some of his roles make us laugh for hours. Little do you know that this guy was born with a clubbed foot, however, when he was young, he had surgery to fix it. Fun, or not so fun, fact: one in 1000 people is born with this deformity, but surgery is pretty easy, so many people choose to correct it at an early age.

Love Yourself

One more case of the third nipple is in the house. This time we are talking about Mark Wahlberg, who is very proud of his unusual body part and considers it his prized possession. He is a great example of how we should accept all our imperfections and not be ashamed of them. Nobody is perfect, right?

The Right Decision

Weezer is a widely known rock band, and its lead singer Rivers Cuomo has a secret we will share with you. He was born with one leg shorter than the other, and he struggled with his deformity for years, when finally, he decided to fix his problem. The surgery was extremely difficult and painful, and the recovery process took a long time, but everything ended well, and now he is fully prepared for the stage.

Dance Your Pain Away

I don’t want to miss a thing, so I will dance and dance until my body begins to fell the consequences. Shortly, this is the story about Steven Tyler’s body condition, known as Morton’s neuroma, which involves his feet, mostly his toes to become deformed. He explained that he had to go through surgery, which involved cutting some bones and taking out two of his knuckles, and as a result, he can’t feel certain parts of his feet.

The Lost Twin

The ex-member of One Direction, Harry Styles has not two, not three, but four nipples on his chest. So, he has two pairs of them, and once he decided to make fun of himself and he stated ‘I must have been a twin, but the other one went away and left his nipples behind’. He also has an amazing sense of humor, in addition to a perfect voice, which people around the world have gone crazy for.


For sure, Tilda Swinton is one of the best actresses of our time, and she is our favorite alien-look-alike. Maybe that’s why we are not surprised by the fact that she has an unusual body part, but perhaps we have expected something weirder. This Oscar-winning actress has an additional nipple as well, and she is a proud member of ‘The Triple Nipple Club’, and when she was young, she used to scare her brothers with her ‘witch’s mark’.

Pinky Promise

Denzel Washington has several Golden Globe and Academy Awards, but besides that, he also has a weird pinky. Yes, you’ve read it well, there is something wrong with his pinky, because it is bent at a 45-degree angle, and it is a result of a basketball injury he had when he was a kid, which never healed well. He is not ashamed of it, and often he likes scaring people with it and goofing around with his friends.

Strange Finger

Some celebrities were born with different kinds of body abnormalities, and some of them got them along the way. That is the case with Vince Vaughn, who lost the tip of his right thumb in a car accident when he was 17. He doesn’t allow his unusual thumb to define him, and he even has a name for it ‘A dong with a fingernail’.

Perfect Imperfection

People, especially ladies, think that there is nothing wrong with Gerard Butler because he is way too handsome. But surprise, surprise, there is just one part of him that has a small flaw. His ear, believe it or not, is unusual, because when he was a kid, he underwent ear surgery to save his hearing. He noticed that his ear is strange when he shaved his head for the Tomb Raider; One of his ears sticks out more than the other one, but when he isn’t bald, it is hard to notice.

A Comedy Man

No list can go without at least one character for one of the best TV shows ever, of course, we are talking about Friends. For this list, we have our dear Chandler, better known as Matthew Perry. Maybe you have never noticed this, but he is missing the tip of his right hand’s middle finger, which he lost when his finger got caught in a door when he was a kid.

Odd Belly

Maybe you will wonder why Karolina Kurkova is on our list, because she is a highly successful fashion model, and as far as we know no Victoria Secret’s angel can’t have a strange body part. But she does, and it is pretty noticeable. This beauty doesn’t have a proper bellybutton, due to a surgery she had when she was a baby. So, don’t despair, one day you too can be on the cover of Vogue.

Two Extra Fingers

It is hard to believe that a Bong girl wasn’t always as perfect as she is today. Gemma Arterton was born with six instead of five fingers on her hands. Although this deformity isn’t life-threating, she decided to remove an extra finger, but surprisingly, she didn’t have surgery, instead, she tied the extra fingers off until they fell off on their own when the blood stopped circulating to the fingers. Pretty creepy, but we are happy for her.

Funny Foot

Ashton Kutcher is on the top of his game, he is known for his acting skills, but for his appearance as well, so you would think that he doesn’t belong here. But he does, because he owns one quite unusual body part. Let’s crack the mystery- he has webbed toes on his left foot, so his toes are linked with small pieces of skin, but that’s not something you can really notice. Especially because we mostly just stare at his head.

Look At Me

Ashton’s wife Mila Kunis is on the list as well, but from completely different reasons. This Ukrainian-born actress has different colored eyes, which make her even more unique. One eye is green, and the other is brown; the color change happened when she was affected by chronic iritis. Next time when you see this star on the screen, pay attention to her eyes, maybe you will notice a difference.

Animal Woman

Kesha is probably the female winner of an unusual body part challenge, because, please pay attention, allegedly she had a tattle-tail. We are used to hearing some strange things about her, but this one is a bit too much. She solved the mystery when she said that she was born with a tiny, half-inch long tail, that was later chopped off. So, we can stop staring at her behind because the infamous tail is no longer there.

An Overlapping Toe

Jennifer Garner is our favorite celebrity girl-next-door, and in many things, we can identify with her. That’s how she has a condition that is very common in everyday life, her toe crosses over the other. We can all agree that this isn’t a big problem, and Jennifer is aware of that, because she doesn’t hide her strange toe, and we can often see her wearing flip-flops during a casual walk.

Where’s Your Finger?

If you are a fan of Quentin Tarantino and his movies, then you have seen this actress in his movie Kill Bill. Daryl Hannah is nowadays famous for her environmental activism, but there is one more fact about her which you may not know. She is missing the tip of her left’s hand index finger, which she lost in an accident. In some movies, she even wore a prosthetic finger, which covered her missing one.

Unique Eyes

Heterochromia is a condition when your eyes are different colors. One of the celebrities with this condition is a beautiful Kate Bosworth, whose eyes are mesmerizing. One of her eyes is blue, and the other is hazel, but sadly we cannot always notice that, because in many of her films she wears a contact lens to make her eyes look the same.

Stand Proudly

Is there anything we can say about Angelina Jolie, that entire world doesn’t already know? Maybe there is one thing that we can share with you, and it has to do with her knees. This mother of six has knobbly knees, and she has been criticized many times over that strange fact, as if there is something she can change about it. The most important thing is that she loves herself, and we can often see her knees out in public. Who cares about the knees, when you have such a stunning face?

The Mighty Oprah

The boss of all the bosses is on our list as well, so please let’s welcome the one and only Oprah Winfrey. You’re probably wondering what’s wrong with her, and we will tell you the secret. It is rumored that Oprah has an additional toe on her left foot, but based on a foot specialist, the rumor is false, because the alleged deformity is just a result of long bones, which spread apart when she walks. Thank goodness, we got scared for a minute.

False Alarm

There is one more rumor that rocked the world of entertainment a few years ago and left us suspicious, but we are here to make things perfectly clear. The English television personality Megan McKenna posted a picture that made the internet buzz about her sixth toe. Of course, everything was just an optical illusion, and ever since it has been proved that Megan doesn’t have eleven toes in total.

Joke on Us

This man has quickly become the best Joker in history, and we enjoy seeing all of his movies. Of course, we are talking about magnificent Joaquin Phoenix, who is born with a thing called microform cleft, so it looks like he has a minor scar across his upper lip. Therefore, don’t worry he wasn’t in a fight or something like that, he was born with it, and he doesn’t hide it.

Forgotten Twin

We all know who Andy Garcia is, but there is one thing about his past, and not many people are familiar with it. He was born with an undeveloped conjoined twin, who unfortunately wasn’t born, so after Andy’s birth, the doctors had to remove the softball-sized mass which was attached to his shoulder. He says he doesn’t have any memory of it so that it didn’t affect his life at all.

Win Some, Lose Some

One more member of the Third Nipple Club is joining us on our list. Now we are welcoming Carrie Underwood, the winner of the fourth season on American Idol. She is also winning in life because her current net worth is $200 million. She gained her fame, but at the same time, she lost her nipple, when she had it removed. Well, it looks like you can’t have everything.

Tall Prodigy

LeBron James is one of the most talented athletes of our time and for sure one of the best basketball players ever. It is a bit surprising that he is on his list, but his toes are somewhat unusual, as a matter of fact, his toes are overlapping. This is not so shocking, considering he wears a size 15 shoe.

Work Injuries

We have a place for one more athlete on our list, and we will draft Shawn Marion, a retired professional basketball player. During his long career, Marion had several injuries, and his pinky suffered the most. Due to many fractures, his pinky is incredibly deformed, but that didn’t stop him to play his best game for all those years.

Unwanted Finger

It looks like there’s a rule for some celebrities, if you are extremely handsome, you should have an unusual part to compensate for it. One actor who is no exception to this rule is Taye Diggs, who was born with an extra finger, but it was removed when he was still a kid. Even if the extra finger was still there, he would still be successful.

Colorful View

Bond girl Jane Seymour is one more celebrity whose eyes are special, and they are different colors. In her case, one eye is green and one is brown, and this condition only emphasizes her beauty, which we can see in many movies, such as ‘Live and Let Die’ or ‘A Royal Christmas’.

A Bad Reminder

There is nothing not to love about this celebrity, except for one small thing. Padma Lakshmi has a pretty noticeable scar on her arm, which she got when she was a teenager, in a serious car accident, when her arm was completely injured, and it took a while to recover. Padma is not at all ashamed of it, and she is embracing her flaw, giving us a good example of how we are not all perfect.

Proud Face

If you have ever wondered how Seal got these facials scars, we are ready with the answer. Seal’s scars are the result of lupus, an autoimmune disease he suffers from. He made his weakness into his signature sign, by which he is still recognizable. Seal is an amazing role model for people around the world who have a lack of confidence.

Blink, Blink

Elizabeth Taylor was and forever will be of the biggest divas in the movie industry, and her roles will be remembered forever, who can forget her interpretation of Cleopatra? But there was something very special about her, and you can see that if you look closely into her eyes. At birth, Elizabeth was diagnosed with a mutation in the FOXC2 gene, and that resulted in a double layer of eyelashes. Maybe that’s why her gaze was magical.

Half and One More Half

One more Elizabeth on our list, and now we are, presenting an actress and reality show personality, Elizabeth Berkley. If you are one of her fans, maybe you have already noticed this, but if not, we are here to help you. Half of her right eye is green, and the other half is brown, and this makes her really special and different from most people.


Forest Whitaker is a highly respected and talented actor who also has an unusual body part, which you may have already noticed. He has a thing called a lazy eye which prevents him from having full muscle control over his left eye. This condition is hereditary, and Forest has considered having surgery because it affects his vision.

Sorry, I Can’t Hear

You have probably watched his talk show a million times, but have you ever seen anything weird on the host? Well, Stephan Colbert has a weird ear, but the story behind it is quite sad. When he was only ten, Colbert had an ear tumor, and a strange-looking ear is a result of a surgery, which made him also deaf to his left ear.

Teenage Dream

For all Zac Efron’s fans out there, this one is for you. It looks like your favorite ‘High School Musical’ character has one itsy bitsy flaw. Apparently, he was born with a third nipple, but he had it removed. If you are interested in why so many celebrities have a third nipple, 20% of the population has it, so it is no wonder that celebrities are among all those people as well. Overall, they are just humans, just like the rest of us.


Oh no Tina, do you have a strange body part as well? Our all-time favorite comedian and creator of 30 Rock and member of Saturday Night Live has a few inches-long scar on her cheek, which makes people wonder how she got it. In her autobiography, she revealed the cause and said that the scar was a result of a slashing by a stranger in the alley behind her house, and that happened when she was still in kindergarten.

Put A Shoe on It

We have one Canadian on our list as well, and for this one, we found a place for Dan Aykroyd, an actor, producer, and a musician. ‘The Blues Brothers’ star has fused toes, so his second and third toes on both his feet are webbed together forever. Luckily, it is easy to hide that, all you need is a pair of shoes, and we are sure that Dan can afford as many as he wants.

Count Your Toes

Drew Carey is mostly famous for hosting various game shows, so maybe we are not completely aware of his foot history. This host was born with six toes on his right foot, and he shared that information in his autobiography. We don’t know if the extra toe is still there, we just have to use our imagination to find out what lies beneath the shoe.

The Lost Part

If you love ‘Everyone Loves Raymond’, and apparently everyone does, then we have news about Patricia Heaton, or you may know her by her character name Debra. Her strange body part is actually a part she doesn’t have anymore. After having four kids delivered by c-section, she no longer has a bellybutton, but luckily her acting talent is still there.

Three Thumbs

Hrithik Roshan is without any doubt the winner of the ‘An Unusual Body Part’ competition. He has a double thumb, yes that’s right, on his right hand he has an extra thumb, and his thumbs are attached together. You don’t see something this strange every day, so Roshan’s deformity is definitely one of its kind.

Big Changes

The first man on our list who has the honor of having eyes of different colors. He is Max Scherzer, an American professional baseball pitcher, and also the owner of some weirdly colored eyes. He was born with blue eyes, but eventually when he was four months old, one of his eyes turned green. However, after that, his blue eye became deeper blue, and his green eye turned brown.

Fixing the Problem

American journalist Richard Stott has a quite unique body deformity as well. His left-hand’s fingers are bent. He had around 15 operations, but weirdly the most successful one was when he had the second toe on each of his foot removed and grafted onto his hand. That must have been painful, but we hope that it worked.

Little Help

We are still not done with the athletes, we have room for a few more, and one of them is Danny Garcia, a very successful professional boxer. Allegedly, this fighter has one additional body part, and it is one extra toe on one of his feet. Maybe that is his secret, and that’s how he won all those championships.

Just Smile

They say that it is rude to look at other people’s mouths, but now we must stare at Nick Jonas’s teeth because rumor has it that he has an extra tooth. He has three front teeth, but also an amazing smile, so it seems that his flaw is a virtue for him. No matter what, this Jonas brother will always be an A list celebrity.

Don’t Mind Them

Antonio Alfonseca is a major league baseball player who was born with twelve fingers. He has no ittention of having them removed because they are in fact only small numbs that grew off of the side of his pinky fingers, so they are not causing any problems for him, nor do they help him catch or throw better, which is such a shame.

Six Instead of Five

You are probably tired of reading about extra toes, but don’t blame us, blame the celebrities, because we have one more with this strange deformity, and that celebrity is none other than Halle Berry. Who would have thought that she can have an unusual body part, but allegedly she does? She was born with six fully functioning toes, which maybe makes her walk more enjoyable.

Loll Out

Danny Jones is an English musician who is one of the lead vocalists for the pop-rock band McFly, and he has some weird feature as well, one we haven’t mentioned so far. So, the thing that makes him special is his tongue, which is longer than normal. Maybe that’s how he sings so well.

The Legend

David Bowie was, is, and will forever be a music legend, and his songs will never die. Everything about him was specific and special, but there is a story about his eyes. When he was a teenager he was punched in the eye, and his pupil was permanently dilated, so it looked like he had two different colored eyes.

Hide Your Secret

Here comes one rapper, and he is DJ Paul, a founding member of hip-hop group Three 6 Mafia. If you know who he is, then you are familiar with the fact that he always wears a brace on his right arm, but he has never revealed the reason why he does it. Some people say he wears it because he had a birth defect that prevented his arm from developing.

Atypical Beauty

You may remember this guy from the MTV series Teen Wolf, which had massive success. Tyler Posey’s jaw is not symmetrical, and once you notice that, it is really difficult to unsee it. His fans think that this asymmetry is adorable, and that makes him even more beautiful, even though it doesn’t fit the standards of beauty.

Unnecessary Hate

We will finish this list with the one and only John Stamos, the star of ‘Full House’. He has a thing called a deformed belly button or an outie, and John claims that it is the result of a childhood operation to repair an umbilical hernia. Some people say he should get it fixed, and others are happy with his appearance and think that he is one of the best-looking men in Hollywood.