Award Winning Gym Moments That Will Leave You In Splits

The motivation that a workout session at the gym demands is quite a lot! But once you are there, you should be prepared to witness some crazy moments happening around you. Of course, don’t be too engaged in those hilarious moments that you forget to exercise. We have compiled some hysterical and unexpected gym photos that would reveal a different side of that place. Motivation on its way!

Gym Day For Pup

If this is some sort of new exercise that involves a dog, then we are probably going to the gym right away. 

Let’s be practical, maybe the pup just came for a fitness run and landed on this woman. He looks really focused and not in a mood to get up anytime soon. We all need to learn from this one and concentrate on our workout more. 

Anyway, a really fun gym moment is captured!

Tricky Mirror Selfies

Gym selfies are very popular and the social media platforms are filled with so many. People work out for a while and quickly head to the changing room for a “sweaty” picture to flaunt their toned muscles. 

This picture could have been normal if there wasn’t a repetition in the backdrop. At first glance, it looks like there is only one girl in the frame and her reflection in some mirror behind her. But look closely, that’s another girl in the exact same pose and almost the same outfit. How tricky and perplexing is that!

A Fairytale Gym!

Those heavy and sparkling gowns worn by Disney princesses are attractive and we cannot imagine them in any other outfit let alone gym wear! However, this gym seems to have a theme and this is how people show up there. 

Pick your favorite Disney princess, style yourself in her way but transform that dress into appropriate gym wear and do your workout. 

We know it’s hard to control your laughter at this one!

Workout Time: 5 Minutes

That’s right! This is the maximum time people spend on a treadmill or a bench press. For the next 30 minutes (or more), this is what is done. Selfies are crucial especially to let your friends know that you are on the fitness track! 

We can see how much these girls worked hard at the gym - not a single sweat mark, hair, and makeup on fleek!

Heavy Enough… For A Picture?

You don’t need to know much about the gym to tell if the effort shown by this girl is fake or real. She is not lifting any heavyweights and that expression is only for the camera. 

She could have kept it natural but then, she would be doubtful of how the picture turns out. That’s strategic! She even smiled a bit while being clicked and that’s another hint.

Stuck And How!

A gym can be a tricky place too with all the complicated equipment and machines present here. One needs to be aware of all those machines and their use before jumping onto them. Look how badly stuck this girl is! You don’t want to end up like this, right?

Make sure you know all about the working of the equipment and don’t get too excited.

We hope this girl got rid of this entanglement. It looks harsh!

Strength Multiplication!!!

This is how you represent strength or at least this is how you do it at the gym. Find a partner who is equally fit and addicted to work out as you are and try forming this tower. 

This activity will reveal the actual strength of your body. You can add more people to this tower and keep multiplying the strength. This training might be unheard of but is definitely fun!

Mid-Workout Surprise

What’s a dream proposal for you? Many would want it to be amid a beautiful landscape with serenity surrounding them. However, neither of the two elements appeared in this proposal! We all know how crowded and noisy gyms can be. 

The guy decided to go down on one knee and ask the big question in that “environment”. Both are gym lovers, so, it makes sense, right?

Abandoned Gym?

We would like you to shift focus here. Just take a look at the background in this photo as that is something strange. Do you see any other person working out or even just standing there? No one except this girl thought it to be a good idea to join the gym.

The best part about an empty gym is that you can take as many selfies as you wish without a few eyes prying on you from the corners. Go ahead, find one in your neighborhood!

Heels At The Gym!

Should we laugh or be in shock after looking at this particular gym photo? When did heels become a part of the gym outfit? Are we lagging behind in this “trend” thing?

Either those girls had to attend a party right after the workout session or they wanted to experiment this look. You can make your own assumptions too! They might turn out to be hilarious and maybe even logical to some extent.

Pose With The Punching Bag

You could have not expected that a punching bag can also be used this way. A photo session with one? That’s hysterical! These girls came up with this idea and you can see the outcome right here. When did the gym turn into a photo studio? 

We knew that punching bag had the purpose of training people and helping them strengthen their muscles. This kind of posing with it is new to us and is amusing to some extent.

Yoga Poses Reach Dogs

Gyms conduct special yoga classes for its members and here is the most dedicated and adorable member. That yoga pose is a difficult one to do and this dog is acing it!

You should take inspiration from this one and try to do it better the next time. Also, if you have a dog, you can take him to the gym to make him experience a fun moment like this.

An Eccentric Workout

It requires a lot of strength and confidence to pull this kind of “pose” at the gym. These girls thought they could execute it successfully but this picture tells a different story. In fact, it worries us a little. We hope no one was hurt in this stunt. 

You can go eccentric at the gym but make sure it’s safe. Working out with a partner can be risky and just don’t let this happen!

Ball Gowns - Not Only For Prom!

This girl deserves a huge round of applause for trying a few exercises in her tulle ball gown. It’s hard to guess if she is returning from the prom or headed to one after this. Where else can you witness such a crazy scene? Gyms have a funny side to them and here’s proof of that. Also, is this girl preparing herself for the job of wiping the mats at the gym? Still confused!

Try At Your Own Risk!

Why is she standing on a stability ball and holding weight as if she is ready to play throw and catch with it? It’s a matter of concern as the stability ball is not a good choice to perform this kind of stunt. 

No matter how well you are at balancing your body, you cannot trust the stability ball especially while standing on it and a heavyweight in your hand. 

The gym would never fail to amaze us with such actions!

Some Gym Days Be Like…

When all you want to do is follow a fitness regime and not worry about the “appropriate” gym wear, this is how it would look. 

That dress can be good for a beach outing on a sunny day and those heels would be good for a clubbing night. She combined all of it and showed up at the gym. 

Puzzling yet hilarious!

Doing It For The Cameras?

We have never seen such crowded gyms ever!

It seems like people headed straight to the gym after their work as their outfits depict. We wonder what they wanted to capture in their phones. Is it some kind of special workout being executed by those people in the “spotlight”?

We are just curious and slightly amazed by such a crowd at the gym.

Variety In Gym Wear!

This group photo of women flaunting their muscles (and their outfits!) is giving us some serious goals. Those outfits are a bit too much for us but can’t complain as they look amazing. 

That “bikini look” with pink socks is getting a lot of attention as we never expect that kind of outfit at the gym. Anyway, the best thing is the confidence that this photo reflects.

A Creature From The Future

Just when you thought that Stormtroopers from Star Wars are fictional and we can only see them on screens, one appears right in front of you at the gym. That soldier wanted to stay fit too and so, made his way to the gym. 

Should you run away, take a picture or ignore what happened in this situation? We think running away would be logical considering the weapons carried by the Stormtrooper!

Twinning… In Every Way.

Yes, these are identical twins wearing the same gym outfit and posing in a similar way. Not a common sight at the gym but this happened!

These girls have a great following on Instagram and we can see why! They are so fit and we are inspired by this picture. 

Anyway, you can try “twinning” with your best friend or partner at the gym as well. Don’t forget to capture it.