Bizarre Things That Are Banned In Countries For Reasons You Can’t Imagine

People love making a set of rules and that is the reason our forefathers made some rules for us to follow. Yes, they might have a reason to ban it a hundred years ago but today, these bans need to be lifted. Some of such bans are just hard to believe. These bans need to be removed by taking a single legal action.

Let’s see which countries have managed to keep such outlandish bans intact till now.

Baby Walkers: Canada

This just crossed all levels of absurdity. Moreover, Canada is not even ashamed of following this weirdly weird rule. In April 2004, this rule was legalized. The reason behind the ban is the injuries that are caused to the children with this harmless thing created for the convenience of parents. 

There was an increased frequency of accidents like flipping over of baby walker, rolling over the stairs and many others. If a person possesses or sells a baby walker, he could be fined or even be sentenced.

Weekend Work Emails In France

France is one of the oldest modern-day nations. The people there are very particular about the work schedules and about their rules as well. We are not totally against this one. 

French work hard and they enjoy harder on weekends and that is the reason they have a strict rule of “no professional mails” on weekends. In a company of 50 employees or more, you cannot mail an employee who has worked enough in the weekdays. If you end up doing so, you may land up behind the bars.

Hence, you better keep your gadgets away on the weekend and focus on partying.

Ketchup In School Cafeterias In France

French take their food quite seriously and their health is even more important to them. Ketchup isn’t considered healthy enough to be served in cafeterias, especially where kids are present. They are not big fans of processed food, hence the ban. 

The excess amount of ketchup is not to be served in excess amount and if you are found doing so, you will be warned against it.

English Words In France

French is definitely a land of rules and a proud country as well. They want to embrace their culture and language and want the coming generation to adapt the same. To avoid the deterioration of the language, the French have not only banned the hashtags but they have also banned over 5000 words of English. 

This ban is applicable in schools and official French documents.

Decadent Western Cuts: Iran

In the Islamic Republic of Iran, people are serious about how you look in public. Your hairstyle is an essential part of your look. They don’t want their countrymen to be influenced by western culture. Hence, the weird hairstyle, like spikes, mullets, ponytails or any hairstyles that you see in the western countries are banned in Iran. 

They have a set of approved hairstyles and you cannot go beyond them. If they breach the rules, they can be beaten publicly. Seems like men in Iran cannot experiment with their hair even if they want to! 

FYI, Iran is the most liberal Islamic state in existence!

Chewing Gum: Singapore

There was a complete ban on chewing gum since 1992. It has been done because Singaporeans consider chewing gum nothing but a nuisance. They hate it when they find a chewing gum sticking to walls and they come across a gum that is stuck to their shoes. 

It is intolerable for them. However, you can get the gum of medical prescription. Since 2004, the ban has been raised from some of it because of its medical reasons. The amendment has allowed only chewing gum that has therapeutic, dental, or nicotine-curbing value.

Weird Baby Names: Various Countries

Okay, we are not against this one because some parents really lose their logical mind and name their kids with some really weird words that don’t even make any sense after a point of time. In countries like Denmark, New Zealand, Sweden, the government wants to save you little munchkins from the attack of weird names all throughout their lives. 

There is an approved list of names and you can name your child anything out of it. So, that leaves no room for experiment in names.

Wearing High Heels On Ancient Grounds: Greece

Greece is known for its historic sites and they are really old, older than we don’t know what. Hence, the government has banned these sites. Say what? Yes, you are not allowed to roam around in historic places of Greece and the reason behind it is that your heels are sharp enough to harm the sites. 

The government doesn’t want the excess pressure of the pinpointed heels to crack those sites in the future. Hence, take your shoes along and skip the heels.

Keeping Goldfish In A Round Glass Bowl: Rome

Italians are known for their sensitivity and they can sense the sensitivity of a fish as well. They think that capturing an animal in a bowl in insensitive and intolerant as well. The reason is not just cruelty. 

According to the scientists, glass doesn’t give enough space for oxygen to pass and that can turn the fish blind. It seems logical to us now!

Not Walking Your Dog: Rome

If Italy is considerate about their fish then how can they be unfair to the dogs? After all, dogs are faithful, unlike Italian men. It is compulsory for a dog owner to take the dog out for walk thrice a day. In 2005, this rule was legalized in Italy. 

So, if you skip a day, you might have to pay a fine of 500 euros. So when in Greece, act like them or be ready to be put behind the bars.

Anonymous Blogs: Russia

Now that we are talking about bizarre rules, how can we miss out on the Russians? They are known for their weirdness. You are okay until your blogs have 3000 visitors daily. The moment your blog crosses this number, you will have to reveal your identity and get registered as a media outlet.

These bizarre people take their security seriously and nowadays, digital security is even more important. Hence, keep your blog registered before they send you an invitation for your next meal in prison.

More Than 25 Pennies In One Transaction: Canada

In the cashless era, people don’t want you to give excess cash or even pennies. In Canada, you are not allowed to give more than 25 pennies per transaction. It is because the government doesn’t want you to carry filthy pennies as they can be harmful to your hygiene. Also, counting a large number of pennies can be taxing for the person who has to count them. 

The Canadian government has always been careful about its citizens and that is the reason they don’t want them to carry the burden and pass it on to others.

Overweight Employees: Japan

The definition of citizens of Japan is “prim and proper”. Japanese lead a healthy life maintaining a body structure that can’t be questioned unless you have a medical condition. The employers in Japan have now put up penalties for employees who go overweight. Also, if you are in the age group of 40 to 74, you have to maintain a waistline and there is a regular check-up for that. If you go beyond the permitted level, you are given dieting guidance.

Well, we understand the intention behind the ban but isn’t this unfair for people who have a medical condition?

Creating And Sharing Memes: Australia

We are offended now! How can a government ban the only source of happiness in the life of the millennials? Shocking, right? 

Well, according to facts, if you are found making and sharing memes in Australia, you will end up in jail for about 5 years or you will have to pay a fine of $93,500. We are shook! That’s not all, if you post a picture of yourself that appeared in the newspaper, it will be considered illegal. 

Have Aussies gone crazy or what?

No Honking In Front Of A Sandwich Shop In Arkansas

Arkansas, a small country has a law passed and according to that you cannot honk outside sandwich shops after 9 p.m. If you are found doing the same you might have to burn a hole in your pocket and it will be for thousand dollars and it can get worse because they can put you behind bars as well.

The country is fed up with people who honk excessively and to maintain a peaceful environment, the government has passed this rule. So, be patient while you are in the queue of a drive-through.

You Can’t Kiss On Sundays In Connecticut

Do they have cameras in houses as well? Hartford, Connecticut wants you to stay away from your wife on Sundays. Please tell us we are dreaming! This can’t be a rule.

Well, unfortunately, it is not a dream and people have to stick to this rule. There is an unknown reason behind this setup but the US needs to get rid of such archaic laws that are of no use and just a hurdle between a couple. If they ban a couple from kissing on weekends then when are they supposed to get the action?

In Tennessee, You Can’t Share Your Netflix Password

In 2011, the government of Tennessee passed a rule that you are not allowed to share your password for Netflix or any other paid subscription. Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam signed the bill. 

In his explanation for the deed, he said, “The law is mainly targeted at hackers who steal and then sell log-in information in bulk. But this means it will also be a crime for everyday consumers to share user log-in information with friends so they can access media downloads for free.”

If you are caught doing that, you will end up in jail for a year along with a fine of $2500.

In Samoa, It Is Illegal To Forget Your Wife’s Birthday

We assume this one makes all the women in Samoa the happiest. The people of Samoa are known for their friendly nature but they can turn vicious when they need to. Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson is the perfect example. 

Getting back to the point, if you forget your wife’s birthday you might have to pay a hefty fine. If this happened three times in a row, you are accused of breaching the marital conduct.

So, when are we moving to Samoa, Mr. Husband?

In Oklahoma, You Cannot Make An Ugly Face At A Dog

Oklahoma, Tulsa, Yukon these places aren’t funny just because of their names. The funny part begins when you start getting familiar with the countries and their rules. In Oklahoma, you are not allowed to make a funny face in front of your dog. 

We wonder, how would the government find out if the person made a funny face while he and the dog are alone in the home? Do they have a way to ask from the dog? On a serious note, you could actually be sent for remedial rehabilitation if someone found you doing the deed. Along with that, you might have to pay a fine as well.

In Switzerland, You Cannot Flush The Toilet Building After 10 PM

Haven’t we all heard the track, “I am a sucker for you, baby!” Here the baby is peace, at least for the people in Switzerland. People want nothing but peace. Work is important to them in working hours and the rest of the time is reserved for peace. 

Their rest means pin drop silence. So, after 10 p.m. you cannot go to take a dump and then flush it. Why? Well, because apparently they get disturbed by the water movement in the pipeline. Also, if there’s an emergency, you gotta bear the stink and flush the huge pile of digested food the next morning.