Couples Announced Their Pregnancy In A Hilarious Way And The Internet Can’t Stop Applauding

Not long ago pregnancy was a private announcement between the parents and close family members. But social media has opened possibilities for one of the most important milestones of one’s life to be shared online. Thus, our feeds are now bombarded with cute baby announcements! Some choose perfectly styled professional photo-shoots to make the big announcement while others choose the emotional route. Then there are parents who bring out their unique sense of humor to tell the world they have a baby on the way. It totally makes sense and the opportunities are endless. These people decided to show off their humorous side with their pregnancy announcements and we can’t get enough of them!

Announcing With A Gender Swap

There is nothing funnier than a pregnancy announcement that plays on the good old gender swap idea! The mom wearing a plaid shirt with jeans and the dad rocking a maternity floral dress with a basketball belly, can it get better than that? He might not be carrying the baby himself but he got the point across. People will laugh their head off, there is no way anyone can miss this photo while scrolling through their feed!

Baby Under Construction

A baby inside its mom’s belly is a baby under construction! So why not play on this idea in the actual pregnancy announcement? This couple knew exactly what they were doing and the results are impressive. An old wall, some black paint and an eye for detail is all they needed to pull this off. That derelict wall is the perfect backdrop for ‘under construction’ tag line. But the highlight is the painted curve to resemble how the belly will look at full term!

She’s Eating For Three

Three words to describe this pregnancy announcement- subtle, funny and spot-on! For anyone looking for a simple yet humorous way to break the big news, learn from this woman! She is eating a combination of pickles and ice-cream, classic food cravings during pregnancy. If anyone didn’t get the message with that, the bowl itself said- ‘Eating for three’ and you do the math! Isn’t that a witty way to tell your friends you are pregnant with twins?

Going The Halloween Way

Imagine you are pregnant on Halloween and there are no costumes that work with your baby bump and you haven’t yet announced your pregnancy to your friends. That would set up anyone in panic mode but not this woman! She used her Halloween costume to announce her pregnancy without doing the ‘bun in the oven’ costume. This x-ray t-shirt plays into the spooky element with the skeleton and makes the point clear. Now that’s what we call killing two birds with one stone!

An Eviction Notice

What other reaction would you expect from someone who just got handed an eviction notice? This poor kid’s crying and screaming is justified. We just hope she was able to strike a good deal, isn’t that what people do when they are evicted from their homes? Giving up the crib might not have been all fun and games but this pregnancy announcement sure is! We bet the parents had a mind blowing sense of humor to pull off this idea. BTW 27 weeks sounds like a reasonable period to vacate!

A Surprising Announcement

Not every pregnancy is planned but couples don’t always say that out loudly. This couple was different and they decided to include the ‘surprise’ element into their pregnancy announcement! The fact that this couple already had two kids made the husband’s reaction of fainting even funnier. In his defense, that might be a genuine reaction for some dads when they haven’t planned a third child. We love this couple’s brave sense of humor and to the dad- ‘Three’s a charm so get up”!

Bob Ross Saves The Day

Is there anyone who is not acquainted with the great painter Bob Ross? This couple was probably also a fan of the artist and decided to bring his essence into the most important announcement of their life! We love how the dad dressed up like the painter and the mom-to-be had her belly take the place of a canvas and instead of trees, it was a baby in the womb. But the highlight has to be the caption, a quote by Ross himself that works wonderfully in a pregnancy announcement!

Double The Bundle Of Joy

The moment parents find out that they are having twins, they experience so many different emotions. There is joy, excitement and also terror. After all, while they are double the fun, they are also double the diapers and double the exercise! This couple found humor in their state of terror and excitement. This witty couple used nausea (common pregnancy symptom) to declare their reaction to the news. Couldn’t get any more real than that!

A Saucy Announcement

We aren’t sure who first thought that bringing spaghetti and meat balls into a pregnancy announcement would break the internet but it worked! This isn’t a new idea but it is celebrity approved. NFL Player Torrey Smith and his wife Chanel also broke their pregnancy news with some pasta sauce just like this couple! The Italian pasta sauce brand, Prego has made an appearance in so many baby announcements but it still doesn’t get old. Someone was definitely witty and we can’t get over this ‘saucy’ announcement!

Here We Go Again

This is what happens when you have three kids and you don’t remember the last time you had a full night’s sleep! The terror of having a fourth child is visible on the dad’s face. Perhaps he stays on diaper duty at night! The three girls also look pretty upset about their new sibling. Two of them are in the middle of a full blown meltdown but that’s just every family picture with kids, right? For all we know the cranky photo-shoot theme was a spontaneous decision when the kids stopped cooperating!

Math Loving Couple

Not everyone wants a big photo-shoot with costumes, props and letter boards. Some couples prefer a simple and clean pregnancy announcement. This minimalistic idea is cute, clear, inexpensive and perfect for the math loving couple! The way they have used the blackboard to do a simple calculation is very nifty! The family is growing and what better way to tell the world than with a simple addition? We bet all their friends were able to put two and two together!

Belly Bonus With Donuts

How do you announce your pregnancy at work with a little treat, still inexpensive but also humorous? You do what this woman did- bring a box of donuts with a cute and witty message on it! Let your baby make its own arrival announcement while caring for his mommy. This baby doesn’t want his mom to be the only one with a belly so the entire staff will eat donuts to fatten up! It is a happy announcement so a little sweetness is mandatory, right?

Not The Baby Anymore

So many couples whip out the most ‘likes generating’ member of the family to make the big announcement on social media and of course, it is always the dog! We’ve seen many different versions of the dog announcing the baby’s arrival but this one isn’t like anything. Once the baby arrives the dog won’t get as much attention. But using this in a humorous way to break the news is so fresh. We love how the dog looks annoyed for not being the ‘baby’ anymore!

Ice Ice Baby Announcement

If you like music and want an inexpensive way to tell the world about your pregnancy, this is a great idea. Two bags of ice and a heart on the belly is what this couple needed to make the big announcement. Either the couple was a fan of this music video or they are simply a witty pair who knows how to take over the internet. Either way, Vanilla Ice would approve of this creative pregnancy announcement for sure!

Only Child Expiring Soon

Well, little girl, you had a good run! We understand your disappointment as your reign as the only child of the family has ended. She will now have to share her mom and dad but she’s crying because she just realized she’ll have to share her toys too! Jokes aside, this is a clever way to announce that baby number 2 is on its way. We hope this girl stopped crying and enjoyed her last days as a solo child!

Covered In Art

So many couple opt for maternity photo-shoots where the mom is flaunting her baby bump. While it is a beautiful way to celebrate the joy of motherhood, not all moms are comfortable with it. Some moms simply want to keep their bellies hidden but still make the big announcement. This couple came up with a unique idea to break the news without showing off the belly. This brilliant artwork gives the message loud and clear without making the mom conscious about her body. That’s so adorable!

Drinking For Two

Who doesn’t love a glass of wine with dinner and a bottle of beer with barbeque? Nobody says no to that except when they are carrying a baby in their belly. But who would have thought to use this information for a pregnancy announcement? This couple got witty with their simple photo where the husband is showing off his beer and the sign says he’s drinking for two while his wife has been sober for 3 months now. Simple yet creative, nothing can beat that!

Pregnancy Plan Of Action

A couple that is pregnant and knows how to have fun is already winning the parenting game! They could have simply used the ‘days to baby’ post-it note and called it a day. But instead, they went the extra mile to make their pregnancy announcement funny. Their game plan of panic and panic again is spot-on, we’d have laughed at just that. But the third point is the highlight. That’s how you use your pet cat for announcements (and practice diaper sessions)!

Bun In The Oven

You can never go wrong with the classic ‘bun in the oven’ announcement. It is simple to put together, still cute and the grandma will understand it immediately! This couple is totally owning this idea. The stand mixer on the shelf, the flour stained aprons and the oven mitts, every little detail is spot-on. We are obsessed with the way they used ‘setting the timer’ to reveal the expected date of baby’s arrival!

Big News In The Newspaper

To every couple their pregnancy is one of the biggest news for them that they want to share with the world. But this one couple went above and beyond to make their pregnancy announcement the talk of the town. They may not have announced it in the local newspaper but they did something even more exciting. They designed their pregnancy announcement in the form of a newspaper! We are sure their friends were also obsessed with “The Baby Tribune”!

Carved Pumpkin Photo-Shoot

Is your baby arriving in October? Are you planning to announce your pregnancy near Halloween? If either of the two situations hold true for you then perhaps you’d find some inspiration from this couple. Their pregnancy announcement is subtle yet detailed. The pumpkin is a symbol of the woman’s womb and the baby carved onto it is pure perfection. They might have called in a professional for this carving but it was so worth it. Simplicity at its best!

Releasing A Movie Poster

Movie nights might have to go for a while after the baby arrives so we hope couples indulge in it while they can. But this one couple decided to take their love for movies a notch higher and have something to laugh about when they can’t watch a 2 hour movie in one go! They announced their pregnancy by designing a full blown movie poster with the whole ‘based on true story’ concept! From the star cast to the release date to the actual photo, this is a well thought out idea.

A Superhero Spin

Batman and Robin are an iconic duo and ignoring them on you newsfeed is next to impossible! These parents had the perfect idea to bring their older child to announce the pregnancy with a superhero twist. The kid is looking so proud though we aren’t sure if that’s a reaction to turning into a big brother or because he’s wearing Batman’s costume! Perhaps this superhero theme was a ploy to get the child be in the photo-shoot. Well if that’s the case, they are already winning at parenting!

For The Coffee Couple

They are a simple couple, they like their morning coffee and want their pregnancy announcement to be no-fuss yet cute. Choosing Starbucks cups as the headliner for their big news was a no brainer. It couldn’t have been any more low-key and true to them! This easy to assemble idea is popular all over the internet and still nobody seems to be bored of and we understand why. Every couple puts their own little twist just like this one here with their tag line, “Baby #2 is brewing”!

For The Gamer Family

Can it get any cooler than this? If you are a couple who competes with each other in video games, this might be the perfect way to announce your pregnancy. The couple lined up their shoes and placed their controllers in front of them and added tiny baby shoes and another controller in front of them. It is simple and cute but editing of the picture really amplifies the vibe. We love how Player 3 is loading!

Number 2 On The Way

Some people think that potty humor is lowbrow but that’s not always the case. When used the right way, it can get some pure laughs. Like using a potty joke to announce a pregnancy! While using ‘number 2’ to denote both poop and the second child can be used with the elder child of any age, but this one was extremely well planned. The ‘big sister’ going through her potty training made the whole thing 10 times funnier!

Say It With Shoes

So many couples have announced their pregnancy with the whole photo-shoot of shoes that we have lost count now. It is a popular trend that isn’t going anywhere soon. This couple also jumped on the bandwagon but with a little of their own twist. Instead of just keeping tiny shoes with their own, they photographed the soles of the shoes where the year and month of birth were written. Now that’s how you play on a trend but make it your own!

Entering A Sports Team

Sports loving couples don’t have to do the whole sonogram photo-shoot to announce their baby. Every couple is unique and when they bring in their passions to make the big announcement, the results are spectacular! This couple knew that they didn’t want to go the usual route to announce their pregnancy. So they donned some complimenting jerseys with their names on the back and had a mini jersey for the ‘new member’. That is one refreshing idea that does not deviate from the main news!

The Paw-Some Brother

Who would scroll past this photo on their newsfeed and not leave a comment? Nobody! This gorgeous dog wearing spectacles is a treat in itself. But here it is making a big announcement for a pregnant couple. Can you ignore that? The doggo seems to be reading the book ‘How to be a big brother’ and if that isn’t self explanatory, the sonogram is also taped to the book to clarify everything. We have faith in this good boy, he’ll be the best brother ever!

Releasing His Partner In Crime

We can’t get over how funny this is! Involving the elder child in your pregnancy announcement is a cute idea if the kid cooperates, otherwise it can escalate into a messy business. But this kid seems more than happy to be announcing the birth of his sibling! The whole concept is brilliant. Sitting on the car the kid is holding a board that reads, “My partner in crime is in custody! Release date July 2018”. We can’t wait for his partner to be released from his prison!

Footprints In Sand

Some of the best ideas in the world are actually some of the simplest! Sometimes when the news is as happy as a couple’s pregnancy, it doesn’t need much to make everyone cry happy tears. This couple was very clear that they didn’t want to go over the top with their announcement. They simply went to the beach, made footprints on the sand and just a little carved text to tell the world when their baby is arriving.

I am Not The Father

Have you ever wondered how lesbian couples announce their pregnancy? They don’t have to necessarily adopt a child. Science has helped so many women conceive through IVF. So when a lesbian couple is pregnant, how do they tell the world in a humorous way? These two women had no inhibitions when it came to their big announcement. They wanted the world to know that they were a lesbian couple having a child but without saying much. The t-shirts are doing all the talking here and the expressions of course!

Some Baby Shark Music

Who hasn’t at least once tried to skip and jump at the song, ‘Baby shark doo doo doo doo’? We are all guilty so why not take it a step further and use it to announce our pregnancy? One couple took the chance and the result is adorable! The elder kid dressed up in a shark costume is the cuteness factor we didn’t know we needed in this photo! The letter board with song on it but due due due instead of doo doo doo is just so witty.

A Pregnant Safety Pin

From the simple idea of a smaller pin inside the bigger pin to this more elevated version, many couples are opting for the pregnant safety pin photo to break the news. Something must be right about this, why else would it be going viral? This is a cute idea that requires almost no preparation and is extremely inexpensive. While a simple pin within a bigger pin would get the job done, this couple went the extra mile and even revealed the baby’s gender in their announcement. That’s one smart idea!

Training The Big Sister

Isn’t this photo adorable? This is such a brilliant idea when you have two kids and are pregnant a third time. This couple surely has a sense of humor and daughters who want to play along! The elder one is training her younger sister on how to being a ‘big sister’. We would have said that it can’t get cuter than that but the attire and those big geeky glasses have knocked this out of the park!

A Pet Human’s Arrival

There is nothing cuter than your pets announcing your pregnancy. After all, who will scroll past a puppy telling you its mom was having a baby? The whole idea of a dog breaking the big news on social media is already awesome but this couple added a bit of humor to it. The board next to the two cute pugs says, “Mom and dad are getting us a pet human”! We love the funny angle here along with the confused dogs.

Announcing The Tie Breaker

It is adorable when kids are included in the big announcement of the arrival of their little sibling. It makes the whole news sweeter and ups your chances of getting likes and comments on the post! This couple had a boy and girl and decided to use this in the best way possible to tell the world they were expecting a third child. In a way the third child would be a tie breaker and choose one of the two teams. Isn’t that exciting?

Spill The Beans

What happens when someone takes a saying too literally? It is either cringe-inducing or ends up making everyone laugh. This couple banked on the fact that their literal display of ‘spilling the beans’ would make their friends smile. They used a jar full of black beans to ‘spill’ the news of their pregnancy. The two pink lines of joy are the perfect addition to this set-up. This clean and simple pregnancy announcement has won so many hearts over the internet that people are coming with their own versions of this idea!

One More On The Way

This is the pregnancy announcement for pro level parents! A family just casually sitting on the bed with their snacks to announce a pregnancy might be every couple’s dream but not everyone can pull this off. This couple had experienced the no-sleep routine for three times and thought, “What’s one more?”! Their ability to laugh at themselves turned this idea into a laughing riot for their friends. But how on earth did they manage to keep 3 kids of different ages smile for a photo-shoot?

A Tale Of Three Bellies

This idea started a while ago as a fun little way to announce pregnancy for a couple who doesn’t want to go the traditional route. But so many people have used this idea to announce their pregnancy that it has become a classic now! That doesn’t mean it has lost its charm. This couple added their own little touch to the beer v/s pregnancy belly. They included their elder child into the shoot and named her tiny belly after her favorite drink. We got to give it to them for their creativity!

Naughty Elves Hiding A Secret

If you are expecting your baby around Christmas, this is a fantastic way to break the news to your friends and family. A couple of naughty elves have stolen your ultrasound photo and posing with it while you kiss your partner in the background. It can’t get any cuter than that! People are doing their different takes on the elves pregnancy announcement. From an elf revealing a well kept secret to a nauseous elf, there are various ways you can do this.

A Shopping Cart Of Baby Supplies

There is no denying the fact that a lot goes into preparing for the arrival of a baby. There are so many things that the little one needs. From diapers to onesies to toys, the couple has to shop a cart full of supplies before the baby is even here. Keeping this in mind, this couple announced their pregnancy with a letter board while the couple is pushing a shopping cart full of supplies for the baby. It is cute, simple and fun!

A Bump In The Road

A pun is all you need to make your big announcement even more special! The extra humor is always welcomed with a baby announcement since it is about to change your life. This couple jumped at the opportunity to use a pun to let the world know they were expecting! They used the phrase ‘a bump in the road’ and wove it into a pregnancy announcement. The woman is standing with her ultrasound photo while the man is holding a sign that reads ‘bump ahead’. Such a genius idea!

Watch For Children

This couple seems to be living the life of new parents even before the baby has arrived! They decided to announce their pregnancy with a little humor, a touch of reality and smart usage of a sign board. We are in love with their idea. They got the photo taken in front of a ‘watch for children’ sign with a baby car seat and some baby clothes. The couple attempted their best to look sleepless and unwashed to look like real parents who have been dealing with ‘dirty diapers and sleepless nights’!

Do It Disney Style

Some people have a Disneyland proposal while others go to this amazing theme park for their honeymoon. But how many people take the Disney route to announce their pregnancy? This couple headed straight to meet the Mad Hatter with their props in tow for a funny Disney themed announcement. While the Mad Hatter himself holds the board that says the date of the baby’s arrival, the mom plays on the Hatter’s love for his watch. P.S. did the couple get an invitation to the tea party?

Welcoming The Lockdown Baby

While the pandemic brought misery to so many people, it also kept families locked in their houses. While people in the outside world were keeping a safe distance from each other, couples got some time to get closer and well, make babies! This couple found it funny how they conceived during the pandemic and set up a corona themed announcement. While they laugh at their lack on social distancing through the letter board, the bottles of corona beer add the pun factor!

Expect The Unexpected

A couple who is a fan of suspense thrillers will love this idea! This couple has probably watched Godzilla more than a few times because it seems to have etched its presence on their minds. Why else would their pregnancy announcement show a Godzilla making its way out of the woman’s belly? Alternately, this might be an indication that this baby was ‘a surprise’ or unplanned, however you like to put it! Since the letter board talks about expecting the unexpected, it can be interpreted in a few different ways.

Trading For A Crib

This pregnancy announcement is the perfect cocktail of reality and fun. Women usually avoid high heels and alcohol during pregnancy and bringing these elements to show that she is ready to trade these things for a crib is priceless. The dad on the other hand has a basket full of gaming controllers and drums to represent the hobbies that he won’t have time for once the baby arrives. Someone did the ‘trading for crib’ idea very symbolically and we are here for it!

A Horror Movie Poster

While most couples choose to announce their pregnancy with a happy or cheery post, some people want to do things differently and we can’t blame them. This pregnancy announcement might not be everyone’s cup of tea but it surely would be awesome for couples who love to watch horror movies. The woman’s period is 28 days late which indicates pregnancy and any doubts anyone might have are cleared with the rocket like home test kit. We bet some very creative mind was behind this poster idea!

Capturing The ‘Oops’ Moment

Not every couple wants their pregnancy announcement to be cutesy, some just want the shock factor. This couple probably wanted to get a reaction out of their friends. It is safe to say that they received a lot of messages after posting this photo! The mom is holding kids alphabet blocks arranged to spell out ‘oh shit’ while looking upset about the pregnancy. But the highlight is the father in the background with his head hanging low like the worst possible news has been delivered to him!