DIY Hacks To Keep Your Car Clean And Fresh Like Brand New

We know how car junkies are obsessed with keeping their cars look perfect. Yes, we are talking about you! That smell when you first stepped into the brand new cars, yes, that one, we know you want to hold on to it forever. So, why not make sure that your car looks and smells like it still is brand new?

Stain Remover

Well, keeping your foot mats squeaky clean can be the toughest job. People are continuously stepping on them without caring about your feelings. So, you can use a stain remover to get rid of tough spots and then put it in a front-loaded machine and wash it at a low setting. Your mats should look way better after this drill.


We can be dumb and put some embarrassing stickers on our love. But how to get rid of them once you have achieved sense? That is when WD-40 comes into play. Just spray it over the sticker and let it soak in the chemical. You and your car will get rid of the embarrassment in a matter of few minutes without putting a scratch on the smooth surface of the love of your life.

Hair Conditioner

Say what? A hair conditioner being used in a car? Don’t judge us, we have our reasons. We all love the new waxy look in our cars, don’t we? Hair conditioner contains lanolin that helps you get exactly that look on the dashboard and everywhere else. All you gotta do is pour some of the conditioner on your towel and wipe off the surface that needs the shining.


If you are thinking what this drink could do then let us tell you that it can do wonders. We know spilling it in the car can leave it all sticky but using it in the right way can make your windshield shine. Just pour the can on the windshield and cover the paint with a towel. Wipe off the cola and pour water over the surface to get rid of extra stickiness.


Have your friends been hogging in the car? You can assure that they have left the crumbles on the back seat and you are going to have a difficult time with the vacuum cleaner. So, ditch the cleaner and first take a rough toothbrush to get rid of all the crumbles. You will easily get rid of the extremely small bits and pieces if you use vacuum after this drill.

Coffee Filter

Another way to have a squeaky clean dashboard is to use a coffee filter. This specific paper is made up of lint-free paper and this paper has a quality you have been looking for. It collects all kinds of dust particles from the surface and it doesn’t even let the dust particles spread all over the place. Isn’t that what you were looking for?

Cooking Spray

When the bugs won’t stop sticking to the exterior of your car, the cooking spray will come handy. Spray a bit of this spray o the problematic area and on wiping it off, you are good to go. There won’t be any more bugs left. A can of PAM will do the job of picking off flies. Why not try it on your own?

Silica Gel

The air vents don’t get the kind of attention they deserve. Hence, we thought we should include them in this. This part of the car has an abundance amount of bacteria and getting rid of them is important. They are hard to reach but there is one thing that can help you clean this tough spot. Silica gel gummy cleaners will help you reach every nook and corner of the air vents. So, get it from your nearby store or online shopping sites.

Old Sock and Windex

Cup holders are never going to stay clean when you are carrying a few drinks and you are a fan of rash driving. So, we have a way for you to clean them up and avoid the stink of sticky drinks. Take a cup that fits your cup holder and cover it with a sock. Spray a bit of Windex and clean up the area.

Wooden Cloth Pins And Essential Oil

Over time your car doesn’t smell as pleasant as it used to. That is when your wooden cloth pins will come handy. Pour some essential oil on the pin and stick it up on the air vents. You will get your favorite fragrance in your car without investing a lot in your car fragrances. We are sure you will get the brand new fragrance in your car using this DIY.

Screw Driver

Even if your toothbrush hasn’t worked well on the nooks that are impossible to reach, your screwdriver will always do the job. Just put a cloth around the screwdriver and clean all that you can without leaving a spot. Even the deepest and the trickiest spots will be all clear after your cleaning session.

Clay Bar

A wax coating always seems like a go-to option for giving your car a shiny and fresh look. However, it is going to cost you a lot of bucks. Why not switch to rubbing your car’s exterior with a clay bar instead? It will take off all those stubborn stains, giving your car a nice finish without having to worry about a wax coat.

Rubbing Alcohol

You just finished cleaning your car and then you realize that the joy is short-lived when those wipers immediately leave their dirty imprints on the windshield. Clean the blades with a cloth that has some rubbing alcohol applied to it. It helps to get rid of any dirt or grease to save your windshield from any kind of dirty streaks later.

Distilled Vinegar, Club Soda & Dish Soap

Here’s a DIY answer to the old problem of getting rid of those hardcore stains. Prepare a mixture of 1 Cup of Distilled Vinegar, 1 Cup of Club Soda and 1/2 cup of Blue Dawn dish soap. Shake it well in a spray bottle. Spray it on the car seats and scrub it thoroughly. Wait for it to dry and there you go!

Olive Oil

Cheap and healthy, Olive Oil is not just essential in the kitchen but an all-rounder. Even a drop of it can do wonders. Take a clean cloth, apply a small amount of olive oil to it and clean the dashboard. And boom, you have a completely clean surface. Hence, pour some olive oil on your car and not just in your salads.

Hand Squeegee & Spray Bottle

You know you’re in trouble when a cat or a dog has been in your car and it’s time to clean the mess later. No matter how hard you try, you’re going to end up realizing that 80% of the hair is still stuck in the seats. Spray some water on the seats and use a squeegee. It would loosen up the hair and make them easily removable.

Silicone Cupcake Liners

It is always a tough job to re-clean the cup-holders since they get mucky very easily. Here’s a preventive measure for the long run in order to increase the time between the cleans. Fit silicone cupcake liners inside your cup-holders and take them out for a wash whenever they start getting dirty with little bits you spill in the car every now and then.

Baking Powder

No matter how much you try, you can’t just stop your car from attaining a bad odor from time to time and that is why air fresheners exist. Here’s a quick tip. Sprinkle your car’s seats and floor with some baking powder and vacuum it after letting it sit for a few hours. The powder helps in absorbing all the bad smells.

Kitchen Powder Cleaners

Out of the entire cleaning process, the tires seem like one tough job. Here’s a little secret. The same powder that is used to polish your kitchen pots and pans can be used to clean the tires. Take a clean cloth, sprinkle some powder on to it and spray some Lysol. Use the mixture on the rims of the tire and get an absolutely new look!

Trash Cans

Trash cans are visible everywhere and are a must be it our bedrooms or living areas. However, few of us actually think of installing one in our cars. Think about it, it is indeed a great way of instantly disposing off the garbage and preventing the car from getting messy with those soda cans and wrappers that have a habit of slipping under the seats.

Magic Eraser

As easy it is to clean them, leather seats are the most prone to getting the most stubborn stains. Take a large magic eraser and make it slightly wet. Scrub it on the target leather or vinyl seats. Be gentle with the process and first try it on a hidden area since it is extremely powerful and might harm your seats.

Foam Paintbrush

It can be hard to acquire silica gel pads for the air vents when you’re giving your car the last minute clean- up. Use a foam paintbrush instead; you can easily get one from a dollar store as well. It is a perfect substitute for cleaning the air vents by shoving it between the gaps. And this way your car can smell like a brand new one.


Keeping windows clean has always been a frustrating task especially since they get even worse when the grease gets all smeared up by cleaning them with a cloth. Keep the windows of your car crystal clean by using some old crumpled newspaper. Spray the window with any cleaning product and scrub it with the newspaper. You will find the windows of the car squeaky clean after this.

Dryer Sheets

Summer season is the ideal season to see your car full of the corpses of those tiny bugs and mosquitoes as they throw themselves on to your car. Spray some water on your car and use a dryer sheet to rub the bodies off the target areas. As gross as that might sound, Dryer sheets are indeed your car’s savior.


Salt can actually damage your car and cause rust and corrosion if those crumbs are left for too long. In order to save your car’s paint, prepare a mixture by mixing one-part vinegar and one-part water in a bottle. Wipe off all the salt by spraying it on the car. The results will shock you and give you a phenomenal result.

Toothbrush & Dish Soap

As handy as toothbrushes are for getting into the unreachable corners of your car, they can also be used for cleaning your armrest’s inside. Scrub the angular compartments of your armrest with a toothbrush and a mild dish soap. It will help you get rid of all those unwanted oils and dirt. So, you can expect your car to be all fresh and oil-free after the cleaning session.

Large sheet

A clean car always seems like an impossible idea when you have young children or pets. Food bits, hair; you name it and it’s there. It’s always wise to take preventive measures instead of cleaning every nook and croony before going for a pick-up. Cover the back seats with a large sheet so that cleaning the mess is just a throw in the wash away!


The joy of cleaning the car is so consuming, that we often neglect the most important stage. Neglecting the car while it’s still wet and not doing the proper drying process means attracting more bugs and dirt to it. Save yourself from the trouble and dry the car with a towel or a wet sponge. Dry up the exterior and interior of the car for the complete clean look.

An Iron

It’s no less than a nightmare when you have to remove a melted candy or crayon from your backseat. Don’t worry, here’s your escape. Take iron and put it on a low setting. Cover the mess with a paper towel and put an iron on the top of it. The mess will stick to the iron and you’re good to go!

Scented wax

Air fresheners might not be your best option especially when their scent is too strong. Make a DIY car freshener; take a jar and poke some holes into its lid with a drill. Put some scented wax cubes into it. The holes would allow the soothing fragrance to escape into your car as the wax cubes melt when your car is all hot and sultry.

More Coca-Cola

You’d be surprised to know that along with being a great cleaning tool, the carbonated drink can be used to remove rust as well. The citric acid and phosphoric present in Coca-Cola help in removing stains and the metal oxides present in it help to break rust from the metals. Rinse the areas later with water. Make sure to avoid the engine and gas tank during the process.

Compressed Air Can

No amount of tactics to clean those nooks is going to be enough, so here’s another one. Point the nozzle of the can towards the dirty area and see the task turning into a child’s play. It helps to loosen up the crumbs with its reverse effect of a vacuum. Who wouldn’t want to clean when it becomes such an easy task?

Windshield Helpers

Besides giving the windshield a displeasing look, the layers built upon the windshields also make one lose focus on the road. A microfiber windshield cleaning tool is just the device that comes in use to wipe the dirty windshields. Always keep one in handy. So you don’t have to depend on your monthly car washing sessions.

Wet Wipes

Save yourself from future remorse as the stains get even worse with time. They won’t work on rough stains, but keeping wet wipes in handy is always ideal to mop off any potential stain instantly. We highly recommend this little trick that goes a long way. After all, wet wipes don’t just clean your face. They are worth much more credit.

Prep Box

A prep box with all the tools that can be used in an emergency is an absolute must. Equipment like jumper cables, ice scrapers, and a car jack take up a lot of space in the back and create a complete mess. Keeping them in a neat cardboard box helps to reach them easily in an emergency. Prep up the car and yourself for the next squeaky clean day.

Check Under The Seats

What might seem as obvious is always the most forgotten step? Rolling up the seats make it easier to spot any sneaky food bits or other culprits that might have been causing a mess in your car. The process also makes it easier to vacuum later. The seats need some attention and so does the space under it, don’t skip it!

Checking Your Roof

Vacuuming the car’s roof is as important as vacuuming its floor. The carpeted roof of the car makes it prone to a lot of dirt and dust particles and hence it is advisable to give it a clean-up as well. This little tip can indeed end up doing wonders in your entire car cleaning process. Are you willing to make your roof spot free?

Clean Your Ashtray

We absolutely recommend this, even if you don’t smoke. The ashtray is home to a lot of dust and dirt particles and not just cigarette butts. Once you’re done cleaning it, apply some rubbing alcohol or freshener to it to give it a nice finishing touch. And that will add on to the freshness of your squeaky clean brand new car!