Something Was Wrong
The teacher knew something was terribly wrong. Over the last little while, she had watched as 10-year-old Maddie Hemsworth arrived at school late and in tears.

She decided to call the young student over and ask her what was going on. But Maddie wouldn’t tell her. That was when she decided to trail the girl that evening. But she had no idea what she was about to come across.
Her Pride And Joy
Leslie Orellana, a middle-grade science teacher, loved nothing more than teaching and guiding her students. She saw it as a source of genuine pride and joy.

It was always a pleasure for her to see her students smile as she spent her days with them. Leslie knew she had to intervene when Maddie started coming in late and with tears in her eyes.
Something Wasn’t Right
Maddie refused to speak up. As an experienced guardian, Leslie noticed the girl was afraid to talk, which worried her.

Maddie had always been a cheerful and polite young girl. She was fearless and always kept a positive attitude. So what changed? Leslie knew she had to formulate a plan to get to the bottom of this.
She Changed
It had been three years since Leslie met Maddie at their town's middle school. Watching Maddie top her class repeatedly, she had taken pride in the brave and equally talented girl.

Leslie knew Maddie would go places. She had a beautiful mind, and Leslie wanted her to succeed. The teacher's perception changed almost instantly when she noticed the girl's change in demeanor and her constant tardiness.
A Normal Day
On a bright Monday morning, it all started. The first period had already begun, and the halls were empty, with students already in their classes.

As Leslie hurried across the school hall to her first class, she tucked her teaching aids under one arm. Teaching classes was usually one of her favorite things to do. Leslie was filled with excitement. She had no idea what she was about to encounter.
She Heard Something
In the lonely hallway, Leslie heard a faint cry in the distance. Her eyebrows knit together as she stopped in her tracks.

She'd been here long enough to know a distress signal when she heard one. She turned around, sharpening her senses to pinpoint the source of the cry as she held her charts in both hands.
After a few minutes, Leslie pinpointed exactly where the sound was coming from. As she approached the school's main entrance, Maddie was seated on the steps.

As she sat, the girl wrapped both arms around her legs. As she sat sobbing, she hung her head, appearing defeated. Leslie walked closer.
Be Gentle
"Maddie," she called ever so gently. "What are you doing out here? Class has already started." She stepped near the girl, lowering as soon as she was close enough.

"Are you okay?" She'd noticed the streams of tears lining Maddie's cheeks. The girl wiped them away quickly and forced a smile. She seemed to search for words, but after a second, she only nodded and got up.
The Black SUV
Leslie came up after her. She was about to ask Maddie why she was out there again when she noticed the girl's eyes were gazing past her.

That's when the teacher turned around, wondering what Maddie was staring at. It was then that she saw it, the dust-ridden black SUV parked just outside the gate. The driver, seemingly noticing the teacher, quickly drove off.
Taking Her To Class
"Come on," Leslie took Maddie's hand, her eyes still stuck on the SUV as it disappeared around the corner. Luckily, Maddie's first period was science, which Leslie was going to teach.

But as she walked the girl to class, she realized Maddie was still terribly upset. But the problem was that she wouldn't talk. But that wasn't the worst part.
The Problem
Leslie realized that Maddie was still crying, though silently. She didn't even bother wiping her tears, only let them flow freely as she walked beside the teacher.

Leslie had to stop and go down on one knee. "What's wrong, Maddie," she asked. But Maddie remained tight-lipped. Leslie had to take her to the washrooms to clean up before they went to class. She thought this would be a one-time thing, not knowing it would be a daily occurrence.
In Class
For two consecutive days, Maddie was late to school. Then, one day, she wasn't in class for thirty minutes while Leslie taught. The girl's desk was empty, and when Leslie asked her friends whether she'd come in, they shook their heads.

The teacher had to put the class on hold, dividing the students into groups before giving them assignments to tackle in said groups. With that done, she hurried out of class.
Searching For Her
Leslie didn't know where she was going. Her steps echoed in the empty hallway as she hurried to the school entrance. That's where she'd last found Maddie. What were the chances she'd find her there today, too?

She burst through the school entrance, but Maddie wasn't on the stairs. The teacher was about to turn back when she spotted the girl. Her heartbeat paused.
There She Is
Maddie was walking through the main gate, her eyes puffy. Her clothes were messy and wrinkled as if she'd been in a street fight. Her hair was also matted and all over the place.

She kept rubbing her neck and back as if she were in pain. Tears burst through her eyes as soon as she saw Leslie. Behind her, the black SUV screeched off, disappearing around the corner as the day before.
Leslie didn't need to look at Maddie twice to see that she was more upset than she usually was. She looked worse than before with her puffy, red eyes, disheveled hair, and messy clothes.

Her mood seemed to have deteriorated even further because she couldn't even look Leslie in the eyes. She didn't even nod or shake her head to answer the teacher's questions the way she had been. "Let's skip class," Leslie said. "We can spend some time in the staffroom. I have a tub of ice cream you'll like," the teacher suggested.
Her Answer
But Maddie, a bonafide ice cream lover, didn't answer. She didn't give any gestures that would indicate her stand on her matter.

But her tears doubled, and she started walking to class, leaving a stumped Leslie behind. The teacher had had enough. She needed to get to the root of this issue and fast. Maddie's very well-being depended on it.
Summoning Her
That afternoon, Leslie summoned Maddie to the staffroom immediately after lunch period. Treading the line between a gentle guardian and an authoritative teacher, she asked the student to sit beside her.

"Maddie," she began in a light tone, her face split by a lovely smile, “I've noticed you've been very unhappy of late. You've also been coming to school late. Is there something going on at home you want to tell me?"
She Finally Talks
Leslie fidgeted with her fingers for a long time. Her eyes, stuck on the floor, were already glossy with tears. She mustered the words to express herself for the first time since this issue started.

"I… I don't want to go home," she said. A bulbous, colorless drop had already broken through the thick line of tears under her eyes. It rolled down her cheek, and she didn't bother to wipe it. "Can I go home with you?" she asked.
"What?" Leslie asked before wiping the surprise off of her face. "What do you mean you don't want to go home?" The teacher's heart broke. There was more to this story, and she needed to find out what.

But she also couldn't pressure Maddie into speaking. There was a risk of her becoming completely closed off. Leslie had already noticed the fear ablaze in her eyes. She could see it on the girl's trembling lip. She decided to take another approach to the matter.
Sometimes, Things Get Difficult
"Oh, honey," she began, finally putting away her authoritative teacher persona. “I know sometimes things get difficult at home. It’s alright. But I'm here for you. You can tell me anything, you know that, right?"

She needed to reassure Maddie that she was on her side. She needed to show her that giving her trust wouldn't land her in any trouble. To her surprise, it worked!
Let Me Go With You
Maddie nodded and said, "Let me go with you, Ms. Leslie. Even if it's just for a night." She looked at Leslie, her tears doubling. She could tell that such a request was impossible.

Taking her tiny hands, the teacher said, "You're scared. I get that. But what you're asking is sort of impossible, at least for now." She knew the repercussions of going home with a student, even if she was just trying to help. But what could she do to help? What was going on with Maddie?
Maddie hesitated, her eyes searching Leslie's face for a sign of understanding. "I can't go home," she whispered, almost as if saying it out loud made the situation more real. Leslie felt a chill run down her spine, realizing the depth of Maddie's distress.

Leslie took a deep breath, choosing her words carefully. "Maddie, you need to tell me what's happening. I want to help you, but I can't do that if I don't know what's going on at home. Is someone hurting you?" The words hung heavy in the air, and her tears now flowed freely.
Absent Parents
Leslie knew without a doubt that something was going on in Maddie’s household. Neither of her parents attended the recent PTA meetings, and even though Leslie had sent several letters home with Maddie, none of the letters came back with a reply.

Leslie thought back to the day she spotted the SUV outside, and how it sped off when she approached. But she had no idea how terrible the situation truly was. But then, Maddie said something that crushed her heart into smithereens.
“I just don’t want to be scared anymore. I want to tell you the truth, but I can’t,” Maddie opened up. A wave of dread washed over Leslie. Why was Maddie scared? What was happening to her every time she went home to her parents?

Leslie knew that she had to report this concerning behavior to the school counselor, but she had a gut feeling that it would only make the situation worse. But then, Maddie spoke up again.
One Night
The little girl stared up at Leslie with pain behind her sunken eyes. It was apparent that she had been crying for days on end. Maddie hesitated, but then, she suggested something Lesie wasn’t expecting.

“You can take me to your house just for tonight. I promise I won’t tell anyone,” The girl pleaded. But why was she so desperate to get out of the house? Leslie decided to ask her about it, but she did not expect her response.
They Don’t Care
“Maddie, is there a reason why you don’t want to go home?” Leslie asked, her heart aching in her chest. If only she had known how terrible the situation truly was. But then, she thought of something else. “Won’t your parents wonder where you are?”

The little girl bowed her head in shame. It was clear that Leslie’s question had washed another wave of sadness through the little girl. “They won’t care. Sometimes I think my dad wishes I’d just disappear,” She shrugged.
A Bruise
With pain in her heart, Leslie decided to extend a hand out to the girl, but when she placed it on the girl’s shoulder, Maddie winced. Confused, Leslie glanced at the spot she had touched. Her t-shirt had moved slightly, revealing a purple mark on the little girl’s skin.

She gasped aloud, which caused the girl to quickly move away and readjust her shirt. “Maddie, who did that to you?” Leslie asked, tears welling behind her eyes.
She Was Lying
“No one did. My dad says I’m just clumsy. I fell off my bed the other night. It just made a small bruise,” She responded, but Leslie could sense that she was lying. Something awful must have happened. But when did she sustain the bruise?

Leslie wondered how appropriate it was for her to be speaking to the little girl about the matter. She was starting to wonder if she would get into trouble if she took the conversation any further. But that didn’t matter. Maddie needed her help.
Her Past
Maddie’s situation reminded her of her own childhood. Would the little girl open up once she realized that they weren’t all that different? She decided to give it a shot.

“You know, Maddie, when I was your age, I had lots of bruises too,” She started. Maddie glanced up at her, a knowing look in her eyes. “But I didn’t get them from falling off the bed or tripping down the stairs. But, my stepdad always told me to lie and tell people I was clumsy when they asked me about them."
Maddie looked up at Leslie with wide eyes. It was like she felt a sense of familiarity in Leslie’s story. Was it possible that she was facing the same kind of horror? Leslie could tell that Maddie was considering opening up.

Her hands rose to her face as she wiped the tears from her cheeks. At this point, Leslie was crying too. But then, the little girl asked a haunting question that Leslie would never forget.
A Question
“Did your stepdad tell you that people would take you away if you told them the truth?” Maddie asked in a small voice. It was like she was afraid that someone would be listening in on their conversation.

Leslie’s heart dropped. She couldn’t help but wonder what terrible things were truly happening when Maddie went home every evening. “Yes, that is what my stepdad would say,” She blinked, sending a river of tears falling down her cheeks.
Pushing Her
Maddie turned away from Leslie and stared into the distance. She was deep in thought. Laslie couldn’t help but wonder if Maddie was finally ready to tell her the truth.

She placed a hand on her arms. This time, she was sure not to squeeze too hard. She didn’t want to risk hurting her. “Maddie, I’m here for you. I promise you can tell me the truth,” Leslie pleaded.
She Wanted To Help
But Maddie remained silent for a while. She was deep in thought, wondering if she could take the risk and tell her teacher what had been happening at home. She was so close to spilling it all, Leslie just had to push her a little more.

“You can tell me anything, and I promise I won’t tell a soul,” She promised, but she didn’t know what she was getting herself into.
34 Support
Maddie thought for a second longer, but then, as she drifted into her own thoughts, she began crying once again. The tears were pouring down her cheeks, and Leslie could sense that she was closing up again. She didn’t feel strong enough to talk about it.

“I can’t,” The girl sobbed into her hands. There was nothing Leslie could do. So she decided to be supportive.
No Support
“You know, you are a brave young girl, Maddie. You are brave for keeping it together and coming to school every morning while you are feeling so terrible,” She wanted to show Maddie that she was on her side.

But this only made Maddie more upset. She wasn’t used to being around supportive adults who wanted to help her. Leslie’s heart ached for the girl.
Not Opening Up
She didn’t know how she was going to handle the situation. Maddie wasn’t opening up to her. She looked frightened, and to her, this was all the telltale signs of something sinister.

Leslie felt so sorry for little Maddie. She couldn’t even begin to know or understand what she was going through. If only she could just speak to her.
Maddie sniffled, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. She looked at Leslie, torn between the fear of revealing her secret and the desperate need for someone to rescue her.

Leslie could see the sheer desperation in the girl’s eyes. Leslie wanted to help her, but she couldn’t do much if Maddie wasn’t willing to speak up.
Don’t Let Them Take Me Away
Leslie took Maddie’s hands in hers. “Sweetie, I’m going to need you to tell me exactly what’s going on. I really wanted to help you, but I can’t do that if you don’t give some information, please,” Leslie pleaded.

Maddie just looked down and then said, “I can’t tell you what’s going on. I don’t want them to take me away. I don’t want to go away,” she sobbed.
An Alternative
Leslie knew she needed to help her student. She'd have sleepless nights if she let Maddie suffer through this alone. But what could the teacher do when she didn't even know what was happening?

After a deep breath to clear her mind, she said, "Running away from our problems is never the solution, Maddie. We stand tall, and we face the issue head-on. While going with me will help, sorting out your problem so it never happens again will be even better!"
Not Happy At All
She hoped Maddie would see the logic in her thinking. But the girl was not happy at all. Streams of tears fell down her face, and she broke away from Leslie's hold.

She eyed Leslie with a look of pure betrayal. That look broke the teacher through and through, making her wish she hadn't suggested solving Maddie's problem. Before the teacher could react, the girl had already run away.
Chasing Shadows
Leslie chased after Maddie, her heart pounding in her chest. She called out to the girl, pleading for her to stop, but Maddie continued running, disappearing around a corner.

Leslie felt a surge of panic. She couldn't let Maddie face whatever demons haunted her alone. She wanted to run after her, but before she could, Maddie was nowhere to be found.
Going To The Source
This whole thing was beginning to make Leslie very concerned. There was no way of knowing what Maddie was really going through unless she physically did something.

She decided that the next thing she could do now was go to Maddie’s house. She had all of her students' addresses on record. It was time to get to the bottom of the issue.
Maddie’s House
Maddie’s house wasn’t too far from the school and when Leslie pulled up in front of the house, it looked very quiet.

She walked up to the door and rang the doorbell.
However, after standing there for a few minutes, she decided to leave. It looked like no one was home. That was strange. She could have sworn that Maddie’s mom told her that she worked from home.
New Information
She walked all around the house, but it was clear that no one was home. She felt she wasn’t getting any closer to the truth about Maddie’s dilemma.

As Leslie walked back to her car, a neighbor came up to her and said something very puzzling, “Are you looking for the Hemsworth family? They aren’t home, haven’t been for some time now,” the older man said.
Where Was The Family?
Leslie couldn’t believe what she had just heard. The house didn’t look empty apart from there being no people inside, but from what she could see, all the furniture was still inside.

When she got back to the school, she couldn’t stop thinking about what the man said to her. If there weren’t any people living in the house, then where was Maddie going every day?
A Quiet Afternoon
Leslie sat quietly in the staffroom. She was at her wit's end. Driven to extremes, she made up her mind to trail Maddie as soon as school came to a close.

Maddie had already revealed enough. The source of this issue was deeply rooted in her home life. Leslie would follow her and see what was going on. If only she knew what she was about to uncover.
Time For Action
Evening came, and a curious Leslie hurried to her car in the school parking lot. But she didn't drive off, opting to wait until the black SUV came to pick Maddie.

She had to wait for a while because the SUV came late in the evening after every child had gone home. Leslie's heart broke as she watched Maddie, awash in tears, head to the vehicle. She wondered if she'd made a mistake not agreeing to take her home.
Following Them
The girl got into the SUV, and Leslie turned her car on. She waited for the SUV to drive off before tailing it. Leslie felt sick to the pit of her stomach as she followed the vehicle. There was something wrong with the situation.

The SUV's driver took a few turns and headed downtown to a sketchy area where few people frequented. She watched as the SUV came to a stop, and a man hopped out. Soon after, Maddie stepped out, too.
Her Dad
Leslie watched with interest. She'd already recognized the man as Maddie's dad. She'd met him on numerous occasions over the years. But he looked different. For one, he wore tattered clothes and looked like he hadn’t had a haircut in a while.

Leslie tried to keep her distance as she observed the strange man. But she had no idea what she was about to witness.
Odd Behavior
The man seemed drowsy as he staggered about before leaning against the wall. He said something to Maddie, and the girl nodded meekly. But her eyes were wet with tears.

The man started throwing his arms about. Leslie couldn't hear him, but she could tell he was either upset or too excited. He started approaching Maddie, and that's when it happened.
Calling For Help
Leslie had been watching closely, her fingers tight around her steering wheel. But as soon as Maddie's dad started stalking toward the girl, she got her phone and dialed the authorities.

Her danger alarms had gone off in her brain. She could see the fear in the girl's eyes. This couldn't be good. Luckily for her, a patrol car had been close and pulled up to the scene without wasting a second.
Time For The Truth
Leslie came out of her car as soon as the authorities stepped out of theirs. Seeing her, Maddie came running, her face drenched in tears. She hugged Leslie tightly, sobbing and heaving. Her dad watched, and for a second, he looked hurt.

The authorities approached him. Leslie expected him to put up a fight, but he didn't. They started asking him questions, and he willingly answered. It was then that Leslie realized she'd made a mistake.
A Needed Explanation
Maddie's dad explained everything, from the late mornings to the reason his daughter looked shabby and had been crying. About a year back, he'd discovered that his wife had been unfaithful to him.

Naturally, he'd filed for divorce. But he had no idea she'd been taking loans under his name and maxing out his credit cards. But that wasn’t all. He continued his explanation.
Six Months
In a span of six months, he and Maddie found themselves on the streets. The bank had taken everything they had, with his ex-wife disappearing to God only knew where.

He'd recently found work as a valet during the day, which blessed him with the black SUV – a company car. Sadly, all the cash he made went to paying his debt. But his explanation did little to explain why his daughter was always late.
We’ll Be Okay
Well, Maddie's dad was still trying to find a home for them as the motel they'd been living in for the last six months kicked them out. For five days, Maddie had been sleeping in the SUV at night while her dad went out to do odd jobs so he could find them a place to stay.

He'd come in the morning to take her to freshen up at the local gym before they had breakfast, and he drove her to school.
But Maddie had been scared, not because she was usually alone in the car but because she constantly worried about her dad's well-being while he was away. In her mind, if she found somewhere to stay, even if it was for a night, her dad would take the car to his numerous jobs. He'd be safe. She’d been so adamant about it, and her dad had refused to take the car. That’s why she was usually sad.

Maddie's dad opened the SUV's trunk, showing the authorities the only possessions he and his daughter had left. "Blankets and a few changes of clothes," he smiled. "But I know we'll be okay," he said. He'd just come from an interview, and things were looking good. "I trust we'll be okay."
Supporting Maddie
Leslie stood there, absorbing the truth that unfolded before her. Maddie's dad, despite his own struggles, was doing his best to provide for his daughter. Leslie felt a mix of emotions – sympathy for Maddie's situation, admiration for her dad's resilience, and a determination to help them.

With tears in her eyes, Leslie approached Maddie's dad. "I had no idea," she whispered, her voice filled with empathy. "We're going to figure this out together. You're not alone in this, and Maddie deserves all the support we can give her."
Community Effort
Leslie rallied the school staff, reaching out to teachers, administrators, and even students. The school organized a fundraiser to help Maddie and her dad secure a stable place to live. The response from the community was overwhelming, showcasing the power of collective compassion.

With the support of the community, Maddie and her dad found a temporary place to stay. The local businesses pitched in with job opportunities for Maddie's dad, and Leslie made sure Maddie had everything she needed for school.
Hope Restored
As weeks passed, the Hemsworths' situation gradually improved. Leslie continued to be a pillar of support, checking in on Maddie and her dad regularly. The once teary-eyed girl started smiling again, and her dad found solace in the caring community that had embraced them.

The experience taught everyone involved valuable life lessons about resilience, empathy, and the importance of extending a helping hand. Maddie's story became an inspiration, sparking a series of community initiatives to assist families facing adversity.
A Bright Future
With newfound stability, Maddie continued to excel in her studies. The school, once a place of refuge for her, now became a symbol of resilience and hope. Leslie beamed with pride as she witnessed Maddie's strength and determination shaping a brighter future for herself and her dad.