He Puts A Bar Of Soap Beneath His Sheets Every Night And This Is What It Does For Him

Once in a blue moon when we are finally able to have a good night’s sleep, it feels nothing less than a miracle. At times, our nights slip away but we are unable to dive deep into our dreams for a peaceful sleep. That can be quite annoying and wearing! There can be numerous reasons for this sleeplessness during the night but many people have complained about having restless legs during their bedtime. We all wish to wake up fresh in the morning after having a good sleep for some necessary hours. But that seems to be just a daydream especially when one suffers from Restless Legs Syndrome.

What Is Restless Legs Syndrome?

For a few of us, restless legs may be a temporary thing but for some, this is a serious concern as it interferes with their sleeping pattern and ruins their night-time. 

This nervous system disorder causes the person to move their legs constantly. It leads to extreme discomfort and sleeplessness as it is mostly triggered when the person lies down in a resting position. The ones suffering from this disorder experience a powerful urge to move their lower limbs as that action makes the uneasy sensations fade away.

Symptoms of Restless Legs Syndrome

This disorder puts the person in an uncomfortable place as they can’t rest for a while without feeling the urge to move the lower limbs. They may experience itching, pulling, throbbing, crawling, or aching in their legs and it only seems to leave them when they keep moving. But that causes some serious discomfort especially while sleeping. This syndrome can even be felt in the arms, head, or chest. The symptoms may vary for different people and they can be mild for some while beyond endurance for others. The intensity may change with time. The people who suffer from RLS usually find themselves awake all night twitching in bed.

Impact On The Sleep

Restless Legs Syndrome turns a person’s sleep cycle upside down. People who are diagnosed with this disorder are unable to sleep throughout the night as the urge to move overpowers their bodies when the unbearable sensations begin. There’s an unusual feeling during sleep that may even force the people suffering from RLS to kick while lying down. There must be something that gives them a slight comfort and helps them feel calm for a good night’s sleep. A bar of soap is one solution and you should know how that works!

Soap To Your Rescue

One might not expect this solution for relief from Restless Legs Syndrome but it is actually quite effective. Since this nervous system disorder is caused when the muscles undergo acidification, there is a need to neutralize the system. For the canceling out of the acid, one can turn to a bar of soap. All you need to do is place that soap bar beneath your fitted sheets where your feet would be. After an hour, you’ll notice the sensations going away. You won’t feel the urge to move or shake your legs anymore. It’s amazing how a bar of soap can relieve such excruciating pain but there’s interesting science behind it.

Facts Behind The Remedy

Some soaps have magnesium in them in a favorable quantity. This element has the potential to relax the muscles and so, soap beneath your fitted sheets can reduce the discomfort in the legs. People who suffer from RLS should try this remedy and for better results, they can keep the bar of the soap near their legs for a few nights continuously. It can be quite relieving and can help you bid goodbye to sleepless nights.