Here’s Why You Should Rethink Before Wiping Twice After Doing A Number Two

The last time we discussed our bowel movements with another human being was when our parents trained us in that process. Since then, we have locked the door, did our business, and wiped it off, and never spoken about it with anyone. Well, it’s time to address the elephant in the room and talk about a healthy stool as there has been some research regarding this giving rise to a few conclusions that one must know about. The studies are related to the number of times you wipe after relieving yourself. It’s alright if you don’t have a number but now, you will find out the healthy number as per the latest medical studies. Your toilet paper would thank you for reading this!

Loading Toilet Paper Rolls

One thing that’s constant on our grocery list is the toilet paper. Why every trip to the grocery store involves stacking toilet paper rolls in our shopping cart? We need to calm down with all that loading as we might be doing something wrong here.    We understand that running out of toilet paper when you just finished doing number two is a nightmare but using all those pieces of toilet paper in one visit might be signaling bad news.

Medical Studies For Wiping

Doctors have been advising people about healthy bowel movements and what are the various signs of things turning harmful. A naturopathic doctor has explained that one piece of toilet paper that you pull out from the roll should almost be spotless after you wipe once. One wipe should be a clean one and sufficient. There is a strong reason behind this statement and we haven’t ever considered our waste to cause any trouble for us. You definitely need to know all the details regarding your wiping habit and what it means.

One Wipe Is Sufficient

Doctors have been emphasizing the healthy number of times you wipe off after relieving yourself in the toilet. You should be satisfied after just one wipe and that area should be clean with that one action. The naturopathic doctor who has been studying this motion revealed that if a person has to use more than one piece of toilet paper to clean the area after taking a dump, it is a sign of unhealthy bowel movements. Needing multiple pieces of toilet paper points towards a lot more things connected to your lifestyle and habits.

Indicating Unfit Lifestyle

There can be various reasons for a bad bowel movement but some of the major ones that have been observed by the doctors include stressful days and consuming certain eatables that one is allergic to or can’t digest properly. We need to be attentive to what we devour as it can have a severe impact on our health. We need to be careful about the foods that can be dangerous for our health and can lead to bad bowel movements eventually. Relieving ourselves doesn’t have to become difficult, right? Also, if you are using too many toilet paper sheets, it may indicate that your intestinal bacteria are having a hard time processing the food and performing their functions.

No Mess, No Trouble

When you use quite a few sheets of toilet paper, it means that your stool is messy and loose which is not good news. According to the specialist, your waste needs to be able to sink to the bottom of the seat instantly and be either light brown or a darker brown. We know no one needs too much information but that’s how doctors want to convey the message! A healthy bowel movement is judged by the number of times you wipe after doing number two. One wipe puts you in a healthy zone but if you feel the need to do it more, you might have to re-evaluate your eating habits and lifestyle. Don’t turn a blind eye to your bowel movements – they need attention too!