How Two Adorable Twins Turned Into Instagram Models And Broke The Internet!

Two adorable twins, Ava Marie and Leah Rose Clements have caused a buzz in the internet world. No, they are not hanging upside down from a 40 storey building! These two girls have made a place for them as Instagram models and have garnered over a million followers since July 2017 when their mother created their account when they were 7 years old. Love for them has reached such heights that people often call them “The most beautiful twins in the world”! The sweet girls are not only creating a trail of followers on the social media platform but have turned as established models being represented by two modelling agencies. Los Angeles must be proud of these girls who have taken the world of children’s modeling by storm! The credit for the constant flow of contracts goes to both their beauty and sweet personality. But is it right for girls so young to be put under the spotlight? Read on their life story and find the answer yourself!

Girls Arrived Earlier Than Due

A wait of 37 weeks to meet the world was apparently too much for Ava Marie and Leah Rose. They didn’t want to stay huddled inside their mommy for so long and made their way out 4 and a half weeks before the due date. 

That must have been a surprise for their mother, Jaqi who was not expecting their arrival for a whole month! All’s well that ends well and guess what, Jaqi sees perfect sense in their early arrival now because according to her, the girls are full of surprises.

Amazing Beauty Right From The Start

Can someone hide true beauty? Of course not and it comes as no surprise that the beauty of Ava Marie and Leah Rose was shining bright way early in life! Their mother must have smiled broad when people came around to tell her that her twins were gorgeous. Jaqi Clements probably had no idea that the beauty of her daughters will not only attract people around the family but the world at large.

First Modeling Attempt

People were praising the radiating beauty of the twins and their mother was all smiles but the thought of getting the little ones into modeling had not crossed her mind. At least not until multiple people suggested it to her. Then finally Jaqi decided to give a glimpse of the modeling world to her girls. Ava Marie and Leah Rose were accepted with open arms in an LA based agency when they were just 6 months old, wow!

Not The Right Time

6 months was not the right age for the girls to enter the modeling business. Even their mother was trying really hard for them to make it to the limelight, things were not working in their favor. And then Jaqi quit trying after 3 months and decided to focus on raising the twins and her 2 year old son. Was that the right decision? Keep reading to find out!

Growing Up With Growing Love For Attention

The girls were growing and so was their beauty, oh how they were blossoming! But with each day, their love for attention was also growing. No harm in that! The little girls would perform dance routines for anyone who wanted to see them do their thing. Of course performing made them happy but it was the attention being showered on them that they truly loved!

Do You Want To Try Modeling?

It had been 6 years since Jaqi had tried to get her girls into the glitzy world of modeling and thought that maybe it was time to try again. But this time, there was a twist. She thought that the girls were old enough to make the decision themselves now so she approached them with the question- if they wanted to try modeling along with their swimming and dance classes. What else but “yes” could the girls have said! And their modeling career was born!

When 7 Is The Lucky Number

While a lot of people don’t believe in lucky numbers these days, others swear by their power. When it comes to the twins, the number 7 is probably lucky! Ava Marie and Leah Rose were born on July 7 (7/7) and they got their big break in 2017 when they were 7 years old. There is some connection here, maybe lucky numbers still are cool!

First Gig For The Twins

New models generally don’t start their career with big names, a bit of struggle paves the way. What happened with Ava Marie and Leah Rose was not exactly a struggle because they came across their first gig in their neighborhood. A children’s boutique had popped up in the area and was searching for models and guess who helped them out? The girls stepped in and their mother gladly got out her old camera to snap some shots which not only helped the owner get publicity but also gave the girls something to show for future gigs!

Everybody Was Blown Away

The first gig gave Jaqi some pictures to show as a gate-pass into the modeling world! She decided to send them to modeling agencies and hope for the best. As it so happened that every agency that Jaqi reached out to with the pictures was blown away and wanted to meet the girls. Luck, talent or beauty, who gets the credit here?

Two Is Better Than One

So when the agencies were going gaga over the twins, Jaqi struck up a brilliant idea. Why choose just one agency when they could go with two? So Jaqi got two agencies to represent her twins. One was based in Los Angeles while the other was in Orange County so it wasn’t like the interests of the two agencies would clash. Plus Ava Marie and Leah Rose would get more exposure this way, win-win!

Trouble Comes Rolling In The Way

While Jaqi thought that getting two agencies to represent her daughters would be more fun and barely any trouble, it was not to be! The two agencies managed to clash pretty soon. One agency bagged the Barbie audition for the pretty girls but the other followed close behind with the same audition! Little hiccups are part of the industry, are they not?

Honesty Is The Best Policy

After the episode with the Barbie audition, Jaqi felt that it was best to come clean about having two agencies to represent her girls so that such a situation doesn’t arise again. But wouldn’t the agencies have a problem? As it turned out, they required a bit of work to accept Jaqi’s wishes to have two agencies represent the twins but in the end they figured that it wasn’t wrong in any way!

Instagram Journey Begins

With two agencies in tow, the girls were getting some success in the field which motivated their mother to create an Instagram account for them. Social media is a great tool for publicity so why not employ it for the girls? That’s when the Instagram handle, “The Clements Twins” was born and guess what, it reached 1,000 followers in just 3 months. They have already touched the one million mark and their followers are still on the rise.

Photo Game On Point

Popularity on social media is largely dependent on what you post and when we are talking about Instagram, it is all about good quality photographs. It was after their mother uploaded some shots from a professional photo shoot that their followers increased from just 3,000 to straight up 15,000 in a week! From there it went on to 25,000 after more professional pictures were uploaded. So maybe we could give some credit to Jaqi for the girls’ popularity on Instagram.

Reposting Doesn’t Hurt

It wasn’t long before Instagram fell in love with the girls and was waiting for their next post. Users on the social media platform began reposting their pictures and soon they were all over Instagram, wow! According to their mother, Ava Marie and Leah Rose were featured on Instagram profiles that had more than 9 million followers. Now that is some online success, don’t you agree?

It Is The Twin Factor

Why do you think the girls are such a big hit on social media? Believe it or not the “twin factor” plays an important role in their online success. People react to a twins’ account with more warmth. Plus posting pictures of the two girls together showed how close they were to each other. And then the girls loved to pose together. Nothing to lose, just thousands of followers to gain!

Weekend Photo Session With Mommy

Being a model is all about photos and Jaqi knows that pretty well. Apart from professional photo-shoots, Jaqi tries to click some good shots herself on the weekends. The neighbor with the children’s boutique steps in to provide outfits for the photo session and Jaqi takes some cute pictures which she later posts on Instagram. Of course, the neighbor uses them for her promotion, everybody benefits you see!

Little Tricks Go A Long Way

To be real, it’s not like the girls deck up and pose for photographs every day. They get a bunch of pictures clicked on one day and post them on Instagram at different times. But how do they not get caught? Well, Jaqi has some tricks up her sleeve. She takes breaks for hairstyle and make-up changes that make it look like a whole different shoot. Ava Marie and Leah Rose have a lot to thank their mother for!

Their Beauty Is Mesmerizing

With over a million followers on Instagram, the twins have garnered a huge following on social media. Their beauty is the main reason for their popularity. Their followers are amazed every time a new photo is posted and comments keep coming in. While some call them “beautiful” for others they are “truly stunning”! No matter what someone’s choice of words is, they are all praises for these identical twins.

Offers Are Always Flowing

The beautiful twins enjoy a large Instagram following but it is not only about reaching to so many viewers. The girls get a lot of modeling offers through their Instagram page. All kinds of offers flooded them within a few months of starting their Instagram journey. These ranged from clothing brands to children’s magazines like Kids Fashion Magazine and Mini-Magazine. Now that’s a lot for a few months of Instagram posting.

Highly Sought After In The Industry

With so much being said about their Instagram following and how quick they were to land modeling gigs, there isn’t much scope for doubt about their success and talent. But if there was any speck of doubt, it was cleared when Ava Marie and Leah Rose landed 6 modeling jobs in a span of a week in December. If that’s not called success, we wonder what is!

Friendly Twins Have Friends To Win

Anyone who thinks that getting fame drives you away from people must meet the Clements twins. These girls are just like any other friendly little kid. Going for modelling assignments has not kept them away from making friends but has actually helped them win more buddies. Be it adults or kids their age, Ava Marie and Leah Rose are friendly with all.

Planning To Rule The Runway

The twins have posed for photo-shoots for a variety of projects but can they walk down the ramp? Baring your teeth for a photo is one thing but walking with grace on a ramp in front of hundreds of people is very different. Well, the girls are not actually limited to still photos because back in February 2018, they walked the ramp for the first time and loved every minute of it. There is no way these girls are gonna stop.

Solo Gigs Are A Thing

Part of the appeal is their being twins, no doubt about that. People love to see them pose together and their Instagram does not disappoint with tons of pictures of the pair. But sometimes the girls come across solo gigs and don’t shy away from taking it up. Like back in September 2017, Leah Rose managed to get on the cover of kids magazine Lakeshore. Solo projects are not bad even though the world is in love with the twins together!

Love Spending Time Together

“The Clements Twins” on Instagram is so full of pictures of the pair together that one might suspect that they may be bored of each other. With so many auditions, photo sessions and commercials in their life, the girls are always together. They can get bored, right? The girls don’t feel this way! In fact, Ava Marie and Leah Rose love to spend time together and cherish every minute of it. That is some sister love between the twins!

How’s Life On The Go

Being a model comes with an unsaid expectation of traveling and it is no different with the girls. They have to travel often for modelling photo shoots and commercials. Do they get tired of all this travel? No, the girls actually love traveling for work and would often compile a list of songs for each road trip. Being young comes with its own carefreeness and these girls are living every moment of this time!

Backlashing Is As Big A Reality As Praising

Looking at the adorable pictures of the twins one might not thing of any negative comment to pass on. They are beautiful, talented and successful, what negative things can anyone see? Not all people see it that way. The twins get a lot of praise but it is generally accompanied by negative comments in equal proportions. The comments vary every time but the backlash is real and hurtful for the little girls.

Happiness Is Nothing To Show Off

A lot of negative comments revolve around the idea that the girls don’t look happy in their pictures. One can see some pictures on their Instagram where the girls are not supporting a big grin. But does that mean they are unhappy? What people sometimes forget is that some shoots require the girls to maintain a straight face instead of a sweet smile. How the girls look in their pictures and what expressions they sport are highly dependent on the photographer.

Not All That Make-Up After All

Another of the negative comments come from the belief that such little girls have a full face of make-up on. A lot of Instagram users feel that the girls use too much make-up for their age. But as per their mother, the girls mostly just have their hair fixed for photo shoots instead of makeup. In cases when they do have some makeup it is mostly some blush and maybe some lip gloss. They girls are naturally very beautiful, they don’t even need all this!

Just A Normal Childhood

With so many modelling gigs coming their way, people sometimes feel that the girls are missing out on a normal childhood as they are surrounded by glamor all the time. But according to Jaqi, the twins have a life as normal as any other child. The girls would play with their friends or have their swimming and dance classes in the evening while they attend school during the day. Modeling is just a part of their life, it is not their entire life!

Enjoying What They Are Doing

Whatever their life is like, the important thing is that the girls love it. Some people might feel that modeling is a lot of work for such young girls but since the girls enjoy their work, it doesn’t seem like a burden. Ava Marie and Leah Rose enjoy every aspect of their life in limelight. Be it traveling, auditions or photo shoots, they are open to all these experiences. Plus companies send them a lot of accessories and how many kids out there don’t like free stuff?

Big Brother Enters Modeling

The beautiful twin girls have an elder brother, Chase Robert and he is just as cute as them. It does not come as a surprise that soon after his lovely sisters were facing the camera, Chase also found his inclination towards modeling. As it so happened that the sweet boy also has given his fair shot at modeling and is represented by the same agencies as his sisters. That is one successful set of siblings!

Brother Has Increasing Popularity

Talent and beauty runs in the family and we couldn’t agree more after we saw how increasingly popular Chase Robert is becoming. The boy also has his Instagram account managed by his mother and while he hasn’t reached the popularity as his sisters, he managed to get 12,000 followers in just 3 months! His following on Instagram has crossed the 50k mark and this is only the beginning, he has new heights to reach.

Mommy Steps In To Up The Game

The lovely girls are seen posing for photos all by themselves and people totally adore their confidence. But sometimes their mother steps in with them for photos and that is a sight in itself. At times Jaqi joins her beautiful girls and poses with them to show just how gorgeous all the girls are in the Clements family! A mother posing with two gorgeous girls is adorable.

Mommy Writes A Blog For Her Girls

Apart from managing “The Clements Twins” Instagram page, Jaqi has taken up the task of writing a blog about her lovely twin girls. But what does she write and why? Jaqi writes about the journey of her girls in the modeling world which in itself is very interesting. But she goes on to add the troubles one might face in their pursuit to shine as a model and also how to manage them.

A YouTube Channel Is A Must

Not only do are these twins rocking Instagram with their beauty but they have also branched out to YouTube where their videos are much appreciated. But there is a catch! The channel does not revolve around the unparalleled beauty of the Clements twins. The channel titled healthy You Times 2 features the lovely girls sharing tutorials about their favorite healthy and tasty snacks because well, the girls love to eat healthy!

Traveling Is Family’s Full Time Job

Ava Marie and Leah Rose have such devoted parents who have made their kids their priority. After all the Clements kids joined the modeling world, both the parents made traveling their full time job. Whether it is a photo-shoot or an audition, the parents are accompanying their kids. Their parents, Jaqi and Kevin have their priorities straight- their kids!

Daughters Of Swimming Coach

Kevin, the twins’ father is a successful swimming coach and has coached at USC, Maryland and LSU. Add to the fact that he is a former US national team swimmer and we get a successful swimmer. Since Kevin has such swimming talent that probably says why the girls are so inclined towards the sport. Plus it’ll keep them fit and healthy.

Luci- The Dog

In September 2017 the Clements family brought home their pet dog, Luci. It is surprising how the little girls manage to find time to take care of their pet after school, swimming and dance classes, and of course modeling. The girls are so in love with Luci that they cannot wait to get back home to cuddle and play with it. Luci surely completed the happy family portrait for the Clements!

The Final Decision

Ava Marie and Leah Rose are totally enjoying their time in the limelight as models. But this could be a temporary interest and like any other kid, they may switch their interests soon. As per their mother, she will be supporting the decision of her girls if they ever want to leave modeling for some other career options. According to her, what they do with their lives is their own decision and she would simply be the supporting mother for them!