Husband Sees Wife’s Face On A Missing Person’s Poster, He Calls The Number And Instantly Regrets It

Exhausted Drive

Darius Summet was flat out as he drove through the dark streets on his way home from a long work trip. The thought of seeing his wife, Laura, lifted his spirits. He couldn’t wait to be home, relax, and enjoy a quiet weekend with her.

However, as he passed through a neighboring town, his eyes caught something unusual—posters on electricity poles. At first, he ignored them, but something about the image nagged at him.

A Face on a Pole

Darius slowed down, curiosity getting the better of him. Something on those posters looked oddly familiar. He pulled over to get a better look, stepping out of his car.  As he approached, his heart began to race. The face on the poster was unmistakable—it was Laura. His Laura.

Her image was plastered with the word “MISSING” in bold letters. Darius stood frozen, confusion and fear battling in his mind. How could his wife be missing when he just spoke to her?

Pulling Over

The knot in Darius’s stomach tightened as he yanked the poster off the pole, staring at Laura’s face. It was definitely her, but why was her face here, in this town, on these posters?  It also had another name, Sarah Martin. He tried to convince himself that it was a mistake, perhaps someone who looked like her.

But deep down, something didn’t feel right. “I need to call her,” he thought, fumbling for his phone. The call went straight to voicemail, amplifying his unease. Was Laura indeed missing?

A Closer Look

Darius dialed Laura’s number again, hoping the first call was just a fluke. But once more, it went to voicemail.  He stood by his car, the cold night air biting into his skin as he stared at the number on the poster. “Should I call it?” he wondered, hesitation gnawing at him.

The longer he stood there, the more he felt like he was slipping into a nightmare. His hand trembled as he finally decided to dial the number.

The Decision

The phone rang, each ring echoing louder in his ears. What would he even say? How could he explain this bizarre situation? After several rings, a voice answered. “Hello?” It was a man’s voice, unfamiliar and cautious. Darius swallowed hard, struggling to keep his voice steady.

“I’m calling about the missing person poster. The woman— who is she to you?” he asked. The silence that followed was heavy, filled with unspoken questions and an eerie sense of dread.

The Call

The man on the other end of the line finally responded, but his voice was laced with concern. “She’s my girlfriend. Have you seen her?” he asked anxiously. Darius clenched his jaw, trying to suppress the growing anxiety. “Your girlfriend? And her name is Sarah Martin?” he asked.

The man paused as if weighing his words. “Yes, Yes! Sarah, do you know where she is? She’s been missing for two weeks. I’ve been searching everywhere for her,” the man said, his voice tinged with desperation. Darius felt the world tilt around him.

The Man’s Reaction

Darius’s mind raced as he tried to process what the man had just said. “Two weeks? That’s impossible,” he stammered. “I just spoke to her a few days ago.” The man on the other end remained silent for a moment, then sighed heavily. “So you do know her? I don’t know who you are, but we need to talk. Can we meet?” he asked, urgency creeping into his tone.

Darius hesitated, but his curiosity—and fear—pushed him to agree. “Maybe we should because I have a lot of questions,” he replied.

The Beginning

As Darius drove to meet the mysterious man, memories of his relationship with Laura flooded his mind. They met at a mutual friend’s party. Laura was the life of the party, dancing and laughing without a care in the world. Darius was drawn to her energy, her infectious smile, and the way she made everyone around her feel alive.

They spent the night talking, and by the end of it, Darius knew he wanted to see her again. They eventually exchanged numbers, and Darius couldn’t wait to contact her.


Their relationship blossomed quickly. Darius was smitten by Laura’s vivacious personality, her love for life, and her passion for adventure. They went on spontaneous road trips, attended concerts, and explored new restaurants together. Darius loved how Laura brought excitement into his life, and Laura loved how Darius grounded her, providing stability she never knew she needed.  

It wasn’t long before they became inseparable, spending nearly every moment together when Darius wasn’t traveling for work.

The Proposal

After two years of dating, Darius knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Laura. He planned a romantic weekend getaway to a secluded cabin in the mountains. As the sun set over the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Darius got down on one knee and asked Laura to marry him.

Tears welled up in Laura’s eyes as she said yes, and they spent the night celebrating their future together. Darius was the happiest man on earth. But he had no idea what the future would hold.

The Wedding

Their wedding was a beautiful affair, held in a charming vineyard surrounded by their closest family and friends.  Laura looked stunning in her white lace dress, her eyes sparkling with happiness as she walked down the aisle. Darius couldn’t take his eyes off her, feeling like the luckiest man in the world.

As they exchanged vows, promising to love and cherish each other for the rest of their lives, Darius believed they were starting a perfect life together.

Settling Down

After the wedding, Darius and Laura moved into a cozy home in the suburbs. Laura continued her job as a freelance graphic designer, working from home, while Darius’s job as COO for a financial firm required him to travel frequently.  They cherished their time together, making the most of the moments Darius was home. But as the months passed, Darius began to notice that Laura was growing restless.

She missed the excitement of their dating days, the spontaneous adventures and late-night outings. Did he have something to worry about?

The Party Girl

Laura had always been a social butterfly, thriving in the company of friends and the energy of the nightlife.  Even after they got married, she continued to go out with her friends whenever Darius was away. At first, Darius didn’t mind—he knew Laura needed her own space and time with her friends.

But as time went on, Laura’s nights out became more frequent, and Darius started to worry. He wondered if his constant absence was pushing her away.

The First Big Argument

One night, after returning from a week-long work trip, Darius found Laura getting ready to go out. Exhausted and longing for time with his wife, he asked her to stay in.  “We never spend time together anymore, Laura,” he said, frustration creeping into his voice. Laura looked at him, her expression defensive.

“Darius, you’re always away. I need to have my own life, too,” she replied. The tension between them simmered, and for the first time, Darius felt a rift forming in their relationship.

The Distance Grows

As Darius’s work trips continued, so did Laura’s nights out. Darius tried to talk to her about it, but every conversation ended in an argument. Laura accused him of being controlling, while Darius felt neglected and hurt. The distance between them grew, and Darius began to wonder if they were drifting apart.  

He missed the closeness they once shared, the late-night conversations, and the feeling that they were a team. But now, it seemed like they were living separate lives.

The Missed Calls

Darius’s work trips became more demanding, often keeping him away for weeks at a time. During these trips, he would call Laura, but more often than not, his calls went unanswered.  She would text him back with excuses—she was out with friends, her phone was on silent, and she didn’t hear it ring.

Darius tried to ignore the gnawing feeling in his gut, convincing himself that everything was fine. But deep down, he knew something was off.

The Loneliness Creeps In

Whenever Darius was home, he couldn’t shake the feeling of loneliness that had crept into their marriage. Laura was always busy, either with work or social events, leaving Darius to spend most evenings alone. He missed the days when they would curl up on the couch together, watching movies or simply talking about their day.

Now, even when they were in the same room, it felt like they were miles apart. Darius couldn’t help but wonder if this was just a rough patch or something more serious.

The Growing Resentment

As the weeks turned into months, Darius’s resentment began to build. He felt like Laura was slipping away from him, prioritizing her social life over their marriage.  Whenever he tried to talk to her about it, she would brush him off, telling him he was overreacting. The arguments became more frequent, and Darius started to feel like he was fighting a losing battle.

He loved Laura deeply, but he couldn’t help but feel like he was losing her. Was it too late for them, or could their relationship be salvaged?

The Breaking Point

One night, after a particularly heated argument, Laura stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind her.  Darius was left standing in the living room, his heart heavy with the weight of their crumbling marriage. He didn’t know how much more he could take. The woman he fell in love with seemed like a distant memory, replaced by someone he barely recognized.

He wanted to fix things, to find a way back to the happiness they once shared, but he didn’t know where to start.

A Glimmer of Hope

Despite the growing tension, Darius refused to give up on their marriage. He suggested they go to couples therapy, hoping it would help them reconnect and address the issues that were tearing them apart.  Laura was reluctant at first but eventually agreed. They started attending sessions, and for a while, it seemed like things were getting better.

They talked openly about their feelings, their fears, and their hopes for the future. Darius felt a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, they could make it through this rough patch.

The Effort

Darius threw himself into the therapy sessions, determined to save their marriage. He made an effort to be more present when he was home, cutting back on work trips and planning more activities they could do together.  Laura seemed receptive, and for a while, things were looking up. They went on dates and spent more time talking. Darius started to feel like they were reconnecting.

But despite his efforts, there was still a distance between them that he couldn’t bridge. Darius didn’t know what more to do to save their marriage.

The Setback

Just as Darius began to believe they were making progress, Laura started to pull away again. She became distant, often retreating into herself or finding excuses to avoid spending time together.  Darius felt like they were back to square one, and his frustration grew. He tried to talk to her about it, but Laura would either shut down or deflect the conversation.

The sense of helplessness and defeat began to weigh heavily on Darius, making him question whether their marriage was salvageable.

The Partying Resumes

Laura’s nights out with friends became more frequent again, despite the progress they had made in therapy.  Darius would come home to find her getting ready to go out, and each time, it felt like a slap in the face. He couldn’t understand why she needed to escape so often, why she couldn’t be content with their life together.

The arguments resumed, and the tension in their home became unbearable. Darius felt like he was losing the battle to save their marriage.

The Breaking Point

One night, after another argument about her constant partying, Laura snapped. “You’re suffocating me, Darius!” she yelled, her voice filled with anger and frustration.  “I can’t live like this, constantly feeling like I’m walking on eggshells around you.” Darius was stunned by her outburst, realizing that they were further apart than he had ever imagined.

The realization hit him like a ton of bricks—he couldn’t force Laura to stay if she didn’t want to. The love they once shared seemed to be slipping through his fingers, and he didn’t know how to stop it.

The Distance Widens

After that night, things between Darius and Laura grew even colder. They barely spoke, and when they did, it was strained and awkward.  Darius threw himself into work, using it as a distraction from the pain of their failing marriage. Laura, on the other hand, seemed to immerse herself even more in her social life, staying out later and later.

The distance between them grew into a chasm, and Darius couldn’t see a way to bridge it. The marriage he once cherished now felt like a burden. However, Darius had no idea what was really happening.

The Lonely Nights

Darius spent more and more nights alone, the silence of their home becoming oppressive. He missed Laura, missed the way they used to be, but every attempt to reach out to her was met with indifference or hostility. 

He began to wonder if it was even worth it anymore, if they were just prolonging the inevitable. The loneliness ate away at him, and he found himself longing for the days when their love was strong and unwavering. But those days seemed like a distant memory.

The Ultimatum

Darius reached a breaking point one evening when Laura came home late yet again. “We can’t keep living like this, Laura,” he said, his voice trembling with emotion.  “We need to decide if we’re going to fight for this marriage or let it go.” Laura looked at him, her expression unreadable.

For a moment, Darius thought he saw a flicker of something—regret, sadness, he wasn’t sure. But then she simply nodded and walked away, leaving him standing there, feeling more lost than ever.

A Change

Days turned into weeks, and it seemed like something had changed. She was home more often and even had meals ready when Darius came back from his work trips. She also began answering the phone when he called her when he was away. This made Darius optimistic because things were starting to look up in their marriage.

Maybe Laura was getting tired of always being out. Whatever it was, Darius was happy to have his wife back. However, he would soon uncover something he could not have imagined in his wildest dreams.

The Posters

One night, as Darius drove home from his latest work trip, his mind wandered to the progress they had made.  He passed through a neighboring town and caught a glimpse of something that made him slow down—a familiar face on a poster.

He pulled over, his heart pounding as he stepped out to take a closer look. The face staring back at him was unmistakably Laura’s, but the name beneath it read “Sarah Martin.” The word “MISSING” was printed in bold letters across the top.

The Call

Darius’s hands trembled as he dialed the number on the poster. His mind raced, trying to make sense of what he was seeing. The phone rang, and a man answered, his voice filled with desperation. “Hello?” 

Darius hesitated, then spoke. “I’m calling about the missing person poster. Sarah Martin—who is she to you?” The man replied, “She’s my girlfriend. She’s been missing for two weeks. Do you know where she is?” Darius’s world crumbled as the reality of the situation hit him—Laura was living a double life.

Meeting the Man

Darius agreed to meet the man, his mind reeling with the implications of what he had just learned. As he drove to the meeting spot, memories of his life with Laura flooded his mind. 

He arrived at a quiet café and spotted the man immediately. He looked distraught, his eyes filled with worry. Darius approached him, feeling a mix of anger and pity. “I’m Darius,” he said. “We need to talk.”

Unraveling the Truth

The two men sat down, and the man introduced himself as Jake. “I can’t believe this is happening,” Jake said, running a hand through his hair. “Sarah—Laura—has been missing for two weeks. I’ve been searching everywhere for her.” 

Darius listened, his anger boiling beneath the surface. “Jake,” he said slowly, “Laura isn’t missing. She’s my wife.” Jake’s face paled, and he stared at Darius in shock. “Your wife? She never told me she was married.”

Devising a Plan

The revelation left both men in stunned silence. Darius’s mind raced as he tried to comprehend the betrayal. Laura had been living a double life, deceiving them both. “We need to confront her,” Darius finally said, his voice cold. Jake nodded, his expression hardening. “She needs to explain herself,” Jake agreed.

They quickly devised a plan to confront Laura together, determined to get the truth from her. Darius could hardly believe what was happening, but he knew they had to see this through.

The Confrontation

Darius and Jake drove back to Darius’s home in silence, the tension between them palpable. When they arrived, Darius felt a knot in his stomach as they walked up to the front door.

He unlocked the door, and they stepped inside. Laura was in the kitchen, her back turned to them. “Laura,” Darius called out, his voice tense. She turned around, and her eyes widened in shock when she saw Jake standing beside him.

The Unraveling

“What is this, Darius?” Laura stammered, trying to mask her panic. Darius’s eyes blazed with anger. “I think you know exactly what this is, Laura—or should I say, Sarah?” he spat.

Jake stepped forward, his voice shaking with emotion. “You’ve been lying to both of us. Why, Laura? Why would you do this?” Laura looked between them, her expression a mix of fear and guilt. “I can explain,” she started, but Darius cut her off. “Then start explaining.”

The Lies

Laura took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. “I never meant for it to get this far,” she began. “When we started drifting apart, I needed an escape, so I created Sarah Martin. I didn’t think I would get involved with someone like Jake.” 

Darius felt a wave of anger and disbelief wash over him. “So you thought deceiving us both was the solution? Do you have any idea what you’ve done?” Laura’s eyes filled with tears, but Darius was too furious to care. “You’ve destroyed everything,” he said coldly.

Jake's Pain

Jake stood there, reeling from the revelation. “Laura, you made me believe you were someone else. I’ve been worried sick, thinking something terrible happened to you. How could you lie to me like that?” Laura’s tears spilled over as she tried to explain. “I never meant to hurt you, Jake. I just didn’t know how to stop once it started.”

But Jake shook his head, his face a mask of betrayal. “You played with my heart. I loved you, and you made a fool of me.”

Darius’s Decision

Darius felt a mix of anger and sorrow as he looked at the woman he once loved. “I trusted you, Laura. I thought we could fix things, but you were living a lie this whole time.” Laura sobbed, realizing the full extent of her actions. “I’m so sorry, Darius. I never wanted to hurt you.”

But Darius shook his head. “Sorry isn’t enough. You shattered our marriage, and I don’t think I can forgive you for that.” He knew this was the end of their relationship.

The Aftermath

Jake couldn’t bear to stay any longer. “I can’t do this,” he said, turning to leave. “Goodbye, Laura. I hope you find whatever it is you’re looking for, but it won’t be with me.” With that, he walked out, leaving Laura and Darius alone in the wreckage of their marriage. Laura’s sobs filled the room, but Darius felt numb.

There was nothing left to say, nothing that could undo the damage. All he could think about was the future, and how it would no longer include Laura.

The Departure

Darius packed his bags that night, unable to stay in the house any longer. As he zipped up his suitcase, Laura stood in the doorway, her eyes red and swollen. “Where will you go?” she asked quietly. Darius didn’t look at her as he replied, “I don’t know, but I need to get away from here. From you.”

Laura nodded, knowing she had no right to ask him to stay. Darius left without looking back, his heart heavy with the finality of their separation.

Starting Over

Darius checked into a hotel, his mind racing with everything that had happened. He felt a strange mix of relief and sadness. The life he knew was over, but maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing.

He realized he had been holding onto a marriage that had been broken for a long time. It was time to let go and start over, no matter how painful it might be. As he lay in bed that night, he thought about the future and the possibilities that awaited him.

A New Beginning

In the weeks that followed, Darius focused on rebuilding his life. He threw himself into his work, finding solace in the routine.  He also began reconnecting with old friends, people he had lost touch with during his marriage. Slowly, he started to heal. The pain of Laura’s betrayal lingered, but he knew it would fade with time.

Darius realized that he had a second chance to create a life that made him truly happy. He wasn’t sure what the future held, but for the first time in a long time, he felt hopeful.

Letting Go

One day, Darius received a text message from Laura. He hesitated before opening it, unsure if he was ready to hear from her. But curiosity got the better of him, and he opened the message. In the long text, Laura apologized for everything she had done, expressing her deep regret and asking for his forgiveness. She admitted that she had lost herself and that she needed to figure out who she was.

Darius read the message carefully, and though the wounds were still fresh, he realized that he needed to forgive her—for his own sake, if nothing else.

Moving On

Darius decided not to respond to Laura’s text. He knew that engaging with her would only reopen old wounds. Instead, he chose to focus on his own healing and moving forward. He continued to build a new life for himself, one that was free from the pain and deceit of the past. Slowly but surely, he began to find happiness again.

He even started dating, taking things slowly but enjoying the process of getting to know new people. Darius knew he still had a lot of healing to do, but he was on the right path.

A Brighter Future

Months later, Darius stood on the balcony of his new apartment, looking out at the city skyline. The pain of the past had finally begun to fade, replaced by a sense of peace and optimism. He had learned valuable lessons about love, trust, and the importance of knowing his own worth.

As he watched the sun set over the horizon, Darius smiled, ready to embrace whatever the future held. He had faced betrayal and heartbreak, but he had come out stronger on the other side. The best was yet to come.