Instagram Page “Got Toddlered” Showcases All The Shades Of Becoming A Parent And We Are Obsessed

Showing up at work with baby food all over your clothes and smelling like poop, that is what it means to be a parent!

Grooming, What’s That?

Once you have entered this new phase of your life, you will not really know what grooming is. We know your bachelor life was happening and so was your married one but being a parent is something else. You can’t expect to lead the previous life after you have a little one in your family.

No matter if you are a father or a mother, the drastic change is going to take a toll on your glamorous life.

Toning Down The Wildness

We agree, you have had some serious wildness in your life and becoming sober was not even in the options. However, having a child means you will have to tone it down. Your child and your wildness cannot co-exist because it is time for your kid to be wild and make teach you the lessons you taught your parents. 

Are you ready?

Chilling Vibe Changes

You have had your chance of chilling with your friends and now that you have become a parent, you are no more allowed to do what you used to do. If you ask why you need to look at your child. Do they give you permission? No, right? Then get back to feeding them, cleaning their poop, and clicking selfies with them while they stick their finger in your mouth.

Kids Always Help

You like your picture with one eye covered? Don’t worry; your child is not going to steal the camera anyway. Their hands or feet are going to cover your face or even the eye. This father is doing his usual thing before and after becoming a parent but the only difference is that his baby is helping him in that.

Unusual Stuff

We are proud of these parents who don’t let a kid come in the way of their trek because they have them on their backs. Trekker daddy has his life and priorities sorted. When you can’t give up on the love of your adventures and your baby, the perfect solution is to take the baby to your adventure.

Sounds amazing, isn’t it?

Enough Of It

Have you lived your life to the fullest? Then you better take rest in bed with your kid and let them smack you with whatever comes in their hand. Parenting is all about letting go off your previous life that was monotonous and boring. 

So, enough of your adventures because it’s time for your kid to have all the fun and you better take all the beating now onwards.

End Of Travel Diaries

Hi mommy! Have you traveled enough? If not, I am sorry to tell you that now you cannot travel enough because I am here to make you feel loved and irritated all the time.

When kids enter your life, your sleeping schedule is messed up and you can sleep with eyes wide open, just like this mommy. So, have you traveled enough?

Keeping Your Hair Sleek

Have you managed to keep your hair perfect all this while? Congratulations, you will no longer have them back. After getting toddlered, you cannot expect to have the kind of hair you had before.

Your hair is going to be pulled, your little one is going t eat them up, and in the worst care scenario, your kid might even use scissors on them.

Men With Babies

Charming men know how to get women slain and once they become dads, they get even more charming. This man is an example of what we actually mean. This one became a dad and his stern face changed into a smiling one. Just one or two things that remained constant. It is his love for chocolate drinks and his wedding band.

Well, that wouldn’t change for us too, especially the love for chocolate!


Didn’t we tell you? Sleeping with eyes wide open was a thing for new parents. Also, walking while sleeping is another skill they attain after giving birth to their offspring. That is one skill you need while you are traveling on and your child is along with you. 

If you haven’t noticed it already, this active man has become such a lousy one after becoming a parent.

Ladies’ Favorite

Some men are too charming to lose charm even after becoming a father. Women have always surrounded this one, no matter if he was a father or not. The only difference is that previously it used to be his girlfriends who surrounded him and now it is his daughters.

We have to say, the women in the ‘after’ pictures are way more gorgeous than the ones in the ‘before’ picture.

Men Learn New Ways

The wild nature of men is toned down once they become daddies. They start looking more clean and proper when they have to deal with their own offsprings. Otherwise, they will end up scaring their little ones for the rest of their lives. 

The man in the previous image is definitely hot but the man dozed off in the second image is oh-so-cute and we can’t stop gazing at this picture.

The Exact Definition

We know we have been making fun of how parents are always sleep-deprived and never perfect. However, the main aspect of becoming a parent is the love that enters your life. It is the purest form of love and there is no substitute for this feeling.

The only difference before and after being toddlered is that you have an extra member in the family to share this love with and somehow this new member increases the love among the members.


Okay, coming back to bashing the parenthood, we love our sleep and giving that up is the toughest job we had to do with the addition of a new member. So, we feel these two. Their life changed within a year. Who would have thought that such a charming couple will be dealing with dark circles on the arrival of their baby?

Tough life!

What Just Happened?

This dog’s life changed just because his human parents decided to extend the family. With peace and contentment, his life was perfect and then entered the baby. Since then, his expression says just one thing, “What just happened to my life?”

However, we are loving the beautiful sight of these two bonding together. Oops! My bad, it is actually the sight of the baby trying to cuddle with his elder one.

Chill Mode On

Dads are known to spoil their kids with their bad habits. This particular one sets the record straight. There is not much difference in the mood of this man. The one noticeable difference is that now he is chilling among his baby girl and her friends, it seems like the grey bear is his favorite. 

This shirtless dad is reflecting on some major relaxing goals.

We Gotta Stay Together

BFFs are meant to stay together forever; irrespective of the fact that one gets toddlered and the other one is having a great time in life. 

It is easy to differentiate between the two - The one has no worries at all and the second once can’t really figure out how to handle the baby with care. Although, the son seems like a bit of headache by her expression.

Dog Lover Fam

This one is an exceptional case. With a dog, a couple has already turned into parents but they are still not toddlered. This picture shows the life of such a couple. They have 2 babies after they give birth to a baby. 

We must say, the dog has had quite a journey, from sailing in the sea to being strolled by a baby. Impressive!

Friends Forever

Even though one of you still doesn’t have a kid and you are always irritated around them but you are still friends forever. This irritated face also suggests the presence of two hoggers who didn’t bother to ask the mother is she wanted to eat or drink, whatever they are having!

The change in their equation can be spotted in the first look of this picture. This is the difference between mood before and after having a baby.

This Sums It Up!

When we said parents aren’t able to click selfies, don’t have perfect hair, are sleep deprived, and other things, we meant this. This woman and this picture define parenthood the best. 

When kids don’t understand what they are really doing, parents handle them and teach them every little thing. They give up their gorgeous self and become this person with imperfect hair and we somehow tend to ignore their sacrifices once we grow up.