These Hilarious But Realistic Signs At Everyday Places Are Grabbing Everyone’s Attention

“Cross the street and then update Facebook.” The world has come to this! This is what the signs at the street crossing read now!

Are They Getting An Appraisal?

Appraisal or a dismissal notice? What’s in store for this employee who put up this sign outside their office? 

The reaction of this boss would definitely be worth watching. It’s going to be a surprise (we can’t say a pleasant one!). The onlookers are having a rib-tickling moment with this board. Let’s just hope the employee has a good moment in the boss’s office the next morning.

Skip A Letter For Better

Despite stern instructions to the customers about “hygienic behavior” in the pool, there tends to be someone who gets a little too excited while swimming and can’t control the urge to urinate. We know how gross that sounds but it won’t change the truth. 

We are glad a pool service took an action and put this sign up. Don’t get distracted by “OOL” and concentrate on the text written below. No “P” people!

Cheers To This Deal!

This offer definitely made you giggle even though you were disheartened for a moment. That’s the trick! The sense of humor by the pub attracts more customers. 

Who can keep a straight face in the bar after reading this and still showing up for a drink (or two)? Don’t expect to get a deal always. 

Also, plan according to the happy hours if you wish to save a little!

Bacon Or Rose Or Both?

When your priorities are set, you can go to any extent to fulfill it. But when you can’t choose between bacon and roses, this might happen. You will end up with hilarious poetry that won’t make much sense!

That sign is revealing the true feelings of a bacon lover that needs to blend some love of roses in it. We are glad that the person admitted, “Poems are hard”.

Wait, What’s Ahead Again?

The person could have selected any other word to describe a dip or a downward inclination on the road. Depression is just taking us to another path and we don’t want anyone to land there. 

Who would dare to go 100 meters ahead and stumble upon “depression”? Let’s just turn right around back to elevation! This sign can sound happier.

Little Details Ahead…

You would never be disappointed by the sense of humor of the people who have the task of writing such signs. They know how to grab the attention of the reader. They wanted to convey the condition of the bridge and got to it after playing with the visitors for a bit. 

The transition from large font to a small one is done smoothly. Sharp edges are irrelevant and non-existent but the bridge is a matter of concern. Watch out!

Fair And Smart Promotions

This gas station had a fun idea to promote their services and that involved zombies. We can’t complain as the movies have convinced us to a great extent about their existence. We are headed straight to this gas station to have our cars full in case there’s a zombie apocalypse. 

More services need to add a touch of hilarity in their advertising for a breath of fresh air. Looking forward to them!

Who Is Behind This?

Creating confusion on the road can be quite panicking and the consequences are not favorable! So, whoever did this, kindly come forward and explain the reasons for doing this. Do we need to stop or not? People need answers!

People can’t do the two opposing things at the same right or maybe, we are unaware of some laws of physics that would help us here!

Agree To Disagree Here?

The two sides need to negotiate a pact on this statement. When they wrote about the stubborn nature of men and how it will lead them straight to death in a year, one (man, obviously!) decided to write his opinion right beneath that claim. 

“No we won’t” sounds quite obstinate and hence, proving what’s stated above! So, both parties have no other choice but agree to disagree!

Moms, Are You Listening?

Moms take their little ones along on an outing but they forget to hold on to the kids eventually. This notice is for all those moms who get so indulged in the refreshing walk and leave their kids to wander around. 

That’s a genius way of letting the mommas know what they are getting themselves in for a small mistake. Espresso won’t do any good and a free pup will be a tough one!

It’s An Order.

Why is this sign reminding us of our mom shouting at us from the other side of the house when we came back from school? “No TV, no video games, no nothing!” There is a similarity. 

This place is not entertaining people and the words are clearly stating that. Also, there is more near the ground and it is far warmer than the above one. They ask you to smile for the camera. Wow! This took a quick turn.

For A Good Laugh!

Diving into history while you are traveling to a new place is inevitable. You tend to associate every building or site with a significant past event. So, it can get a little boring. Here’s a sign to bring you back to the present. 

How thoughtful is this! We can imagine tourists reading this and laughing out loud. Plan successful!

Issued In Interest Of Animals Only

This sign is telling you to stay safe but it is mostly taking care of the animals. The hint of a hysterical element is making this sign stand out!

Obviously, people don’t want to become any animal’s meal but that’s not the focus here. The health of those animals is given more importance. Fair enough, we guess!

No Mocking, Please!

Traveling to a new place is all fun and it is refreshing to meet the locals and witness their lifestyle from up close. However, the natives might be very different from you and that can hold your attention in a funny way. That’s when this sign will remind you to control your laughter. 

We are sure that the locals complained about the tourists making them an object of ridicule. Not acceptable, right?

Warning Sign For Millennials

Let your eyes watch the outside world for a while instead of the one trapped in those phone screens in the form of social media. Give them a break just for the time when you are crossing the street. Not too much to ask for, right?

It’s hysterical how they made it sound so friendly by asking them to update their Facebook profiles after they reach the other end of the road. 

Hoping to see these signs on every corner now!

Conversation Through Sign Boards

Okay, this definitely began with the “Need Drit” sign and then came a curious person who wanted to know the meaning of “drit”. 

The curious person was followed by a strict personality who could not bear the lack of punctuation. He had to slide in and correct everyone. What a hilarious conversation! We wish we could be a part of this.

No Joking Around Lion

This sign is making the “Lion Encounter” sound so easy to deal with. We bet these steps are not enough to save you from falling prey to the strong animal. No, we are not scaring you! It’s just a piece of advice to make you aware that shouting won’t really help (nor would being “large”!).

The last part is quite informative after all. Fight back! Who knew that it was an option?

Follow This Or Call Trouble!

There is nothing against hitchhikers actually. This is just an exclusive announcement for that area considering the odds of running into an escapee. No one wants to get in the car with a prison runaway. 

So, if you ever find yourself in a correctional facility area, refrain from stopping your car for the people asking for a lift. The hitchhikers are not happy about this sign!

Badass Birdie

Really? Who thought about putting a “No birds” sign and assumed that the little creatures would read it!

That birdie chose this spot to chill and it looks like a true boss in that pose. This feathered friend is probably making this its favorite hangout spot. 

Next time, let such signs be for people and keep animals out of this signboard language.

Penguins On Stroll

Table Mountain National Park is giving explicit instructions to the visitors to keep an eye on the penguins who might end up under their cars while on a stroll. 

This is not something you would find at every National Park as the animals are not always in a mood to roam around. But these penguins seem to be special who like cars and getting under them. 

Don’t start your car until you have inspected the surroundings!