Jimmy Fallon Asked Twitter Users To Share The Most Savage Comments They Have Heard And Things Got Frosty

Jimmy Fallon created a “cold” environment on twitter with the #ThatWasCold hashtag and Twitter users had the most savage things to share that they have experienced. Don’t worry, twitter had a good laugh at all those frosty comments and you would find them hilarious too! This world has a cold side too and Twitter revealed it.

Leave It To The Kids…

Don’t trust their innocent faces and cute smiles, kids speak the language of honesty and that can be brutal. This mom was not expecting such a comment while dropping her little one at preschool. She needs to put that makeup on as soon as she gets back home. 

Kids don’t shy away from telling what they feel and that’s what we all miss as we grow up. 

Uh-Oh, That’s Frosty!

This tweet has “cold” written all over it. We cannot get over the hysterical side of this conversation. How accurately funny is this dad!

The baby has not even arrived in this world yet and the excitement of parents is on the roof. When the guy uttered those words about teaching the little one all that he knows, his father couldn’t help but step in with sarcasm.

End Of A Friendship…

The beginning of a relationship in Amy’s life marked the end of a high school friendship. That is a short sad story being told by this tweet. We wonder if Amy’s friend said this intentionally or it was just an impulsive response to Amy’s big news!

This is brutal and we never expect our friends to tell us such things. They can be a little supportive, right?

Did Fallon Win?

We think Jimmy Fallon can be declared as one of the winners of this hashtag competition as he had a frosty experience at his gym. This level of being cold is unmatched and definitely unpredictable!

When you have been working out at the gym for six years, you expect a few appreciative comments about your body and routine. This statement is shattering all the dreams of getting in perfect shape.

Postponing Our DMV Visit…

When someone shares their “opinion” on our weight, it tends to be quite distressing as we are obviously insecure about certain things in our life that we don’t want anyone to mention. Who can make DMV understand this?

They are more interested in this person’s weight gain than other details required for the renewal process. We hope they get a little less frosty!

Not Those Words, Please!

Say anything but this to anyone. You would get the weirdest reaction after you spill these words from your mouth. This is probably one of the coldest things to hear. Being compared with your sibling and then attacked with this comment is a lot to take in!

We hope the person took this back immediately and had an apology ready.

Where’s My Invite?

This has happened to most of us and it is awkward! The parties that expect to be invited to disappoint us as we are just left listening to all the buzz that was created there last night. 

This tweet is revealing the embarrassment that takes over when you are the one excluded from all the fun. Talking to that “excluded” person about that party is not cool, remember that!

Dad “Means” It

Yes, that just hurt and how!

This is the meanest thing a dad can tell his kids. Maybe it was just a joke but that’s cold and we are not ready for this. Our parents know all about us and the kind of person we are and if they wish to taunt you, the “personality” card is the most famous one in such cases. 

We hope this one has a good life away from home!

Serving The Truth

When the boys were having a good time at the party with all the drinks being gulped down without counting, they never anticipated that their mom will have a perfect way to ruin their celebration. 

Moms can serve you with the most savage comments that you have never imagined. If you have not received those statements yet, be prepared for the worst!

Moms Know Best!

If you think that your moms would be really supporting and consoling all the time, then it’s time to know the reality. She can be the most concerned person in one moment and in the very next, she can be equally savage. 

Now, 25lb turkey is enough for a bunch of people at your place on Thanksgiving and Abby’s mom is very sure that she won’t need that much of it. 

Either she needs to reduce the quantity of turkey or increase the number of friends!

Unforgettable Auditions

We think this was not the right set of words to tell someone who is already nervous about the audition but that’s what happens when you forget to think before speaking. This is brutal!

This might just be another memory of an audition for this person that they can laugh at now but the point when this actually happened would have been demoralizing.

What happened finally then - Radio or TV?

Not Expecting Anything Less

Do you want to know the extreme level of being savage? Learn it from the kids, they are the best at throwing cold comments!

Your insecurities will be spoken out loud by them and they would not regret it for even a second. We can tell how shocked this mom would have been on hearing this from her son. Only a 10-year-old is capable of this and no one else!

From An Unknown Era

This young kid is convinced that his mom belongs to an era far from the present. He is sure that the rectangular prisms did not exist when his mom was in school. You don’t have to get serious here! Mom is not that old but the prisms are history. They have existed for many years now. 

How do children come up with such savage replies? We are impressed by their spontaneity.

The Hard Truths

You cannot be so sure that you were planned by your parents. There, we said it!

This twitter user is proving the above statement with the little conversation she had with her parents (or rather dad!) and we can’t help but chuckle about this situation. 

Accidents can happen and we have to live with it. Also, we are not ever interrupting the argument of our parents ever.

Not A “Friendly” Reminder

When even your social media account is taunting you this way, you cannot trust this world anymore. Facebook loves everyone equally and for Friends Day, they had an adorable compilation of moments spent with your friends in the form of a video. 

Unfortunately, this girl received a message instead of that video. We guess it was just a gentle reminder that you need to make some friends!

Escape The Cooking

Here’s as 8-year-old who is disappointed by the grocery shopping that her mom did for the upcoming week. She is not prepared to have frozen food for the next few days and has a hilarious reaction to this. However, it’s not funny for her mom!

Do you want to know what’s savage? Have a conversation with children and you’ll know.

It’s Burning!!!

Go get some burn cream for this poor girl who just got hit by a cold comment by her sister in public. This is really brutal as she was confident about her outfit that she wore when heading out for shopping with her sister. But the sister didn’t approve of that attire and the opinion came out quite impulsively and unexpectedly!

Now, she needs to spend a few dollars more on better outfits!

Teachers On The Target!

Miss Porting is definitely not these second graders' favorite teacher. We all had that one teacher in our schools who never let us have some fun in the class and we don’t remember if ever said anything this harsh about that teacher. 

These students are not hiding any of their emotions about Miss Porting and Halloween just seemed an appropriate occasion to reveal her secrets!

Teachers At Their Best!

If you were not one of the smart kids in your class, then you can relate to this for sure. The teachers depend on such kids to check if their distribution of knowledge in the classroom is having a positive effect or not. 

We know this sounds harsh but there is one student who is helping the teachers in this way. We are just amazed by how teachers can be savage and hilarious at the same time!

Hair Obsession

Kids are always one step ahead of you and that cannot be argued!

While this dad was having trouble with his hairline and didn’t want anyone to notice that, his son had other savage plans. When he forced his little one to wear a hat to protect him from the cold weather, the boy made his dad face the harsh reality. 

Don’t mess with them ever!