Most Intriguing American History Facts That Never Made It To Your Textbooks

Let’s take a break from the historical facts that our books have been repeating for a few years now. History can’t be boring always, right? We need to dig into the past and bring some unexplored but interesting truths from America’s past to light. They do exist and if you are unaware of them, it’s time to change that!

Incorrect Date Of America’s Independence

July 4th is a joyous day for all the citizens of this country as they celebrate independence by treating themselves with hamburgers, pies and hot dogs. That’s what our schools taught us. However, there is another shocking story that they never told you. 

That’s not an actual date of America gaining freedom. It happened two days before that is on July 2nd. John Hancock signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4th and hence, the tradition continued that way!

The Statue Of Liberty Is In New Jersey

We know what expression you just gave on reading this! 

No, we did not write New Jersey instead of New York by mistake. That’s the truth you just read. Sorry New Yorkers, Lady Liberty is not in your zone! It belongs to Jersey City, New Jersey as the state separating line is making it clear. 

If you are having a hard time digesting this fact, try taking a dive in the Hudson River to know the truth. We would say just skip that and trust us!

American Flag Originated From A School Project

If you think that many genius minds and significant people sat around a table to design the American flag, then this fact will give you a real insight into what actually happened. 

Bob Heft, a 17-year-old student got the assignment to create his own flag and he added two extra stars to the existing flag of the country and it reached President Eisenhower. He approved of this even when his teacher graded him B- for it.

From “Hollywoodland” To Hollywood…

The Hollywood sign that you see now has an intriguing story behind it too. It wasn’t always this way and never represented the world of movies and glam. In fact, it just promoted the newly constructed houses in the Hollywood Hills of Los Angeles and called it “Hollywoodland”. 

After almost 18 months, when this sign had served its purpose, it had to be removed but instead, they just chose to omit “land” and let the remaining word stay! No one knew it would become so significant.

A Verdict For The Tomatoes

Can you imagine the tomatoes being under trial for some lame reason? We know it doesn’t make much sense but the tomatoes had to see the courthouse when people in New Jersey believed that they were toxic for health. 

We bet your history books never mentioned about this trial! 

Robert Johnson came to the tomatoes’ rescue and proved to everyone that they are perfectly fine and edible by consuming one right there. The case closed!

A Treasure Hidden On Liberty Island

This fact involves pirates, an island and a treasure. This sounds like a fictional story but you have to believe us as there is truth related to it. In the 1700s, William Kidd (Captain Kidd) found himself on the Liberty Island where he hid a treasure. 

A few decades passed after which two soldiers visited the island only to encounter a demon emerging out of that treasure box. There is no hint of anything valuable present but the place still seems haunted!

Existence Of A Monkey Island

Here’s a fact that you may have never even heard of from anyone and neither did your history teachers told you this. There is a monkey island in South Carolina called Morgan Island and it has been there since 1979. 

The scientists in Puerto Rico had to give 1,400 monkeys they had kept for research a new place to live due to a disease that spread widely in the region. A stranded island in South Carolina became their home and it’s still one. Unfortunately, you are not allowed there!

The National Cathedral Welcomed Darth Vader

The National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. saw a change in its audience in the 1980s. Only the older population preferred to have a look at this monument. They had to change this and they turned to children for help. The authorities asked kids to come up with refreshing ideas for the carved faces on the new towers. 

A boy named Christopher Rader had his “Darth Vader” drawing approved and soon, the towers had this villain sculpted on them!

The Candy Desk On The Senate Floor

The politicians can have a sweet tooth too, right? The rules and restrictions did not stop Senator George Murphy of California to fill an entire desk with candies in 1968. This was concealed but Senator Slade Gorton of Washington revealed this “candy desk” by making it public. 

Many Senators have got a chance to sit at this desk and fulfill their sweet cravings!

Abraham Lincoln Has A Wrestling History

The 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln had some stories hidden in his past that you haven’t heard of before. He used to wrestle and win! He had a laudable presence in that field too as he won 299 out of 300 tournaments in which he participated. Wow!

You can find him in the Wrestling Hall of Fame and now, you know how he managed to conquer a spot there.

Renaming U.S.A To United States Of Earth

Don’t worry, this wasn’t executed. But this request was submitted in the form of a bill by Lucas Miller, U.S. House Representative in 1893. He wanted the United States of America to undergo an updating and called The United States of Earth. Sounds ridiculous?

His reasoning for this request was the expansion of the country. We wonder if anyone was convinced! Just glad it didn’t happen.

DNA Sharing With The Original Pilgrims

When the English ship, Mayflower made its way from England to New World in 1620, America saw a rise and the 102 passengers made their way towards this. Now, when Americans trace their DNA, they can find them sharing it with those pilgrims. The number of Americans with this family history is as many as 35 million. 

The roots lie right there and the experts are gathering proofs with DNA testing!

Spell Check For Liberty Bell

You read that right but you probably didn’t read the text on the Liberty Bell with complete focus. There’s a spelling error on it and people might have missed it. The history associated with this is gripping and not known to many. 

The bell has these words written on it - “Province of Pensylvania”. You might be thinking that this a big blunder but calm down, these spellings for Pennsylvania were not wrong then. History has an explanation for everything!

Solar Energy For The White House

The White House in Washington, D.C. has a historical fact associated with it that many of you are unaware of. Solar energy has been a major source of power for the building and despite a few constraints, it continued to be followed when Barack Obama reinstalled it in 2014. 

It began in 1979 when President Jimmy Carter instituted 32 solar panels but President Reagan did not go with this concept and uninstalled them. After many years, they came back for the better!

Democratic Donkey Symbol Came From An Insult

The Democrats are proud of carrying the donkey symbol with them for a long time now. However, the origin of this pride has a twisty story behind it. It all began with an insult!

In 1828, Andrew Jackson received an insulting comment from a man who disliked him. That jibe revolved around donkey and Andrew Jackson took a smart step by incorporating donkey in his official symbol. That was his way of dealing with the disrespect thrown at him. 

The symbol made its way to the present but the story stayed in the past. Now, you know!

Uncle Sam – Not Fiction

Are you still believing that Uncle Sam is a fictional persona to depict the patriotic side of this nation? We are here to change this fact stored in your mind. Samuel Wilson, a meatpacker during the War of 1812 turned into a meat inspector and people called him Uncle Sam. He was very real!

The meat barrels with “U.S.” written on them were jokingly referred to as Uncle Sam and this just continued to be associated with him.

The Cheap Alaska Deal

Russians owned Alaska way before it became a part of the United States of America. Russians were in a hurry to sell it and the deal finalized for $7.2 million on March 30, 1867. 

Wait, before you jump to the conclusions about this price. Alaska is spread over 663 thousand square miles and on calculating, it turns out that America got hold of their largest state at 2 cents for one acre. Affordable to a great extent!

Bald Eagle's Shriek Has A Surprising Truth

When we speak of the bald eagle, it tends to take us to the patriotic phase as that’s what the bird represents. The screech of this bird of prey is etched in every American’s mind but it’s time we reveal the truth. That sound you hear is not the actual squeal of the bald eagle. 

The red-tailed hawk makes that screech you have been hearing for years now. How does it feel to be enlightened with such an eye-opening (also ear-opening!) fact?

Weird Fact About Amelia Earhart’s Pilot Jacket

Amelia Earhart gained a lot of recognition and she deserved all of it for all her achievements as a great pilot. But things were not always easy for her, she had to endure some tough times and hear bizarre remarks from her fellow pilots. 

Before her commendable flying across the Atlantic Ocean, she made efforts to be recognized as a professional and one of those efforts involved sleeping in the pilot’s leather jacket. She believed that this way, her jacket would look well-worn giving her an experienced pilot look.

Harriet Tubman Once Spied

Harriet Tubman has made history for making a path towards freedom for the ones trapped in slavery. You have read this in your books but there’s something that you don’t know about Tubman. 

When the American Civil War struck, Tubman got in the Union Army as a nurse or a cook. Things changed for her too over time and she turned into a spy. This gave her the power she wanted and freed 700 slaves.