Neighbor Builds Shed Over Property Line, Learns Expensive Lesson

The Last Straw

Miles Kruger had reached his limit. For months, his neighbor's antics had pushed him closer to the edge, and today was the breaking point. What began as harmless yard work had slowly crept into Miles' own space, and he was done tolerating it.

That day, Miles snapped. His neighbor had crossed the line one too many times, and now he was about to learn what happens when you push the wrong man too far.

A Normal Day

The day Miles Kruger snapped started just like any other Tuesday morning. Kids rode their bikes to school while parents rushed to work. But that morning, Miles decided to do something out of the ordinary.

When he woke up, he headed straight for his window. From the moment he woke up, he had a deep frown tucked between his eyebrows. He was getting sick and tired of his neighbor’s shenanigans.

The Perfect Revenge

That day, his plan was to put an end to all of it. He had stayed up the night before, trying to think of the perfect revenge. Over the months, his horrible neighbor, Brandon, had slowly but surely been expanding onto his property despite his pleas for him to stop.

Brandon wasn’t listening, which was why Miles decided to take matters into his own hands. He was going to get his revenge that day.

Leaving For Work

He watched from his bedroom window as his neighbor moved around his kitchen. He knew he would leave for work at any moment. It was 7 a.m. sharp when Miles finally watched Brandon leave his house and hop into his truck.

A grin played at the corner of his mouth. With the smile on his face, Miles watched as the young man pulled out of his driveway and made his way to work. It was time.

Jumping Into Action

As soon as Brandon’s truck disappeared around the corner, Miles jumped into action. He dashed down the stairs, ready to finally get the young man back. The older man quickly headed for his front door and unlocked it.

As soon as he stepped outside, he was met by the sight he’d learned to despise. There, in the middle of his front lawn, stood a large shed that his neighbor had built for himself. But he had a plan in mind for his shed.

Working On His Plan

Miles spent hours working on his plan that day. Slowly but surely, he ran back and forth between his home and his shed, just as he had planned. He was a sweaty mess as he prepared to teach his neighbor the biggest lesson of his life.

Brandon had messed with the wrong man. Miles had been the nice guy for far too long, and Brandon was taking advantage of that. But he was about to come home to a massive surprise.

Hard Work

Miles was busy until late that afternoon. But as 5 p.m. rolled around, he finally stepped away from the shed and admired his hard work. A smirk played on his lips.

All he had to do now was head back into his house and wait for his awful neighbor to come home. That was exactly what he did. Miles waited by the kitchen window, and as soon as he spotted his neighbor’s car, he knew that it was time to get his revenge.

A Hard Worker

Miles Kruger worked hard his entire life. He spent every waking hour thinking about and working toward his goals. As a young man, he never gave himself the time to relax.

Instead, he poured his time into his work. He had to if he wanted to provide for his family. But his ex-wife, Natalie, couldn’t take it after a while. She left with their kids when their youngest was just 12 years old.


Miles still saw his children over weekends, but with his family gone, he became even more addicted to his work. But that all changed when he turned 65 years old.

The company he’d worked for for decades forced him to retire. That was when he had to start looking for a nice home where he could retire in peace. Luckily, he found the perfect place.

The Perfect House

The two-bedroom house was in a quiet neighborhood in Otsego, Minnesota, and as soon as Miles saw the pictures online, he arranged a viewing. He’d worked hard for all of his to ensure that someday, he would have the perfect retirement.

He longed to live in a beautiful neighborhood with families and children. The day he arranged to meet the real estate agent outside of the beautiful white house, he had a good feeling in his gut.

He Knew

When Miles stepped foot into the beautiful home, he instantly knew he had to have it. It was beyond perfect. It had a sizable front yard and a beautiful, small backyard.

The kitchen was spacious, and the bedrooms were perfect for his needs. He glanced out of the kitchen window, observing the beautiful neighborhood and the lovely families walking the streets.

No Doubt

There was no doubt in his mind that he had found the place for him. “I'll take it,” he told the young woman. That day, he signed the paperwork and waited for the house to be put under his name.

He knew he had chosen the right place. It took a few weeks, but before Miles knew it, he was able to move into his brand-new home. He was beyond excited.

New Neighbors

Miles’s first day in his new home was spent unpacking boxes. But that day, he met a few of his new neighbors, and they all seemed lovely.

Some brought baskets of muffins, while others brought houseplants and wine, welcoming him to their beautiful neighborhood. Miles felt lucky to have joined such a warm and inviting community, but one neighbor stood out from the rest.

Brandon Wilken

His name was Brandon Wilken, and he lived right next door. He stood out because he was one of the only neighbors who ignored Miles’s presence. He saw the man walking around his front yard with a few contractors.

Miles wondered what he was planning. The man walked around for hours, discussing plans with the contractors. But little did Miles know that trouble would soon follow.

A Knock

The first time Miles ever spoke to his new neighbor was a week after he had moved in. The younger man had come knocking on his door. With a delighted smile, Miles opened the door, expecting him to welcome him to the neighborhood.

But that was not what happened. “Hey, man,” the young man said as soon as Miles opened the front door. “My name is Brandon. Can I talk to you for a second?”

Caught Off Guard

Miles was caught off guard when the man asked to come into his house and speak to him. He wondered if something was wrong. Stepping out of the way, Miles let Brandon walk into his home.

“Sure, what’s going on?” he asked, noticing the papers in Brandon’s hands. The two men sat on Miles’s couch in the living room when Brandon handed him the papers. If only he knew what was to come.

A Problem

“This week, I’m having some work done to my front yard,” Brandon began, pointing at the papers, “But there is a problem.” Miles stared at the plan before him, confused by what he was looking at.

“What’s the problem? he asked. The younger man flashed him a grin. “You see, I’m redoing my driveway, and in order to do what I had in mind, I would have to cut past the property line.”


A frown tugged at Miles’s eyebrows as he stared at the young man. Brandon seemed cool, calm, and collected as he continued.

“I just wanted to get your permission. I would only need to use a tiny portion of your front yard to add the new driveway,” he said. “But if you think about it, you’ll benefit from it. It gives you something nice to look at, too,” Brandon said confidently.

He Wasn’t Sure

Miles pulled a face. He didn’t know how he felt about what the man had suggested. He wanted to be in control of what his property looked like. “Oh, I don’t know,” he said and looked down at the plan.

It seemed like he would only be using a tiny portion of his front yard. Miles didn’t want to be known as the grumpy old man on the block, which was why he decided to give in. “I’m sure that would be fine,” he said.

Keep To His Word

But the second he agreed, Brandon smirked, snatching the papers from his hands. “Great. They will start building next week,” he said and headed for the door. As the man left, Miles sat on his couch, thinking about what he had agreed to.

He just hoped that Brandon would keep to his word. He went about that week as usual, forgetting all about their conversation. But something truly infuriating was about to happen.

The Noise

It wasn’t until Wednesday morning that Miles awoke to loud sounds right outside of his bedroom windows. The old man frowned as he sat up in bed.

Their usually quiet neighborhood now echoed with the sound of big trucks and construction. Miles slowly walked toward his bedroom window and looked outside. The construction next door had begun.

Ignoring It

For that entire day, Miles remained inside, trying to drown out the loud sounds from outside with his television. The construction ended late in the afternoon, but Miles knew that the job would take a few days.

He decided to remain patient with the noise. For the rest of that week, he woke up every morning to the sound of workers outside of his bedroom window, but he ignored it.

It Was Done

It wasn’t until the following Monday that the work was finally done. That day, Miles decided to finally have a look at the work Brandon had done. 

That morning, Miles left his home through the front door and headed toward the new driveway. He wanted to get a good look at it. But as he left his front door and walked across his front lawn, he noticed something that didn’t sit right with him.

The New Driveway

The new driveway looked nothing like the plans Brandon had shown him, and a much larger portion of his yard had been used. He stared out at the yard in astonishment.

The new driveway had taken up half of the left side of his front yard. Miles’s blood was boiling. But just then, he heard a familiar voice. “Hey there, neighbor, what do you think?” Brandon asked, proud.

Not Happy

Miles was astonished as he turned toward the young man. From the look on his face, it was clear that he was anything but pleased. “This isn’t the driveway you showed me the other day,” Miles stated, bewildered by what lay before him.

But Brendon casually shrugged. “I know. I decided to show you the old plan so you would be surprised to see what it actually looks like,” Brandon said.

He Was Shocked

Miles couldn’t believe it. How could his neighbor do something like this? “You said it would only take up a small portion of my yard,” he said. But Brandon didn’t seem bothered in the slightest.

“Yeah, but look how much better this looks. You won’t miss that piece of your lawn, trust me,” he said. Miles was in a state of shock at the man’s nonchalance. How on earth could he think that this was okay? Miles was furious.

Half The Yard

“This is not what we agreed to. I said you could have a small portion. This is half my lawn covered in concrete!” But Brandon didn’t even apologize. 

He simply shrugged his shoulders. “Look, man. You’ll get used to it.” Miles watched with fury behind his eyes as Brandon shrugged his shoulders and headed back inside of his home.

How Could He?

The older man was baffled by what had just happened. How on earth could Brandon think that what he had done was okay? Miles marched back into his house, his hands balled into fists and his face red with anger.

He had so many plans for his front yard. He wanted to add an extra flower bed and plant himself a small vegetable garden. But now, he no longer had the space to do so.

Rectify It

That day, Miles paced back and forth, trying to think of what he could possibly do to rectify what had happened. But he knew there was nothing he could do.

The builders had dug out his grass and laid a thick piece of concrete on top. Eventually, the night came, and all Miles wanted to do was go to bed. He just hoped that by morning, he would feel a little better about it.

More Noise

But Miles’s sleep was interrupted once again early the following morning by the sound of builders outside of his window. What on earth was going on this time?

He quickly arose from his bed and tied a robe around himself. Miles walked toward his bedroom window and glanced outside. But as soon as he saw what was going on, his heart dropped.

His Blood Boiled

The old man wasted no time as he headed straight down the stairs and toward his front door. He had to confront his neighbor immediately. Miles rushed across his yard.

His eyes focused on the men as they worked away. He couldn’t believe what they were up to. He headed straight for Brandon’s door and knocked on the door, his blood boiling. What did he think he was doing?


Miles waited for his obnoxious neighbor to answer the door, and after a few moments, he finally did. “Hey, what’s up?” The younger man’s face was expressionless as he stared up at Miles.

How could he just act like nothing was going on? “You didn’t tell me that there would be more building done to my property! They are building a shed on my front lawn!” Miles said.

A Technicality

His eyes diverted back to the workers. They were in the process of putting together a large shed on the side of that driveway that was now on Miles’s lawn. But Brandon didn’t see why it mattered.

“So? It’s my driveway. I can put my shed wherever I want. You know, technically, that is my space now,” he said.  Miles had to stop himself from screaming out in frustration. “That is not your space! You are ruining my front lawn!”


“Mind your own business,” Brandon said and shut the front door in Miles’s face. The older man couldn’t believe it. That day, he was beyond angry. How could his neighbor do something like that?

He couldn’t sit around and watch it happen. Miles walked back to his house, breathing heavily in anger and frustration. He had to do something about this.

He Couldn’t Sleep

That night, Miles couldn’t sleep. His mind was consumed by his neighbor, who had been violating his rights. He couldn’t let him get away with it, but what was he supposed to do?

It wasn’t like he could remove the concrete all on his own. He thought about it for the next two days, but one night, he had the perfect plan in mind. He was going to get his revenge.

The Perfect Plan

Brandon had been rude since they first met, and now, the man was taking advantage of his kindness. He was going to get his revenge the very next day.

For that entire night, he lay awake in bed, thinking about his plan. When he awoke the following morning, he hopped right into action. He watched as Brandon left his house to head to work.

Going To Work

As soon as Brandon’s truck disappeared around the corner, Miles jumped into action. He dashed down the stairs, ready to finally get the young man back. The older man quickly headed for his front door and unlocked it.

As soon as he stepped outside, he was met by the sight he’d learned to despise. There, in the middle of his front lawn, stood a large shed that his neighbor had built for himself. But he had a plan in mind for his shed.

Hours Passed

Miles spent hours working on his plan that day. Slowly but surely, he ran back and forth between his home and his shed, just as he had planned. He was a sweaty mess as he prepared to teach his neighbor the biggest lesson of his life.

Brandon had messed with the wrong man. Miles had been the nice guy for far too long, and Brandon was taking advantage of that. But he was about to come home to a massive surprise.

It Was Time

Miles was busy until late that afternoon. But as 5 p.m. rolled around, he finally stepped away from the shed and admired his hard work. A smirk played on his lips.

All he had to do now was head back into his house and wait for his awful neighbor to come home. That was exactly what he did. Miles waited by the kitchen window, and as soon as he spotted his neighbor’s car, he knew that it was time to get his revenge.

He Was Home

With a smirk on his wrinkled face, he watched as Brandon pulled into his driveway. He didn’t notice anything at first. Miles quickly headed toward his front door and walked outside.

He wanted to be on his front porch when his neighbor saw what he had done. He watched as Brandon hopped out of his truck and reached for his belongings. But as soon as he shut the door behind him, he looked up and saw it.


Miles had painted the shed a bright red color, and he had stuffed all of his gardening supplies inside. Brandon was beyond shocked. He looked around frantically, wondering who could’ve done something like that.

But just then, he spotted Miles. “What do you think of what I’ve done to my shed?” Miles asked with a smirk on his face. Brandon saw red.

The Shed

“What the heck, man?” He yelled, dropping his belongings on the ground beside his truck. He walked toward the shed with his hands in his hair. “What have you done to my shed?” he asked, his eyes wide with worry and his cheeks red.

But Miles felt no sympathy. “You mean my shed, right? After all, it is on my property, according to my house’s contract. I assumed it was a gift for me,” he smirked.

No Respect

Brandon stared at the old man with wide eyes, wondering how it could have all gone so terribly wrong. He knew he couldn’t fight him on it.

“You didn’t respect my property, so why would I respect yours? I want my yard back to how it was by the end of this month, or else, I will get the police involved.”

An Apology

Brandon looked like he had just seen a ghost as he nodded his head frantically. “You understand me, boy?” Miles asked. “Yes, sir. I am so sorry. I will call the contractors right away,” Brandon said and rushed into his home.

Miles smiled. He was proud of himself for sticking up for his rights. He couldn’t wait for the mess to be fixed. He headed home.

A Good Ending

In the weeks that followed, Brandon got the contractors to come back and remove the shed and the driveway from Miles’s yard. Instead, he had a small driveway built into his side of the property.

Luckily for Miles, he could finally build a small vegetable garden for himself. Brandon never messed with the old man again, and Miles could finally enjoy his retirement in peace and quiet.