Photographer Captures Differences Between South and North Korea

Geopolitical tensions have reached their acme in recent times. However, countries have been looking each other in the eye for years. Among them stands out the Korean peninsula. The two Koreas, North Korea, and South Korea parted their ways away after the heart-wrenching World War II. Although a few leaders tried to make them reconcile, they continued to don their identities. The line of division thrives firmly to separate their affairs and approach. The northern one nurtures its autocratic rule. On the other hand, South Korea is matching the winds of democracy. Well, this is not the only parameter that separates the two countries.

Recently, a photographer has come up with a stunning comparison of their culture. They have driven home the fact that the two countries are distinct not only in their geographical locations. But their culture and life also differ to a great extent. Peeping into the matter, one can go through the following list of cultural and other differences that the photographs highlighted.     

Water park Adventures

One is living with a false belief if one thinks that water park attires cannot be different in the two countries. North Korea and South Korea come with significant contrasts to deliver on that note. Many water parks shimmer across the two countries. One may find many similarities between their offerings. Rides and pool splashes manage to find their connection in both countries. However, one thing evolves to make the narrative diverge. That is the water park dress.

In North Korea, people continue to stick to the traditional and conservative versions of water park dress. However, in South Korea, people go ahead to add western elements to their water park look. The westernization waves get at their best to stand out in the South Korean water park scene.

Sky Heights

Skyscrapers have gradually grown to become an indispensable part of the city landscape. Taking on that part, one can come across the concrete jungle of structures and buildings in both countries. However, they look no similar to each other. Having buildings do not imply a similar urban landscape. Not just that,the difference in the urban scene also sheds light on the different levels of growth trajectories of the two countries.   

The Northern country continues to thrive with the imprints of old skyscrapers. However, South Korea bubbles with a whole lot of modern buildings. Apart from that, one can also notice a layer of pollution haze marking the capital of North Korea. On the other hand, the sky beams with blue notwithstanding a higher number of vehicles in South Korea.

Airport Scenes

South Korea cherishes a decent level of air traffic in its air space. Many international airlines line its airport to offer the best to their people. Not just that, it also has got many flights landing in and taking off its airports. However, the sky picture looks bleak in North Korea. North Korea’s air space operates with only one airline on the list.

Adding to that, the concerned airline also squares a bottom position on the basis of international airlines’ performance parameters. It also falters on the air services note with only a handful of flights landing in the country. Therefore, the two countries also differ significantly in terms of the airport and air experience services.  

Guarding Lives

Lifeguards at pools and other water areas also don different looks to add another element of contrast between the two countries. In North Korea, they look more like a flight attendant. They support a proper and formal dress code in blue and white. Not just that, the women lifeguards also have got their hair formally tied. Thus, they look a bit off track given the requirement of their job to jump into the water to guard lives.  

On the other hand, South Korean life guards wear the sense of their duties on their sleeves. They appear on the scene in an attire lending meaning to their job. Not just that, they also come with a first-aid kit around their waist to heed the call of the time and matter. Therefore, one can see more sense and responsibility in the dress-up of the South Korean lifeguards.

School Look

School look differs on a large scale across the countries. Many countries prefer to age-old code of uniform in the name of discipline. On the other hand, other countries go down the liberal way by allowing casuals in school. North Korean school kids come with a traditional uniform look to their school premises. Not just that, they also support their natural look to reflect on the cuteness of their tender age.

South Korea, on the other hand, takes a more stylish route. School children have got a designed uniform celebrating the waves of westernization. Taking on that note, style elements get on the board from hair to dress-up. Apart from that, one can also see children with make-up shades. Therefore, they manage to secure a stylish stand vis-à-vis North Korean school kids.

College Vibes

The dress style difference does not restrict itself to schools in the two countries. But they also expand to define the college vibes. A formal and conservation style note flows down from school to college in North Korea. College students come in decent looks and forms to shed light on the conservative ideals of the country.

Things go a bit casual in South Korea’s case. College students feel free to support a casual look. Not just that, they also match the drifting western trends raging in the market. One can find students roaming around the college premises in tees and chinos. Not just that, Capri and skirts also get around marking the college scene. The college scene, thus, varies remarkably in the two countries.

Legacy Of Monuments

The two countries thrive under different political regimes. That goes a long way in sculpting the way people in the two countries perceive the monuments. In the dictatorship land of North Korea, monuments are more about reverence. The head of the state spares no chance to cement the legacy of his family through monuments. Therefore, one can see the monuments shimmering with an iconic touch to elicit reverence from their visitors.

South Korea’s liberal ideals also outline the liberal perspective of its monuments. They stand around to commemorate rather than evoking reverence. Their presentation and build go a long way in bringing out their salience on a decent note. Therefore, one can look at them through the prism of memories and knowledge with no unnecessary pomp and show.  

Town Narrative

The lines of difference stand intact not only in the urban corners of the two countries. But they also have got the rural areas under their ambit. To live that part, one can take a look at the two small towns in the two countries. North Korean small towns continue to make waves with old buildings and dilapidated structures. They manage to underline the need for repair and work to secure their survival.

Offering a different picture, the South Korean small towns come with a modern look and setup. No doubt, they continue to retain their rural facets. However, they manage to mirror the waves of modernity doing rounds across the globe. One can find the two countries on two different spectrums of growth.     

Fanning Tourism

Korean culture and living are drawing wanderlusts to the countries to a great extent. As a result, they are witnessing a boom in their tourism industry. Both countries have armed themselves up to serve the best on that note. Tour guides are on the board to help tourists have the best of their time. In North Korea, as one can guess, things are formal for tour guides. They manage to stand out in the scene with their formal attire.

Not just that, they also need to follow many protocols during their interaction with tourists. South Korean tourist guides take their tourists around in a more casual way. Not only their dress up, but their way of interacting with tourists is also informal. One can find them using informal words and slang during their interaction.

Government Hubs

The difference in the political systems of the countries also stands big in view with government hubs. The government buildings in the two countries go a long way in mirroring the political principles of the two countries. North Korean government office buildings put up and celebrate the communist agenda of the state to a great extent. One can come across many banners and boards listing the principles of political rule.   

South Korean government buildings cement their presence in a modern look. They come with modern-day architecture and settings. Not just that, sometimes they also end up blending with their surroundings. They bear no pompous boards and banner marking their presence in the scene. One may end up passing by a government building without noticing it.

Summer Time

Summertime brings in the cheer and joy of summer camps for kids in the two countries. However, they come with different elements and forms. The North Korean Camps come with formal structures and planning. Not just that, they also stand out for not being inclusive. They come with many exclusionary clauses on the board. Therefore, kids cherish their summer time in a more stringent and regulated manner.

South Korean Summer Camps are more inclusionary. They welcome kids to grow themselves in a conducive environment. They get to catch up with children from different ethnicity and backgrounds. Therefore, these camps embrace a holistic approach to growth and grooming. Apart from that, they also support a more liberal environment.  

Shopping Liberty

A visit to a grocery store in the two countries also offers a way for one to take note of the significant differences between the two countries. Grocery stores in both countries support a more structured look and arrangement. They welcome their visitors to grab their essentials in the best way. However, the South Korean stores surpass the North Korean ones on the parameters of efficient structuring and presentation.

Not just that, one may also find stark differences in the looks of the visitors. The visitors to the South Korean stores come with a vibrant and fancy look. The North Koreans go around on a subtle and low-profile note. Therefore, the shades also difference bloom in the marketplaces of the two countries.  

Transportation On The Roll

The ease of transportation also speaks a lot about the growth narrative of the two countries. The juggernauts on the roll go a long way in aiding the growth prospects of the countries. In North Korea, the rural areas continue to reel under the burden of low or no connectivity. People commute from one place to another by taking treacherous routes. They traverse rivers, mountains, and other perilous terrains to reach their destinations.

In South Korea, the picture is a bit relieving. Modern buses ply on metaled roads and ways. Not just that, they also come with many safety features to promise a secure journey experience to their customers. South Korea thus also stands in better shape in terms of transportation. People make the best of these services.

Artistic Facets

Art wields the power of influence and transformation. Therefore, it can pose a threat to the pillars of dictatorship. North Korea does not tolerate a bit of that and censors art. Artists in the country have to tread carefully with their masterpieces. They cannot afford to draw flak from the ruling head. Ensuring the best on that note, they go on to include the portrait of the dictator in their works.

South Korea churns liberal winds for art to bloom and thrive across its land. The artist ricochets between the modern and classic art bouts to bring the best on the platter. Not just that, they also go ahead to shower their love and respect on their nation through their art pieces. But their works do not include any element of the fetishism of humans. They make a mark by assigning weights to thought and expression.

Private Commutation

Cars are no less than a luxury for North Koreans. It takes a lot for a North Korean (on average) to afford a private motor vehicle. Thus, one can find cohorts of cyclists lining the streets of the country. They move in tandem to go about work or other activities. This looks well from the environment’s perspective. However, the infrastructure in the background tells another story.

South Korea makes waves with motor vehicles hurtling down its roads. Modern buses and cars mark the scene to shed light on the purchasing power of the people. Not just that, the background infrastructure also stands on a different note vis-à-vis North Korea. Therefore, one stumbles across different street views thriving in the two countries.  

Age Factor

One may also end up with a wrong guess of the age of a North Korean. North Koreans, on average, support a simple and classic look. And, they look older than they are! One can come across the fact when one compares two students (in their 20s) in the two countries. Taking a close look at them, one can regard the North Korean as older than his age.

On the other hand, South Koreans look younger than their North Korean counterparts. One can find them in dashing and modern attires. They look quite different from North Koreans. However, one cannot say whether one can attribute this to their look or way of living. Their facial expressions also stand in contrast to each other to add to that part.

Museum Visits

Tour guides are not alone when it comes to the difference between the two countries. Museum guides also fall in to take that narrative to another level. Aligning with the tourist guide norms, the museum guides in North Korea also have to address the visitors in formal and conservative attires. One can find them taking their guests in traditional dresses.

South Korean museum guides take the informal way vis-à-vis their North Korean counterparts. They greet their guests in casual attire. One can find them in tees and jeans to stand out in the domain. However, that does not imply that they can take on any way to interact with the visitors. They also have to follow many protocols to present the best to the visitors.

Celebration Time

Both nations have a unique and colorful charm to their celebrations and festivals. In North Korea, traditional festivals and holidays mean the occasion to dress up traditionally. People come together to celebrate their culture and tradition in an iconic way. They pay respects to their nation and make their day. However, they do not believe in drawing global eyes to their celebrations.

South Koreans support a liberal view on the matter. They put up great pomp and show to celebrate their festivals and traditions. Not just that, there is no mandate for people to join the festivities in traditional dresses. People from other parts of the world can also go around being a part of the enticing celebrations. Whatever the difference, the two nations support a rich culture and tradition.         

Way Of Building

The Korean peninsula bristles with construction activities on both sides. One can always find one or two structures rising on the ground to touch the sky. However, the two nations differ in their way of construction. The construction workers in North Korea have to complete their assignments by using different ways. Only the ones engaged in a state-sponsored project can take a breath of relief with proper equipment.

On the other hand, South Korea has got many construction companies on the scene. They come with modern equipment to deliver the best on that note. Not just that, they also manage to make a mark with efficiency and satiation. They go a long way in bringing the best on the board with proper tools and equipment.   

Vigilance On Bikes

Motorcycle cops are a common sight in both countries. They go around ensuring the maintenance of law and order. However, the number of hurdles that they face on their way is different in the two countries. The North Korean roads support less traffic. That goes a long way in letting the cops perform their duties in a better way. However, they do not have better-equipped motorcycles to perform their duties. 

South Korean cops come riding on modern and high-on-features motorcycles. That turns the focus on the level of state funding on the matter in the two countries. Not just that, they also have to deal with higher traffic on the South Korean roads vis-à-vis their North Korean counterparts. Thus, their motorcycles help them to catch the best on that note.

Underground Ways

The subway system is an indispensable part of the scene in both countries. They let them utilize their space and money in a better way. What draws one’s attention is the difference in their states in the two countries. In North Korea, the subway walls beam with an artistic depiction of nationalism. One can notice paintings shedding light on the elements of patriotism around. They also reflect the conservative shades of the rule.

On the other hand, subways in South Korea support a modern look and arrangement. They manage to strike notes of similarities with the ones across the globe. Not just that, they also support a clean and tidy look. That helps them stand out on the parameters of efficiency and cleanliness as compared to the ones in North Korea. 

Theatrical Art

The whip of censorship does not spare the contours of theater art in North Korea. The state does not allow the presentation of any theatrical piece without its permission. Only approved themes manage to reach the audience on the other hand. Therefore, it is no surprise to find the theater arts revolving around patriotic elements.

South Korean authorities do not tamper with the theater art to that extent. As a result, one can find shows encompassing different themes adorning the stage in the best way. Not just that, one can also catch up with traditional shows and plays on the list. Apart from them, one can also look forward to cherishing cultural shows of other countries of the world in South Korea.

Infrastructure Development

Autarky beliefs entrenched in North Korean policies bereft it of adequate funds to undertake efficient infrastructure development in the country. Therefore, one can come across the poor state of infrastructure in the country. It lacks an adequate number of bridges, modern buildings, and other elements in the scene. Not just that, that also pushes it back on its economic growth and development track.

South Korea harbors the principles of liberalization. Therefore, it has access to various sources of funds and capital to thrust into its infrastructure development. Taking on that note, one can come across better-constructed roads and buildings. They come with modern amenities to stand out in the domain. It thus has a better infrastructure picture vis-à-vis North Korea.   

Food Points

Dine-outs form a celebrated element of human social life. Not just that, they also let modern-day food lovers gorge on different cuisines and tastes. However, the dine-out scene wears a different look in the two countries. In North Korea, the food joints continue to support a clumsy and classic look. Not just that, they do not receive a huge rush even during peak hours.

South Korean food hubs stand many miles above their North Korean counterparts. They welcome their guests to celebrate their time with modern shades and amenities. Not just that, they also operate at full capacity. One can attribute that to the higher purchasing power of South Koreans. Apart from that, one can also admire the latter for their proper arrangement and setting.   

On The Way To School

Transportation continues to bring in the stark difference in the case of school kids. One can take on that note by taking a look at the school bus. In North Korea, it would not be correct to call it a school bus. The vehicle carrying kids to school looks more like a dump truck. Children pile themselves up in the back section of the lorry to reach their schools.

On the other hand, South Korean children have a better and more modern way to reach their school. A giant yellow bus stands ready to serve on that note in the best way. Not just that, they also have got an attendant to take care of the matter. Thus, they lead their way to school by cushioning themselves in soft and comfortable seats, unlike the North Korean school kids.

Circus Delight

Circus performances have managed to make their way into modern times in both countries. They thrill their audience with mind-blowing stunts and acts. Therefore, one may end up underlining more similarities than differences in this case. However, they do differ from each other concerning their visual appeal. The North Korean circus performances continue to carry on their traditional ways and means. Performers use traditional techniques to put up their acts.

In South Korea, performers also go ahead to include the elements of modern technology in their acts. Building on that note, they manage to harness heart-winning visual presentation. That goes a long way in pampering their audience in the best way. Therefore, one can witness a more pompous circus presentation on the South Korean side.  

Beach Time

Beach time also brings up a different scene in the two countries. As one can guess, the difference lies in the way people dress and utilize their time on the beach. In North Korea, people celebrate their beach time in polos and full pants. One can attribute it to the conservative beliefs thriving in the country. Not just that, one can also find people spending their time under umbrellas. Swimming also gets on the scene.   

The beach scene in South Korea strikes the notes that one can find on other beaches across the globe. Not just that, people on the beach also get around in swimsuits and shorts. Apart from that, one can see them occupying the scene with their beach activities. Therefore, one can find a liberal tune on South Korean beaches.  

Farm Culture

People of the Korean peninsula also look different from each other on farms. Farming holds a crucial place in both countries. But there is also a significant difference in farm culture prevailing in the two countries. In North Korea, farmers continue to stick to their old ways of farming. They lead a simple life with old equipment. They continue to rely on hay and stick and no additional covering.

On the other hand, South Korean farmers don a casual look and attire. Not just that, one can also find their farms arranged in a modern way. They go ahead to put in proper fencing. Apart from that, one can also find them using modern equipment. That goes a long way in producing efficient outcomes. Apart from that, one can also find chain-link and electric tools.  

Golf Shots

Golf lovers can look forward to cherishing different kinds of golf experiences in the two Koreas. One can attribute that to the different dimensions and states of golf courses in the two countries. North Korea welcomes golf fans in its simple and basic golf courses. They also do not come with sufficient amenities to serve a modern-day golf experience.

The South Korean golf courses differ from their North Korean counterparts on many counts. They present their guests with manicured and well-maintained courses. Not just that, they also welcome their guests with modern-day amenities. Taking on that part, one can look forward to cherishing the best of golf. Not just that, they also sprawl for a large area to serve the best on that part.   

Art On Street

Artistic fervor also rules the streets of the two countries. However, they come with different themes and topics. In North Korea, one can look out for the artistic waves on the walls of metro stations. Like other art forms, street art also revolves around the nationalist agenda of the state. One can see the political leader of the state shimmering in most street art pieces. Not just that, one can also come across the other agendas of the state making waves.

Street art in South Korea attains a more liberal form. Serving the best around, they celebrate freedom of expression. They let artists come up with their thoughts on the walls. Not just that, they also manage to stoke many lines of thought. Their evoking depiction also manages to add to their case. Social aspects also get on to take that narrative to another part.    

Currency Talks

The currency also gets on the board to mark another difference between the Korean countries. Well, it is not all about the currency denomination here. The two countries also differ to a great extent in terms of the personalities that they feature in their currency. In the case of North Korea, one can see the pictures of generals and leaders. And, they are all men!

On the other hand, the South Korean currency brings people from different sections of society to the board. One can find both male and female figures ruling the currency notes. Not just that, they also include people from the leaders and philosophers cohort. They go a long way in shedding light on the diverse and rich intellectual circle of the country.     

Railway Station Look

Railways hold a prominent place in the Korean peninsula narrative. Taking on that part, one can also notice the pattern of differences characterizing the railway stations in the two countries. North Korea follows a conservative layout and architecture. The architectural elements go a long way in highlighting the greatness and richness of the political leader. One can see fancy sitting arrangements evoking classic railway charm around its train stations.

South Korea takes a different stand by following the pattern across the globe. It is more modern in its looks and architecture. From sitting arrangements to other amenities, everything falls in line with the bouts of modernity. It is about making the best of the available space. They support benches instead of sofas for their visitors.   

Out Of School Trips

Both countries take their school children out of the confines of school premises. That goes a long way in enriching their knowledge treasure. However, they differ in their approach and objectives. Conservative beliefs and attitudes penetrate the education front even outside the school in North Korea. They take children around museums and other state hubs to cultivate respect for the nation in them.

South Korean school kids get to have more on that part. They venture into different surroundings and environments to broaden their horizon of thinking. Not just that, they also follow a non-militarized approach to their look and backpack. Apart from that, they also differ in their way of interpreting the things around them.

Square Gatherings

Squares and parks serve as a site of protests and celebrations in countries across the globe. That also holds in the case of the two Korean nations. But in the case of North Korea, they are all about celebrations and no protests against political rule. Not just that, the celebrations are also state-approved and involve many mandatory clauses for the participants. 

People of South Korea breathe free on that part. They gather at squares and other public places for both celebrations and to air their grievances. Not just that, they also utilize the spots to show their despondency with the evolving global besets. Therefore, one can see people with banners and boards raising their voices against social and global issues in public places.

Spreading News

Newspapers are not only about news in North Korea. They serve as the medium to disseminate the information that the political class wants their people to know and acknowledge. Therefore, newspapers in North Korea go a long way in celebrating the communist agenda of the ruling class. Not just that, the state also censors the news to great extent. Therefore, there is no room for voices against the rule in the country’s newspapers.

The situation is better in South Korea when it comes to press autonomy. The newspapers do manage to lend meaning to their purpose. They go a long way in communicating important news pieces to the people. As a result, one can figure out a significant difference between the newspapers of the two countries while reading them.  

Book Censoring

The scissors of censorship also go a long way in clipping the wings of books in North Korea. The country censors every media. Thus, books cannot also remain outside it. The state regulates the translation of foreign books into the local language. It decides which foreign book gets to land on the bookshelves. That does not mean that people have no choice on that front. But things are a bit more stringent and regulated than in South Korea.

South Korea offers readers more choices and freedom on that part. As a result, more foreign books get on the board to reach the people on the other end. Not just that, people also get to read different opinions and minds across the world. That helps in shaping diverse opinions and thoughts in the country.

Wedding Chimes

Weddings in North Korea are all about tradition and culture. The bride does not have much choice when it comes to her bridal dress. She has to put up with the traditional dress on her wedding day. One can attribute that to the absence of western waves in the country. Not just that, it also manages to go a long way in drawing the line between the two countries.

No doubt, many South Korean brides prefer to go with the traditional dress. However, they have a wider choice set than their North Korean counterparts. They can let their likes and priorities take the call on their wedding day. Therefore, one can find South Korean brides experimenting with different looks and attires to walk down the aisle in the best way.

Ski Stay

Ski hotels and resorts make waves with the beauty of snow-covered mountains around. The same is the case with the ski resorts in the two countries. However, they manage to secure a distinct identity for their different architecture and setting. In North Korea, they give a warm welcome to their guests with an iconic combination of modern and classic elements in their architecture.

However, ski resorts in South Korea take after the charming facets of Swiss resorts. They adorn the scene with their fascinating spaces and corners. Not just that, they also come with a platter full of amenities. They manage to churn a relieving and unforgettable experience for their visitors. The white sheet of snow also gets on to take the narrative to another level.

Leisure Moments

Weekends are a way for one to freshen up one’s mind and body. They also provide one with the chance to grow close to one’s family. People in different countries utilize that time differently. That also draws another line of difference between the two Korean countries. Like in most countries, South Korean people throng parks and public places to make the best of their leisure moments. Not just that, many of them also go camping.

However, in North Korea, things are a bit different. People do come to public places to utilize their leisure time. But they have to shell out their time with the words of the political ruler penetrating their ears. Therefore, leisure moments for them stand out vis-à-vis their South Korean counterparts. 

Parking Area

Cars are still a luxury for North Koreans. Therefore, one can end up finding a stunning difference between the parking area views in the two countries. In North Korea, one can come across empty sight of parking lots. Only a few cars line the area even on weekends. That turns the light on the economic parameters of the country.

On the other hand, parking lots in South Korea brim with a stunning number of private vehicles. On weekends, the picture attains another extreme. Sometimes, it also becomes difficult to find space to walk through the parking lot. Therefore, the two Korean countries also support different parking lot scenes. That goes a long way in adding to that part.

Travel Tales

Traveling stands among the favorite leisure time for many people. However, being in North Korea, means that one has to compromise on that part to a great extent. One can attribute that to the restriction on traveling within the country. Thus, residents cannot enjoy their time traveling from one point to another in the country.

The South Koreans, on the other hand, enjoy the best of it to a great extent. Serving the best on that note, bullet trains also run at their top speed. Not just that, citizens of the country can also go around freely to make the best of one’s time. Therefore, South Koreans can cherish the vibrant travel tales of the best around them.

Road Traffic

North Korean roads do not wear a crowded look. Only a few cars get down the road. One can again attribute that to the high cost of owning private cars. The lack of motor luxury, thus, ends up leaving the roads with an empty look. Therefore, one can look forward to cherishing the privilege of speeding down the roads in North Korea (only if one gets the chance).

However, in South Korea, the roads do an opposite look. Cars speed up and down the road. Traffic shades characterize the country’s roads to a great extent. Not just that, the traffic also tops the South Korean narrative. The streets of the cities come with colorful cars of different sizes. They include cars of all worth and brands to reflect the different purchasing power of the citizens.  

Rural Facets

When one thinks of rural areas, one sees a green picture before one’s eyes. However, that is not the case with North Korea. The rural side of the country does not offer any exciting element to catch the fancy of explorers. Most land in the rural area wears a barren look. One cannot see the vast stretch of green crops waving at the viewers. The country has unveiled tree plantation day in March to rejuvenate the area.

Green vibes imbue the scene when one strolls through the rural side of South Korea. The country throws up a glimpse of productive rural areas. One can see many pockets and corners of the thriving fields in the country. Not just that, one can also see cattle grazing the area. The green wealth of rural South Korea puts up an enticing time for its visitors. 

Extent Of Self-expression

Expression of thoughts features among the top freedoms that one wants. But in North Korea, self-expression stands within the confines of state regulation. The youth of the country lose a lot on that part. They cannot express anything in any way they want. However, they make way for the celebrated places of leisure. The level of restriction on self-expression stands low in these places in the country. For instance, the Taedonggang beer shop in Pyongyang offers the stage for that.  

South Korea, on the other hand, stands in the top echelons with the freedom of self-expression. Youth and teenage can live the best on that part in the country. Kids can cherish their growing years without any fear and worries in the country. Adding to that, the country also put up the Winter Olympics in 2018 in PyeongChang.  

Resident Life

The cost and quality of living go a long way in defining the resident life of a country. It also mirrors the level of development of the country to a great extent. North Korea provides many incentives to its citizens on that note. For instance, they need not pay housing rent. Not just that, communal services fees and bills also strike the mark of zero in the country. Married couples can secure free apartments by producing proof of their marriage registration.

South Korea cements its name with higher accommodation costs vis-à-vis North Korea. For instance, a small apartment can make one shell out around $180000. The city scene pushes up the cost meter of accommodation to a great extent. The capitalist market swings the price up with an increase in demand for accommodation.   

Technological Comfort

It constitutes a wrong belief to think that North Koreans do not have the delight of technology and its bounties. The residents of the country do have access to gadgets. To cater to the needs of the people, the state has got its factory producing television, mobile phones, and laptops. One can trace the manufacturing in China. However, only a few people can support the financial capacity to purchase the gadgets.

Gadget lovers can cherish their time and love in the best way in South Korea. Taking on that part, one can find the westernization waves raging in the best way. South Koreans can go around making the best of one’s freedom of choice. Not just that, they can also go around picking up one’s favorite gadget brand.  

Fashion Notes

Fashion fanatics need the freedom to exercise their love for fashion. However, not all countries give that freedom to their citizens. In North Korea also, the freedom to wear as per one’s priority is limited. But the women can around in full pants. Not just that, they also support different hairstyles. The conservation lines continue to thrive in the country. Though they can look forward to getting their favorites from international and Chinese brands.

But ladies in South Korea go around living their fashion heart to the full. Not just that, the country also etches its name among the most stylish countries in the world. One can see them celebrating their time in iconic dresses and fashion icons. Vibrant elements also get on the board to deliver the best on that note.    

Education Efficiency

Both countries support an education system striving to prepare kids for the future. North Korea brings the best on that note with one year of preparation. Not just that, the system also includes ten years of compulsory education. Taking on that part, one can also find the mention of many western subjects on the subject list. Western literature and geography get on the board to shed light on the education front.

Education facets also appear strong in South Korea. The system involves a school span that longs for 12 years. Not just that, local universities also secure their stand with the best in kind education. Not just that, students around the world try their best to secure admission to its universities. They go a long way in celebrating their prestige to the full.    

Fruity Freshness

While it is not rare to find people hating fruits and vegetables, many people cannot afford them. A similar picture thrives in North Korea. The country faces a significant shortage of vegetables and fruits. For instance, apples and cabbage go a long way in catching the fancy of North Korean people. Not just that, the absence of an adequate amount of proteins in their diet also sheds light on their smaller height (on average).

Well, they are sitting quietly. They are trying to bridge the nutrition gap by hunting frogs and turtles. South Koreans, on the other hand, have their platters full of nutrients. Not just that, they also possess purchasing power to gorge on international flavors and cuisines. European food stars shimmer at their hearts to win hearts around.

Business Hubs

The degree of openness also plays an indispensable role in scripting the business growth of the country. Although the two countries border each other, they stand on opposite extremes when it comes to business prospects. Trailing the big behemoths, North Korea continues to cocoon in its protective business ways. Not just that, its external policies also go on to bring in the regressive notes.

South Korea shimmers with golden business prospects. Therefore, it stands as a preferred destination for global business companies. Not just that, it also accommodates itself to the 12th rank in terms of output.  Its speedy economy runs on the wheels of business innovation and success. That puts the North Korean economy in bleak shades.  

Factory Life

Factory life in the two countries also stands on the opposite ends of the economic balance. Taking on that part, one can also grab the facets of economic policies. North Korea presents a grim picture on that note. Its protectionist policies also come into play with the way of its working people. A significant share of North Koreans finds their employment in factories. However, they do not have a say in their professional decisions.

They get their factory assignments without any consultation with them. The scene looks different when one turns to the South Korean factory scene. It manages to serve the best with many employment opportunities on the board for its people. Therefore, it is no surprise to find the country enjoying an iconic economic flight.     

Gas Station Servicepersons

North Korean workers do not have the freedom to exercise their right to profession freely. They get their work assignments in their pocket automatically. Therefore, in North Korea, gas station workers also do not get a job with their say in consideration. Not just that, they also do not get decent wage remuneration compared to the ones in many other countries. Apart from that, their condition of work and living also do not stand in decent shape in the country.

Taking on that part, one can also find the gas station workers in a better position in South Korea. Not just that, they also manage to cherish a better pay scale and amenities than their North Korean counterparts. Adding to that, they also come with many comforts and other perks on the board.

Demilitarized Zone Glimpse

The picture also stands, in contrast, to bring out the differences between the two sides of the Korean Demilitarized Zone. The guards of the two Koreas support different looks and attires. Taking on that part, one can see the North Korean guards donning a classic military look. On the other hand, South Korean guards support modern military attire. Not just that, the buildings in the background also follow the line of difference.

The traditional structures make waves at their best in the North Korean picture. The South Korean side supports a more modern look in the background. The Demilitarized Zone serves as a buffer zone between the two countries. Its salience evolved during the Korean Armistice Agreement. It divides the Korean peninsula to serve the best on that part.          

Touring The Country

A time in either of the countries cannot attain the best without a guided tour. The tour guides in the two countries strive to serve on that part. They take their guests around the country to let them explore the spaces and corners to the best possible extent. For instance, in North Korea, one can look forward to exploring the breathtaking views from the top of the Tower of the Juche Idea (Pyongyang).

South Korean tourists can also cherish their time by getting around the tourism stars. For instance, one can also make the best of one’s moments by visiting the deck of 63 Building (63 Square). However, a tour in North Korea comes with many restrictions when compared to South Korea. One cannot plan to tour the country without taking care of the crucial notes. South Korean tourists can breathe free on that part.

Ride On Water

The two Koreas add to the delight of the tourists with the option of a boat tour on board. The drivers of the tourist boats steer the tourists through the water waves to let them have a taste of the city. Like the other North Korean officials, the North Korean tourist boat drivers don a traditional captain look. Taking on that note, one can turn one’s focus to their captain cap.

Not just that, one can also grab the modern vibes of South Korean tourist boat drivers. They support a modern look and safety equipment. Well, a boat tour in North Korea thrives in the nets of regulations and restrictions. Apart from that, the tour will also be under scanner of monitoring.  

College Structure

College education also comes a long way in highlighting the difference between the two Koreas. They differ not only on the education front. But they also secure a unique identity with their iconic campus. They thrive with many different architectural elements on the board. The North Korean college campuses support a formal and organized look.

The South Korean premises, on the other hand, come with a liberal vibe. Not just that, one can also take note of their more casual approach. Taking on that part, one can also grab the similarities between them and the western college campus. As a result, one can also find the two Korean colleges standing out from each other. They also go a long way in underlining the beliefs holding the countries together.     

Internet Coverage

In the age of the internet, it is unimaginable to think of a life without the internet. North Korea is growing with the footprints of the internet. However, the coverage of the internet does not stand in a universal shape. The state holds the power to decide what the citizens can access on the internet. Not just that, they also exercise the power to ban the sites that they think pose a threat to the value system of the country.

Adding to that, they also monitor the activities of their citizens in the online world. South Korea manages to take a different stand with a liberal internet policy. Its citizens can go around making the best of their liberty. They need not have any sword of regulation hanging over their heads. Thus, one can find South Korea among the star internet countries.

Amusement Wonders

Fun and thrill mingle with each other on both sides of the Korean peninsula. Serving the best on that part, they come with many amusement parks across their land. The amusement parks support many iconic rides. Not just that, they also dont similar notes in the two countries. South Korean amusement parks come with many more modern elements vis-à-vis North Korean counterparts.         

Not just that, the two sides also differ in terms of people’s dress-up. The way they celebrate their moments also differs. Taking on that part, South Korean people come up with a casual dress style. On the other hand, North Koreans also stand out with their affinity for formal attires. Therefore, the two Koreas manage to build on their identities even on the amusement part front.   

Bus Stops Design

The lines of difference run through not only buses. But they also expand to the bus stops. The bus stops in the two Koreas thrive with different architectural notes and patterns. In North Korea, one can come across functional bus stops. Not just that, they also support a sparse look in the country. Apart from that, one can also turn one’s focus to the simple and subtle architectural notes of the bus stops.

On the South Korean side, one can find intriguing versions of bus stops thriving. Exploring that front, one can also lose one’s heart to the artistic waves grabbing their narrative. For instance, one can come across a bus stop donning an old television look. Therefore, the shades of difference between the two countries thrive significantly.  

Subway Thrills

Subway rides also support different look and thrill prospects in the two countries. In North Korea, people prefer to commute with their private bikes. However, subway rides also thrive in the domain to thrill riders in the country. Taking on that note, one can also lose one’s heart to clean and neat coaches. Not just that, one can also find heart-winning order and arrangement. Adding to that, one can also secure enough space and enjoy one’s travel time.

The South Korean subway, in contrast to the North Korean subway, wears a crowded look. Therefore, one cannot expect enough space on the rides. One can attribute that to the extreme fame of the transportation system in the country. Therefore, one can witness a reduction in one’s comfort during one’s travel on the subway in South Korea.