Text Conversations That Took Very Strange Turns

Text messaging has overtaken other forms of communication in today's society. People worldwide are connected in the form of texting and nothing else. However, texting someone could at any time turn odd. When messaging our friends, family, or coworkers, we are not cautious enough, and we accidentally communicate anything. This frequently takes a bad turn.

Sometimes SMS conversations that took a strange turn can be amusing, perplexing, or weird. They may, however, be a little offensive to someone. The list of conversations that took an odd turn is mentioned below. You wouldn't know the context of the chat, so it would surely end up being very humorous for all of you.

That just turned awkward

The two men's chat is absurdly amusing and bizarre. One of the guys received a girl's phone number and considered messaging her. The only caveat in this situation is that she gave me someone else's number, which was a male-owned number. He sent a naked picture of him when he messaged her asking whether she wanted to come over. The guy on the other side replied and informed him that whoever gave him the number, gave the wrong one. The only strange part here was the other guy also responded with a naked picture of himself.

This discussion was both bizarre and embarrassing. After finishing the entire text, this is the only thought that will cross your mind. However, you must respect the man's sense of humor in his response to the text. We can all agree that it would have been preferable if the other person had provided the identical photo while wearing a shirt.

You never call

Even while accidental texts can be uncomfortable, they take on a whole new meaning when they have an impact on your life away from the phone. For instance, in this circumstance, the person believed their mother was interested in speaking with them when they received a text from the other person mentioning that the mother wanted to talk to them. This led to a 30 minutes conversation between the person and their mother. 

Nevertheless, in a way, it was a good thing. The first person, unknowingly, reminded the other person to have a chat with the mother once in a while. The odd part was that the other didn’t see the situation positively. It seemed like they wanted to scold the first person.

Sick or Pregnant

Well, in this conversation between two people, one asked a girl if she was going to school the other day. The girl responded by drawing an image of a thermometer showing a fever of 100.4. When she responded, the other person questioned if she was expecting a child. Even while some people might not find this dialogue odd, it was definitely shocking. The person who thinks a thermometer is a pregnancy test may need to have a more in-depth conversation.

That in and of itself is a serious problem. We're relieved that things got off to a simple start because we know the discussion will only become stranger. Everyone would be able to enjoy a nice laugh over it if the conversation was extended, though. 

Mothman Texts

In general, being in the bathroom exposes you to more people. When something you are scared of enters and you think there is no way to get it out, it becomes frightening. So what would be your best course of action? Pick up your phone and text your father for assistance. Nevertheless, this dad had a terrific sense of humor and chose to manipulate the person's feelings.

When the father got an SMS asking him to come and kill a moth the person had spotted in the bathroom. The father responded to the text message by saying that he had been slain by a moth and that it was now their turn. We simply hope that the individual received assistance in the entire moth problem.

New Age Religion

The other individual sent a text to the first person asking whether they would be interested in joining their faith. The other individual enquired as to the first person's religion. The first responded by sending a picture of a cat with its hands raised in the air. When the second individual accepted the invitation to join the religion, that is when things became strange.

Various new religions are forming around the globe. even those with a wide spectrum of peculiar behaviors and beliefs. Therefore, even though this may sound bizarre to some, the religious aspect was not unusual. The dialogue is still odd, though. We find the man's eagerness to join this amazing new church to be both weird and very humorous.

Difference Between Mom and Dad

When the mother sent her kid to grab some pasta for dinner. After waiting long enough for him to return, she became concerned. She texted her husband out of fear to let him know that she had sent her son to bring some pasta and he hadn't returned. As a fallback, the husband asked her whether she would prefer pizza for dinner.

This is the perfect example of how mothers and fathers differ from one another. The mother was clearly worried about the child and the length of time he has been gone for such a basic task. When she told her husband about this, his response didn't appear to be in line with how worried she was. Even then, it is perfect and relevant for the majority of dads. He must’ve assumed that her concern was about food.

The Missing Piano

Many children engage in outrageous behavior when their parents take a weekend trip. The majority of mischief usually occurs at a small gathering at home. But occasionally, these discussions turn out to be entertaining.

After returning from the trip, the mother found out that the house was a mess and asked her child about it. To which, she got a response that they had a party in her absence. She simply wanted to know where her missing piano went and the child replied that one of their friends had taken it with him to listen to it. Why wasn't the guy able to listen in the house where it belongs? We both have this same inquiry. It indeed is quite strange!

Read Texts Carefully

A woman, after having a sleepless night, shared the incident with a person only to hear what she was doing at night if she was not sleeping. I assume that we have all experienced this. When you finally lay your head on the pillow after feeling exhausted, you find that you are unable to fall asleep. 

The most irritating part comes when the following morning, you disclose the issue to someone because you want them to understand how painful it was and end up being asked a stupid question instead. The woman definitely seemed to have found a confidante who didn't seem to get what she was trying to express. 

Simple Question

When Marie was asked by a person why women are more intelligent than men? She just replied with women. She might have missed comprehending the question, but she did come across as having a very sure-fire response. This brief exchange quickly went bizarre soon. 

Maybe Marie was reading the other person's text only half-heartedly in this instance. Or, at least we sincerely hope that was the case. Perhaps, Marie was just being sexist, as if women were the simple solution to the problem. Nonetheless, she needed to be a little more specific with her response.

A Cat Instead of A Cable

Strange things can happen when something is random, especially when it comes to texts. Consider this random text from a person who sent a picture of a cable mentioning that it was a standard cable, for instance. The other individual decided to have a little fun and make an effort to open up a little bit about life to the other party. They replied with a picture of a cat mentioning that it was a standard cat.

Nonetheless, after playing the game of show and tell, the other person asked whom the number belonged. We must agree that the response of the individual to the random text was funny. What would have been your response in such a situation? 

Making a Friend

Some people have a hard time making friends. You are unsure of how to enter a discussion, when to approach, or what to say. Texting makes several situations, including making friends, much more comfortable because you aren't under as much scrutiny. 

Texting gives a perfect opportunity to make contact and ask if anyone wants to meet up. It must have seemed like an open path to the person who messaged the other person if they were interested in being friends. But that route was quickly shot down and the first person handled the situation well with a pun too and said even they weren’t interested.

Enter the Captcha!

The tiny Captcha boxes appear to be the solution to all problems. Everyone must’ve come across one of these tiny boxes. There aren’t many websites left where you would not see these little boxes while entering information. They might be challenging at other times while being simple at others.

However, one place one never expects to look for them is in their text messages. Especially as a means of demonstrating that your affection is sincere and not the product of bot programming. One person received a text from the other one after sending a love message asking them to enter the captcha to prove that they were not a robot. It is both strange and funny at the same time.

Google It

Some members of older age simply don't understand how a smartphone works. This may result in some very peculiar talks, similar to a long list of what appear to be Google queries. The funny conversation between a mom and her child is just beyond words. The mum was asking some basic questions to her child as we do on Google. The child just texted her that the app is for messaging and it wasn’t Google. 

Even better, the mother persisted even when the toddler informed her that it wasn't Google. Maybe all she wanted was a little assistance from her child rather than Google. We have to appreciate the innocence of the mum here.

Dominance of Texts

A mother just found out that her child has forgotten the phone at home. Can you imagine what she came up with then? Well, she decided to text her child about the incident. Nonetheless, this is a great illustration of how integrated texting has gotten into our daily communications. Without giving it much thought, this mother wishes to inform their child that they left their cell phones at home.

The youngster doesn't have a phone, so even if it's a sweet message, the kid won't be able to see it. The mother, anyhow, had to wait until they go home and find the phone on the kitchen counter. It would’ve been fun to see the child’s reaction while reading the mum’s message after reaching home. 

Don’t Forget Names

Your first date is significant and you don’t want to forget their names. Most of us can recall the person's name, day, and hour and some just are good at messing up the names. This case belongs to the latter. 

The guy sent a cute text asking his date whether he was her first-ever date. The guy may begin to doubt his claim to be her first love after seeing her reply. The girl messed up his name twice during the conversation. Ladies, please try to always remember the name of the guy you're texting; else, that conversation might turn a little weird.

Fruity Texts

People send amusing things over texts but who simply messages a fruit image? This dialogue started off bizarre and doesn't get stranger. It is quite uncertain whether this was a private prank between two friends or whether someone was simply impressed by the size of the melon.

One of the guys received a random text from someone. The message included a picture of the cantaloupe with a caption to look at its size. Obviously, the guy was taken aback by the message. Make sure the person on the other end is who you think they are before sending them random melon pictures, though. If not, you'll receive a weird response too.

Brand Recognition 

This is just a typical instance of someone being, well, a little bit smart. Look, some individuals just describe the type of thing they are discussing with generic terms that were brand-specific. Many individuals find this to be reasonable. One person was planning to buy an iPad but his question to his friend was just bizarre. He asked him which brand of iPad should he buy. Nonetheless, he received a sarcastic reply from his friend mentioning that anything will do, as long as it is not Apple. 

Though that makes for an amusing read, the other person is merely being a little sarcastic. Perhaps next time, they should inform this unfortunate person that ‘i’ designates the item as an Apple device.

Misunderstood Emoji

Emojis are a terrific way to give your text a little extra flair and express ideas that words alone can't. However, you must understand what they are and what they signify to avoid having an intriguing discussion just like this couple. The girlfriend misunderstood the Poop emoji as the chocolate emoji and send it to her boyfriend. The boyfriend was shocked by the message.

Nevertheless, the woman overused emojis and said something different even though she believed she was being sweet. We all can relate to her as most of us have used the emoji incorrectly someday only to realize later that it has other meanings to it. 

Dream to Live For

Everybody needs dreams, but if we fulfill them, what takes their place? Maybe a fresh drama. One might leave that spot on the shelf empty, and who wants a life with empty shelves though? But if you don't make an effort to fulfill your dreams, then what is the point of having a dream?

A conversation between two friends on the matter of dreams was really funny. One of them was asked about his dreams. To which he replied that he wanted to quit drinking. His friend encouraged him to do that but then he said what is the point of life without dreams? This person's discourse still sparks a lot of in-depth thought. Or perhaps they were merely being ironic.

Insatiable Love

Love is love, regardless of where it is found. However, this is arguably the most peculiar setting and method that we have ever encountered. Anybody's day would be made better by a simple "I love you" SMS.

The man received a random text mentioning I love you. He was also shocked after getting the message and asked to whom did he owe the pleasure. His reply made the other person realize that they texted the wrong number. But the man kept on insisting to keep the conversation going as he was worth it. The other person asked for a photo to which, we think, he just sent a random one. Who knows, perhaps this will turn out to be the relationship of a lifetime. We are still unsure if that indicates a male caller or just someone with a wicked sense of humor.

Unusual Cravings

This conversation quickly became absurd. They begin discussing tea and then just move on to discussing mackerel. In fact, the order of events in this meal doesn't even make sense, and the menu items give the impression that a pregnant lady created them.

It almost seemed as though one part of the conversation was actually intended for someone else. We've all done it correctly by messaging two individuals at once and mucking up the discussions. We feel that this was definitely what was going on with them.

Rude Texts

This chat has the ability to brighten someone's day because it was off to such a wonderful start. But after that, it takes a completely different turn that may be interpreted as being cruel.

The girl sent a message that most of the guys wish to receive. He received a text mentioning that someone likes him too. He was also shocked by the message and sent a picture of him asking if it was him. It was quite funny at first but when the guy sent a photo of himself, the response and tone of the chat changed strangely. Then it almost gets rude. They didn't need the additional, so they might have simply declined.

Don’t Let it Go!

It's often comforting to hear from your partner how much they worry about losing you. The answer to this question initially fills us with a sense of love and importance, but as time passes, it becomes more and more impersonal. A woman asked her husband whether he has even been afraid of losing her, only to hear a reply that he was sacred once when they got separated at the airport and the wife had the money and passports. 

Although it could seem like this guy was being rude or attempting to be amusing, he was simply being sincere. It leads to an amusing but awkward dialogue. However, we think that after spending so much time together, this is what happens with the couple. They become sarcastic to one another. 

Observe the Details

Setting up a blind date can be really stressful. You may not even be familiar with this person's appearance, let alone have had any actual conversations with them. Thus, this conversation begins in a very natural way.

The guy on the other end, though, seems to think highly of himself. When the girl asked him the way to identify him on the date, he just instructed her to look for a guy with melancholy eyes. This implied that he would come drunk on the date. Therefore, the girl must respond with a sharp retort to bring him down a peg. It is always tit for tat.

I Get It, Man!

Strangeness need not always be negative, right? It might seem unusual, but it was incredibly good. It indeed showed that sometimes people could share others’ pain without even knowing the other person. When you respond to a text from someone you don't know with a large heart, it shows your empathy towards individuals. 

The individual got a message from a random guy who was given the wrong number by a girl. He seemed aware of the other's perspective. He wanted to provide some virtual support to the person who texted the incorrect number, as a result. We must appreciate the guy for his efforts. We are sure that the other person also felt the same after receiving a concerning text.

Not the Issue

As we have already mentioned, some of the older generations took some time to adopt new technology because of how quickly it is evolving. As a result, it's possible that your granny just acquired a smartphone, in which case it will take her some time to become used to it.

When asked about her thought on the new phone, the grandma replied with Massachuttes. We are yet to discover what she must’ve meant by the text. The discourse should not have become this odd so quickly, even with that modification. Someone should have told grandma that it was hardly even a response!

Wow, snap!

Although it's always fun to pick the wrong numbers, some people are shrewd and swift with their comebacks. As a result, when this person texts a name and a question mark, the recipient has an instantaneous reaction.

And although the texter's response may sound odd, it is accurate and would make any youngster from the 1990s laugh aloud. It was related to stickers of some memes with which only 90s kids could relate to. Therefore, if the first person was one of the 90s kids, then he must’ve gotten the message. We, on the other hand, also found it to be rather humorous!

Me or the Oreo cereal

This text exchange started so sweetly before going in a direction no one could have foreseen. It's lovely to let someone know you miss them, but perhaps the other person isn't missing you as much as the oreo cereals. 

The husband sent a sweet text to the wife, Sierra, mentioning that he missed her. His wife replied that she was missing the oreo cereals. On top of it, she kept on going with the conversation. Typically, this resulted in a briefer dialogue that won't risk offending anyone. Even still, we can understand Sierra because Oreo cereal is generally a nice thing.


There are a lot of fervent patriots out there, and some of them might even take their sentiments as far as this text. One of the friends first asked the other whether they were free to meet up for a day at the movies. To which the other one replied that obviously, they are free as they live in America. 

Although the solution baffles us a little, it is correct indeed. Although we are certain that this is not the "free" that the other friend meant, they are free. We are sure that the other friend took advantage of the situation and claimed his rights as an American citizen.


Is it just us, or did it strike you as odd that someone would be alright with texting about the death of another person? This is another illustration of how much texting has infiltrated our daily lives and become our preferred method of communication.

One person received a random text mentioning the death of their father. To which they replied that they had buried him in 1994 and it took him too long to die. This enraged the other person as they could’ve said that it was the wrong number. Nonetheless, the person corrected them by mentioning that the news of someone’s death should not be conveyed via text. The discussion got fairly hot indeed, but it is also extremely funny and odd. Why would you even respond to a text message from someone if the number was incorrect?

Unsurprising Text

The ideal response is to proceed and do something when you receive a text clearly telling you not to. So when this person texted their pal with a picture of the kitchen with an instruction that the other person shouldn’t ask them about it. The other person did just the opposite. 

However, the first text was quite odd. We can only infer that these two pals are engaged in this activity together. If not, it was somewhat random and weird as to why would you send a picture of your cabinet to someone all of a sudden.

Everyone has a right to their own opinion

How would one begin such a text? That is simply a little odd and cruel. Everybody has days when they want to rant, but this goes a little too far. After all, you ought to back off once you discover it's not that person. 

The person sent a text to a number stating that the user, James, was awful. The other person clarified the mistake by mentioning that he is Andrew. Strangely enough, though, this person stubbornly refuses to budge and concludes that whoever this is, they are in James' shoes. This was indeed quite off the line.

When Nick Was There

Do you have any idea what picture this woman asked her buddy Paige for? But then, if she had found what she was seeking, this wouldn't have shown on a list of weird texts. Well, there is no surety. The conversation might show up here after that as well. 

One girl messaged a person after receiving a number from her friend. She messaged the wrong number and received a funny photo in response. The pictures they received were quite unusual, funny, but strange. However, anything starring Nicolas Cage is easily categorized into these categories. 

Please Provide Details

When you receive an arbitrary communication discussing low-cost green technologies without any supporting details, you are curious. However, the texter declines to give it to the recipient.

The person was just amused by the low price of green beans. They messaged someone about it and it went on the wrong number. This conversation was rather one-sided because no questions were ever addressed. Not completely odd, but definitely strange enough to be included on this list. Nonetheless, we are still curious as to how much those green beans cost. The other person should’ve given the details. 

Is That Codified?

Asking someone is one approach to finding out what is on their mind because you never know what is going through their head. However, you could occasionally receive some incredibly strange responses if you ask. Therefore, be prepared for anything before asking something. This individual, we hope, wasn’t prepared.

When asked about what’s on their mind, the person replied short giraffe with a picture of a fat dwarf giraffe. Who could have guessed that the other person was envisioning a small giraffe? What on earth is a short giraffe, anyway? The image does not provide enough details.


We found a lot of the dialogue to be a little weird, beginning with the man's nickname, T-Rex, and they were asking the other person for raising the roof. The text interaction becomes a little stranger when the person who received the incorrect number SMS replies with a pun. They mentioned that if they were T-rex then it would be very hard for them to reach the roof.

Even though the text was intended for the wrong person, the reply offers us the chance to laugh a lot along with gaining some knowledge about dinosaurs despite the strange dialogue. The other person gave a nickname to the first person too, Brontosaurus. The conversation indeed made us happy and knowledgeable. 

Social Internet Courting

One person just kept receiving the dog's photos when they asked the other person about their identity. The shocking part was that the first person thought that it was the picture of a cat. Until we reach the final wording, this isn't all that weird. That is way too cruel, and that poor little dog is not a cat. 

Nonetheless, if they really wanted to take the idea a step further, this could turn into a dog dating service. Even yet, it seems a little strange that unidentified people would SMS a photo of what we assume to be their adorable puppies. This is indeed the best type of social distance courting. 

Strange and Random

A child just sent a message with a picture of a deer to the mother mentioning that the deer was eating a taco. Indeed, there isn't exactly a conversation going on here, but the one line of text is certainly odd. Think about waking up in the middle of the night to find this text. The point of concern would be the mom’s initial question after seeing the photo.

How did that deer get a taco would undoubtedly be the next question. It's a bizarre exchange overall, and you never know what your mother may say in return. Nonetheless, we know that the one text message was enough to turn the conversation weird enough to come on the list.

Don't Have to Ask

Liz was asked for her full name by one of her friends. She was a little insane if she couldn't detect that her pal was preparing a punchline for her for which she fell twice. After all, Liz is only ever called by her first name. Her friend just assumed that her full form was The Lizard King and their second guess was Disney’s The Lizard King. Obviously, they were joking. 

We thought that we should let the other person laugh. When she accepts the bait a second time, things just became slightly weird and funnier. She should’ve played along with her pal. Maybe she could ask, "What the hell is Disney's The Lizard King?" next.

Communication breakdowns

Sometimes you just move on when you text someone and don't hear back. This doesn't necessarily lead to an odd conversation. Unless you finally receive a reply to that text. 

The replies often led to interesting and funny conversations. This is especially valid when the follow-up text is sent two years after the initial text. But well, at least they eventually returned. Nonetheless, the reason was extremely weird as the other person replied that they missed the text because they were slightly busy. Well, if the person is texting after two years, we must understand that they must’ve been extremely busy.

One Girl's Dream

This isn’t a conversation but a post where a girl was expressing her grief about not being able to travel to Fiji because of Covid. The Covid-19 epidemic has forced a postponement of trip plans. Even though many of us simply wish we could be transported to an island like Fiji, it was not possible for many of us. FOMO has actually always existed prior to the beginning of this travel prohibition.

The pun of the post was in the second line where the girl mentioned that every year she couldn’t go there just because of lack of money. We all want to live a wealthy lifestyle filled with travel, opulent purchases, and lounging on a tropical beach, yet everyday obstacles prevent us from realizing this goal. You get the idea: kids, taxes, and other fantasy crushes.

Alter the Music

If there is a song we don't like on our phones, the radio, or the TV, we can simply change the song or the station. Life is not always so straightforward, though. What happens if a song you detest starts playing while you're at a restaurant or coffee shop?

There are a few methods to get out of this situation, though. You have the option of being arrogant and asking the waiter to change it, being miserable and letting it play, or being completely rude and leaving the establishment as this guy did. He simply posted a status mentioning that music can take you places and he was changing the place because the music of Meghan Trainor was playing. As you can see, none of these tales have a triumphant conclusion. However, they could make us laugh.

What did he do?

This woman would only engage in such risky behavior as opening a car door while it is still moving if someone severely agitated her. We're just going to presume that this guy was the offender based on the tone of his tweet. He tweeted that his wife showed him a nice gesture by opening the door for him. The only issue was that the vehicle was running at the speed of 70mph.

This leads to our next question: What did the man do? We want to know so much. Every conceivable scenario has crossed our minds, from a cheating scandal to her discovering the receipt for his brand-new, pricey golf clubs. Well, whatever the reason was, the tweet made us laugh hard.

Money Short

Money does, in fact, play a significant role in how the world functions, but it is not everything. We find it annoying when we learn that people are engaging in these activities solely for financial gain.

Consider Mr. Funny, who thinks he is so clever with his caustic tweet. He tweeted that if he would get a dollar for thinking about someone, he would probably start thinking about that particular person. This was indeed a bizarre tweet and a little offensive. We think that he must be single, so the joke was on him only. We wish him to enjoy his fictitious money and have fun.

Too Good to Share

We all understand that giving is caring, yet there are times when we simply need to be egotistical and keep our possessions to ourselves. This might come in the shape of accessories, personal care items for the body and skin, or our personal favorite food.

In this conversation, the mother stopped the child from eating her cheesecake by lying to him and saying that he wouldn’t like it as it was spicy. Nonetheless, we can't hold this mother accountable for brazenly lying to her child so that she could enjoy the final pieces of her favorite cheesecake. Mothers are required to be fair and honest, but we all have our sacred objects, and this was hers.

My Girlfriend is Here

It can be intimidating to introduce a new love interest to your family, so it's best to wait until you feel like you really know them. The best time to introduce yourself is never, though, if you're married and having an affair.

In this post, the husband came home and introduced his girlfriend to his wife. The wife was furious and her reaction was quite understandable. Instead of trying to introduce your girlfriend to your wife, why not just refrain from having an affair? Marriage is not for you if you don't think you can commit to someone for a lifetime. If you feel lonely, consider adopting a dog; they won't object if you bring over more.

Bush Child

Having a relationship with your ex-partner after you've been together can be really challenging because there's a reason why they're your ex. That is why the majority of people advise against keeping in touch with ex-lovers, especially if there is someone else in the picture.

But occasionally, we all get interested and want to know what our ex is getting up to. A social media stalk should work at this point. Anything else is improper and downright weird, such as hiding in the bushes like this man. In the tweet, he mentioned that when his ex sneezed, he said bless you in return. The ex was taken by shock and started looking into the bushes beside her. It was clear that he was following her and it was some other level of flirting.

Never use

Call us slow, but something seems to be missing here. When the directions were read carefully, we realized that this is not a chopping board, even though it initially appeared to be a generic label for one. This indeed could leave everyone perplexed. 

What is the purpose of this board? Go surfing? Use it as a trivet for hot food. There are countless choices, but the organization that founded it actually needs to specify the board's actual objective. 

Effort gets an "A"

Most of us take pleasure in our cuisine and want the people who consume it to appreciate and enjoy it as well. Therefore, it can be a very upsetting and uncomfortable experience when this doesn't happen.

In this situation, the boyfriend cooked a meal for his girlfriend and was very proud of himself. The couple was enjoying the movie when he noticed a text from the girlfriend’s mother suggesting her to enjoy the meal as he must’ve put in all the effort he has. We often say that laughing is the best medicine in times like this. Don't reveal to others how negatively your bad dinner has impacted your confidence. You can always cry in the back and order dessert covertly to make up for poor cooking.

Simply be there

Sometimes in life, all you need to hear from your loved ones is that they support you and have your back when you're going through a difficult period. Some of your lowest lows can be overcome by that sense of support.

However, you won't feel all that soothed to know that a complete stranger is thinking of you, so make sure you know the other person well before you start to reveal your more introspective feelings. Or simply know the individual at all in this instance where a person received a text from a random number mentioning that they were there for them. The person was relieved after receiving the message. However, when they asked the unknown person about their identity, it turned out to be the Uber driver. The conversation turned from comforting to embarrassing within seconds. 

That's not right, grill!

Your phone's random number generator can cause some really awkward encounters. Compared to some of the other apps that are available and saved on people's phones, this one is not that horrible. One person received a text from the other asking whether the person on the other side was a boy or a girl. However, they misspelled girl and sent a grill instead. The other person played along with it. 

Why would someone ask anyone if they are a grill? Misspelling or autocorrection? Your perspective will determine the answer to that issue. However, we must agree that without either of these two, there would be no spectacular unusual interaction to make us chuckle.

Watch Out!

We all experience fears, whether they are unreasonable or not. An indication that you feel truly connected to a buddy is when you share your anxieties with them. Does it become this awkward when you share anything and they share something extremely infrequently?

A friend was sharing their fear of low-flying planes. Just to add to the conversation. The other friend also replied that they had the same fear of trains. On the low-flying train dread front, though, we can absolutely see and agree that it would be frightful. Though it's doubtful that this was the response the one friend was hoping for when they asked a question.

Greater Than What You Bargained For?

Two guys started this chat by discussing scheduling a meeting to sell a car, which was quite ordinary. However, somewhere along the line, one of the guys sent an incorrect SMS that was intended for another person. The message was full of love in which the other person was expressing his desires. The guy on the other hand was confused and clarified that he was just interested in the car.

That undoubtedly made things a little odd. The guy's remark, though, made all the oddity worthwhile. Well, maybe not for the guy on the other end, but at least for us. After all, sometimes a little chaos brings the fun.

Dimensional Relations

Texting some people can be challenging because they are so analytical, rational, and literal. When the person gets all spatial with the emoticon's frown direction, the conversation changes. When the instruction of turning the frown emoticon upside down failed, the other person gave the idea of reflecting the frown along with its vertical axis, just to change it into a smile. 

After everything was quickly cleared up, it was proved that these two texters were really close buddies. They connect on a deep level and understand each other. This kind of friendship is about flocks of birds.

An oath is an oath!

This dialogue has an odd beginning and just gets stranger from there. Who strikes up a discussion with a revered guru? We could tell from the introduction that things were going to get a little strange and definitely funny.

A person was thanking a guru for showing them the path of enlightenment and was asking him fees for his favor. The guru didn’t want any money. He just wished the person to name their firstborn after his name. However, there was a slight issue as the person already had a firstborn and was sure that the son would not change his name. Nonetheless, the guru was persistent with his demand. It does, however, make sense, right? If you have received a gift, as this person plainly feels they have, you should return the favor by giving the giver a gift. We are not sure if the grown child will find it amusing, though.