The Cost of Keeping Secrets: The Untold Stories of Keeping Secrets You Never Knew Off

What do you think compels individuals to reveal their most profound and darkest secrets to an audience of millions? Although the exact reason remains a mystery, we can explore the wide range of confessions that can range from humorous and lighthearted to scandalous and absolutely unsettling. Some of these secrets are so disturbing that you may wish for an Ouija board to send some of these skeletons back to the closets from whence they came.

1. Series Of Unfortunate Circumstances

When I was 11 years old, while removing the garbage I found a box of matches which were close to our barbecue grill. Lastly, I decided to burn a small heap of leaves. I could see the leaves burn for a few minutes before stepping on it to extinguish the fire or so I thought.

What I could not see was the ashes that had skittered next to our house. It was extremely terrible and before I knew it, our home was up in flames. However, that wasn't even worse as luckily the fire department was able to extinguish the fire and our home insurance covered the damage. But the authorities grew curious about the fire's origin. 

The conclusion was that an intruder might have hopped the fence and set the leaf pile alight to intentionally burn our house. This unfortunate scenario led my parents to believe we were in danger. Fearing for our safety, they decided to relocate. 

This decision made them pass up their well-paying jobs and lose a significant amount of money on the house sale. Over the next seven years, we lived in a state of constant worry and poverty. Unaware to my parents, I was the one responsible for our drastic life change.

2. Happy Break

After 34 years, I was caught with a lot of computer work which was approximately $25,000 worth and was also charged with theft. There were some mistakes on the official records though—they had my name and birthday misspelled. I didn't even give my license or social security number either, they repeatedly insisted that "I couldn't remember them" during my 3-month sentence.

After all these years, I still do background checks on myself. To be honest, my heart pounds every single time, even though my record continues to come up clean.

3. You Do You

I recently transitioned to becoming an exotic dancer, and it's carried unexpected benefits that only my spouse knows about. I’m now enjoying quality time with my family, experiencing financial stability, and staying fit. Financial stress from bills is gone; we can prioritize our shopping based on urgency.

My spouse can explore new hobbies, and when our child gets sick, affording medication is no longer a problem. Overall, I’ve relieved our financial worries and take great satisfaction in being able to provide for my loved ones, a stark contrast to my childhood concerns about meeting basic needs.

4. Dislike The Game, But The Player, Right?

I've skillfully created the illusion of being fully dedicated to my project, even though it only occupies half my time. I've structured my tasks to allow me to do almost anything but work in the office, and on work-from-home days, I primarily play video games. When asked about my workload, I expertly portray myself as overwhelmed with deadlines and schedules.

This has increased my confidence in my ability to convince others of almost anything, defining my professional life for the past two years. If my boss or colleagues learned I only work about 20 hours a week in a full-time role, I’d be fired immediately. Living in a small town, rumors spread quickly, and such a revelation would ruin my reputation and future job opportunities. Yet, I feel no guilt about my actions.

5. The Smell Of Vengeance

When I was 10 years old, my puppy and I were walking back home when he followed his gut and cut through the law. Sadly, this garden was of an elderly old grumpy woman who lived on the edge of our block. My golden retriever was the friendliest dog, so I was shocked by her actions.

As I panicked, we rushed home and washed him with the help of a hose and he coughed a bit but seemed fine. I didn’t tell my parents, fearing I'd be scolded for letting him trespass. However, that night, I snuck out through the powder room window and returned to her yard, where I destroyed every rose I could reach—my revenge!

6. Putting In The Efforts To Work 

You might not know this but I once used to struggle with alcohol addiction. I experienced this journey through detox, rehab, and aftercare. Later, I went on to transition from a halfway house to my own flat in a different state; that move seemed to help a bit. 

Now I turned 31 and honestly it hasn't been a smooth sail and I wish to move past my need for secrets and deception, yet opening up about my experiences tends to lead to awkward situations.4

My path was truly challenging, mainly because I had a fear of judgment from others if I shared my story. This fear is what makes dishonesty so tempting. 

In the end, it worked for me until now and in the end, why change a winning strategy? But deep inside, I also acknowledged the fact that I had to live with this secret which felt like a burden and would backfire.

7. What Happens On Vacation Stays On Vacation

Once I went to China for a vacation and lived with my relatives One night, I decided to go for a bike ride and enjoy the journey, this happened around 9.30 pm when I took a left turn and crashed into a pile of garbage, clumsily. My leg was trapped in some hole. 

While looking in the alleyway which I was about to enter, I found that there was an excessive number of masks—five, to be exact, each positioned perfectly to hide his face.

It was a very weird sight to see and I laughed but the pain was increasing in my leg. This masked man was wielding a huge blade regarding the length of a ruler, and threatening another man with it. 

The next man that came was older and wore a long scarf around his neck, it was the longest one I had ever seen. I was unable to do anything because they looked at me with anger and screamed at each other in Mandarin.

It turns out that the man with the long scarf owed the masked man a huge sum of money. I gave away my position by screaming because  suddenly, they both looked my way, looking startled. Slowly, the masked man threw the scarfed-man to the ground and looked at me in an intense way, and disappeared into the darkness of the night.

8. What The Doctor Instructed 

For several weeks, I suffered from severe abdominal pain and bleeding, only to learn from my gynecologist that my ex-boyfriend had given me chlamydia. Since I had tested negative before him and had no other partners, he was clearly the source. I later found out he had been with others who were also infected, still he blamed me for it, and also lashed out with hurtful remarks that resulted in the end of our relationship. 

Although I sensed our time together was ending, his bitter words affected me more than the breakup itself. I took responsibility and got antibiotics for us both, despite my best friend's warning about potential side effects. I decided to start the medication on my days off to manage the unpleasant symptoms at home. However, when it was time to give him his dose, I felt spiteful and suggested he take it before work, hoping he'd face the side effects there.

9. A Road Trip That Went Wrong 

When I was in my 20s, I decided to have a good time traveling around the country in a leisure vehicle while driving from one city to another and savoring delicious meals and exploring interesting stores and sites was my idea of a fantastic summer.

It felt like a perfect way to spend the holidays if I had not committed an unwary act in one of the places I stopped by. For some strange reason, I decided to take an expensive item from the store which did not turn out well. I was caught, and they put me in handcuffs, and I ended up in the back of a police car. 

As destiny would have it, the officer received an urgent call while we were on our way to the police station. He parked the car, left me locked inside, and attended to the urgent matter. Through the impulse I checked the car door and it was unlocked. I took this chance to escape: I sprinted a few blocks to find my RV. Once inside, I managed to slip one hand out of the handcuffs. 

Without any further delay, I decided to start the vehicle while leaving the town and suddenly in nervousness remembered that I had not given my personal details to them and thankfully, my wallet and phone were safe inside the RV. Even after recovering their stolen item, they could not determine my identity and luckily I haven't encountered any repercussions from that incident since then.

10. Blaming COVID For It 

When Covid pandemic hit in 2020, my husband and I went through a two-year separation while I was waiting for my Green Card, which stopped me from visiting him. He came to see me once, and I noticed a dating app on his phone, prompting me to look through his messages. It became apparent after reading the texts that they have had a physical encounter.

I decided not to confront him about it, and I’m hesitant to bring it up now. Since moving to the US, he has been very loving and attentive, and I've seen no signs of dating apps. If I were to disclose what I found to him or to our friends and family, I fear they would urge me to leave him and think poorly of me if I stayed. With our baby boy in the picture, I have no desire to stir up trouble over a fleeting fling.

11. Hots For A Teacher

I made a decent amount of income penning mature short tales—but here's what's really surprising about my secret. My character is such that it keeps popping in my stories and he is modeled after one of my college professors. You could only imagine my shock when he stumbled upon one of these stories and found out about my writing style.

I was surprised to find the corrections and advice he sent after perusing the story. Whereas he was quite aware the character was inspired by him. He found out about my crush on him. Eventually, we became intimately involved.

12. Catch Me If You Can

After completing a semester at a local community college, I bagged a summer internship at a company that typically requires two university degrees for even entry-level roles. This unpaid six-week position was a generous favor from a friend, and I was grateful at the time, unaware of what was going to happen ahead.

Cut to after 30 years where I have built a successful career there, where I went up the corporate ladder and taking on increasingly complex responsibilities. Now, I lead a team of highly educated professionals, each with expertise in areas where mistakes can have serious consequences. 

Apart from that I also have multiple regional and national awards and often mentor younger colleagues with impressive educational credentials. However, they don’t know that I never received my high school diploma; the subject of my Education just never came up.

13. Time To Face The Music

During my freshman year, we hosted a music competition at school where I suspect there was an attempt to discourage students from ditching music when they got to pick their own subjects. I decided to take up the song making category, where I planned to create my own techno track as I was learning to use this new music sequencing software.

Unfortunately I kept putting my work off and could not produce a decent piece. Instead, I came up with a sample track that came from the software. When the competition night was finally there, I found out about other participants where there was a pair of special-needs students who played the similar chords again and again. I was horrified to withdraw for fear of admitting my copy-pasting.

It turns out that I ended up winning in that particular category which did not feel good at all. To top it off, my music teacher played my song before the whole class and went out of her way to convince me to take music for my exams.

14. What Is Not Thicker Than Money? Blood Surely Isn’t 

A year back, I got to know that my father's will had named me the primary beneficiary of his modest fortune when he passed away, but I was only 15 at the time. After my parents got divorced, my mother decided to hold onto his savings until I turned 18. However, I never received a cent; she had secretly taken the money and falsely claimed he hadn’t left much.

Instead of using it for my brother and me, she paid off the family home and indulged in luxury items and vacations. I considered hiring a lawyer but chose to stay silent, fearing that exposing her actions would tear our family apart again. Now, at 23, I'm struggling to save for my own home, knowing there's about $450,000 that should be mine. 

15. The Truth Is Out In The Open 

During my teenage years, I used to struggle with lying compulsively. It reached an extent where my lie dominated my world which also resulted in destroying potential relationships. Furthermore, years of deceiving people messed me up mentally, as it forced me to suppress my real feelings.

Luckily, I am grateful on my recovery journey receiving my much-needed therapy and medication—but it's been a journey filled with mixed emotions. A bit of my efforts to heal came from coming clean regarding my dishonesty to those I had lied to. Unsurprisingly, some people have cut ties with me, which is a reaction I don't hold against them. Opening up in this way was both profoundly liberating and deeply upsetting.

If you also have been through something similar do confide in somebody. Sometimes to this date, I feel the need to pull towards fraudulence but now, I immediately own up to it if I give in, which helps me confront my feelings of guilt.

16. Please, Don’t Get Mad

After I returned from a trip to Vegas, I found out that my room was in less-than-ideal condition. Let's thank my old roommates for a prank. My place was a disaster that was covered with stained sheets, pizza, soggy toilet paper not to mention a few unflushed surprises in my bathroom. Not exactly the welcome home gift I was anticipating.

Someone like me who tries the best to avoid any conflict, I kept aside the prank by laughing but in my head it was important to give a payback. I knew exactly where to hit them.

Once when they were out, I added a bit of 'natural flavor', IYKWIM mixed into their orange juice. Next morning, I grinned while they were having their special juice and my secret concoction remains undiscovered.

17. Kids Are Brutal 

Earlier, I was a target of bullying due to severe eczema that affected my face. I had no eyebrows. My skin was quite harsh, inflamed and rough which later became my nickname, 'Alligator Girl.' Now, I've begun a treatment that has transformed me entirely.

This transformation of change or call it a 'glow up' left me a bit like an impostor and I observed some benefits of being considered more attractive. However, I carry a constant fear that people might discover my less appealing past.

18. Owning It Up 

During the time of my 20s, I used to struggle with addiction and after being sober for 9 years, the people who are close to me apart from my wife, kids and family I was born in are unaware of what happened 10 years back. I was  barely a shadow of my present self. It's been far from a smooth ride, and I carry many wounds from that period.

Letting people go who I once considered 'friends' whereas there were just partners in substance abuse in reality. The minute I realized to stop consuming it, they disappeared from my life.

19. Are You Taking The Money And Running With It?

Working as a trauma surgery nurse, I’ve figured out a way to boost my earnings significantly , nearly matching some doctors' salaries, by working efficiently as a 'casual call' employee at a large hospital. I fill in for traveling nurses and charge them $100 to $200 per shift, benefiting from a 15% pay differential that regular staff don’t receive. 

Despite having a master’s degree, I manage typical RN duties, which effectively doubles my pay during trauma shifts. In the last year, I’ve worked for 25 hours a week, earning four times more than nurses putting in 40 hours. I keep this arrangement discreet to avoid spoiling the compensation dynamics among my colleagues.

20. Small Slip, Big Consequences

So far I did not share my biggest regret with anybody, not even my therapist. 5 years back, after receiving a hint from my girlfriend I made a very bad decision in the moment of weakness. I secretly slipped a morning-after pill into her coffee, thinking it would keep her from leaving if she got pregnant. 

Despite doing so, she became pregnant and decided to go for an abortion. I decided to take the responsibility for supporting her through it, but we eventually broke up for unrelated reasons. The guilt of what I did haunts me daily; I was aware of the gravity of my actions and deeply regret the trauma I caused her.

21. Give The Heart What It Wants

When the COVID lockdown happened a few years back, I was so bored and idle that I created a fan account for Selena Gomez on Twitter with a profile picture of an adorable anime. My friends online thought I was their sweetheart but you know what is the humorous twist?

I look like a rugged truck driver who has similarities in appearance to  a lumberjack or an oil rig worker. As someone who takes immense pride in his masculinity, I wonder what would happen if this secret ever got exposed...

22. Putting In The Effort For (Self) Work

It is not that I doubt a therapist or their effectiveness, but I have not been seeing a therapist. As of now, I am 25 years old and worked with several mental health professionals from the past 16 years. Living 8,000 km away and journaling for the past two years has fostered more personal development than any therapy session. To gain their approval, I started attributing my insights to "my therapist," which made them recognize and appreciate my progress. 

Now they understand the concept I tried explaining for many years as they think it comes from a professional. This deception cost me nothing but they would be pissed off if they found out about the reality.

23. Snitches Who Got Stitched

There were twin brothers who were my classmates and were best known for their notorious behavior which was also bordering on sociopathy, during my physics course.

After school, their lives spiraled downward, with frequent jail time. One even went to prison for attempted murder, and they set fire to trees at a nearby sacred site. It was certainly confirmed that they were responsible, especially since one had stolen phosphorus from our lab after a recent experiment. The investigation confirmed that the fire was started with phosphorus tape. Despite my fear of potential retaliation, I reported them to the principal

Since that incident, it has been 25 years and I still worry about them getting to know that  I was the whistleblower, but since I now live between two countries, I doubt they would even be able to find me. Ultimately, the police linked them to the crime, and they confessed, chillingly stating they want

24. Ruining The Trousers With A Gas

This secret story begins from when I was working as a paramedic and I had a memorable incident which was on the way to call about a patient experiencing chest pains when I felt a sudden, overwhelming urge to pass gas. In that moment I suddenly realized that there was no way I could hold it back in and that is when everything went down south.

To my surprise, my to-be-silent fart turned out quite loud that was stained by white work trousers. But we were on duty heading to a job, so there was no time for me to do anything about it.

I decided to angle myself in a position so that others including my workers, patients, the wife and soon with the staff would end up behind me. I looked silly as I wrapped my jacket around my waist.

With these strategies in place, I managed to successfully keep my accident hidden. Despite it all working out in the end, it was indeed a challenging ordeal.

25. Deceiving Them Hearts

I was once deeply in a romantic relationship with a charming, married man in his 50s, which was an incredible experience. We knew each other from many years even though there was a drastic age difference, I was 32 and he was evidently handsome where he took good care of himself, especially in private.

He would regularly surprise me with trips abroad and would be a perfect gentleman. I may not support relationships with married people and would definitely not consider it again.

The best thing that came out of it was that this affair helped me cope with the stress from a toxic, on-and-off relationship with my ex. His wife was emotionally manipulative, but they are reportedly in marriage therapy now. He also has a background in politics.

26. Going From Side Hustle To Main Gig

Not sometime back, I was asked to leave one of my jobs and you know the reason? They found out that I post adult content on a subscription-based internet platform. I was justifying to my husband that my dismissal was due to me asserting myself around the wrong individuals, an event that got me into trouble just the day before that.

The money I made from this side hustle which also helped me pay bills for my kids' Christmas presents. Even though I've lost this income, I have plans to keep going so I can recover that lost pay.

27. Taking The Secret To The Grave

Back in the 90s, my dad found out about a shocking secret: my grandfather cheated on my grandma for decades and with proof of being involved with another woman. After getting to know my grandfather's temperament, my father decided to protect my grandma from the painful truth while using the information as leverage. He warned grandpa that he would reveal the affair if he ever lost control again. 

Unfortunately, my father passed away even before he could tell my grandma anything and now despite the revelation, my grandparents remain together. Ironically, my grandpa, now suffering from dementia, would be oblivious to the turmoil his past could cause.

28. The Unknown Secret Shopper 

Almost 2 decades back, when I was 9 years old, I unintentionally used my mom's credit card details and ordered some toys from an unknown site. I had no idea about the scams on websites. My mom was taken aback by the unmade transaction of $500 on her card the next day. Things got scary after that...

The bank officials suggested checking my computer but my mother supported me and said I was too young to understand credit card concepts and online shopping. Coincidentally, she traveled just a few days prior to this incident, and so, to this day, she thinks someone in Peru may have compromised her credit card details.

29. Eating Them Snacks, Secretly

Until I was 13 years old,  I suffered from severe food intolerances, eating only chicken, potatoes, rice, beans, and bread—no flavors or spices allowed. Even when I was at parties, I brought my own chips, the only safe snack for me.

But when I grew older, my curiosity led me to try food from the supermarket. This went on till my doctor confirmed that I no longer had food allergies. I feel lucky to have avoided getting caught during that time!

30. The One And Only: Prom Crashers

During my final year of his high school, I attended prom with my friends. I also purchased a solo ticket instead for two. My friend knew someone who wanted to attend our prom but he was not allowed as he attended a different high school. 

I let him come along and pretended as if he was my date. Luckily, nobody bothered to check my ticket properly to see that it wasn't for a couple.