The Famous Conjoined Twins Have Big News To Reveal To The World

Some stories make you realize that overcoming great odds isn’t just for a chosen few, we can all do it if we are given an example. This is one of those stories, a story about incredible Utah twins who weren’t given more than a few hours to live after their birth. Kendra and Maliyah Herrin of Salt Lake City were born as conjoined twins. Doctors didn’t expect them to survive the first 24 hours but years later, the girls are thriving. There were some tough decisions to make along the way and finally they have some great news to share.

Just A Start…

When the two sisters, Kendra Deene Herrin and Maliyah Mae Herrin entered this world, it was considered to be truly miraculous with all the complications that existed. The birth was not the only challenge for them as many more struggles were in store. 

No one could ever know what the future held for these twin sisters! The road had bumps all over. 

Hard Decisions To Make

Kendra and Maliyah were born in Salt Lake City, Utah on February 26, 2002. The twin sisters were extraordinary in a lot of ways. They were not the regular twins but Ischiopagus/Omphalopagus conjoined twins. These medical terms refer to the set of twins who are fused together at the abdomen and pelvis. This further means that they both had many crucial organs in common and shared one pair of legs. 

Growing up in such a condition is demanding. The parents had to arrive at a decision regarding this situation. Will they undergo complex separation surgery or not?

Family – A Pillar Of Strength

When you have your family around, you get the courage to face every difficulty that comes your way. For these conjoined twins, it was no different. Erin and Jake Herrin, their parents fought many battles together including the one that came in the form of this complicated medical condition of the twins. 

The conjoined twins have two younger fraternal twin brothers, Austin and Justin and one elder sister, Courtney. All stood strong and ready for the upcoming hard times. 

A test of their strength was on its way!

Breaking The News!

Erin, the mom of twins came to know about the condition of her babies when a few ultrasound screenings were done. The doctors broke the news that she would give birth to conjoined twins after proper examination. 

Erin later said, “One doctor told us he thought everything from the twins’ chest, down was mush, and they didn’t have the organs they needed to survive on their own outside of my womb.”

Imagine hearing this about your unborn babies! Another dilemma stood right in front of her now.

Ready To Beat The Odds!

The unfortunate news that Erin and Jake had to hear about the unborn twins left them stressed about the future. The thought of losing them made them shiver with pain. When a doctor recommended abortion in this case, Erin knew that she had to do everything to help them survive. 

“I was determined to do whatever it took to bring them into the world safely, even if it meant risking my own life,” said Erin.

But it wasn’t as easy as it sounds!

Heartbreaking Statistics

If the survival rate of conjoined twins around the world is taken into account, then the numbers reveal some shocking facts. The statistics by the University of Maryland Medical Center state that only 40-60% of conjoined twins die during birth. 35% of such infants make it through just one day. The survival rate of conjoined twins between 5% and 25% is just saddening!

Could Kendra and Maliyah Herrin change these statistics?

Some Miraculous Events

The twins had a premature birth and so, they had to be kept under special care. The doctors had already expressed their concerns regarding these conjoined twins including the fact that they might never be able to crawl. But miracles followed for these sisters!

They learned to crawl and even taught themselves how to stand. If that’s not miraculous, we don’t know what is! But one problem still needed to be solved.

The Final Call

As toddlers, being conjoined did not pose many problems but when the girls would reach adulthood, the condition could get worse. Erin and Jake had to take their vision to the future and think about the consequences of the twins living this way.

So, it was time for the final call. They had to choose between letting the sisters stay the way they are or make them undergo a surgery that is definitely surrounded by risks.

Analyzing The Risks

Kendra and Maliyah were in a very complicated situation with their bodies being attached to one another giving rise to medical problems. The vital organs that the twins shared include the pelvis, large intestine, abdomen, liver, kidney, and legs.

There was a lot to separate and the doctors described it as a high-risk surgery. If the operation got successful, the twins could lead a better life separately but any constraint during the surgery could lead to adversities. 

What was the next step here?

One Major Issue

Shared kidney, that’s what worried everyone!

When these conjoined twins would be separated, Maliyah would need a kidney transplant as Kendra would keep the kidney they shared. 

This kind of surgery that involved a kidney transplant could not be done until the girls were four-years-old. They had to wait in order to be in a safer zone for this surgery. But still there were many odds to be beaten!

Never Done Before!

This type of separation surgery had not been performed before and so, the doctors needed to be fully prepared for this one. Maliyah was at a higher risk as she had to go a kidney transplant too. 

The experts got together for a meeting and studied the ins and outs of the operation. They wanted to be sure before diving into the procedure. 

The doctors had some tasks to accomplish here.

Getting On One Side

Erin and Jake finally had an answer! They gave their consent for the surgery after contemplating the whole condition thoroughly. 

The wait began for the girls to reach an appropriate age for the big surgery. This waiting period was another test for them. They had to take care of the girls and prepare them for all that they had to endure with the upcoming surgery. The unexpected was on its way!

A Tricky Path

The surgery did not really give an assurance of a healthy and smooth life for the twins. The struggles won’t end so easily and they had to gird up their loins for the challenges that await. 

The girls would need constant medical attention even after they are separated and the recovery is not going to be easy. Both Kendra and Maliyah would get prosthetic legs and get comfortable with them is a task too. 

It was time for the surgery.

Inside The Operation Room

The day finally arrived. August 7, 2006, was the date that carried with it the fate of those little girls. Kendra and Maliyah had to undergo the separation surgery and six doctors were appointed to perform the risky operation. 

The surgery took 18 hours and after the separation, both girls underwent independent surgeries which went on for 8 hours. 

Good news – Both survived! One challenge ended and the new one arose.

More Struggles?

If you thought that the surgery would mean a “happy ending”, then we would have to bring you back to reality. The surgery came with some implications, some predictable while others were unanticipated. 

Maliyah and Kendra got discharged after spending six weeks post-surgery in the hospital. Stepping outside as independent individuals needed a lot of courage in itself. Apart from this, they had to learn to walk with those prosthetic legs. 

Maliyah had to be taken for regular hemodialysis as her kidney transplant was scheduled for April 2007. Will things go as planned?

A Grateful Heart

Erin and Jake had many people to thank for who had been praying for the twins and successful surgery. Jake said, “Everything is going as well as we could hope and pray for. Prayers are working.”

People kept themselves updated with all the happenings in the life of the twins. Their prayers were listened to at last.

Mom To The Rescue!

Maliyah was surviving on dialysis sessions that were scheduled for three days in a week. To bring her back to normal, she desperately needed a kidney transplant. Erin came forward and was sure about donating her kidney to her daughter. 

The process began and the kidney matched! However, that’s still not the end. You can never predict anything when it comes to complex body functions.

Back Home For Recovery

The twin sisters came back home after the big operation but the parents had to give them all the attention and take good care of the little ones. Their bandages had to be changed thrice in one week and it took two hours each. That’s a lot!

Moreover, the titanium rods inserted in their backs through surgery made them vulnerable to certain infections. Everyone wanted to know their progress as independent girls now!

Adorable Sisters

The doctors might have separated the sisters physically but their hearts were still connected to each other. They still need each other to live! 

Erin revealed, “The girls were happy to be independent at last, but sometimes I’d find them playing and walking around the house on crutches, sometimes holding on to one another like they were still conjoined.”

They still had a long way to go.

Towards Fame…

The conjoined twins came in the limelight for their rare condition and people started following their journey. 

After the surgery, the twin sisters gained a lot of recognition and everyone was curious to know their story. They made their television appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show just five months after the surgery. The stage brightened up with their smiles and the audience couldn’t stop cheering for them!

Tiny Steps Into A Better Life

The girls might have been given the artificial legs but to get habitual of moving around demanded a lot of effort. The prosthetics are not easy to deal with!

The beginning was tough for the girls as all they could manage was crawling. But physical therapy played an important role here as the girls learned to move with artificial legs in some time. 

But will these struggles ever end?

Applauding These Girls!

The strength that these girls showed all throughout this period is laudable. The challenges seemed like they were here to last long but the courage of these girls was way ahead of the struggles. They could defeat all that restricted their happiness!

Despite having to go through two surgeries every year to ensure that their spines remain straight, Maliyah and Kendra just never lost hope. 

The way of leading their lives would stun you!

Indulging In Activities

Maliyah and Kendra proved everyone wrong, even the doctors who once told that they might not be able to walk properly. Walk? Now, they indulged themselves in outdoor activities including jumping, riding bikes and more. 

Kendra shared her hobbies, “I like swimming, playing with friends, riding bikes, jumping on the tramp[oline].” We are just impressed! 

There is another surprising side to these adorable sisters!

An Emotional Ride

No matter how strong you are, there are times when your heart feels a little weak. The same happened with the twins. 

When they appeared on “The Oprah Winfrey Show”, Maliyah and Kendra revealed that the medical procedures “stink”. All they wish at that moment is to get back home and spend time with their dog. What else would kids want? They have this soft and emotional side. 

They have more to tell you about this ride.

All Over The Internet…

Erin, the mother of brave twins has started a blog that updates people about the recovery and adventures of Maliyah and Kendra. 

Erin has even written a book, “When Hearts Conjoin” that came out for the world to read in 2009. It has everything about the Herrin twins and how things progressed from being conjoined to being separated surgically. 

Oh and we cannot forget to mention the Facebook pages where you can watch the glimpses of their lives!

Making Way For Positivity

Erin’s posts on her blog receive wonderful comments and she shares the feelings of the sisters to let the well-wishers know that their prayers mean a lot to the whole family. She wrote, “Kendra and Maliyah are so HAPPY!! They have so many people that love them so much. Their smiles light up a room. They have taught me so much about being who I need to.”

She added that their struggles with the surgeries take a toll on them sometimes but their courage continues to amaze her.

From Darkness To Light…

Kendra and Maliyah never allowed the dark clouds to overpower their skies. They knew how to grab the light and keep it with them. 

If the strong girls could survive such a risky and complex surgery, then no one can doubt their courage even for a second! In Erin’s words, “Their wills are so strong,” said Erin. “Kendra is just up and down off of her bed. It’s just amazing to us how well that they’re doing.”

Another storm knocked on their doors now.

The Hearts Break Again

Amidst all the happiness and cheerful days, bad news broke in 2015 and left everyone shattered. Maliyah started having problems with the functioning of the kidney which her mother donated. No one expected this to happen. 

Just when they thought that the distressing times are coming to an end, Maliyah’s condition worried everyone. Doctors had to find a kidney donor that would match all the medical requirements. This was an emergency as the condition could deteriorate at any moment.

A Realization!

The testing time was back for the Herrin family. 

Erin and Jake realized that their daughters would need attention and medical care for a long time. This incident was enough for them to prepare themselves for the future. 

Jake expressed, “You just have to take things day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. Otherwise, they can just get overwhelming.” We can’t agree more!

Something big happened after a long wait.

Herrin Family’s Big Announcement

In April 2018, things started to look good again. They shared the big news with the world. The search for a suitable kidney took two whole years and finally, the doctors found a perfect match! 

Maliyah’s second kidney transplant happened in the summer of 2018. She had to undergo a few more after that but the great thing is that the twin sisters are living their best life. They might be separated by the surgery but are extremely close to each other! Their connection is magical.